Asp And Javascript Button Direct

Mar 15, 2007

I am a novice with both asp and javascript so I may not even be
doing this correctly, but I have an asp page that has variable being
passed to it and I have a button that I need to have it go to one page
if it is one variable and another if it was the other variable. There
is only two choices but my attempts didnt work.

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Getting Check Boxes To Direct Where The Submit Button Goes?

Dec 24, 2009

I have 3 check boxes and one submit button when the submit button is hit I need it to direct to one of 3 pages depending on which check box is checked.

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Direct To Webpage Depending On Combobox Selection When Submit Button Clicked?

Sep 16, 2009

I've created a form with combobox with different values (this is for my website). What I want is when the user clicks 'submit' that it goes to a different page on the website depending on the value the person has selected in the combobox. Values are numerical, for example 1000, 2000, 5000 etc. I've been trying this for a couple of days now without success!

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Why Does One URL Direct Work And The Other Not

Aug 20, 2010

I read a beginners book on js and now I'm working through a cookbook style book to get a hang of things, I came across an example for redirecting URLs in the book that didn't work:

<input type="text" name="url">
<input type="button" value="Go" onClick="location.href=this.form.url.value">

After searching on the net I found another that works perfectly but I don't understand why the one in the book doesn't work.


<form name="openlocation">
<input type="text" name="href">
<input type="button" value="Go" onClick="location.href=document.openlocation.href.value;; ">

I tried replacing the url with href and other tweaks, is it that you cant use ".this" here, making it necesary to name the form?

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Re-Direct To Full Screen Window..

Jul 23, 2005

I have an asp page which just displays some information to a user few
a couple of seconds before redirecing.

This asp page is displayed in a small window.

I am using the following META tag to re-direct, but I want the next
page maximised.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="2;url=JobSheet.asp">

How can I get JobSheet.asp to open fullscreen from this code, whilst
closing the small window ?

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Cookies Fail When Using URL Frame Re-direct

Apr 22, 2006

I have a simple html document I have been using for some time on my
(i.e.) domain that uses cookies. I recently purchased a new
domain name and set up a service to redirect my new domain (i.e.) to a sub-directory of the domain. In other words, when
someone goes to URL, they really end up in
directory but the MSIE browser says they are

The problem is that cookies quit working in this setup when I copied
the same HTML document in the /xyz subdirectory that now
accesses. I can't set or get a cookie any longer by calling the
document.cookie function from JS any longer. The call does not fail
but the data is always blank. I even tried setting the cookie and from
the next line of code reading it back immediately and it still would
not save the cookie.

Anyone know how to fix this?

I checked the value of, .hostname .pathname,
document.domain and they all indicate I am really at even
though the address in my IE browser says I am at

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Re-direct On Mysql Connection Failure?

Sep 18, 2010

I am trying to figure out a way to have a page redirect if the mysql connection fails. The issue is that the page is already loaded and the only time this would be needed is if the user tries to perform operations on a loaded page after the session runs out.

So basically, I have a page that will allow you to search for an item using ajax, then select an item and press add which will place the item in another table displaying detailed information. Both operations connect to the database using SESSION variables to save the connection information.

My goal is to use the "or die()" method to print something that will force a redirect because this could happen in a number of places in the site and I want to try and get them all in one swipe.

Here is what seemed like it would be the most promising:

$conn = mysql_connect($_SESSION['host'], $_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password']) or die("<script>location.href= '../login.php'</script>");

Unfortunately the javascript never runs.... I tried putting alerts also and nothing, but with firebug I can see they are printed.

how I can ensure that the javascript is executed?

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Resolved JS Direct Children Of Element

Nov 16, 2011

Im trying to use javascript to count only the direct li children of ul.So I tried childnode but im not really familiar with it.Basically the li items inside the li should not be counted.

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Direct Link To A Form On Another Site?

Jul 22, 2010

Is it possible to direct link to a JavaScript element i want my people to be able to get to a form but in order to get to the form on this other site they have to press a JavaScript button. Which shows a a javascript form. I want to be able to directly bring them to that form in one step. Is there a way i can do this from my site to the other site...( i do not own the other site) if that helps

Is this possible? Also, while I am dreaming, could a web developer extract the frame necessary for the form /review box) and show just that, without the surrounding content? It would be totally awesome if I could extract a live review box and show it an isolated frame.

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Menu Link Direct To Iframe Content?

Jan 2, 2010

I paid to have a website built, yet the developer used iFrames to accomplish the task. Basically, load a parent page, and then in an iframe, lod content chosen from a menu. Is there a way to create a menu at the homepage level, that will allow a menu listing the various parent pages, and under each parent page, have a drop down that will point directly at an iframe content?

Like this?

Page1 Page2 Page3

And when you click Page1ContentC, it will load Page1.htm and in the iframe load Page1ContentC?

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Adding Ticker Pause And Direct Navigation?

Apr 6, 2011

I have the following script in my page

var tickspeed=4000
var enablesubject=0
if (document.getElementById){


I also have the following in my html:

<div id="dropcontentsubject"></div>
<div id="dropmsg0" class="dropcontent" subject=""></div>

There are a total of 4 dropmsg# divs. I need to be able to input 4 navigation buttons below this code that will, when clicked, pause the ticker and go directly to the "dropmsg#" assigned to that button.

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Track Direct Browser Closing By Script?

Apr 21, 2011

I have to know whether we can track the direct browser closing event by Javascript.I have tried with window.unload & window . onbeforeunload, but I was not get full satisfaction with those ones.

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Direct Link To Image / Video Script?

Aug 25, 2011

Can you have a direct link to a image / video ?

