Automate A Repeated Process That Fills Out A Form And Submits It Automatically?

May 18, 2010

I need to automate a repeated process that fills out a form and submits it automatically.

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Automate A Process - Open A Particular URL And Download A File Say ABCD.log Every Half An Hour

Jun 21, 2010

I want to open a particular URL and download a file say ABCD.log every half an hour. (the same file) Is there any way i can automate this process using java script or any other method?

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Split And FF / IE Inconsistencies - Automatically Fills In Fields Based Of An Employee Name

Mar 24, 2009

I've got a form that automatically fills in fields based of an employee name. What happens is, the admin start to type the Emps name, a autocomplete shows up, and once the select the employees name, the form is filled in with their DB data. Now in FF, this works perfectly, but in IE6 and IE7, it acts differently. When i use the split command in JS, FF interprets 'null' vars but it seems IE does not. So if a field is null, IE will populate that field with the next available data.


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Custom Form - Email It To Me When Someone Fills It Out ?

Apr 2, 2009

I built a custom form, and I want to email it to me when someone fills it out. However, with the code im using it wants the person who is filling out the form to use Microsoft Outlook to email it. However, the people that I need to submit this form dont all have Outlook and I was wondering if there was a way to set it so it used a different email system rather than Outlook?

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Multistep Form Validation - Form Submits Too Early?

May 14, 2011

I have a multistep jquery form that validates user input and then should send me an email. Problem is, right now, I can only get it to validate the first page, then it sends the email before the rest of the pages are viewed. I'm just trying to delay the submission of the form until the "submit_fourth" button is pressed. I've got $25 via paypal for the one who sticks with this one for long enough to come up with a workable solution.

Here is my code I know it's a lot, but I wasn't sure how much would be HTML code is in the second post in this thread (it was just too much to fit in one go).


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JQuery :: Using Contains() When Form Submits?

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to figure out the contains() selector, and I may be using it incorrectly.

Basically I am trying to check if the email input field contains 'invalid' in the user entered value.

So shorthand it would be like this:

if (email value contains 'invalid' when form submits) {
do something;

This is what I have:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>


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Onclick Always Submits A Form?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a web page that has a very simple form. This form does not have a submit button I use an image element fro a form and the utilize the onclick javscript call. This onclick wil validate the form and then IF the form pass all the validation the script itself will submit the form by checking a error flag status and if no errors submit the form. That is the way it is supposed to work. Mine doesn't.

[CODE]<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function jeff1() {
varcc = document.getElementById('ccnum').value;


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Form Submits In FF/Chrome, NOT IN IE?

Mar 12, 2009

I have a function attached to document.forms[0].onsubmitIn FF and Chrome it appears to function correctly.n IE it functions correctly however the form does not submit on completion of the function!Here is the onsubmit function. finalCheck() checks the input fields. loading() simply covers the screen with a loading display.fileIDs is an array of associative fileIDs. *.focused and *.path are custom properties.

document.forms[0].onsubmit = function() {
if (btnSubmit.focused == true) {


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Form No Longer Submits After Adding A Second Form?

Sep 6, 2009

I am using a simple form to submit values to another website. This has been working without any problems. I now have added a second form to the page. I have separated the text boxes and duplicated the information from one form to another. The problem is, when I click on the link that use to submit the information, nothing happens. Before the addition of the new form a new window would open with the search that I had submitted. Am I missing something to point to one form or the other? The following is the code that i am using in the form that no longer submits.

<script language="javascript">
function submitPostLink()


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Firefox Submits Form On Hit Another Button...

Dec 6, 2005

It has a jsp which has a form and two buttons, one of them is html:submit, and the other is html:button. Submit has to post the form, of course, that works correctly on all of
the browsers.

But the other button has an onclick event declared. It calls the implemented javascript function in IE and in Opera, too, but Firefox submits the form as well when I hit submit button.

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Form Still Submits Despite Of Validation Checkbox?

Sep 25, 2009

I have a form, on which I have multiple checkboxes and text fields.Now I want that the form can't submit untill at least 1 checkbox is selected or a text field is filled.But even with the javascript validation I already have the form still submits.Any help on this one?Here is the whole page on which the checkboxes, text fields and javascript validation are:PHP Code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function checkCheckBoxes() {
if (document.form2.nbs_vmb[].checked == false)


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Form Submits On Return False?

Mar 26, 2009

I have run into this problem before, but i cant quite remember how i fixed it. Here is a simple validation check:

<script type="text/javascript">
function validateMe(){
if (document.form1.LoanAmount.value == '') {


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Form Submits Despite Return False?

Jul 29, 2011

This is a simple email form validation, with javascript. I first coded the basic 'have you filled in the field" stuff and that worked great, the error message poped up and the form would not submit until corrected.I then put together a email validation function using reg ex, and things went slightly awry. The reg ex works, so hat is cool, but after catching an invalid email address, it submits the form anyway.Following the logic, you can see that the form gets validate, then the email address is validated, then the form validation function returns true, which is probably why it is submitting with the bad email address.I never seen an example of this, but can you put a called function into an if statement? So it would go: validate the form, then if the email validation function returns true, go ahead and submit.Anyway, here is the code:

JS code:
function validateForm ()


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Radio Button Submits Form

Jul 24, 2006

i've seen a few forms about (across the years) in which when you select a radio button the form submits, however now that i'm actually looking to do something similar i can't find either a tutorial or a code snippet, can someone point me in the right direction please as i fear the issue is with my search terms.

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Have A Submit Button To Do Some Calculations Before The Whole Form Submits?

