Returning False Ignores OnSubmit Listener

Jul 23, 2005

I am wondering about what seems to be a particular quirk in Javascript
that does not allow form event listeners (e.g. "onsubmit=...") to work
properly. In the code below, I would like to set up a function
(doOnSubmit) that is called when the form is submitted.

But there is a "return false;" in the "onclick" of the button. If this
"return false" is removed, the code works as I would hope it would.
With it there, doOnSubmit is never called. Code:

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IE6 Ignores JavaScript's Return False On A Link

Apr 17, 2007

Why does IE6 ignores JavaScript's return false on a link and how to fix it? Firefox works perfect!

<a href="page1.html" onclick="return test(this)">Test</a>


function test(obj)
return false;
return true;

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OnSubmit After Checking Return False And Still Submit

Jan 16, 2008

I am building a registration form and have some javascript that checks the forms user input. This is all activated when the submit button is pressed and the forms onSubmit event is called and runs a function.

I have tested me functions and even when it returns false the form still submits?

Im not sure how i can stop it submiting even if it returns false.

Then onSubmit called this function:

function subForm(theform){
alert("it is false");
return false;
alert("it is true");
return true;

checkForm is working and is throwing alerts when certain criteria is not correct in the form, and then i will get an alert "it is false" so i know that the script is running until then, but the form will still submit?

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Why Is Function Returning False?

Aug 13, 2011

So for whatever reason the convertToArray function in the following code returns false if the argument is more than 1 character long. If it's 1 character long it just returns the character as an array with only one value.What I'm trying to do is take a string of numbers, plus signs, and minus signs and convert it to an array.

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Popup Window Still Returning False

Sep 21, 2005

I have a simple popup launching off a picture link. But the origional page wipes and display a 'false'.

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function popup(mylink, windowname)
if (! window.focus)return true;
var href;
if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')
href=mylink.href;, windowname, 'width=800,height=600,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=NO');
return false;

The command is simply

<a href="javascriptopup('home.htm')"><img src="logosparty.jpg" border="0" width="360" height="215"></a>

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When Should I Prefer StopPropagation To Simply Returning False?

Oct 8, 2006

On this page I'm given the impression that stopPropagation is a lot
like returning false:

"preventDefault() Can be used to cancel the event, if it is
cancelable. This prevents the browser from performing any default
action for the event, such as loading a URL when a hypertext link is
clicked. Note that the event will continue propagating along the normal
event flow.preventDefault() Can be used to cancel the event, if it
is cancelable. This prevents the browser from performing any default
action for the event, such as loading a URL when a hypertext link is
clicked. Note that the event will continue propagating along the normal
event flow."

But often, if I want to stop a hyperlink from working normally, I can
simply return false from whatever action I've attached to that
hyperlink. Suppose I have this link:

<a id="link1" href="index.htm">link text</a>

Suppose I attach the function "alertDanger" to this link:

function alertDanger() {
return false;

Because I return false, the default behavior doesn't occur. Would there
ever be a benefit to doing this instead:

function alertDanger() {

Perhaps preventDefault is only for those occassions when the code can
not or should not return?

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After 5000 M/sec After Returning False To The Form To Hide The Div Again?

Oct 9, 2011

I am building a page with a member login system on the home page. I right now have it so that if the user does not enter a password or username it will change a div to block style and show the error at the top of the page. Is it possible to after 5000 msec after returning false to the form, to hide the div again?

User Does Not Enter Username/Pass
Submit Button Pressed
Error Div Is Shown
Form Results False
5000msec Wait
Error Div Is Hidden

I have been trying for a while, but I either have it disappear and the form takes 5 seconds to get its result, or the form returns false and the div does not disappear.

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If Statement To Check Whether String Is A String Is Returning False

Jan 25, 2011

I have a simple example below showing how when I pass in the value of the value attribute of option node, and then use if operator to check whether parameter is a string or not, even though it's a string, it converts it to false boolean and triggers the else statement rather than calling a function.callback should be a string so why is it saying otherwise?

