Calculate Total Cost On Booking Form?

Oct 17, 2011

how to achieve client-side calculation on my company booking form, using Javascript.The total amount for accommodation is calculated based on the room type (single or twin), zone chosen and meal plan (which then assigns a certain rate per week,so for example Single room, Zone 2, Self Catering would be �165 per week). There is a table of rates here : http:[utl].....The code would then use the arrival and departure date to calculate the number of weeks, add a booking fee of �50 and output the total amount.The form is located here: http:[url]....

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Program - User Must Enter Number Of Books And Price And Then Calculate The Total Cost Of Items

May 4, 2011

I have a program in which a user must enter number of books and price and then calculate the total cost of the items, i have tried and tried to get it working to no effect can anyone see where i have went wrong.

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Code For Window.confirm() Function - Find The Number Of Days - Calculate And Display The Total Cost?

Dec 6, 2010

I am having some difficulty in constructing a window.confirm() function that works with my code.So if the form data is valid, I need to use a window.confirm() dialog box to show the user's total cost based on the rental rate of equipment chosen and the reservation period. The user must accept the cost by pressing the confirm button, and if user cancels do not submit data.I have written this code but cannot figure out how to find the number of days from the 2 date fields and use that to calculate and display the total cost.

//confirm submit and display rental cost
var equip = document.forms[0].equipment.value
var pDate = document.forms[0].pickupDate.value[code].....

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Calculate The Cost Deduct Saving And Plus Cost ?

Jan 27, 2011

I have write my code for calculate, discount, total plus other cost but it didnt work for me. I have stuck here for a week, I have done everything to make it right but it seems that doesnt listen to me, so correct my code.

First option; I have 4 choices of tours; people can choose 1 in 4.

Second options; I have 4 different choices of payments; people can choose 1 in 4 Need to alert them if they didnt choose each of the option.

Total cost of choice for tour deduct each option of payment for discount


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

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Calculating Form - Calculate The Square Footage And Cost Of A Vinyl Banner?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm trying to create a four-box form in which the user enters information into the first two boxes,and the program fills the second two boxes in.Basically,I need a form to calculate the square footage and cost of a vinyl banner.In the first text box the user would enter the banner's height.In the second box the user would enter the banner's width.

The third box would multiply the height by the width and display the total square footage of the banner.So far, I have this part down. The following is what I need help with: the fourth box.The fourth box needs to display the cost of the banner. I have a complicated pricing structure. For example:

If the total square feet for the banner is under 12 square feet, the cost is $60.00. If the square feet for the banner is between 13 and 25 square feet. The cost is $4.80/square foot and ect...I believe this would be done using some variation of an IF statement but I can't get it to work.Using this example, what would I add to the form to get this work? The following is the form I have so far which just consists of the calculation of the square feet which is all I've been able to get working.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>[code].....

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Calculate 2 Form Values With Price And Sums With Total

Sep 20, 2009

Formfield.anzahl1 = number entered by customer
Formfield.Price1 = Ergebnisfeld1
Anzahl1= 1
Price = 270
*if Anzahl1 = 2 then Price = 270*2

I need to do this for two form option. 2nd field would be as follows

Formfield.Anzahl2= number entered by customer
Formfield.Price2 = Ergebnisfeld2
Then Formfield.Total = Ergebnisfeld1 + Ergebnisfeld2

How can I convert these above to javascript?

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Invoice Form :: Calculate Grand Total Of Products And Add Rows?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm trying to create a Invoice form with javascript. Basically, my invoice form should have the field item, cost, quantity and product total.It shd have a function to allow the user to add rows if they want more than one item. In the end, there should be a sub total. I am able to use javascript to calc the total of each product for only the first row. If I add rows, the Product total script don't work.This is what I have so far:

mysql_connect("", "", "");

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How To Add Up Two Values For Total Cost

Aug 25, 2010

I am making a mock website where the user make their own computer by selecting items from drop down menus. Then a value of the item comes up below. this works but i am having trouble adding the numbers up for the total cost.

Here is my code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript"> .....

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Auto Calculate The Subtraction Of Total Earn And Total Deduction?