Dec 1, 2009

just wondering can i have a submit button to do some calculations before the whole form submits like this?


<options selected></options> <calcTotalSubmitButton>

how do i call the first submit button to submit what the user has entered, before submitting whole form?

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Form Output - Makes The Form Disappear In The Process?

May 22, 2011

i am trying to make a form that out puts the inputs to a table and makes the form disappear in the process. I am encountering too problems though

a) at the submitt bit it says object expected for "document.getElementById('tablename').value=

why what did i forget to do??

b) am i missing a section of code needed to not only output the data to table but make form disappear?this is the full code

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">[code]......

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JQuery :: Form.submit() Submits To Blank Page

Feb 15, 2010

var checkStock = function(){

As you can see it retrieves data with json so it makes an invoice. If the items that er in stock are smaller then the items that are ordered the paga can not be send. This part works BUT if everthing is ok and we get to our submit, it submits but goes to a white/blank page ?

I tried everything i could think of, no luck, even in the IRC no luck.

Live example: [url]

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JQuery :: Ajax - Form Sometimes Submits Multiple Times

Nov 30, 2009

I have a form with a jquery listener that runs when you click the submit button. If there are errors an alert box will pop up telling you what they are. sometimes this box will pop up multiple times because the form is being re-submitted without clicking the submit button.

live demo: [url]




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Validation - Form That Submits A POST Request When Data Is Submitted

Dec 9, 2009

I have a form that submits a POST request when data is submitted.

A Servlet then processes this POST request and a JavaBean is used to make some calculations. The HTML response is not generated within the Servlet but instead I forward the request to a JSP to generate the response. - This all works fine.

However, I am stupidly suck trying to validate the form on the client side with a Javascript function before the form is submitted.

Here is my index.jps:

Regardless of whether incorrect input is given, the data is still POSTed to the server and calculated on or a Server Side error is given.

Am I correct in calling the function onclick?

The validation essentially needs to be so that:

- Student field contains a string

- Score1, Score2, Score3 and Score 4 contain a number between 0 and 100

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Form Always Submits - Even If My Function Returns False - Alert() Doesn't Seem To Be Working

Nov 6, 2009

I have a simple form here with a function to validate it, but I have no idea where I'm going wrong. I'm very familiar with ActionScript and C++, so I get the coding aspect of it, but one thing I'm not familiar with is how exactly JavaScript and HTML communicate. The problem is that this form always submits, even if my function returns false...but I can't even see if it returns false anyway, because alert() doesn't seem to be working either.

Here's what I have for my HTML:

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Create A Form Validation Process

Jan 26, 2006

I am using the following code to create a form validation process. Code:

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Changing Document.location.hash In IE7 Overrides Event.stop(e) And Submits Form

Jul 7, 2009

I am writing a modification to Invision Power Board that makes replying to post via Ajax.

The "Submit" button is being overrun by Prototype's observe function. When the custom function is executed, I run Event.stop(e) to prevent the actual form from being submitted and reload the page.

I have developed and tested on Safari but users began to report bugs in IE, after investigation I discovered that the line


Is making IE execute all the code after it, and then execute its own onclick() function as if Event.stop(e) was not there. Commenting this line fixes the problem, the page is not reloaded, but this line is vital to the code.

So why do I need to set the anchor? To support the back button function after a user makes an ajax reply, pressing Back should hide the new content, and pressing Forward should make it visible. (e.g. every time the anchor is changed) This all works nicely. But not in IE.

This only happens the first time the page is visited ever, or clearing cache and visiting it again. Reloading the page fixes the problem but this is not normal behavior and users shouldn't have to reload to use the Ajax fast reply...

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Process Email Addresses Entered In My Form?

Oct 24, 2011

I was wanting to know what you all thought the best technique is to process email addresses entered in my form. Should I do it in JavaScript, or should I have my web server do it -- however that works. It's just a simple 1-field collection.

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Radio Button Input Value Determines Which Form To Process

Oct 19, 2007

I have a successful php-based login screen for users. There are two radio buttons the user can select.

1) Login into Account Page (on my server).
2) Login into Affiliated Page (not on my server -- another website).

Now by default the radio button for the Account Page is selected. My question is, if the user selects the second radio button, how do I tell the form to now process the username/password for the affiliated site?

Currently, the action attribute in the form tag is set to "process.php" when the first radio button, Account Page, is selected. No big deal there.

But when they click the second radio button, I need the action attribute to process on the affiliated website by sending the username and password to this page: ""

So the issue is how does the login page know which form action to take?

Do I need to create two forms? If so, should the form for the Affiliate Page login be hidden? Code:

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Output Data On To Table And Hide Original Form In Process?

May 22, 2011

I am trying to build a webpage quotation form that collects the relevant data then outputs the calculated quote details to a table for an assignment. I know how to build the form and the table so they can be filled filled but i am stuck big time trying to work out best way to output the data on to the table and hide the original form in the process.

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JQuery :: Initiate Ajax Get When User Fills Textbox And Clicks Off

Apr 7, 2011

I've been reading about jquery and ajax and I'm not exactly 100% sure as to how to implement it. Essentially I have the following:
A textbox
A select box
Another select box

As the user fills data in the textbox and then clicks off I want the javascript to fire, submit the value in the textbox to a url (I can handle the backend side of it all fine) which will then send new data to the select boxes. Similarly for the second select box when a user clicks off (After selecting) I need the jquery to fire again. I've seen this code and think I get how to write it in, but I'm not sure how to do the (When user clicks off bit of it).
$.get('ajax/test.html', function(data) {
alert('Load was performed.');

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