Toggle Show Hide Not Working With <tr><td> <table> Tags In A WHILE Loop

May 6, 2010

Does anyone know why this isn't working? The toggle function works perfectly fine with PHP loops, but when I insert the table td tr tags, it does not hide the loop when the page first loads...It just shows the results in the div which it shouldn't be doing.

Here's what my code looks like...


<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle(element) {
if (document.getElementById(element).style.display == "none") {


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JQuery :: Toggle Function - Hide/show Table When Hide/show Button Is Pressed

Sep 12, 2011

I am trying to hide/show table when hide/show button is pressed

Problem: The code works fine when I remove 'slow' from line 10. But with 'slow' in line 10 content of toggleButton doesnt change from Hide to Show when pressed.


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Hide / Show Table - For Loop Ends Prematurely

May 18, 2011

The functions hide/show tables within a page, and update a button by the table title accordingly. The number of tables on the page is dynamic (php generated based on an SQL query), so the Expand/Collapse all buttons are generated last, and pass the table count to the functions in variable x. I have confirmed that the number passed in x is correct for the number of tables, and that all of the tables' IDs are correct in the generated HTML. The problem is that no matter what is passed in x (currently over 300), the loop ends at 27.

function expand_all(x){
var i=1
for(i = 1; i <= x; i++){
document.getElementById('tbl' + i).style.display = "block";
document.getElementById('lnk' + i).value = "[ - ]";
}}// end expand_all
function shrink_all(x){
var i=1
for(i = 1; i <= x; i++){
document.getElementById('tbl' + i).style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('lnk' + i).value = "[ + ]";
}}// end shrink_all

To confirm the values, I changed
document.getElementById('lnk' + i).value = "[ - ]";
document.getElementById('lnk' + i).value = "[ - ] " + i + " of " + x;
In both functions, I got incrementing values for i from 1 to 27. X consistently was 343.

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JQuery :: Show() And Hide() Not Working If Between <form> Tags?

Oct 30, 2010

If I use the following code without the <form> tags, it works perfectly. As soon as I add in the <form> tags, the script breaks.

<button id="show">Click</button>
<div id="stuff" style="display: none;">


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JQuery :: Use A Toggle To Hide And Show Some Content - Isnt Working ?

Jul 6, 2009

I want to use a toggle to hide and show some content but it isnt working

html code:

JS code:

But this code dont works correct, notiv that i want to use more then one box.

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Jquery :: Show / Hide DIV - Mootools Toggle Stopped Working

Aug 16, 2011

I'm using mootools-core-1.3.2.js & mootools-more-1.3.2.js to toggle hide/show a div
but since I started using jquery-1.4.4.js the mootools toggle stopped working. Here is the jquery code I'm using on all of my pages

$().ready(function() {
function formatItem(row) {
return row[0] + " (" + row[1] + ")";
}function formatResult(row) {
return row[0].replace(/(<.+?>)/gi, '');
} .....

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JQuery :: Unable To Get Toggle Effect Working Having Different Div Tags And Different <a> Tags

Dec 15, 2011

Can't seem to make it work, I have seen many examples but they are all just for 1 div tag. When i trymore than one it doesn't work anymore.The first one works, if i have more than 1 then the other don't work.

using the following jquery
$("#toggle-text").click(function () {
var divvalue= this.value;


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Toggle DIV - Want To Only Show And Then Not Hide

Jan 25, 2010

I'm using a classic toggleLayer function to display content in a div adjacent to one full of links.

The code is
function toggleLayer( work ){
var elem, vis;
if( document.getElementById ) // this is the way the standards work
elem = document.getElementById( work );
else if( document.all ) // this is the way old msie versions work
elem = document.all[work];
else if( document.layers ) // this is the way nn4 works
elem = document.layers[work];
vis =;
// if the style.display value is blank we try to figure it out here
vis.display = (elem.offsetWidth!=0&&elem.offsetHeight!=0)?'block':'none';
vis.display = (vis.display==''||vis.display=='block')?'none':'block';

And the links take on the format of:
<a href="javascript:toggleLayer('work');...........
My problem is, I want the 'work' div to remain blank, which it does, until I click one of the links. But after that initial click, I don't want the script to act as a toggle, just a show/change content.

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Onclick - Toggle To Show/ Re Hide The Div

Mar 3, 2009

Im trying to hide a div ( quick reply box) like IPB using this code it's hidden but the actual link to toggle it isn't a live link for some reason any idea's what im doing wrong would be good.

This is what i am trying to hide

Im not sure how i get this to toggle to show/ re hide the div.

<div id="myClickyDiv" onclick="swapMyToggledDiv();">Toggle</div>

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Show/hide Toggle Slidefx

Dec 21, 2007

Ive been trying different show/hide methods for like, a week now. And I cannot get a single one of them to work. Even a little bit

Ive no idea what I'm doing, I'm usually not so bad at figuring stuff out, at this point im going to punch things. haha

can anyone point me to a template that uses a show/hide function. Or a pre-made page using mootools fx.slide? I cant even get the demo there to do anything.

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Show & Hide Multiple Div Tags With One Click

May 28, 2006

Does someone knows how i can show/hide multible divs at one click?

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JQuery :: Cookie In Show/hide Toggle Div

Apr 15, 2011

My script:

Question:How can I insert a cookie to this, so that when I hide it, it will remain hidden after refreshing the page.