Oct 18, 2011

I have Javascript code for auto is the code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function autocalearn(oText)

I have a textbox for the overall total, and i want it automatic subtract the total earn and total deduction..

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Calculate, Discount Plus Other Cost?

Jan 26, 2011

I have tried to work on this code for the last 2 weeks, can not figure out what is wrong with my code,please have a look for me, it will greatly appreciated from me; here my details;I work on <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> from dreamweaver:)to set my code to calculate, different Fiji tour (4 options, choose 1 in options)Payment (4 options, choose 1 in options)The cost of tour - discount base on tour cost. (discount has 4 different calculate)Need to be alert if they not choose 1 in each type.Second cost if they choose to fly out , will cost plus $400 on top the above cost. This is an optional, so they don;t need to buy if they want.I have attached my code, please have a look,

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Calculate Cost Not Working?

Apr 28, 2011

I am having troubles with calculating costs on a form. When I press the cost button, it doesn't generate the calculations.

var fday = document.getElementById("reg_start_date").value;
var lday = document.getElementById("reg_end_date").value;
if (fday == "2011-09-05" && lday == "2011-09-06")


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Make A Calculator To Calculate Wallpaper Sizes And Cost

Apr 16, 2011

Have to make a calculator to calculate wallpaper sizes and cost (college course so not for the 'real world' so doesnt need a great deal of functionality. Do i make a form in html and then name each cell? what then? Lost as hell here and been watching countless tutorials for js, need guidance i think now.

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Get The Total Of The Checkboxes Selected When The User Clicks The "calculate Total" Button?

Jul 18, 2011

I am trying to get the total of the checkboxes selected when the user clicks the "calculate total" button. It isn't working though.

<script type="text/javascript">


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If A Person Selects A Friday Class But Not A Saturday Class The Total Cost Field Will Automatically Enter $99?

Sep 27, 2011

CONDITIONS:If a person selects a Friday Class but not a Saturday Class the Total Cost Field will automatically enter $99.If a person selects a Saturday Class but not a Friday Class the Total Cost Field will automatically enter $99 as well.If a person selects both a Friday & Saturday Class the Total Cost field will automatically be $159.I found the following code and so far only have it changing when a Friday class is entered. I have no idea where to go from here

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">


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Calculate Each Row And Then Total

Jul 26, 2011

I am making what I call a PM (Preventive Maintenance) Kit list. My users will use this list to generate a printable sheet to tell me what they used out of there kit. The list includes pricing per part and I would like the list to calculate the costing as they enter each item. So a total per line and an overall total cost.

I have included a snap shot of the page and below is the code. I can do this sort of thing on a small scale with just adding two lines but I am not sure how to modify it to handle this scale. You can see the script towards the bottom of the page. That is my lame attempt to make the per line costing happen but NOTHING happens.

require "../config/bpts_config.php";
// Start the session
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">

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Shipping Calculation :: Modify Script To Calculate The Shipping Cost?

Oct 18, 2011

i have follow a tutorial from this site http:[url]....i would like to customize the script for shipping cost as in like: for the drop down , user can choose either 'west' or 'east' on the drop down, my problem now is i don't know how to modified JavaScript to calculate the shipping cost and i have done the calculation for product quantity in php.i would like to do it like using my $ct_qty(php) *shipping cost (javascript).if user select west:

1 quantity = $6

2 quantity = $8

3 quantity = $9...and so on...8 quantity above = F.O.C

and for east showing different price like:

1 quantity = $9

2 quantity = $13

3 quantity = $15...and so on...8 quantity above = F.O.C

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Automatically Calculate A Total?

Oct 6, 2010

automatically calculate a total. The script pulls a price, which is given from a database to a hidden form field. Then once the quantity is changed the bottom form field automatically updates the price. Here's my script if someone could possibly point out why this might not be working (or is my logic flawed.)

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Shopping Cart</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
function calcTotal(){

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Getting Function To Calculate A Total

Oct 15, 2010

I can get the number of contributers to add up but not the total amount of dollars they contributed. I am not sure if my function is wrong or if I am just confused with what variable to output for the dollar amount total.


