In my html page i've to show a grid with some data retrieved from an xml file ... i need to this beacuse i've to use online, on a webserver and offline
with all files on a usb key, cd, etc ...
which is the best way to accomplish this?
I suppose a solution it could be via javascript:
-locally open the xml file that contains the data e then render then grid. Now i wornder about the best way to do this ... i've read about xsl transofrmation and so on ... if it's possible i'h to achieve this with a cross-browser solution!
I am building a client-side and server-side solution and want to use JSON through Ajax in both directions. I have ASP or JavaScript server-side, though Microsoft's support of server side JavaScript seems nil, so I am reluctantly conceeding to use ASP. I'd appreciate suggestions on available solutions to encode/decode JSON on the server-side (ASP or JavaScript). I don't plan to load jQuery server-side so that rules out plug-ins. I'd also like to know what is the latest client-side encode/decode for JSON. Is it built in jQuery or a plug-in? In both server and client, decoding JSON securely is key, so using eval () to decode is out.
I am developing a web form using python cgi which has two list boxes. On selecting a value from the listbox1, the list box 2 should get auto populated with appropriate values (which are taken from the DB). I have written a javascript function to get the selected value from the list box1. But I am struck with passing the values from the javascript to the python function written in server side in which I have written the DB related stuffs.
I want to invoke a Client side javascript function and pass the value of the ID. How can I accomplish this such when a user clicks "Open" he goes to a new window with the same ID.
I tried this but it does not work: On Server side: sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "'Action' = '<center><a href= 'javascript: NewWindow('+cast(ChangeRequest.ChangeRequest_ID as nvarchar)+ CHAR(34)+)'>Open</a></center>',"
On Client side: function NewWindow(myID) {"ChangeRequest.aspx?ID="+myID,"WindowName","width=500,height=600"); } </script>
I have the following PHP code, which uses server-side validation, which works fine. It the user leaves the text field empty it stores an error in a session array which is outputted on the page where the $_GET['id'] variable came from. I also implemented a snippet of javascript code that just checks to see if the cell is empty and throws up alert box. The problem is that both the javascript code and php error validation are both running when I click submit. The PHP code should be a backup to the javascript code in case the user has javascript turned off. The client-side validation should be the default. Not sure if this change should be made in my PHP Code or Javascript Code.
I have a web form that has a checkbox on it and a textbox associated with it. I want the textbox to be displayed when the checkbox is checked and I want this to happen on the client-side instead of posting back to the server. The checkbox is a server control (asp:checkbox...). I can write some codebehind that will display an alert message upon checking the box that looks something like this...
Dim s As String Dim scriptString As New System.Text.StringBuilder
chkExpDate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alertmsg()") scriptString.Append("<script language=JavaScript> function alertmsg() {") scriptString.Append("alert('hi'); }<") scriptstring.Append("/" + "script>" s = scriptstring.ToString()
Page.RegisterStartupScript("startup", s)
End Sub
I used this as a test to make sure the server control was running the script. But, when I change the script to assess the value of the server control checkbox such as checked = true, I get errors and if I just try to display the asp:textbox, it doesn't work either.
I had a import function which allow for user import data from excel file. The number of row was dynamic, mean that user may import hundred or data or may thousand of line.
should i perform client side or server side validate?
the problem i faced was if the import thousand of line, i need display out thousand of text (multiple by 6, cause 1 got 6 fields)
the take a lot of time to loading and cause browser "hang" (response slow)
I have the following client-side Content Management System VBscript which works great, now I'm looking at getting it to work server side so that I can update using online login rather than offline and having to upload files. To be honest, I have no idea where to begin with this,
Is it possible to add a js function to a loaded web page on the client side? E.g. IE is viewing google, can I add a javascript function to that instance of IE viewing google? I am trying to hook browser events such as button clicks and get information such as edit field text.
Provided an interface to a search engine in which the onchange event in a select list element generates between 7 and 13 additional elements depending on the option chosen.
Here's what the customer *now* wants to do: Generate between 200 and 350 elements. Furthermore, the logic is going to be more complex.
I would be happy to make that happen, however here's my concern: I'm already doing this from the server side, using CGI. I wonder what is going to happen when we put that degree of "work" on the client browser. I would welcome comments, caveats, or pointers to documentation and discussions on this subject.
I have a table that changes its cell (input text) colors when their contents have changed (actually on keypress) and shows a couple of buttons automatically, UDPATE and CANCEL. This works partially, though detecting enter and escape doesn't seem to work, or parhaps calling the button click events directly doesn't (see below).
