Add Html Element To A Textbox?
Aug 25, 2011Trying to add the text "• " to a text area, but it will just print the symbol. Is there a way you can print the string itself? code...
View 1 RepliesTrying to add the text "• " to a text area, but it will just print the symbol. Is there a way you can print the string itself? code...
View 1 RepliesI wanna make a form that receives: textbox URL And textbox Anchor
And result will be two anchors one <a href, and one phpBB
I am working on a e-commerce site and I need to hide the checkout link (<a>) if the value of of the element (<td>) holding the amount due ="$0.00".
I would like to ask how do I get the value from a textbox from form.html which contains my iframe and copy the value into another page, test.html ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having some problems understanding the append() function. What I'd like to do is select an element using it's ID and add a row to the table with a HTML form element. The table is dynamically generated using a Django template ( form.as_table() ) so I'm not able to alter the original HTML markup too much.
If I had a table like this...
.change() is only for form elements minus check boxes/radio buttons, etc.Are any of you aware of a script that does this already? Hopefully one that is easy to implement.I just want to monitor things like height, number of inner elements, or any change in the inner HTML.
View 1 Replies View Relatedcalculating textbox value from java script for html
Example: (textbox1value X textbox2value) + (textbox3value + textbox4value)= result
where result value should display in textbox5
I was trying to print html in textbox. problem is i dont want to see html tags for table like <table> but print only table and it is conete. HOw to make this work..
View 1 Replies View RelatedBelow is the script and form fields I am working with. What I want to do is sum the two textbox fields and have the result show in the total textbox. The code works fine and the total textbox is updated with the value of form1.basic. The problem occurs when I add the "+ parseInt(document.form2.supporter.value)" code in the script section.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI know this is real easy to do and all... but I just can't remember how to do it...
I have a textarea named 'code' and a completely empty div
the textbox get's filled with html code... (dynamically of course)
and now I need to display the html code in the div... (using the textarea as a buffer)
So, I wish make html input type text with rounded corners. I want make this with on JS.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen viewing the page in 1024x768 resolution, the jquery UI datepicker is covering the text input to which it is attached. This input is
near the bottom of the page when viewing at that resolution, which seems to be causing the issue. I can't move the element so is there way to move the calendar? I'd like it to open with the bottom edge of the datepicker at the top edge of the text input.
I am developing a web-application using ASP.NET 3.5,javascript and ajax
I have a form with two textboxes with ID's firstname and lastname. Both of them have the attribute runat="server".
When the user types, I use AJAX to request the possible names. For example if the user types an 'a' in the textbox with ID firstname
the textbox will trigger a javascript function that uses AJAX to get the first person in the database wich firstname starts with an 'a'.
The callback function recieves this firstname and fills it in in the textbox. When i do this the content of the textbox will be the requested name
and the cursor is at the end of the textbox. This prevents the user of continuing typing the rest of the name.
Is it possible to select a part of the text in a textbox? This way the user can keep typing while the textbox suggests other names.
im in prblm in my project in 1 file i have to first display textbox in html statically which will hav + & - button preceding it , & on click of + button one more textbox should appear dynamically & first textbox + button should disapper & it should hav only - button & the textbox which was dynamically generated now on click of first textbox + button should hav + & - button & it should go on. & on click of - button textbox which is in front of it should get i tried alot but my code is showing + & - button to every textbox that is dynamically generated which is not the requirement plz help me im in great need.earlier also i hav submitted my queries & got a fully satisfied result bcoz of that now im having great hopes from u & this site
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am developing a web-application using ASP.NET 3.5,javascript,ajax I have a form with two textboxes with ID's firstname and lastname. Both of them have the attribute runat="server". When the user types, I use AJAX to request the possible names. For example if the user types an 'a' in the textbox with ID firstname the textbox will trigger a javascript function that uses AJAX to get the first person in the database wich firstname starts with an 'a'. The callback function recieves this firstname and fills it in in the textbox. When i do this the content of the textbox will be the requested name and the cursor is at the end of the textbox. This prevents the user of continuing typing the rest of the name. Is it possible to select a part of the text in a textbox?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi am using <input type = "file" id = "upload"> in my html page. i want to disable the textbox of this control so that user cannot type any file location here. user can upload file only through browse button.
is there a way to disable this textbox thru javascript?
