Toggle Visibility Of Element - OnClick Function

Sep 6, 2009

I found this little script and it works fine but the only thing is when the page first loads it displays the "This is foo" text. I would like it to not display the text until it is clicked. So instead of it displaying "This is foo" when the page loads I would like it to not display anything.

Here is the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_visibility(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
if( == 'block') = 'none';
else = 'block';
<a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('foo');">Click here to toggle visibility of element #foo</a>
<div id="foo">This is foo</div>

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Toggle The Visibility Of One Div By Clicking On Another ?

Feb 16, 2011

I am creating a website as part of a university project. as part of this i am trying to make a menu in the top right. after looking around i have found javascript top be the best way to do this. how would i go about making it so that when i click on one div (called map) a separate div (called mapMenu) visibility is toggled.

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Toggle DIV Visibility After Link Followed

Oct 29, 2011

I've got a script that toggles the visibility of a div on "dashboard.html":
$("#add_networks_wrapper, .remove_box").hide();
$("#add_networks_wrapper, .remove_box").slideToggle();
On "dashboard.html" it works great. The div "add_networks_wrapper" is hidden until I click the link that toggles it. What I need is a link from a different html page (say "account.html" or whatever) to open "dashboard.html" with the hidden div's visible.

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Toggle Div Visibility After A Link Is Followed

Oct 29, 2011

I've got a script that toggles the visibility of a div on "dashboard.html":

On "dashboard.html" it works great. The div "add_networks_wrapper" is hidden until I click the link that toggles it.

What I need is a link from a different html page (say "account.html" or whatever) to open "dashboard.html" with the hidden div's visible.

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Toggle Not Just Visibility, But Existence?

Feb 19, 2009

I'd like to be able to toggle the existence of a DIV using the onclick attribute.

HTML Code:
<input type="radio" value="1" checked="checked"
onclick="document.getElementById('div').style.visibility='hidden';"> 1


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Toggle Visibility After A Link Is Followed

Oct 29, 2011

I've got a script that toggles the visibility of a div on "dashboard.html":


On "dashboard.html" it works great. The div "add_networks_wrapper" is hidden until I click the link that toggles it.

What I need is a link from a different html page (say "account.html" or whatever) to open "dashboard.html" with the hidden div's visible.

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Toggle The Visibility Of Several Items At Once?

Jan 9, 2009

Was wondering how to accomplish this.I have several table rows that I would like to hide all with the push of a button.For instance:

<tr id="objects_row1"><table class="apples">
<tr id="apples_row1"><td>asdf</td></tr>


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JQuery :: Noob : Toggle Visibility Of A Target Div From <a H?

May 3, 2009

I have just started trying to use jquery and though it looks cool and simple I'm having really problems working out how to do a really simple thingAll the examples I've seen use css selectors to target an element in the page but i need to use an id.basically I have a list of <a href> links and a load of <div>s that are all display:none by default when the page loads. The <a href> links and <div> elements are written dynamically by a php loop.What I would like to do is click on an <a href> link and make a specific <div> visible using its id. Sounds simple doesn't it ? But I can't figure out how to do this with jquery syntax.In traditional js syntax I would write a function that would receive the id of the target div as an argument when the <a> tag is clicked. Then I would loop through all the divs and make them all display:none and then display the target div.would i still need to put an onclick event in the <a href> links ? or is there a way of getting the id of the <a href> and using that to target the correct <div> ?

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JQuery :: Plugin To Toggle Password Visibility?

Aug 12, 2011

I got the functionality of this plugin working tonight. It allows for a checkbox or link to make the password field of a form show the hidden characters, because sometimes it's nice to see them. I turned it into a plugin, and because I still consider myself a beginner with javascript, I thought I'd ask for a review so hopefully I can learn something. I tested it in FF5, IE7, IE8, IE9, Latest Opera, Latest Chrome, and Latest Safari.

