Any Way To Remember Scroll Position (Vertical)?
Jun 29, 2009
I want to remember the scroll position (Vertical). So I have 100 articles per page and I pick
one article to view its details.. that is on new page. So when I hit the browser button (back) I would like that browser puts the scroller where it was. I think I should use cookies for that... but how?
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Nov 16, 2010
I am making an iphone app...the how-to section is basically one long page that shifts the view to a different div on a touch event. So, say I scroll down 50 lines on div1 and click a link to take me to the top of div2. How would I maintain the scroll position of div1 so when i click 'back' it shifts the view back to div1 and to the last position they were at?
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Sep 22, 2010
Not sure if this is a browser feature kind of thing, or if it can be done with a script.
I'm looking at my page:
I scroll to the bottom of the page with the vertical scroll bar, and then click the pagation link to start on page 2, record #50:
Of course, the vertical scroll bar jumps back to the top of my page.
Is there a way to make it remember that the scroll bar was at the bottom (or in the middle)?
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Apr 18, 2006
I have just got my web site to the point where I am about to upload
it, but I have come across a problem which I do not know what to look
for on the web. I will try to describe the problem the best I can. I
have a page with pictures in a table of 3 X 10 all pictures are
thumbnails 100 X 90 all is just fine, but I have a link to pages from
the thumbnails but when I return to the thumbnails I start back at the
top of the thumbnails page. I have been told that this can be done
with JavaScript but I do not know what to look you on the web, I have
tried to look for something [Remember page position, Page history] but
with no luck I have not done any JavaScript before and do not know
where to start, so any help would be great.
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a problem with my code. I implement different Tabs into a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 site (.aspx). Now everytime I select a tab and refresh the whole page, IE7 cannot remmember the last session and navigate automatically back to tab1.. Properly I need to set Cookies. Im a beginner in using cookies and coding javascript..
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~masterurl/default.master" inherits="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartPage, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" meta:progid="SharePoint.WebPartPage.Document" %>
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Dec 23, 2010
how do you save the position of a widget or list ?[URL]...
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Aug 1, 2011
I have built a website with draggable scaleable items on a page. You can see what I've done here... [URL]
It uses java script from... [URL]
What I need the site to do is remember the position and scale of the items so that when visitors return to the site the items are where they left them.
I believe it is possible to store this information in a cookie, however I have no idea how to do that or make it work.
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Jul 20, 2005
is there any way to disable or lock vertical scroll bars on a browser
window? im a newbie and i just don't want them to appear on my screen.
sometimes they appear on IE but not on mozilla.
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Jul 11, 2011
I'm using Jquery to power my horizontal scrolling portfolio site.[URL] I have a problem that on a smaller browser window elements becomeverticalscroll-ableand id rather it force you tore-sizerather then break the design. Using the basic CSS Overflow:Hiddenisn'tan option because it then sticks the horizontal scrollbar wherever the end of your page loads at, making anuglybar across the middle of largerresolutionscreens. I used a mootools approach thatremovesonly one of the scrollbars, but mootoolsdoesn'tplay nice with jquery in this fix.
Has anyone tried to attempt this? or am I just banging my head against a problem andover complicatingthis? I could always just make the page elements smaller, but liking my big photo presentation.
Oh and I dont mind about compatibility with IE6, im in the graphic design business, all the people im showing this too have a more modern browser or use the 64-bit IE.
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May 16, 2010
I want the horizontal scroll to be hidden and the vertical scroll shown, how do i do that?
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Mar 6, 2009
I have been googleing and searching Sitepoint for a fading or vertical scroll multi browser script with no luck.
Can someone help me finding a good script that work on most popular browsers such FF, IE, Safari and Opera to scroll of fade news. The news content has an image, text and link.
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Mar 23, 2011
I have to develop a vertical image scrollbar where 5-6 images will be displayed at a time and up-down movement will be controlled by arrows. I searched alot over net but didnt found exact result. either images were scrolling automatically or they were controlled by the position of mouse-cursor. Also I found script where single image comes on screen at a time (slideshow kind)which was controlled by up-down arrow.
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Jul 2, 2004
I wonder if you can help? I've implemented a ready made JavaScript vertical toolbar into my Web site but have problems with positioning. It only has by default absolute positioning parameters and I need to change them to relative as whenever the browser is resized the menu stays at the same place on the screen. I was told that using <DIV> tags can help, but I have no idea how to do it.
Can anyone please submit a working example code of asigning relative parameters to the menu?
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Sep 18, 2007
The problem I'm trying to solve is that the
designer would like to limit the total number of entires shown when
you click on the drop-down arrow of a select box. I'm starting to
think that this isn't possible.
I've tried the following with no luck:
- Setting the height attribute on the select element
- Setting a style height for the select attribute
- Modifying the same through Javascript
- Setting the style overflow-y to scroll
- Setting the size of the select element
At some point in my browsing someone claimed that the vertical scroll
bars are controlled by the OS/Browser and there are no ways to change
this using JS or CSS. That the magic number of IE is 30 entries before
the vertical scroll bar shows up.
