i have found a possible bug in 1.4 but it's only in Internet Explorer 7 & 8.The following code does not work and completely ruins every peice of jquery on the page (that means everything inside $(document).ready and anyting else...
I cant see any syntax errors - i pulled the example from the 1.4 site. There is no trailing commas in the object notation and i really cant see any reason it would work in firefox and not IEx and more to the point not only not work in IEx but break any other jquery in the entire page....
I was wondering if someone could help me here. I need to set the class attribute of an HTML element to a specific value using javascript, can someone give me an example of how I might do this as the syntax
I have a few input button classes all with the same class. When a user clicks on the input button, then I disable the input button so the user does not click on it again. I want to make it so when the user goes back, all of the buttons of the same class are active again(including the one that the user just clicked on).
I am currently attempting to write a function that retrieves the name attribute from a list of items with a specific class name. To illustrate: Code: Show types of food: <input type="radio" name="food" id="fruit" onclick="setVisibility('fruit')"/> <label for="fruit">Fruit</label> <input type="radio" name="food" id="vegetable" onclick="setVisibility('vegetable')"/> <label for="vegetable">Vegetables</label>
I would like create a function called setVisibility to iterate through all the list items where class=food and return the value of the name, so that I can compare that to the radio box, and set visibility accordingly.
So I create a class: function cMap(mapID){//vars and stuff}
I go and prototype a function: cMap.prototype.loadMap = function(){ //jquery AJAX call }
Now in the jquery $.ajax({...}); call, I use an anonymous function on the "success:" call: success: function(data){ this.member = data; }
My problem is that inside this anonymous function call I'm trying to call a class member of my cMap class to store the data in from the AJAX call, but it's out of scope. So the JS console in FF/Chrome throws errors about bad value/doesn't exist.
How can I access this class member from inside an anonymous function? Or at least what's a good way to go about doing all this?
I am new to this discussion but hope you would post reply for my query and encourage me to keep in touch with this discussion. Well here is my problem. I have made an edit in place form in which we can add and remove the elements. I have used jquery.jeditable.mini.js and jquery.duplicate-remove.js plugins for edit in place and add and remove action. I have live() function to access the dynamically ganerated elements like this. $(".addressDiv span").live("mouseover", function(){ clickable function here...
There's a feature I want to implement, but don't really know how to code. The intention is to use jQuery to convert words with a certain class attribute into Wikipedia links.
An example to make things clearer:
PLAIN TEXT: There is a <span class="wiki">penguin</span> there.
EXPECTED RESULT: There is a <a href [url] there.
Hence the code would have to grab the string of words inside the tag and place them inside a href with the first part of the link already attached to it. Doesn't seem too complicated, but I wasn't able to do it.
I have been trying to use the code below (created by Patrick Haney and improved by enraged) as a basis, but no deal. This code subistitutes words for code, but it searches for specific words.
If anybody knows a script like that, modify the code below,
index.php if (idx == 8) { var str="<?php echo $username1; ?>"; document.write(str); jQuery.get("usermessage.php?username="+str, function(data) { document.write(data); var msgIDss = $(".messagepiece:last").attr("id"); document.write(msgIDss); }); }
usermessage.php <?php $username1=$_GET["username"]; $query2 = "SELECT id, message, datetime FROM messages WHERE username='{$username1}' ORDER BY id"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2,$connection) or die (mysql_error()); confirm_query($result2); $num = mysql_num_rows($result2); while($userinfo = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){ $msgID= $userinfo['id']; echo "<div class="messagepiece" id="" . $msgID . "">" . $userinfo['id'] . $userinfo['message'] . "<br><span style="font-size:13px; color:orange;">" . $userinfo['datetime'] . "</span></div>|"; }?>
My problem is document.write(msgIDss) display empty / blank value. On index.php, I have tested document.write(data); And it works. I have tested document.write(str) And it work too. I also tested open usermessage.php manually and it success display all the div(s), so usermessage.php page is not the problem. I guess the problem is on this line of code var msgIDss = $(".messagepiece:last").attr("id")
I need to call a JS function in headers attribute of td tag.