On my page you have to go to the page then the section then click on the image / video. What if you wanted to give a direct link, so the user could go to that link and the image / video would load up bypassing all the other steps?

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Direct Links That Open Pages Within An Iframe?

Aug 9, 2010

I have developed an intranet local site that consists of a home page: index.html which contains an iframe.

Above the iframe, I have a navigation bar that opens pages with target:iframe inside the iframe.

iframe's src is set to a page named home.html and this is the page displayed when you visit the site.

I would like to be able to give users links that point directly to certain pages that populate within the iframe and not instructions on how to get to them via the nav bar. And I am not talking about the pages alone but the parent piece where the navigation bar is (nav and iframe are contained in the index.html)

Except obviously the home.html, I am unable to do that. I have found a few Javascripts but I was not clear if they were supposed to help me achieve what I wanted and they haven't worked.

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Why Can't I Access Child Frame Elements With The Direct Form?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a document that contains a child frame with name/id = "help_frame".
From Javascript in the top level document I can access the child frame's
elements using:

var elem = document.frames.help_frame.document.getElementById ("chkSynonym");

but if I try:

var elem = document.frames.help_frame.document.chkSynonym;

the result is 'undefined'. What is wrong with my syntax?

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JQuery :: Direct The Post And The Form Values To One Of Two Php Pages

Aug 4, 2011

I have a web form (yeah) that I would like to have jquery direct the post and the form values to one of two php pages depending on the choice selected.

Ideal flow:

If a person selects radio button "email" and clicks submitsend form values to page1

-Generate and send email and report success

-User never actually sees page1

If a person selects radio button"view" and clicks submit send form values to page2.


$(document).ready(function(){$("#listrequest_form").submit(function() {

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JQuery :: Getting The Direct Content Of A Html Element Encapsulated In An Object

Apr 12, 2010

I have an piece of html in a jquery object. When I say $(this).html I get:

<span class="value">4</span><span class="type">teaspoons</span>butter

I want to get only the piece of text from this html segment that is not in the spans. in this example, it is butter.

How do I get that?

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JQuery :: Page To Detect And Direct Older Browsers To Use Different Code?

Aug 19, 2011

This should be an easy answers since I am a newbee and never redirected older browsers.For example I am learning JSON now and the below browsers are the only browser that can use the faster and safer JSON.parse parser. older browsers need to use javascripts eval() to parse json files to javascript objects.


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JQuery :: Using Document.location.href To Direct To A Non-existant Page

Oct 14, 2011

I'm trying to create a player stats page, for my gaming server. I spoke to a guy who knows a little about javascript, and he told me there's a way to use document.location.href to direct to a custom page URL.

For example, if I search for a name, and the results are displayed. I want to click the players username, and be directed to. [url] without the "username.html" actually existing.

I heard it's possible, and it would save me a lot of time because I don't want to have 20,000+ individual pages, one for each username.

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JQuery :: Pagination Direct From The Database Without A Large Default List To Paginate

Jul 27, 2011

I need a plugin or a idea about how to develop a pagination using jQuery (JSON dict coming from the DB (postgre)), but i cant get a list of all itens in the DB. I tried using offset and limit from the DB, but i didnt like the large algorithm. All i need is: develop a pagination that gives me only 20 rows from the DB (without calling a query to paginate all table from DB) and build a pagination with "first page, previous page, X-2, X-1, X, X+1, X+2, next page, last page" (X = number of actual page).

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Direct The User To A Html Document Based Upon Which Option Have Chosen In The List

Feb 26, 2011

In my code, I have the following snippet:

HTML Code:

I want to know how I could direct the user to a html document based upon which option I have chosen in the list (see above). So for example...

If I have chosen '1' in the list (see above), then when I submit the form, I will be directed to a page detailing information related to option '1'. If I have chosen '2' in the list (see above), then when I submit the form, I will be directed to a page detailing information related to option '2' etc.

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Direct Users To A Search Page Based On The Values Of Two Drop Down Boxes - Onclick Not Working

May 2, 2011

I am trying to use it to direct users to a search page based on the values of two drop down boxes. The issue i am having is that the code below works fine on a test page, but not on my test domain (with wordpress theme) and so i was wondering whether there is anything I am doing wrong... Is onclick already defined maybe? I'm not sure how it works to be honest... :(

<script type="text/javascript">
function gosearch() {
var breed = document.getElementById('breed').value;
var area = document.getElementById('area').value;
var site = "";
var searchurl = site + breed + area;

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Javascript With ASP Button

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to call this Javascript function:

function ButtonClicked()
alert("The button has been clicked.");

Calling it from an HTML button is no problem at all. But there is no way I can call that function from an ASP button. I tried from the HTML side or the aspx side.

I understood that an ASP button run only on the server. But I can't believe you can't make that simple call. I really hate to use HTML button when the design with ASP on a Web Form is so fast and easy.

Since I am a newbie, some code example will be appreciated.

Briefly, I have an ASP button that I want to call the Javascript function "ButtonClicked"

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Javascript Button Navigation Bar

Dec 23, 2006

I am quite new to Javascript, but not new to programming in general or to (X)HTML.

Using events, is it possible to redirect someone to a new page? So if
you lined up five buttons, you could use this as your page's navigation

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Javascript Back Button

May 28, 2006

I am doing a javascript back button within my form

<input type=submit value="Back to previous page" class=header onClick="history.go(-1)">

for some reason it is submitting the form instead of going back a page --

why would this be?

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Check All Button In JavaScript

Jan 8, 2002

does anyone have a handy check all script? I have a series of check boxes in a form and would like to add the option of clicking a button to select all.

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