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If Statement Returning False On A True Statement?

Apr 4, 2011

my webstie allows users to change the color of the background, so to keep the text readable I have it changing as well.the color picker I am using has text boxes with rgb values 0-255 for each.I am trying to get one bit of text to alternate between red and blue with the conditions

if(blue>green && blue>red)


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Function Calling Function Returning False

Jun 7, 2010

I am trying to write a function that is being invoked when some one clicks the submit button on the form.<form name="sectionA" action="optionpage.cfm" onSubmit="return abc()">I have three tables with initials textboxes. I want to check if they are empty and return false(stay on the same page), else go to action page.Here is what I am doing, I Created three functions tableA(), tableB(),tableC() call them from function abc(). These functions tableA(), tableB(), tableC() return false if one of the field is empty and stop furthur processing and remain in the same page. If none(errors), then go the other page.i.e if table B has empty fields, page should stop furthur processing and remain in the same page.Here is how I am doing it Can somebody please point out what I am doing wrong here.Even when there is empty field, the code moves me to the actionPage.

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JQuery :: $.ajax With Cache: False And Async: False

Aug 8, 2010

Have an issue with using $.ajax for requests. If I set async: false it works fine, but sometimes gets cached content. If I add in cache: false then async doesn't work anymore, the next ajax request gets called before the first one finishes.


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JQuery :: Validation Ignores Placeholder?

Mar 6, 2011

I am using jQuery validation plugin to validate my form, but it is seems to ignore required fields witch have placeholder text.ow to solve it?To display placeholders in all browsers I am using this jQuery plugiAnd to validate my form, I am using this code :

errorLabelContainer: "#messageBox",
wrapper: "li",


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Mootools Datepicker Ignores Accents

Mar 14, 2011

I am using a mootools datepicker & I am working on a french page. My date picker works. I choose a date & it saves to database. If you refresh the page where the new date should appear, it will only appear if the month does not contain an accent. ie. 21/Avr/2011 will appear but if i had choosen 21/Fv/2011 then todays date would appear instead.

This is the datepicker js code

var DatePicker = new Class({

Implements: Options,
// working date, which we will keep modifying to render the calendars
d: '',
// just so that we need not request it over and over


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IE7 Ignores 'overflow:hidden' When Moving Element

Dec 2, 2009

In the top right of the page is a JavaScript (Prototype) Carousel that scrolls through images when you click the arrows. It works properly in all browsers except IE 6 & 7 (it does work properly in IE 8) with my primary concern being IE 7. When you click on the right arrow to scroll to the next image it scrolls properly but the entire strip of images is displayed and it sites on top of the page's content.I've tried all of the overflow:hidden hacks I could find so.

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Firefox Ignores Prompt Dialog Box That Works Fine With IE

Aug 14, 2009

I have a javascript prompt box (as you can see in the code below) it works perfectly fine with internet explorer however it's NOT working in firefox. I tried everything I can think of, but still its not working!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2" />
<title>Choose Your Language</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function checklang(){
var lang = prompt('Choose A Language:'+'
' + "(Ex: Armenian, Arabic, English, French, Greek, Russian)",'English');
if (lang==null || lang=="")
{lang=""; return;}
if (lang=="Armenian" || lang=="Arabic" || lang=="English" || lang=="French" || lang=="Greek" || lang=="Russian")
{location.href = "sermon-section.asp?lang="+lang};
<a href="#" onclick="checklang()">Choose Your Language</a>

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Location.href Ignores Assignment And Loads A Blank Page

Jul 20, 2005

I have a webpage(with a text field and a button) which prompts for a
local file and attempts to load the file in the window if the user
clicks on the button. The javascript code onClick event uses the
location.href property to achieve the desired result. (This loaded
page has some additional functionality which lets them upload the
contents to the server.)