<td class="ScrollableCell" id="ItmUploadDate" headers="javascript:GetHeaderID('ItmUploadDate')" >UploadDate</td> All that this function does is append a text called
When I do this, I always see the html td tag as is, but is never interpreted as headers="ctl00_cphContent_RptrDboard_ctl00_ItmUploadDate"
I gave a simple usage of the function. But there is some complex logic in the function.
first off I am pretty much a newbie to web development but especially to java script so go easy with the tecnical terms I am trying to implement an image carousel but I cant get it to work and it is altering the width of my div in the HTML. I have the slider in div id="content", when I dont have the JS file in the folder the div shows up fine but when I have the JS file in the right place it resizes it to 1024*50 so none of the content can be seen. I was wondering if anyone could make sense of the JS file and see if anything would be causing that? I must also point out that I havent written this code, I have copied it from the web.
Is it possible to alter the contents of a remote page in an iframe through javascript? I have a page I'm showing from a remote server that has no style at all.. and I can't stand the Times New Roman font on my page.
As you can see I am totally lost, I have been trying to work this out for several weeks now without any progress, I need to make about 20 of these displays each include 4 buttons that will none/block the related text area below the display for a visual please see: Code:
<head> <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- var whichOpt='select' function showOption(which) { //First hide the currently displaying menu. document.getElementById(whichOpt).style.display = "none";
//Determine what the new selection is. whichOpt = document.getElementById(which).options[document.getElementById(which).selectedIndex].value;
Code: <select class="g4" NAME="bonustype" id="bonustype" style="width:180" <option VALUE="select">Select an option</option> <option VALUE="signon">Sign-on bonus</option> <option VALUE="refer">Refer a friend bonus</option> </select> </div>
<table width=190px align=center><tr><td><div id="select" align=justify class=red>After selecting a bonus type, the criteria relating to that bonus will appear here.</div></td></tr></table>
<div id="signon" style="display:none;">SHOW SIGN ON CRITERIA</div>
<div id="refer" style="display:none;">SHOW SIGN ON CRITERIA</div>
However, at present I cannot get the 'signon' or 'refer' div's to appear. When the php page is loaded, 'After selecting a bonus type, the criteria relating to that bonus will appear here' will appear on the screen. When I select a different option for the 'bonustype' combo box, the writing will dissapear but nothing will show up instead. When selecting 'Select an option' again, the writing that appeared at the start does not show up.
therefore I take it that the javascript is not working correctly (i.e. not changing the style display option contained with in the div's). But why does the 'After selecting a bonus type, the criteria relating to that bonus will appear here' disappear when a different option is selected, but not appear again?
I have an image map with various areas on it. A user can click on the various areas and something happens. That said, I sometimes need to disable the ability to click on some areas. For instance areas whose id attribute contains 0 0. I have the code to split the id and grab whether the values are 0 or 1 and the alert pops up when one has 0 0 in the id but it's still clickable. I thought .unbind would do the trick, but it isn't. The alert is simply for testing.
$('area').each(function(){ // Use the each() method to gain access to each elements id var idToDisable = $(this).attr("id");//get id of area var splitID = idToDisable.split("_"); if (splitID[3] == 0 && splitID[5] == 0){ alert(splitID[3]+splitID[5]); $(this).unbind('click'); }else{ }});
This isn't working. I'm using the code below to try to apply the href attribute of the first td in a row with class DataFormListTDDataGridItem and apply it to all td elements in that row (effectively want to make entire row clickable and direct it to the href specified by the href attribute in the first td of the row) -
I would absolutely love to have the datepicker icon BEFORE the input field. Is there any simple way of doing this? (Or even not so simple... am prepared to have a go at tweaking the code in the .js file if only I knew where to start looking
It works great, but I'd LOVE to be able to set the tab image to another image (say, a lighter shade of green) once it's clicked. Just so the user knows which tab they're viewing.
I've tried looking through the three .js files to do this, but it's a little too advanced for me.
I'm using jQuery to make ajax calls for content, when I click on a link and pull in the new content, I want the <title> in the <head> to change. I thought that since head and body are both siblings in the DOM I could target the <title> in the same way as a <p> or any other element and write a new value in, using replaceWith() which would then change the text in the tab at the top of the browser but it doesn't seem to work. I even tried adding <title id="title_text"> and targeting #title_text, but it doesn't change that way either. The original title text in the browser tab does change, but to the page uri. After using firebug to see what was going on when using replaceWith(), I saw that replaceWith() was replacing this: