Array Declaration Is Adding IndexOf

Oct 13, 2009

I'm creating matrix of values like this:[code]Usually when i want to access position like Matriz[0][0] y retrived the value "", now for some reason when i debug appears "indexOf" at the beggining and when I access Matriz[0][0] I get "undefined".Someone knows why is happennig this, i'm using IE 6

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Array Declaration On FF Vs IE

Sep 13, 2007

There is something that I don't understand well, I use array for
combining strings like

items = ['hello world', ', how are you', '?', 'the end'].join('');

in FF this works well but in IE I had to add something like this

var items = new Array();
items = ['hello world', ', how are you', '?', 'the end'].join('');

My question is why is there a need for var items = new Array(): and
why items = new Array(); doesn't work? I don't want the items to be a
global variable, since it was declare inside a function I want it to
be local only.

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Using Indexof To Find A Quote

Jul 23, 2005

how can i use the .indexof function to check if there is a quote in the string. i can't seem to find the correct syntax for do this without an error occuring

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Delete A Certain String Using IndexOf()?

Jul 18, 2010

I have been creating a little Javascript game. People buy items and then sell them for a profit. WHen someone buys something, it displays an image of the thing they just purchased (and have previously purchased). I want them to be able to "sell" the item by clicking on the picture. I have the money system set up, but I'm not sure about how to get rid of the picture when the user clicks on it. Is there anyway to get rid of a certain string (<img src="BLAH" class="BLAH">) when clicked on? I'm pretty sure you can use indexOf() somehow to do this, but I'm not exactly sure how

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IndexOf() Not Registering With Certain Code Blocks?

Oct 30, 2009

my indexof() function is not being recognized when I enter an email address for an unsubscribe form I have on one of my pages. Additionally, the confirmation message is also not showing up when the email address IS valid. Here is my code that I am using on a PHP page:function Unsubscribe() {

var IsValid = document.getElementById("email").value;


to those PHP experts, I am aware of the RegEx function for validation, but I don't understand it, which is why I don't use it (in case anyone points that out).The other thing that is problematic is that the PHP code is automatically using HEADER() regardless of "email"'s value

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IndexOf - Leap Year In Date Picker

Jan 7, 2012

If you see my last post, it was a piece of this code that I was learning for/loops but now I have that all working(hence the new topic) and I'm having a problem with indexOf. Here's the whole script(its a fun little date picker)

function popSel(v){
var days;
var x;
if(v==01 || v==03 || v==05 || v==07 || v==08 || v==10 || v==12){
x = 31;
}else if(v==04 || v==06 || v==09 || v==12){
x = 30;
}else if(v==02){
/*var yr=document.getElementById("year").value / 4;*/
var yr = 2003 / 4;
if(yr.indexOf(".") == -1){ /*If you divide a year by 4 and the value is a whole number, it's a leap year*/
}}for(i = 1; i <= x; i++){
days += "<option value=" + i + ">" + i + "</option>";
The whole script works but feb doesn't change?

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Making Location.pathname.indexOf Not Case Sensitive?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to make this code not be case sensitive when it comes to the "default.asp" line. The code below in the head of a XHTML template and adds the CSS info only on the homepage, which is or It works just fine, but when I visit [URL].. it doesn't work. How do I make it case insensitive?


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Adding Elements To An Array...

May 30, 2006

how to do you add elements to an array? am looking at section dealing
with arrays in JS Bible, can't find how you add to an array.. in the
last few years I've been doing much more Java than JS, am used to Java,
where you can't add elements to an array, but use a Vector instead.. and
it's very easy to add to it (use add() method..) how to you add
elements to an array in JavaScript..

I looked up array obj, don't see method to add to array.

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Adding Inputs Into An Array

Aug 13, 2010

I want to make a script that will insert all text type inputs into an array. From there I want to be able to call them and edit them. Here is what I have so far and it is not working.

var phone1 = '702'
var inputArray = new Array();
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
if (input.type == 'text') { inputArray.push(; }
inputArray[0].value = phone1;

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Adding Integers In An Array?

Feb 5, 2011

im just doing a little test and this might seem like a really stupid question but i cant figure it out...all i simply want to do is take all those numbers and get the sum then display the sum in a document.write in theory i should get 10 but i dont and idk why i have tried many many things

var numbers = new Array();
numbers[0] = 1;
numbers[1] = 2;
numbers[2] = 3;
numbers[3] = 4;

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Adding Array To Another Array?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a issue that is getting me frustrated I a large arrays of profiles. So I take the necessary arrays out of profile and add them to an small array called items. Then I want to take elements out of the new items array and place the string values into a select array the issue is the default if in the last for loop it will not work it only ever returns the entire string/ array

var select =[];
var profile = [];


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JQuery :: Adding And Removing DIV-IDs From An Array?

Apr 25, 2009

I have a number of DIVs that I want to make 'selectable' on click, which means that I give the DIV you click on a class (just to show it's selected) and save its ID into an array. When I click on that DIV again, the class should be removed and its ID should be removed from the array as well. My code goes like

var selected_items = new Array();
$(".selectableDivs").click(function() {
if($(this).hasClass("selected")) {


But the alert at the end of the code always shows my a list of all divs I ever selected, even those that I unselected again. The IDs are just not removed from the array. Is that maybe because items saved in the array are not exactly $(this).attr("id") anymore?

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JQuery :: Adding Key Value To Serialized Array?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to post a form and reload the results $("#shoppingcart").load("/catalog/shoppingcart.php", $("#"+frmId).serializeArray());

This works fine, but I would like to add a key and value to the array. How do I do that?

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Adding Array Indexes Up For A Total ?

Mar 26, 2011


<script type="text/javascript">

I have an array in a seperate.js file that I need to step through a FOR loop to grab all these values and add them together.

Here is a small sample of the array's:

Here is the loop step through that I have:

I am stuck on how to grab each amount index and add them together to save them as the amountTotal variable.

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Adding And Removing Array Elements

Jul 18, 2004

Since the Array.splice() method isnt supported by IE5 here's a script with an add function and a remove function.

function remove(nr) {

var nb = parseInt(nr)

for(x=nb;x<myArray.length-1;x++) {
myArray[x] = myArray[x+1]
myArray.length += -1

function add(nr,value) {
for(x=myArray.length;x>nr;x--) {
myArray[x] = myArray[x-1]
myArray[nr] = value

You can test it out by including the following html, and an array in the script (here named 'myArray').


Nr to add/remove<input type="text" name="nr" /><br />
Value to insert <input type="text" name="val" />
<input type="button" value="remove" onclick="remove(" />
<input type="button" value="add" onclick="add(,this.form.val.value)" />
<input type="button" value="View Array" onclick="aA()" />


And this small function

function aA() {

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Adding Links To Array Images

Nov 7, 2005

I have a random image JS that I need to add links to ( well, the same link but to all images) something I am doing is not working. I just need to add a link (asp/course_tool/default.asp) to each jpeg. Code:

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Values In Array Joining Not Adding (e.g. Ƈ+2' = ཈', Not Ɖ')

Jan 8, 2010

I have 8 peices of data in an Array and I need to add the final 6 to give me a total, but the results are not what I expected. Array example - Code:

var Networking_2009_1 = ['Justin Hopkins','JBH','1','2','3','4','5','6'];

I am adding the values like this -

var feeEarnerTotal = 0;
for(t in Networking_2009_1)
{ if(t > 1) // 0 and 1 are the Long Name and Short Name, so must be skipped
{ feeEarnerTotal = feeEarnerTotal + Networking_2009_1[t]; }

The problem is that when the value is output to the screen it is '123456' rather that '21' as expected. I suspect this is because there is writte data also in the Array, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

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Adding Values Held In An Array?

Feb 18, 2009

I'm trying to add together some values held in an array to give a total score. But no matter what I do I get "NaN" instead of the answer. I thought that bunging a couple of parseFloats in there would fix it, but that hasn't worked either.