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Cannot Calculate All Total Amount

Oct 9, 2011

I cannot calculate all total amout about this..How can i do it.?? here is coding:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function startCalc(){
interval = setInterval("calc()",1);

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Calculate A Total Dynamically?

Feb 19, 2010

1) I need to calculate a total dynamically.I have an input with the price of a product and next the amount. As the users inserts the amount I would like the total box to give the amount*price number. So if the price is 3 and user inserts:

1 - then total should display 3. Then the user inserts 0 (amount is now 10) total should display 30.The problem is that when i ask for the value in the onkeyup event of the amount input i don't get the value with the last key (same with onkeypress event). I could add that number (if it's a number) or see if it's backspace or any char but there should be an easy answer.I solved it by setting a timeout and using a callback function so as to have the latest value of the amount but it's an awfull solution (though not expensive in code).

2) Avoid focus reset when i update the value of the amount.I've managed to add commas on the fly to the amount like when the user types "1000" the number displayed is "1,000". In firefox it works great but in IE and Chrome it resets the focus each time i update the field. So when you try to move your cursor back it returns to the last position (maybe because the value of the input is changed).

here's my code:


function updatePrice(){
setTimeout(function(){callback()}, 10);


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Calculate Amount Total According To Dropdown?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a text field. I want the text field to change / be calculated on the action made on the dropdown menu... So if I select Debit card.. it should leave the amount as is..If I selected Credit Card it should add a percentage to the Amount.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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How To Calculate / Add Values To Total Amount

Oct 14, 2011

I followed a tutorial online on how to use Javascript to calculate total price. Everything works fine, when all the dropdown select value has it's own value and does not correspond to each other.

Eg :
Cake Type : Round $4.00
Cake Color : Red $3.00
Cake Filling : Raspberry $4.00
So total is $11.00

The problem comes when you want to add Cake Layers and the price of Cake Color changes based on No of Layers - 1 Layer , 2 Layer and so on. E.g.:
Cake Layer : Layer 1 $5.00 | Layer 2 $2.50 | Layer 3 $2.50 (for color Orange)
Cake Layer : Layer 1 $7.00 | Layer 2 $4.00 | Layer 3 $4.00 (for color Red)

Do I have to use if and else conditional statement for every possibility? I am just a beginner. Attached below is the example code I have so far:
var filling_prices= new Array();
filling_prices["Raspberry"]=10; .....
function getFillingPrice(){

Is there a better way of simplifying this calculation method? How do I change the price of form values based on selected values on previous dropdown.

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Calculate Total Only Working In IE But Not In All Browsers

Jun 10, 2009

how javascript works and have inherited a website that contains a form that uses the calculate total function...which only works in IE. I've searched all over the net trying to find a solution to get this working across all browsers but not having much luck (mostly due to lack of experience)


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Calculate And Display TOTAL Time On Website?

Mar 25, 2009

I have a Javascript that calculates and displays how long, in minutes and seconds a user has been in online(Google Gears development) mode on a given web page. I need however, to modify the script so that it calculates and displays how long the user has been online on the web site. For e.g. on page 1 for 2 minutes 12 seconds. Moves to page 2 - total time on page 1 and 2= 4 minutes 13 seconds. My script (see below) starts a second counter then converts that to minutes and seconds. I have tried passing the secVar0 variable in the url but that comes back "undefined".


if(request.responseText != "" && request.responseText.indexOf("404 Page not found") == -1)


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Calculate And Display TOTAL Time On Website

Mar 25, 2009

I have a Javascript that calculates and displays how long, in minutes and seconds a user has been in online(Google Gears development) mode on a given web page. I need however, to modify the script so that it calculates and displays how long the user has been online on the web site. For e.g. on page 1 for 2 minutes 12 seconds. Moves to page 2 - total time on page 1 and 2= 4 minutes 13 seconds. My script (see below) starts a second counter then converts that to minutes and seconds. I have tried passing the secVar0 variable in the url but that comes back "undefined".


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Calculate Sum Of Multiple Input And Show Total?

Oct 31, 2009

I've been trying to check what I did wrong in my code but still the total doesn't show. Below is my javascript function:

function CalculateTotal(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r)
var tota= document.getElementById('a');


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