In addition to getting the ENTER and ESC keypresses to fire their appropriate button clicks, I need to be able to collect information on which cells have changed, so on the page loading again I can read this information, perhaps from a hidden field, to use to update a database server-side.
<script language=javascript> function GirdTextKeyPress(txtID, btnsContainerlID, btnUpdateID, btnCancelID) { var txt = document.getElementById(txtID); txt.className = 'GridChanged' var bc = document.getElementById(btnsContainerlID); = 'inline'
var btnUpdate = document.getElementById(btnsContainerlID); if (event.keyCode == 13) { event.returnValue=false; event.cancelBubble = true;; }
var btnCancel = document.getElementById(btnCancelID) if (event.keyCode == 61) { event.returnValue=false; event.cancelBubble = true;; } } </script>
I have several xml files and a common stylesheet on the server. In my html I have a sidebar of links. For each link I fire an onClick event that triggers an xml load and transform with the output displayed in a small popup. Everything works great for one click. My issue is that in Firefox, each subsequent click concatenates the results to the previous tranformed results. How can i start fresh each time. I've tried resetting all variables involved but the problem won't go away. This works fine in IE by the way. Does anyone have an idea on what the issue could be?
I wish to change the dynamic text in a javascript to that which is in a MySQL database using PHP. this is then used in a flash scroller.currently i have hard coded the text in the javascript there a way to have PHP run in the javascript file before it is sent to the endusers?
I am developing a mobile app. I have a script that will read the contents of a csv into an array. It works great, however I am not sure how to take that array and insert it into a db. The following is the script that reads the csv --
function IO(U, V) { var X = !window.XMLHttpRequest ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest; ? "PUT" : "GET", U, false);
I want to insert the array 'mycells' into the db but do not know what the correct syntax would be.
t.executeSql('INSERT INTO mytable (name, phone, street, city, state) VALUES (?
I'm building some client side JavaScript applications, one of these is a missing piece puzzle. There is one bug that I am aware of, where one piece may move over another, but this doesn't happen untill you have been playing for ages.
I'm trying to test the win condition, but haven't yet managed to complete it
Anyone with some spare time, or just some boredom, wanna have a go? Code:
what I'm trying to do is get the browser to display a warning if the file the user inputs is one of an array of allowed files (which is thoroughly checked server-side), but are wasteful in size (like .bmp .tif .avi .wav). I want them to be able to upload it if they want, but just to notify them they could save space by converting to a smaller format (as they pay per megabyte). So on submit I need to get the file input value, check the extension, and if its allowed but wasteful to display a message with a yes and no button, which would submit if they press yes and not if they press no.
I'm not very experience with javascript but I know a lot about php, but I don't really know what the equivalent functions are.
I know how to make a ROLL OVER MENU, but the problem is the image is loading from the server side.
What i want is to put all the images into memory of computer of the client so that when the client hover the mouse the images is not fetch from the server but from on the client side.
I am running client (browser) side Javascript, and would like to somehow be able to detect whether some Javascript code causes any changes to occur to the DOM model.
Is there any way to do this? For example, with some kind of try/catch block?
I have to sort a table where few columns are dynamically generated .I searched the net and came out with sorttable.js included in my jsp file . then called this function in <body>onload event as initTables('id_of the table"); It was working out for me..I have some columns which introduce the concept of hidden columns so when I try to hide it instead of hiding it just sorts..Is there a way to not to sort the first row alone becoz my first row is the total amount. I do have expand and collapse columns in my table I am not able to sort the parent row get sorted along with the child rows. I want the parent row to be static and only the child rows getting sorted ..
Managed to get stuck over something that should be very simple.
I'm wanting to write the src attribute of an img tag on the client-side.
Doctype is XHTML 1.0 Transitional
In the head, I'm loading a js function that generates the src path. I want to call it and have it re-write the src in an img element with a specific id.
The only way i can think of doing such a thing is having an active server page that returns an image, that is generated on the fly. As long as there is no caching on the client this in theory will allow the client to perform an action on the server and display an image generated on the fly as a result of this action without actually reloading the page, simply by requesting an image.
I'm attempting to write a piece of code that acts as a client side validator for all drop down lists on a webform, giving an error if the SelectedIndex = 0.
Here is what i have:
function clientValidateDDL(source, args) { var dropdown = document.getElementById(source*.controltovalidate) ;
I'm adding feature to my site which allows the user to browse there filesystem inside of a div rather than an input file element in html. Is this possible in jQuery or JavaScript or do I need to develop a desktop app which allows filesystem access and connect it to the web app using PHP?