Button To Loose Focus After Close Of Popup Window?

Oct 21, 2009

I have an html button that calls & open another browser window on the onmouseup event, but once I close the popup new browser window my button has focus & is like selected.

I want it not to be selected or clicked or has focus, how do i loose the focus after close of popup window?


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Checking For New Or Popup Window And Activating Close Button

Jul 23, 2005

Is it possible for me to make visible a close button if the active
window is a popup window or a new window (other than the main window)?

What I mean is this:

If the present window is the main window, then the close button should
not be visible on the page. Otherwise, the close button should be made
visible and active (i.e. can be clicked to close the window).

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Popup Question: On Popup Have One Button To Close And Another To Close And Then Redirect To Another Page

Jul 20, 2005

As per the rather long subject, I would like to (well, my boss would like me to...) on a popup have one button to close and another to close but then redirect to another page.

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Creating Popup Windows - Add A "Close Window" Button On Survey.html Page

Mar 13, 2010

I read about window object and specifically about creating popup windows. The code below produces a popup window when a link is clicked:

Code JavaScript:
var Survey =
init: function()
var surveyLink = document.getElementById("survey");
Core.addEventListener(surveyLink, "click", Survey.clickListener);

I would like to add a "Close Window" button on survey.html page and when that button is clicked, the window would close. How do I do that? I know that I should use (reference to popup window).close(), but how and where do I attach even listener to that button?

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Trap The Window.close() Event When The User Clicks On The Close Button Of The Browser

Jul 20, 2005

I want to trap the window.close() event when the user clicks on the close button of the browser using javascript. Can anyone shed light on this problem ?

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User Can Close The Browser Or To Open The Window Browser Without Or With A Disable Close Window Button?

Apr 5, 2009

I need to know if the user close the browser or to open the window � browser without or with a disable close window button How can I???

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Automatically Close The Window When The Focus Is Lost From The Page

Jan 11, 2011

Ok so I have a site that I want to automatically close the window when the focus is lost from the page. For example, if the user clicks off the page to something else on there desktop I want the page to close. So far I have managed to do this but the grids on my page and the scroll bars all trigger the close function when clicked on. Is there anyway to make the scroll bars and drop down boxes not trigger the function?

This is the line of code that I have.


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"window.close()" Won't Close My Popup Window In Most Browsers

Apr 7, 2010

- I have a button on my Flash site that opens an HTML page in a popup window. In Flash, I open the new window using Actiosnscript 2.0:

- Within the popup window are links to other HTML pages. They all open in the same window. I've been using the following to create the links in Dreamweaver:

- On each page, I have a "Return to Main Menu" button that should close the popup window. To do this, I have been using:

- The problem is that it works differently in each browser, and I can't even get it to consistently close the window in most browsers:

Internet Explorer = popup message appears, asking "Are you sure you want to close this window?" or something similar; window closes after clicking "Yes."

Safari = Only closes if I'm on the original HTML page. If I click on any of the other links (note that these all open in the same window), those pages' "Return to Main Menu" buttons cease to work. However, if I keep clicking "Back" until I get to the original page, it closes.

Opera = Button actually works for each page.

Firefox & Chrome = Does not close the window at all.

I looked into it and saw that others have used a window.opener to solve similar issues. But, since my popup window is opened using Flash/AS2, I need to find a way around it.

I've tried preceding "window.close()" with "window.opener=null" (i.e. -onClick="window.opener=null; window.close()"), but I don't think I'm doing it right because it still doesn't work.

I've also seen others use codes that involve functions and variables, but it is beyond my current coding knowledge to implement this. Like I said, I'm sort of new at this.

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Window.Focus() Popup...

Oct 14, 2002

I have a page where it accesses the same popup a couple times. When I click 'Help' it opens the popup then goes to the section. But, if i go back to the other page, and click another link to the popup which goes to another section, it doesn't re-focus on the popup window.

The sections are accessed by the '#SECTION' link...


<a href="javascript:helppage('help.htm#Section','title');">Help</a>
How can I focus on it when it goes to a new section when the popup is already open?

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Focus On Last Window After Popup?

Aug 2, 2010

I have this ads on my webpage that popup whenever you go somewhere (obviously prett annoying ). So my question is: how can I make so the previous window I was at gets focus and the popup doesnt. My thoughts was on making it with the onLoad function after you popup the popup but its stops there.

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Cannot Close Popup Window After Submit

Jan 22, 2007

I have a popup window that opens from a page on my website.
This popup is a form with several fields.
Upon submit button it redirects to a server side ASP page which writes
all data to the DB.

I would like the popup to close immediately after the submit button is
clicked, and data is saved, (or cancel button) - but this does not
The popup window remains open, even though I have a "return false;"
after window.open in the onclick event.

What am I missing?

<a href="myurl.asp"
'title','toolbar=no,width=700,height=600'); return false;">post a

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Waiting For A Popup Window To Close

Jul 20, 2005

I am currently having problems with Popup windows in an application I
am writing. I have a page, which opens a Popup window to a Perl Script
on another server.

Because of this, I cant access the Parent's DOM to execute a function
on the main page from the popup. I need to execute a script in the
Main window once the popup window has finished its process.

I have tried setting a loop that checks if the popup is still open,
which should work in principle.... however it hangs both Browser

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Redirect / Close Popup Window

May 4, 2011

I am trying to do two things. I have PDF files but the user has to click on the icon and a contact form will come up in a pop-up window. That window has a form and once the form is completed and properly validated, I want the pop-up window to automatically close and go to "white_papers.com?download=1". It will do everything but it only goes to white_papers.com. How can I get it to go to the entire URL including "?download=1"?

