On Mouse Over Of Any Image A Pop Up Appears And Displays The Image Information
Aug 24, 2009
[URL] check the above website. on mouse over of any image a pop up appears and displays the image information i want to achieve the same thing in my project which language is used for this purpose and how to do that.
I was wondering if someone could assist me with a problem, i am trying to use the simple mouseover function to to able for my user to mouse over an thumbnail image and them the full size image apears in a black space on the webpage!plus, is there a way to have only 1 image instead of having a small one and a large one. i.e a large image can be resized for the thumbnail and appears normal in the mouseover.
I want text links to swap the image on the website, but then want to allow a zoom function or lightbox function to the image that appears. I'm not best at explaining things so i've done an example below. After clicking the link, the image changes. i want to be able to do the zoom on the image that it's changed to.
The objective is to have an image fade to another one progressivly while the mouse is over, when its not it fades back to the original, whether or not it faded to the target completely or not. That is, if it takes 1 second to fade completely to the other image, and you take your mouse off it at 0.5 seconds, it will begin to fade back to the original. I have a problem where I want to give this ability to multiple images (thumbnails) on a page, without having reams and reams of code and instead just have one function accomadate any number of images.
I've been trying to have an image be placed during a mouse over or mouse click event. The closest to accomplishing this is having the image be replaced by the image I want to overlay.
I am still designing the website and want some flexibility. I am capturing the mouse clicks fine on top of an image, but the coordinates are absolute and not relative to the image. How can I capture mouse clicks relative to the image so that I can move the image anywhere in my website?
I am creating a page with a dropdown menu that has 140 countries in the list. When someone clicks on say, Algeria, an image of Algeria comes up below the dropdown with a URL below that. I got the code to accomplish that much. What I need further help on is how to make the URLs a hyperlink (all different) as well as making the image clickable so that a larger version pops up when clicked on. I'm ok with starting from scratch if there is a better way to accomplish this than what I've got. code...
Fancybox (Lightbox) - Last image not working. This is a follow on from another problem I had with the same image gallery I have this simple gallery that loads images from an xml file and uses Fancybox [URL]..Everything is working but the last image is not working with fancybox. The last image just displays in it's own window. Can anyone see why the last image is not displaying with fancybox.
I'm trying to use an ajax function to load filenames into a text area. This works and is not the problem.Then I read the contents of the text file and create an array of file images. The images can be .jpg, .gif, etc. Again no problem.However, when I try to create new <img ...> elements with a 'createElement' function, I get major errors. I think the problem is in the 'AddImage()' function in the code below.
trying to find a example of when you hover over a image, text appears on the bottom
so it could be a picture of a dog, whne you put your mouse over it, text will show in the picture (ie* transparent background for text so it's readable)
I'm creating a tabbed menu navigation for a site. I'm using javascript to to give the tabs a mouseover effect. I also have a function that decides whether the tab has been selected or deselected by the user, and uses that info to determine which image file to use in the img swap.
The page works fine in IE 6, however in Netscape 6.2, when I mouseover the tabs, a thin border quickly flashes around each image as it swaps. It looks like the placeholder that's displayed for a broken image in IE, only with only the border and no red "x". I'm not sure why this is happening, as all the images have been preloaded.
The markup is XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Here's the js I'm using:
I've tried the tutorials but I have never worked well with those -- I've always found it easier to actually be working with someone. But anyway. Basically, I need something sort of like this [URL] -- you click the thumbnail and the image appears in that predetermined spot. One thing, though: the images have to layer over each other. Like, you click image A, and it appears in the spot. You click image B, and it appears on top of image A. It'd be even better if when you clicked Image A it appeared and then you clicked image A again and it disappeared, but I'm going to try to start small.
I've gone through the tutorials and have a sort of ish understanding about what some of the parts of the codes do, and I've been told I'm a fast-ish learner, so I think I'll catch the hang of this quick.
I have a need to count how many time the image ok.png is displayed within a div. this is for a dynamic sys req. check where 1 of three images will be shown in a row. If the endusers browser doesnt meet certain req, it will show either an alert, question or an ok.png.I need to know how many oks there are, specifically I need to check that all five images are the ok.png so I can show the rest of the content.I am able to get the number of images with a simple var totalgreen = $("#wrap img").length; But im stuck after that.
EBay has implemented a different way to upload auction pictures --- after browsing for the picture and selecting it, the image preview instantly displays on the screen, which is nice. Apparently this process is being handled locally --- could someone try to re-create this ? ... I imagine its using DHTML or some other technique, I'm not sure how I would code this.
Now this code works on ios safari 4.2 and later but i can't get it to work on ios safari 4.1. On 4.1 it displays the canvas but will not draw the image. The debug console shows no errors. Is there anyway to get it to work, or is 4.2 the cut off point for even the most basic canvas operations?
I want an icon in my template that, when you click on that certain icon (image), a drop down menu appears. You know when you click the file option in your browser's toolbar, and a drop down menu appears? It can be just like that, but instead of save as and open, links will be there to places within our intranet opened in a new window. This has to work for IEX 7+ because that's all our company decides to use. I tried to submit a chang erequest for them to move to a better CSS/Javascript supportive browser such as Opera, Firefox, Google Chrome... but they're way too fixed on IEX for some odd reason.*edit* colors dont matter. It can be the default colors used in a basic drop down menu. I figure javascript would have more options though.
when the user clicks on a thumbnail the image displays. I actually managed to make this work with just two images, but wasn't sure how to make the script work with, say 6 images. Anyway this is what I have so far:
HTML Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Gallery</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> [Code]...
I am using and modifying the sample demo page and have a error on IE:
The fade effect on IE causes that the image shadow.png appears black on border for a while, fade effect is too uggly, firefox and safari works fine. Now I have to set fade=0 only to support IE7.
I've got to have a typo somewhere, but i can't seem to find it. I need a new pair of eyes to point it out for me. background: trying to code a mouseover link for a nav bar. everything is working( hyperlink, normal image shows up) but when i mouse over the image swap doesn't happen.
I have 2 parts of code. 1st preloads images and does the swap function. loads in <head> See below:
I am in the process of developing a website. I would like to use some images. The image should zoom on mouse over and mouse click i.e the image should zoom to h:100*W:100 on mouse over and on mouse click it should be zoomed to h:1000*w:1000. Also I would like to change the mouse over image and mouse click image before zooming.
I opted to use JavaScript & PHP (instead of Flash) to create a sort-of "t-shirt designer" -- basically, it's a gallery-type script that allows users to scroll through t-shirt styles, swap colors, and so on, prior to reaching the actual design tool. And I'm starting to regret.
It's actually working very well so far, except for one thing: I want the t-shirt option that the user selects to link the user to the design tool. The "gallery" already has an image for each possible option that displays whenever the user selects a combination, but I want to make that image is a clickable link.
I have no idea where to start -- I know next to nothing about javascript -- and to accomplish this in Flasjh I'd have to start this stupid basic thing all over again from scratch, and it would defeat the point of not using Flash in the first place, so
New to javascript/jquery, been trying to create a rotator which displays a large image with caption and uses next/previous button and thumbnails for control. Everything works fine but when the rotator gets to the last item i'd like it to go back to the first, and when the previous button is clicked at the first item I'd like it to go to the last.
$(document).ready(function() { //set to zero var x = 0;