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Adding And Deleting Elements From A Textbox Array

Dec 1, 2005

I'm trying to solve a problem with JS textbox array without success.
I have two buttons in my page: PLUS and MINUS; at every click on PLUS a new
textbox named 'dear' is generated. So, if one clicks, say, 3 times the
output is something like:


The length property is accessible; alert(dear.length) gives &#393;', correctly.
The prolbem is that is not possible to delete a textbox, clicking on MINUS
button. The thing I'd really need to do is to delete from the array (and in
consequence from video) the last textbox created, when one clicks on MINUS

Pop() and Splice() methods do not work, unfortunely...
This is the exact code of my page:

<a href="#plus" onclick="john.innerHTML+='<li><input id=dear type=text
<a href="#minus" onclick="alert(dear.length);dear.pop()">

<div id=john>

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JQuery :: Adding Element To An Array Of Object?

Jul 19, 2009

I would like to add a key value to an object array. let's say i have 2arrays: var parArr = new Array('par1', 'par2', 'par3', 'par4'); var valArr = new Array('val1', 'val2', 'val3', 'val4');I would like to obtain
ext={par1:val1, par2:val2,pa3:val3,par4:val4}

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Adding An Array With Links To A Photo Gallery?

Oct 5, 2011

I've got this little chunk of code running on my freelance portfolio site - on each page (different sections of my portfolio) I have 6 thumbnails and a full sized graphic with some descriptive info, you click the thumbnail and it switches the graphic and other info, that all works fine.But on one page I have some web stuff and I'd like to make the var 'clientinfo' into a link to go to the client's website. I know I need to add an array with the website links, but then I'm not sure how to implement it into the html, I've tried various things I've found on here but I'm not getting anywhere on my own. I know it's something pretty simple (for someone who knows what they're doing) but I just can't seem to grasp it.

the js is like this:
$(function() {
$(".image").click(function() {


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Adding JS To Old HTML Referencing Array Elements?

Mar 23, 2010

Years ago I created HTML that employs checkboxes and textboxes. I am now writing JS with the intention of adding flexibility and limiting redundancy. I am not sure I truly understand how to correctly interact the two though. For example, one of my scripts have arrays that contain the names of the checkboxes and textboxes, with a 'for' loop to document.write() them to references within the HTML code.This does not seem to be working for me though. Here is what I have thus far (in short):

<script language="javascript">
var teamNames = new Array(3);
teamNames[0]="South Africa";


I've left out a lot of the code (to include the teamAbbr array, but you get the points. I've tried moving the JS within the HTML body and playing with the reference syntax, but nothing so far.

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Adding Data From PHP+MySQL To Dynamically Created Array?

Feb 9, 2011

I am running through a MySQL database using PHP and extracting all of the makes of cars in that database and trying to create a JavaScript array named after each make. Then I am trying to fill each array will all of the models for that make. When I just try to display each Make and Model in an alert box it seems to come up right. And my arrays seem to be getting created but they won't populate with the models (even though my alert msg shows the loops and everything is working).

PHP Code:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
//Used so each model is added to the array starting at 0 and ++
$make = $row['make'];//PHP var used to extract data from MySQL


Haven't used JavaScript since a college class a couple of years ago and haven't used it in the real world for even longer. Never with PHP like this. But I am working on this marketing site and need to be able to list products by type according to each brand and as they can be added to a MySQL database it needs to be dynamic. I have the whole thing working by stepping through separate pages using PHP to populate select fields with the data but I want to be able to dynamically add the content to select field using JavaScript so it can all be done on one page and thought that if I could create these arrays on page load then the right information could be selected client side.

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Adding Onclick Handlers To Items Created From Array?

Feb 3, 2009

I am dynamically creating page elements by looping through an array and adding them to the DOM. Each element has an action that should be performed when it is clicked. This action (or a reference to it) determined by the current array value as well. Because the code called in the onclick handler is not executed until the event fires, the value of the current array item (at the time the onclick handler is attached) is not preserved resulting in the expected behavior not happening.Here is an extremely simplified example of the problem I'm facing:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Function Declaration

Dec 13, 2006

What is the difference between:

function setupGrid( param ){......}


setupGrid = function( param ){......}

Are there any advantages to doing one over the other?

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Css Declaration And Javascript

Dec 5, 2006

i wonder how can i have both javascript writen inside body and css declaration
here's my page: i only see the output if i comment the css line: Code:

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