Code JavaScript:
$.fn.passwordToggle = function(options) {
/* Set defaults */


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Toggle Visibility - Show / Hide Frame

Mar 2, 2007

I've a frameset in my application.
1. A header Frame. (header)
2. A Tree Frame (left)
3. A Main Frame for displaying main contents. (mainFrame)

Well, I just want to toggle the visibility of the Left Tree frmae to provide more space to the Contents page when required.
> There can be a button which will have the label as HIDE when frame is visible.
> And when frame is hidden, the buttons label should be SHOW, clicking on which should show the frame baxck in its place.

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Link To Toggle Visibility On A Separate Page?

Oct 29, 2011

I've got a script visibility of a div on "dashboard.html":

$("#add_networks_wrapper, .remove_box").hide();


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Toggle Visibility On Multiple Elements Simultaneously?

May 14, 2009

I am working on a project that shows archived data as well as current data on the same page. When the page builds, current data is shown, archived data is hidden (by using a div with id="archive"). I found comments here that getElementsByName was not a good cross browser way to handle this (and I'm not sure how to use that anyway). Can someone suggest the correct way to handle this?

There should be a link that, when clicked, will grab each element on the page with id="archive" and toggle the display property (none or block).

Here is the current code:

function archives(toggle) {
if (typeof(toggle) != "undefined") {
if (document.getElementById(toggle).style.display == 'none') {
document.getElementById(toggle).style.display = 'block';


This works just fine, but only for the first element that it finds. I need many elements with the same name to be effected.

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Jquery :: Toggle Visibility Of Many DIVs With Images Inside

Jan 9, 2010

I'm pretty new to JavaScript and I've been searching for a way to toggle the visibility of many divs with images inside. Basically I want to have nothing visible, then I have three links that represent three categories of the images. So for example if the user clicks the link "Illustration" I want all the divs with the class illustration to appear. But when the user chooses a new link say, "typography" I want to hide the divs with class illustration and then show the divs with class typography.

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JQuery :: 'if' Statement - Class 'linklast' - Removed - Toggle The Visibility

Jul 6, 2010

Look at my "Fiddle":[url]

I'm having problems with the jQuery 'if' statement. When the div 'accord3' is hidden, I'd like the class 'linklast' to be added to 'Schools' --> the bottom corners are rounded. When the div 'accord3' is visible, the bottom corners must be square, meaning the class 'linklast' has to be removed. This has to be able to switch back and forth while I toggle the visibility.

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JQuery :: Toggle Visibility Of Textbox Based On Status Of Checkbox

Dec 8, 2010

This is using jquery by the way. I have a list of ethnicity on a form for a person to enter that are checkboxes. One option is 'Other, specify'. When 'other specify' is checked, I would like a text box to pop up and disable the other boxes (if you pick other, you can't pick from the previous ethnicities). If 'other, specify' is unchecked, I would like for the text box to disappear and re-enable the checkboxes. I had the appearing box working just using JS. I can't seem to get the syntax right to use the toggle feature of jquery to make the box disappear when unclicked.

<script type="text/javascript">
function(event) {
function(event) {

<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="asian" />Asian<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="hawaii" />Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="noanswer" />Choose not to answer<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" id="other"value="other" />Other, specify<br />
<div style="visibility:hidden" id="race"><input type="text" name="fname" size="25" maxlength="25" id="otherrace" /></div>

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Element Onclick Property Function Not Work In IE

Dec 3, 2011

I'm writing a script that dynamically generates a menu table. Each TD has an onclick property which serves as a link. Everything works properly in other browsers since setAttribute onclick works. However, this function does not work in IE, and you're supposed to do this instead:
elementName.onClick = "blah";

Here's my code that works in all browsers but IE:
var truePath = "document.location.href=" + "'" + "/" + urls[i] + "'";
cell.onclick = truePath;

For IE, if I set the cell.onclick value to truePath, nothing happens when I click on the menu. However, it works fine in Firefox and Opera because of the setAttribute function. How I could get this to work in IE? My script is complete besides this part... I hate IE. Why can't they follow the rules?