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JQuery :: Toggle For Div Swapping, Or Div Hide And Show?

Jul 29, 2010

I'm trying to do a quick and dirty jQuery toggle swap, I'm swapping the div ok, but I can't seem to work out how to swap back to the original.


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JQuery :: Show / Hide Divs Using Toggle?

May 24, 2011

Completely new to jQuery but I am trying to implement a few pieces on my new website. At the moment I have three images in a row and I want to be able to click on any one of the images and use jQuery to populate a hidden div below the three images that contains more info and slide it out using the fold animation. I'd also like it if when a second image was clicked it closed the currently open div and opened the new one. I've seen tutorials that open the divs but can't find one that closes them again on opening a new one.

Can anyone point me to a tutorial that does this or suggest how it could be done?

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Show/Hide Toggle On Multiple Divs?

Oct 24, 2010

On the homepage of my site, I would like to have some nav links that toggle between a few divs that are below in the content The divs in the content should display one at a time. For example, if you click nav1, the user would see div1. If nav2 is then clicked, div1 would hide and div2 would display.

I have some code that will do this, but for some reason it is hiding any divs that are within the toggled div. I'm very basic with JS and could use some help here. Here is my code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleID(IDS) {
var area = document.getElementById('secondContent');
var sel = area.getElementsByTagName('div');


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Toggle Visibility - Show / Hide Frame

Mar 2, 2007

I've a frameset in my application.
1. A header Frame. (header)
2. A Tree Frame (left)
3. A Main Frame for displaying main contents. (mainFrame)

Well, I just want to toggle the visibility of the Left Tree frmae to provide more space to the Contents page when required.
> There can be a button which will have the label as HIDE when frame is visible.
> And when frame is hidden, the buttons label should be SHOW, clicking on which should show the frame baxck in its place.

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Toggle (Show / Hide) Multiple Dynamic IDs?

Apr 3, 2010

Im trying to toggle a block of info on a forum that gets displayed multiple times. The below works for just one ID but I'll have more then one.

function toggle() {
var ele = document.getElementById("toggleUserinfo");
var text = document.getElementById("displayUserinfo");
if( == "block") {


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Multiple DIVs Toggle Show/Hide?

Dec 7, 2010

Complete JS first timer here, hope you all can understand my difficulties and stupidities without getting too frustrated. Trying to make a portfolio website as a Christmas gift. Anyway, I'm trying to build a menu that:

1. Expands/Retracts when clicking on other 'headers' in the Menu.
2. Allows for more than one object to be listed in each 'header'.

(Something similar to this [URl]... I've tried to hatch together several online solutions but I really have no idea what I'm doing, as you can see:


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Show / Hide In PHP Loop?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a table, with a repeat region when there is more than one record to show, and a javascript function, that when you click on the Project ID, it shows the Job ID information in a row underneath.

<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle(id) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);


The problem is that when I click on the Project ID (Show/Hide link) of one of the 'looped' resutls, it always shows/hides the first Project ID's Job ID information

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JQuery :: Assign Toggle To Show Or Hide / Using Tinysort?

Aug 10, 2011

I have spent two days trying to figure this out...No Luck.I am creating a dynamic list I would like to assign a value to a button that if the PY =Blue then show only py=blue and the same for py=Green then show only green.My Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>


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JQuery :: Toggle - Hide Show 2 Divs With One Button

Jul 28, 2010

I have 2 divs: <div id="box1></div> and <div id="box2></div> I also have one link to contoll them both. The effect I want to get is: when I click first time on my link box2 hides, when i click second time also box1 hides, when I click third time both divs should show. I manage to do that both divs hiding but later I can't get the show. Im trying sth like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('.slick-hide').click(function() {
$('.slick-hide').click(function() {
$('.slick-show').click(function() {

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Toggle Show/hide On Multiple Ids Using Dynamic Array?

Jun 30, 2011

im trying to create an array with mutiple div ids. send this off to the function and the function switches the classes to show or hide depending on state.


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Jquery: Show Hide Toggle / Make This Work?

Aug 2, 2010

jQuery Code...

Clicking the link toggles the visibility of the Disclaimer, but it does not toggle the text of the a#toggleButton. How can I make this work?

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Toggle Link Text And Show / Hide ID Onclick

Apr 20, 2010

I am trying to create a Link that changes its currently displayed text and also toggles the css.display property from inline to hidden. I'm sure there are solution outs there btu I have not been able to find one that does both functions with one click properly and is also easy to implement for people not as familiar with html and javascript. Obviously I am trying to create a show more, show less type link. currently this often shared code works fine to change the current state of the target ID's css.display from none to inline. My end goal is to be able to not only toggle the display of the LONG1 div but to also change the innerhtml of 'short1' from "Show More" to "Show Less".I am still learning about JS so Im really rough around the edges. I tried some different techniques btu I dont ahev them posted on my work pc.

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JQuery :: Toggle Show/hide Div - Overlapping Content?

Aug 27, 2010

I have the following show/hide div function made with jQuery:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


It toggles perfectly, but I would like to make to which appears to overlap the underlaying content div below. Right now it just pushes down the content div when sliding out.

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Show Hide Toggle Slide Left - Right - Almost Works?

Mar 17, 2010

Heres the code -



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