I want to make a sniffer page so that when I open it in IE I get a certain page, and when I open it in Netscape I get another different page. The IE page will have 3 cycling ads that I did, and the Netscape ad will have 5 cycling ads. I had a browser sniffer here but I lost it, so I'll have to redo it. How do I tie the ad sites to the sniffer so that it knows which to open though?
And with the 5 cycling ads, I can get it to show three and then go back to two. Would I need another if else statement in there to get it to show the fourth and fifth ad? Code:
I have a sniffer that sends Netscape and IE users to different locations. However, I want to send Netscape 6 users to the same location as IE users. Code:
I'm about to upload a site that uses the following script to dish out stylesheets and redirect old browsers. I hacked a couple different scripts together, and think it works, but i dont have an old version of ie to test on. Code:
The following code is working fine in firefox n not working in IE8... I get the Object Expected Error when the code hits the if(GBrowserIsCompatible())..... line in the javascript code. Clear cache and browser history does not work. Does anyone have a resolution for this?
Is there a way in Javascript, or perhaps in HTML, to force a browser to re-render an image on an HTML page after a round-trip between the client and the server ?
In my particular case, the image is changing on the server although the URL for it remains the same, but the browser is still displaying the old image from its cache rather than the new image from its URL location.
I want to use jquery to detect what type of browser you are using and display a link to a .wmv file if you are on IE or display a link to a .mp4 file if you are any other type of browser.I have this script declaration in my <head> section.
On my site i use a lot of features that are unsupported by older browsers, and right now it looks pretty stupid when the features are only partially shown. So i was wondering if there's a way of making the browser look to different css files depending on which browser and version it is. For example, css3 gradient backgrounds are supported in firefox 3.6 or something, but not in 3.0. All the hacks out there is to 3.*, so it changes for the allready working 3.6 too if i hack it. I want to controll it so that i have a specific css file for the none-supporting version and lower and one for the supporting and above. I looked at a bad browser plugin (because it has some of the basic features im looking for)
is it possible to scroll / jump to say, 10px above a div? i tried adding padding, but it doesn't work.also, when I use <a href="#xxxx">, is it possible to prevent the browser from adding #xxxx to the url in the browser?
I need a script that will redirect to a specific page is the browser is safari version 4. if the browser is NOT safari 4 I want the browser to stay on the current page.
I have to open a new window when user closes the browser window. But the problem is that on browser close unload event calls and the same event is called with we refresh the page. So it is opening the popup window on both window close and window refresh.
$.browser is being deprecated however I still need to know what browser is hitting the page. In some cases I need to modify a layout or position an element by some pixels. The number of pixels is different for different browsers.How can I detect the browser using jQuery without using $.browser?
how to get the IP Address,Browser,ISP,Operating System of the guest visiting my page. i would like to put that little code inside my page so that they may know their info... Code:
I am looking for a way to call a javascript from the url bar in the browser. I have looked around on google a while but only found ways to make "ahref" run javascript. How do you run it from the browser bar?
I wasn't sure where to post this so I'm sorry if this is the wrong place.
But I would like to know what some of the differences are between client-side and server-side browser sniffing. I'm aware the client-side stops certain errors being transmitted so saves on bandwidth and server-side my catch errors that are missed on the client-side.
Does anyone have a quick script to find which version of IE a page is being viewed with?
Specifically, I want to seperate version 4 from versions 5+, and post a warning against using 4.
I expect I'll have to search out the (navigator.appAgent) string for the MSIE substring, but since I don't need it until tomorrow, laziness dictates I ask here before getting on with it. Is there another variable? a less cumbersome way?
Can someone please point me to THE source for complete javascript documentation?
Particualry I am interested in the document object. For example with, document.getElementById(id), there is at least style and rows properties and with rows you can get lenght:
What I would really like is to be able to look at an object browser which shows every property and method associated with the javascript document object (and all of the other objects too but I don't want to be greety!).
Hopefully this is out there some where. I keep hanging out here asking for fish when really I want a fishing rod of my own.
is there a possibility to get the number or the names of open Browser windows ? I want to try to avoid double-opening of a page. My idea was to give the page a name and to check whether this name exists.
how do I know when the browser is making a request to the server? I am not having an onclick event for EVERY hyperlink, submit, etc. There must be some javascript function that I can overwrite that will allow me to do something when the browser requests something from the server.
My plan is whenever a browser is about to request something from the server to create a time stamp and then compare this time to the time when the page returns from the server. This will allow me to measure performance.
I would like to change the appearance of the URL, which gets displayed in the title of the Browser, without the page being reloaded. Sounds strange.. here an example.
The users arrives at www.example.com and in the URL bar of the browser he sees:
I'm looking for some javascript which would change the URL which gets displayed in the title to:
I want to record all logins and logouts. The problem occurs when a user CLOSES the browser without clicking the Logout link. How will I record the "logout time" using javascript?
I am trying to build an online bookmark manager and I want to try and download the favorites in a browser. I know you can do window.external.AddFavorite but can you do the reverse in any way, to retrieve them from the browser into a page? I would assume that this is not possible because of security reasons but there must be some way of doing it?