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Element Visibility During Scrolling

Nov 23, 2005

I'm trying to figure out which elements of a document are visible as the user scrolls the Firefox browser. I haven't written the code yet but I think I should be able to do it by keeping track of the current display using the following properties:

window.content.scrollX, window.content.scrollY,
window.content.innerWidth, window.content.innerHeight. -- with these 4
I can determine which part of the document is visible.

Then for each element I can figure out its display position using, offsetWidth, offsetHeight, offsetTop, offsetLeft. This would entail traversing the DOM and perculating the offset values down to all the children.

While this would likely work, it seems inefficient. Do you know of any other ways to determine which elements are actually on the screen?

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Change Visibility Of An Element

Nov 23, 2010

I'm back from a web dev hiatus. I'm writing a new site but have found myself a bit rusty. I'm trying to change the visibility of an element with no luck. nothing happens. I'll supply the code. Don't lick the kitten.

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JQuery :: Check Visibility Element?

Jul 9, 2010

jquery i have a problem like

$("dt a").click(function(){


my code always call when i click "dt a" but i dont want like this. i want like that if i click element visible don't do anything. my code call when i click element "dt a" unvisible.

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Set Element Visibility Using Switch/Case?

Nov 19, 2010

So, I have a list of items that need to have a new preset list item appear based on what day it is. I have the date script working (to test, change the first case to some random date and change the third case to todays date - 10192010 - It will fire that document.write). What I need the cases to do though, is set the visibility of certain list items.

This is just an example, there will be around 20 list items in the final project. As you can see in the first two cases, I've tried a couple different routes to no avail.

The Code (class references are irrelevant to this example, they belong to the final project):

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">


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Set A Href Or Onclick Function For An "a" Element That Passes Information To The Function?

Jan 1, 2011

How can I set a href or onclick function for an "a" element that passes information to the function?I have a function showpage() that is called whenever one of a number of buttons are clicked. I need to pass information from the button clicked to that function.

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JQuery :: Implement Toggle Without Using Toggle Function?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm extremely new to jquery and trying to write a toggle function without using the built-in functionality. From what I've read, this should be a fairly straightforward exerciseHowever, I'm running an issue. My code doesn't seem to do anything. Not clear to me why because nothing is erroring out? Here's what I've got:

<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // we will add our javascript code here


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JQuery :: Toggle State Of An Element When Clicking On Another Element?

Oct 13, 2011

I made a website in which I -for the first time- included some jquery code. I am totally new at this. I managed to have a menu, whose elements can be clicked, which triggers the apparition of a different "bubbles" with text inside. So far so good. But I would like to make a bubble disappear when I click on another element than the one that triggered its apparition. Explanation :

My menu is for example like: menu element 1 | menu element 2 It should do this

>> click on menu element 1 = bubble1 (it works) >> click on menu element 1 = bubble 1 disappears (it works) OR >> click on menu element 2 = bubble 1 disappears, bubble2 appears (doesn't work! there I have 2 bubbles at the same time)

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Opera Function Visibility Oddity

Jul 23, 2005

Opera seems to have different ideas about the visibility of Javascript
functions than other browsers. For example, if I have this code:

if (1==2) {
function invisible() {
alert("invisible() called");

then most browsers will consider invisible() to be undefined. But in
Opera you can call it! You can try this online here: Code:

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OnClick Toggle

Jul 20, 2005

I have two series of radio buttons...(call them Group A and Group B)
and a Textarea.

When you click on any of the radio buttons in the A group, it
automatically adds some text to the textarea, using a javascript
onClick function.

When you click on any of the radio buttons in the B group, it appends
another line of text to the existing text already in the textarea,
again, using a javascript onClick function

What I need is to make the group B onClick act like a toggle, so if
the associated text isn't there, it will add it... but if it IS
there... it will remove it. Code:

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Toggle Text With Onclick

Oct 20, 2006

I am using prototype to add a "blind" up and down functionality when I click on a table element.

Now, i would like to toggle the [-] in the "altlink" span to match the state. Ie, if a person clicks on the table, the "formhide1" span will collapse, and the [-] should turn into a [+]. Visa versa, when the now collapsed "formhid1" span is expanded the [+] should turn into a [-] Code:

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