I have written the code below. What it is supposed to do, is grab the HTML from a .NET panel (div) and make the changes and store them in a textbox, so that when the page is posted, the values are retained and can be re-read back to the .NET panel. I have found this script works in IE but doesn't work in FF. Now I know it is something I am doing wrong, but I can not work out what it is.
I have checked my syntax and I am sure it is correct. The only thing I can see that might be causing the problem is that I set final as the original and then I get the list of inputs.
From there I loop through and set the value of the inputs to the new values.
If I do an alert, the value shows what I would expect, but setting the store value as the final innerHTML doesn't appear to keep these values.
Could it be that once I pull the inputs from the final (placeholder = final.getElementsByTagName("input");) then changes I make to them do not affect the final variable?
I am using <input type = "file" id = "upload"> in my html page. i want to disable the textbox of this control so that user cannot type any file location here. user can upload file only through browse button.
is there a way to disable this textbox through javascript?
I have web form (not MVC) that has bunch of textarea and textboxes where user can input HTML markup. For example, a textarea is provided so users can put YouTube embed iframe html tag where it will be shown on their profile. The problem is that 4.0 http request validation doesn't like things like ">" or "<", etc. I can put pagevalidation="false" on the page and/or revert back to .net 2.0 validation but why would I want to do that since I have geniuses like you guys that can show me how to do what I want with jquery without jeopardizing security.
So what I want to do is form a handler so when the form is submitted, the content of the textboxes and textarea on the page be encoded (i.e. > to > etc.) before the submission to the 4.0 so we can keep the httprequest validation stuff happy. I have added a class "mustEncode" to each of the textarea and textboxes.
Let's say I have a URL like this:
How do I fetch the ID with jQuery? What I want to do is to fetch it and then display content in a <div> that depends on the ID value. Do you know how to do that?
I'm trying to remove an html element in the example below. I don't see
the "bye" message at the end and there are no errors reported in
Firefox or exceptions caught if I wrap the remove child line in a
try-catch. Any ideas what is wrong?
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<div id="my_div">hi<div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var my_div = document.getElementById("my_div");
I have a page where I do:
var e = document.createElement('img');
e.src = "myimg.jpg"; = "i";
In some functions I need to get the html code of e, i.e. "<img
src="myimg.jpg" id="i">. Is there a method like "getHtmlSource" of the
I am trying to parse a HTML page and want to replace the input element The following code fails all the time.
var ex = "<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE"
var regEx = new RegExp("<s*input[^>]*>(.*?)s*/");
if (ex.match( regEx))
alert ('no match');
I'm trying to make a script (i'm a bit of a JS newb) which is called every time a change is made to an input box and will show an image either a tick/check or a cross depending on whether the values of two total boxes match. The script looks right to me but the image doesn't show.
HTML Code:
<?php include 'includes/'; ?>
Is there any way to make a <div> section
overlap the (windowed) content of a java Applet?
I'm asking this, because JavaScript menus usually
ends up beneath Applet windows..
I'm working on a navigation menu where I want to insert some html after a UL element.
Here's the statement:
selUL.eq(x+1).after('<b>hello</b></div><div class="subMenu">');
I'm trying to insert it after the following <ul> element:
<div class="subMenu">
It's like it's trying to auto correct me. I need it to print everything exactly as I have it, otherwise my navigation won't divide into separate columns. Anyone have an idea why it's doing this? If I remove the <div> elements and just use the <b> element it works fine.
EDIT: After some more testing, the After method seems to strip out any closing elements not yet opened (</div>) and automatically closes any elements opened but not closed (<div class="subMenu">). Anyone know of a way to stop this from happening?