Building A URL Using A Javascript Variable
Dec 12, 2005
I've got a URL in an include file like this :
<iframe src=>
I want to be able to set 'thevariable' in the shtml page that calls that include and pass it to that string - I'm thinking that because I don't want to use php/asp that Javascript is the best way?
In PHP I'd do it like this :
<iframe src=<?echo $thevariable;?>>
So how do I echo/insert the variable in the URL using javascript rather than PHP?
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Mar 29, 2006
I'm trying to combine some javascript variables into a URL, so I can pass the screen resolution to PHP to determine how large a popup window should be.
What I want to end up with is something like:
<a href="url.php?w=1024&h=768">Click me</a>
I'm trying this (which ain't workin'):
<a href="url.php?w=<script language=javascript>document.write screen.width;</script>&h=<script language=javascript>document.write screen.height;</script>">Click me</a>
It's just writing the literal script to the URL, not the value of the width or height.
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Jul 20, 2005
OK, I am looking for advice or tips and suggestions. I have overcome
a lot of the obstructions I had to building the page design my
customer was asking for. I am looking now at ways to deliver content
dynamically within the wonderful framework I created. Whilest I look
into the various methods of delivering content within a container of
one form or another in the existing HTML, I am also exploring the
possibility of using some form of 'wrapper' for existing flat pages
sorta like how geocities does to user pages to add the yahoo pull-down
div layers and such.
While doing some testing, I notice that if I just add a javascript tag
in the beginning, I can't use the document.body.AppendChild option for
the div layers unless I call the function that builds said layers from
a <body onload="">. When I do it from the onload event, the existing
HTML layers can effect the placement of the div layers even when I
have the CSS position set to absolute.
Short of using some form of server side code to insert at least the
DIV content in prior to dropping the file on the user's browsers, I
was wondering if there were any other suggestions on how to do this
with a minimal amount of coding in the HTML document itself. One of
my hopes is to limit the 'modifications' to any standard HTML file to
one or two lines so that anyone else developing pages can do so
easily, and/or I can create reasonably foolproof server-side wrappers
to call the javascript code to paste on the 'look-and-feel' elements
on just about any web page.
I have a feeling I will probably go the server-side route anyway, but
I was just curious what other suggestions there might be out there.
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Jul 23, 2005
if I have both javascript and aspscript,
how to get/retrieve the variable value in javascript into asp variable ?
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May 29, 2003
document.write('<td align=left BGCOLOR="#D9D9D9">
<a href=prod_show.php code_no='+thenumber+'>'+theitem+'</A></td>');
I have this javascript code in a php page. I need to access the value of '+thenumber+' into a variable that PHP would understand so that I can carry the "thenumber" value onto the next page and be a usable php value.
I tried:
PHP Code:
document.write('<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="number" VALUE="'+thenumber+'">')
but this didn't work probably because I have no clue as to how to do this. Any ideas?
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got a html doc with <embed src="url.svg"> in it
however, I'd like the source to be a javscript variable (which will
depending on an if, be a different filename on loading)
is this possible and if so, what is the syntax to put a javascript variable
inside an embed tag?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have this problem in xsl wherein i want to access a variable in
javascript and use it my xsl. How would i access or use a javscript
variable in my xsl file?
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Oct 22, 2006
i use the following script (from textbook) to restrict 160 character in
Message_cont textbox.
how can i to change the number of character to 70 if any double bytes
character detected in the textbox. Code:
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Jul 20, 2005
I have two events in a form that I am passing. One is to a javascript
function, the other is to the same .asp page only with another action
to show different data.
Onchange is calls the function updateclasses, which in turn reloads
another drop-down list. It also reloads the .asp page, which
refreshes the data. My problem is that it refreshes the second
drop-down briefly, until the page reloads, but then resets the form.
How do i pass this data to the .asp?
I thought in the .asp, I could just do something simple like the
following, but wasn't sure of the correct syntax. is there a better
view = request.querystring("view")
if view = "" then
view = "SciLink"
<script language="JavaScript">
updateclasses(form1, 0, Student)
end if
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Feb 2, 2004
I need to display the variable from PHP to ( POP ) JavaScript
$mess = "ERROR .. Please Enter the name";
Display ( $mess ) in POP Windows JavaScript.
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Mar 21, 2005
Not sure whether this should go in the JavaScript or VBScript/ASP section, but I'll try here anyway.
I have an ASP include file that contains both VBScript and JavaScript code. The VBScript processes some information and has an onChange event which calls a JavaScript function. Within this javascript function I want to access a recordset and retrieve a value using a variable from the javascript. Here's the code from the JavaScript section. Code:
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Jul 7, 2006
I have the following javascript function:
<script type="text/javascript">
function HTMLEncode( text )
text = text.replace(/&/g, "&") ;
text = text.replace(/"/g, """) ;
text = text.replace(/</g, "<") ;
text = text.replace(/>/g, ">") ;
text = text.replace(/'/g, "'") ;
return text ;
Now i want to store the content of 'text' in a php string. Is that possible?
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Feb 1, 2007
I'm creating a simple memory game in which the user has to make pairs
from cards. I would like the user to see the variable "trys" (the
score) update on the page dynamically (in a text box would be great).
I can do this by showing a msgbox every time try increments but this
is annoying to use. I have been trying for hours to get this to work,
using innerhtml. Code:
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Oct 9, 2007
I'm trying to use a remote file for the purpose of setting the value of a single variable. It contains a single line of code:
var rev_date = "R10-03-07";
In the HTML, it is called like this:
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
There is a function in the head:
function setRevdate() {
document.getElementById("revdate").innerHTML = rev_date;
In the Body:
<body onload="setRevdate();">
Then where I want to place the text:
<span id="revdate">--</span>
The problem is that the page loads and the onload event seems to happen before the rev_date string object is created and produces a "rev_date not defined" error. If I hit the browser refresh, however, everything works fine and the text is displayed between the span tags. It continues to work thereafter as long as the browser session is not destroyed.
How can I program this to force the browser to wait for the script to be read in and the variable initiated before calling the function?
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Oct 26, 2005
For ease of future modifications on my page, I want to have a list of URLs stored in an Array, and I want to then use these URLs in an href tag. Something like this:
<A HREF = menuURL[0] ........
How is something like this possible, as well as being fairly crossplatform, and intuitive? I've changed the syntax, and tried various other things to no avail.
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Jul 23, 2005
I just want to know how can i pass the return value of a javascript function to a xsl variable.
I have an xsl file and from that file i will call a javascript function
then the result will be stored in to the <xsl:variable> how will i do
that? Or is it really possible to do that or is there other way of doing
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Jul 6, 2006
I wish to use J.S. to obtain the screen ht and put this value into a hidden
field for posting. so that I can then use it in a php file.
A simplified script of what I am trying to do is below, but it doesnt work.
I have not used javascript much and I'm sure its straight forward.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var ht = document.body.clientHeight;
<form action="my.php" method="post">
input name="screenht" type="hidden" value="ht"
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Sep 3, 2006
I have a form that posts data to a PHP mailer page I have created. When
it goes to the PHP mailer page it reads some of the data and modifies
the page accordingly using Javascript (hiding certain divs, etc...). My
goal, is to take all this data after it has been processed by
Javascript and send it through my PHP mailer as it is currently
If it helps any, the track I am on right now involves encapsulating the
Javascript processed block in a div. I am then trying to take the
..innerHTML data from that div and store it in the PHP $message variable
for my mailer. This won't work because PHP is server side. So, I moved
on to generate some Javascript code (with PHP) that sends all that
messy HTML data that its processed through a URL variable to then be
read by PHP. This doesn't really accomplish what I want as it cuts off
about a quarter of the way through my data......
Any ideas??
One thing I thought of but don't know how to do or whether it's even
possible is using PHP to view the source of the current page and store
that as the HTML to be e-mailed. Or, is it possible to do something
similar to .innerHTML with PHP?
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Sep 28, 2007
I am having problem to display variable that contains single quotes in its value(res= "msg='error'")value in javascript.I am geting only "msg= " in display.But if i open the jsp code there i got "msg='error' " Any one who know what is the problem please let me know.
document.write("<td align='center'>");
document.write("<th align='center'><b><%=Name%></b></th>");
document.write("</td> ");
document.write("<td >");
document.write("<input type='text' name='param<%=i%>' value='"<%=res[j]%>"' size=ཚ'></input>");
document.write("</td> ");
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Feb 23, 2006
I have the following code inside the <head> of my php file. What this code will do is change the style="display:none;" of a div element, depending on which option is selected within a combo box. Code:
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Dec 22, 2005
I'm trying to build a PC building form using drop-down menus. I want to use the values of each option in the menu and add them together to get the total price, then display the total price somewhere on the page.
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May 10, 2011
I'm still working on same task New problem: When I place text in a rectangle, then wish to overwrite it,(that is replace it with new test,) I cannot remove the earlier text. The new overlays the old, an unreadable mess.
Moreover, what I have achieved works only in Opera. FF tells me I have too much recursion (None that I'm aware of). I cannot get any feedback from IE.
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Oct 4, 2006
I have a form that has two radio buttons. When the first one is
clicked, I would like the page to refresh (keeping the form data in
tact) and then displaying 2 new fields that need to be filled out. If
the second button is clicked, I need the same thing to happen, only it
will display two different fields needing to be filled out.
Does anyone have code that will do this? Or is this even possible with
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Jul 14, 2010
I want to do this with a checkbox and am falling down on it...
var i=0, elem, qstr='';
qstr += (qstr.length ? '&' : '?') + 'quantity' + i + '=' + elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value;
Here is the checkbox
<input type="checkbox" name="approved[]" onclick="boxchk(this,6)" checked="checked" value="'".$j['id']."'"/>
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Jul 8, 2009
I am very new to web development. I would like my website to have an application which allows a user to draw images which can be displayed on other users screens in real time.
An example of this is Also on this site i would like users to be able to create accounts and join 'rooms' where they can communicate in real time (as opposed a forum message board). I am looking for something similar to
Could somebody please tell me the type of development and programming needed. I have been quoted 1000 a month to build these capabilities but have no idea what is involved. (also may require facebook style real-time updating)
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Jun 1, 2011
I am trying to build my first script. My problem, is I'm trying to build a multi hide/show script, displaying paragraphs of information. If I want multiple variables for the script do I have to use an array? and if so, how can I construct this array?
Here is my script as of now,
// this tells jquery to run the function below once the DOM is read
$(document).ready(function() {
Right now the script doesn't work with the bottom two variables profile_"ect."
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