I know there are the event handlers onBeforeUnload and onunload, which work great 90% of the time.But what would happen if a user who was in the system had a power cut? Would it then be down to the database that stores who is logged in to go through logging users out who havent done anything for a while?
The documentation for $.ajax() says that when the error callback is invoked, the error string may be null or one of "error", "abort", "timeout", "parseerror". So naturally, I assumed that if I were to call .abort() on the XHR that $.ajax() returns, the error string in the error callback would be "error". But that seems not to be the case. What I'm seeing, in jquery-1.4.4, is "error" as the error string. Has anyone else seen this problem? I'm using the most recent Firefox on MacOS X 10.6.
I am using AJAX to populate a <div>, which is working very nicely, except for one thing: My reset button in the resulting <formis dead.
When I put a breakpoint and trap the response in the javascript code, the returned html for the button looks like this: <input type="reset" value="Clear" />
When I look at the response in Firebug console, there are no slashes, so I don't know what's going on. It looks like this:
<input type="reset" value="Clear" />
The main thing is, it doesn't reset the form elements. Has anyone ever seen this behavior before?
When I am trying to fade images using either .fadeto or .fadeIn/Out, I get dead pixels. This happens on both IE7 and IE8. I tried looking around for a solution, but nothing works. Here is a link to an example: click here (Don't forget to use IE.
I am trying to make a link dead until all fields are valid. Once they are validated and match the regex, the link should take you to its destination.
As of now, you can click the link and a lightbox will show up displaying verify.php no matter what the case; even if the fields are considered invalid values by regex. I want the link button (#various2) to be dead until all text fields match the regex assigned to them.
ALSO, for some weird reason, my link has to be pressed twice until it is able to recognize the urlstring in the js. So....when the viewer comes to my site, they will press the link once (nothing happens) and have to press it again for it to work.
I've come back to working on something I built a while ago. Just a small function that I started that displays links by searching through a text area and grabbing all a hrefs. I want to try and build on it to check for dead links. This is the report code: Code: function report(){ document.getElementById("htmlDiv").innerHTML = document.getElementById("htmlArea").value; a = document.getElementById("htmlDiv").getElementsByTagName("a"); for(i=0; i < a.length; i++){ //window.open(a[i].href)//the ( and ) characters signify that window.open is a function; if(i == 0){ document.getElementById("report").innerHTML = "<li><a href="" + a[i].href + "" />" + a[i].href + "</a></li>"; document.getElementById("report").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("report").innerHTML += "<li><a href="" + a[i].href + "" />" + a[i].href + "</a></li>"; }} document.getElementById("reportNumber").innerHTML = "Total: " + i; }
I was thinking maybe I could encorporate the following into this maybe? Code: function UrlExists(url) { var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.open('HEAD', url, false); http.send(); return http.status!=404; } The above makes sense to me as I think it is saying as long as its not 404 its ok. I want to incorporate something like that so my report displays links and maybe strikes them through if they return 404 or are dead.
I have a shopping cart where if a user have problems of buying products or transactions, I want to give support via a chat programme. I want to reply users in different chat threads not like in a chat room as other people dont want to see others chat.I am new to this subject.
I'm trying to use JS to move the cursor from my user login text field to the password text field - I've put the onKeyPress() event in the user input tag but then I press the Tab key the cursor doesn't move -
function detect_tab_key() { var key_code = window.event.keyCode; if (key_code == 9) { document.forms[0].frm_password.focus(); document.forms[0].frm_password.select(); } }
I am new to javascript and I was wondering what is the best way to solve my problem below:
I have 2 navigation menus one using flash and one using images. I wanted to use javascript to detect if the viewer is using a mac and then remove the div that contains the flash and if they are not using a mac then remove the div that contains the images.
If there is a better way to resolve this problem I am all ears.
Is there a way to show something to visitors *only* if they have css turned off?
How many people do turn style sheets off, or have browsers that don't support it?
I have a great layout design idea, but without css on, it'll look awful. Most of the stuff I can get around, but not one item that'll make one area of the page almost unreadable . Unfortunatly, that one area is the site navigation ...
I would to change the color of some td cells if there is text in it. Right now this code does the job, but it changes the color of evry table. I'd like to know a way to do this on one table in my page and not all of them.
var count='0'; var TDs=document.getElementsByTagName('td') var length=TDs.length; i='0';
Why is it that you need the return keyword? Where does the argument event come from?
I know it works, I just want to know why it works.
I've been looking at some refferences and can't seem to find an answer if someone could give me an explanation or point me to a website, that would be great.
I am trying to do something I thought would be simple in javascript, and I'm at a loss. First code is GOOD code, except that it does not account for the possibility that the button(s) in question do NOT exist. The second and third subsets are two of several attempts to do just that. Code:
I need to write a script that detects if a person has flash installed and if they do then do something, if not do something else.
I can do this no problem with javascript - except for the detecting flash part. I have no idea how to have a js detect flash - or even if its possible.
Is it possible with javascript to retrieve somebody's Computer name when he connects to a webserver? (So the webserver receives the computername of the client).
This is such a simple question I feel stupid for asking. However I've dug around on the web for almost 30 mins and I can't get to the bottom of it. All I want is to display the day of the week based on users PC settings - not server time.
Example: "News item of the day for [insert day of week]" Sorry for my noobishness, I'm new to jQuery and what I have learned so far has been more in the realm of effects for designers, etc. Also Google is beeing annoying, every search for anything to do with "jQuery, day of week" only seems to return results on building a date picker. <sigh>
I'm moving from fully Flash sites to AJAX withjQuery etc. I see that handling the situation where the user has javascript disabled is given a lot of emphasis in books and tutorials on jQuery. Is it really that important? After all, if you've disabled javascript shouldn't you accept a limited result? Accessibility seems a valid reason, but how many screen readers can't handle javascript? Mobile and other devices that can't handle it are only a concern if your site is one that's likely to be of interest to a small set of users so do you need to worry about them?
I'm looking to create a box that shows to IE6 users or lower, to tell them that my site does not render properly in the IE6 browser and that they should therefore upgrade to a newer version or alternative browser. Basically I would put whatever the code to show the box into these tags:
<!--[if lte IE 6]> INSERT HERE <![endif]-->
To enable it to only appear to IE6 or below users. Preferably when this box appeared, it would be nice if it could fade the page behind it. The box would also need buttons at the bottom that said "Ok, upgrade me" (this would load another window with links to alternative browsers) or "No thanks" (or "Close").
As you can see it adds a linebreak after each text is added. It is meant to creat a list to be output from a form. But a user can click inside the textarea end mess up the list and enter anyway they want.
How can I make sure that there is always a linebreak between each line of text?