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Can I Focus A Popup Window Without Refreshing It?

Jul 20, 2005

The crux of the problem is I only know if the popup *has been* opened,
but not if it *is* open. Therefore, the script doesn't know whether to
simply refocus, or whether to popup a fresh window.

Are these the only solutions?
* handle onerror in some creative way
* hidden frames

BTW, I do have the luxury of ignoring non IE 5.5+ browsers on this

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Popup Entry Window Focus

Jun 28, 2005

I am working on a ASP.NET application and have some forms that require to be popped up and let the user edit information on them. These windows must stay in focus until closed, but I have having some issues implementing this.

We are targeting IE explorers and have tried the showModal() which is exactly what we require (as it forces the user to the window till complete) but the page cannot refresh/postback which is what we need.

I also tried the on blur = self.focus() but that doesnt work either as when I user clicks the textbox on that popup to update a datagrid the focus is taken off the textbox and to the window again.

What I'm trying to achieve it a popup window that has focus until complete and allows the window to refresh as it requires use to update & delete a datagrid. Any ideas?

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Target Blank And Close Popup Window?

Sep 18, 2011

I have a popup window that has a "link" inside it, which needs to have a target=_blank but when ever clicked in IE, it stays inside the same window.I tried all of the following, none work

<a href='http://www.myurl.net' onclick='window.close();' target='_blank'>
<a href="http://www.myurl.net" target="_blank" onClick="javascript:window.close()">
<a href="http://www.myurl.net" target="_blank" onClick="javascript: setTimeout(window.close, 10);">

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Refreshing To A New Page Via Popup Window Close

Dec 8, 2005

I was curious if such a thing is possible, I've seen it done before, but not exactly sure how that would work. Would it have something to do with the window.close (); function?

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Close Popup When Lanching Window Unloads

Jun 10, 2002

I have this page that a user uses to upload a PDF. I want a small popup to come up when they hit the upload button to promt the user to wait. This part is fine and works but I need the popup to close when the upload is complete. The way I have aproched it is to have a function that pops the window up: Code:

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<form> Action Should Popup In Same Window And Focus()

Feb 17, 2006

I am using a standard html <form> to send data to a pop up calculating somthing.
I want all coming requests to go to the same window.

Quite easy with forms since we have the target attribute, thus target="calculating_window".

However future <form> submitted entries will appear in the "calculating_window" window, but keep behind the current active window (with the <form> formular). The user therefore cannot see new entries beeing calculated.

I tried working with a OnClick thing with the submit button and javascript focus(), but i just can't get i to work. Any suggestions?

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Close Popup Window After Submit Then Redirect To Parent

Aug 18, 2011

as the title says, "close popup window after submit then redirect to parent". how do i do that? i google it and i saw that some people are using the following code:


The problem is, i dont know how to use and where them.

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Close Internet Explorer Window Without Warning Popup

Nov 15, 2009

I want to close an internet explorer window without the warning popup. Im running ie 8 how would i do that cause when i use window.close() function it pops up with that warning.

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Open A New Window And Close The Current Popup In One Click?

Nov 21, 2010

Here's what I have so far, it doesn't work:

HTML Code:

I have a popup that submits a link. After the link is submitted, I want the user to be able to close the popup and go to the submitted link in one click. How can I do this.

I have my reasons for using popups, it's hard to explain. Please don't tell me how bad popups are, I know they're bad.

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Close Window Button Not Working?

Jun 23, 2011

cannot get the button to work with my tell a friend script.

<input type="button" value="Close Window" onClick="window.close()">

I'm trying to add it to my web site [snipped]

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Close Window With Button Not With Crosshair

Jan 7, 2006

I'm generating a pop-up trough javascript wich is basically a window.open with some options...how can you force the user to have a window closed by a button instead of using the crosshair?

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Javascript Rookie Needs A Close-window Button

Jul 23, 2005

What I want to do is create a button, that when pressed, closes the window
it is in, and launches a URL. The window the button is in is actually just
a sub-page of the main website page, launched with target="blank", but I
just do not want to close the window as I said, I want to launch a website
address from it & have the launched from window close.

So please, walk me through this. Where do I place the:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> ?

(Oh - this is thr right way, correct - case sensitive, right?)

Then what? I can create a button with the tutorials, but if you know, just
write the darned thing for me please - I learned HTML mostly from

AND... OK, now more complicated maybe (???). Actually this is more
important than the above. This is from an application sub-page, the page
opening with target="_blank". So the below is HTML that creates buttons.
If the applicant presses the "submit application" button, at least when I
press it, it launches O.E. and asks me if I want to send the filled-in text
through O.E. to the email recipient. You know what I mean, right ? Well,
I want the window the "submit application" button is in to do it's thing all
right - submitting through the email, but I also want the page or window
(I.E. or other?) launched from to close also.

the HTML code that shows two buttons:

<input type="submit" value="submit application">
<input type="reset" value="start over"/><br>

Thanks for your input. Assume I know nothing about javascript, but can get
around in HTML.

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JQuery :: Close Window Button Not Visible Until Mouseover

Apr 5, 2011

We have a bit of a baffler as to why the Close X is not visible when using the Thickbox module.

Here's a live example of what I mean. Go to: [url]

Click on the Size Chart link next to the product's options. The popup comes up fine but unless the visitor is psychic they wouldn't know they have to mouseover the top right corner of the popup window to get the X for closing to display. The obvious problem is that the customers panic and close their entire browser after saying a few curse words.

We can't figure out why the X isn't displaying properly (basically not displaying at all).

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