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Sep 27, 2011
I was wondering if there is a javaScript code for a vertical slider. Basically, I'm presenting a menu, that needs to fit in a certain amount of space and it is much taller than the space allotted.
I was going to use an iframe, but I thought that there might be some JavaScript I could use that would be more elegant. I just need to scroll text on a page.
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Mar 7, 2010
The link is here [URL] Click on description. Move the scroll bar on the right to the bottom and then click on description again. Instead of the thumbnails scrolling up to hide the description, the main image and header move down. Any tips on addressing this. My brains are a bit frazzled at the moment. Do I need to fix the vertical scroll position somehow. What properties do I need to be looking at? (Note : I'm currently animating the height property of the description box.) Second question. I did have auto margins in the wrapper centering the page. When you click on description it causes the scrollbar on the right to appear, which shifts the page over to the left. I've since fixed the margin, but again is there a way around this so that I can center the page again?
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Nov 1, 2011
To synchronize the vertical scroll of the following "left" and "right" divs only when the beginning and end of each "blahN " div is reached inside the left div. Both divs have a finite height, which basically insures that the scroll bar will be present. The left div outputs text-based content from various database procedures while the right div outputs images corresponding to the text. The text is nothing more than pages from the website and as you can see inside the left div, each is encapsulated within a subsequent div with an incremental class (i.e.- "blah1", "blah2", and so forth.) When one scrolls through each "blah" content inside of the left div, I would like the right div to output the image that corresponds to the text (again, this data comes from the website through previous transactions.) Here's an example: John Doe comes to the website and starts reading the various pages listed inside the left div.
There might be 2 pages loaded inside the left div, or, there might be 20, but in any event, when he loads the entire page containing all this, the first page will be displayed along with the first pages' image. When he scrolls past this first entry (page) inside the left div, the corresponding image related to it inside the MySQL database is then output as well over in the right div and so on with every other "blahN " piece of content. Right now, the jQuery I'm using has synchronized both divs to scroll at the same time, regardless of specific waypoints that might be reached per-scrolling.
Here's the basic markup I'm using right now:
<div class="left">
foreach($obj->field_page_objs as $k1=>$v1){
few other websites and the responsiveness has been minimal-to-nonexistent. I'm sure this is because of both how I've explained the problem combined with the overall difficulty (or niche-ness) it introduces. In any event, I apologize beforehand if this carries over into this website.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hey peeps, I'm trying to get a webpage open and start scrolled fully to the bottom. How should I go about this?
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Dec 5, 2005
Rather than have several different pages, an app was designed to have
different sections, all on one page. To get to the different sections the
browser is scrolled down. It may take several submits before everything gets
filled out correctly. The user complained because the page would not scroll
to the previous position, code was installed to save and restore the page
position, but it doesn't always go to the same place. Sometimes it does.
Sometimes it doesn't. Two text boxes are used to save position, and the page
is regenerated with x and y as literals by the server. The problem seems to
be what values are saved as the page is submitted. Code:
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Nov 24, 2009
How can i get scroll bar position of body tag?
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Mar 21, 2004
How do I get the body scroll positions? I have a zoomable map which relies on mouse positions but it goes out when the page is scrolled.
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Nov 6, 2009
I've got a div with an id of messages - It is essentially a chat system however chat usually adds messages to the bottom of a list which means the messages do not get pushed down while you are reading them. This system instead adds the messages to the top. I need a way of finding the current scroll position so that when a new message is added the scroll remains in the same place.
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Nov 4, 2010
Could someone tell me how I can modify.
function pageScroll() {
to be applied to an iframe? I tried changing "window" to the id but that failed me and I'm really just getting started with Javascript. I've spent the last hour and a half on Google but haven't found it.
Or, is there a better way to achieve what it is I'm trying to do? I just want to have my iframe automatically scroll to specific position on the webpage.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm working with ASP.NET serverside and am looking for an easy way to
retain scroll position of the window.
Is there any way that a hidden form field could *always* have the
current document.scrolltop value set to it? Especially right before any
posting to the server is done.
I'm using datagrid code that does not give me any easy way to
tie javascript functions to controls - otherwise this might be easier.
Basically I guess I need grab to document.scrolltop and send it to the
server (so that I can return it when redering the page onload). But
<body onunload=> does not seem to work with my asp controls.
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Jan 28, 2010
how to automatically scroll the page inside an IFrame? I have an IFrame that has no scroll bars, but there's a bit of whitespace that I want to get rid of. Unfortunately, the page in question doesn't have an element in the right area with an ID that I can anchor to.
Here is code I was toying with:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
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Jun 21, 2010
How to window scroll automatically to a certain position on page load using jquery?
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