This approach only seem to work for some computers and on others it is
loading a blank page. I have alerts in the code to show that
location.href is correctly reflecting the file location after the
assignment. When it is loading the blank page I see the message
"Opening page about:blank" on the status bar. Iam currently using IE6
sp1 on Win2k. This issue is not just limited to this combination. We
are experiencing issues with IE5.5, WinXP as well.

The code works if I pass a web site address. It only fails if I
attempt to pass a file name(c: est.htm)

Any thoughts on why the blank page is being loaded or how can I go
about resolving this issue.

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JQuery :: BlockUI Ignores The Width And Height CSS When Theme = True

Sep 24, 2010

I have the following code:

css: { width: blockwindow_width + "px",
height: blockwindow_height + "px",
top: ($(window).height() - blockwindow_height) /2 + 'px',


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"Required Entries" Code Ignores Textarea?

Nov 30, 2010

I have created a basic Javascript function to check that all fields in the contact form that are required have information from the user. It works fine with input fields but not with textarea. Even when I dont insert message into textarea, the script allows to submit the form. I have given the name for textarea "userinput". Could anyone look at the code, and tell me what could possible be wrong with it?

function required()

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Event Listener

Aug 24, 2007

I've got a really simple function I want to create, a confirm delete function that is applied to all links with a class of delete. A confirm message appears when the link is clicked, returning false if cancel is clicked.

This is my code and for whatever reason that I just don't get (coz I'm a bit confused by all this stuff), clicking cancel when the confirm message appears seems to return true regardless. Code:

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Javascript Property Listener

Oct 8, 2005

I am writing a Javascript UI component. I have already written a
"disable()" method for it, but I would like to go one step further in
order to make my component as compatible with existing HTML controls as

With standard HTML controls we can do this:
myTextField.disabled = true;
and as soon as this property is set, I assume there is a property
listener of some kind that is invoked to change the appearance and
value etc of the control.

I want to write my own 'property listener' to do this with my control.
Can I do it in Javascript or is this too "low level", requiring code at
the browser implementation level?

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AddEvent Listener Not Working?

Aug 23, 2011

I have more than 30 addEvent listeners i need to add to my WebApp. But the Code to dynamically add them is not working, unless change:

AddItemEvtAry[x].addEventListener('click', function (e) {document.getElementById("text" + x).value ++}, false);


AddItemEvtAry[x].addEventListener('click', function (e) {document.getElementById("text0").value ++}, false);

but obviously hardcoding all of those DIV IDs would defeat the purpose of the code.

Code in Question:

// Event Listeners for Incrimenting Quantities
var AddItemEvtAry = [40];
for(var x = 0; x < 39; x++)


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Passing A Value From One Event Listener To Another?

Aug 25, 2010

The html part:

Code HTML4Strict:
<div id='data'></div>
<form action="">
<input id="nomeInput" type="text" name="nomeInput" value="" autocomplete="false"/>


This is the entry point for doing an autocomplete, but for know, I would just like to ask:

What should we do so that, the text that is typed, appears on that alert box?

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How To Create An Event Listener?

Jan 5, 2007

How do I add an event listener to a few text boxes that prevents the user from typing anything but digits. I use the numbers entered in the text boxes in calculations afterwards so I don't want the user to enter "one" instead of "1" etc... Also, the range of possible numbers is too big for a drop down menu.

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Add Event Listener - Not Working In IE6

Mar 22, 2007

I'm writing a custom script to collect attributes from links and concatenate them to pass as a string to another function. I'm using a readily-available 'addListener' function so the click event doesn't overwrite others on the page. All this seems to be working in all browsers except IE6, and I suspect it may have something to do with event bubbling. Can anyone see my errors and any other ways I could improve the script? Code:

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Can't Get Event Listener To Work

Sep 4, 2010

I'm trying to use the addEventListener function to set an event listener but I don't understand why it won't work. Before i was using another method to handle events, but I needed more control over which event handlers get run and when.


<script type="text/javascript">
function runMe(){


I'm using Google Chrome, but it won't work in Firefox either. Obviously it won't work in IE, since IE doesn't support that method. The script gives no errors at all. The runMe() function does get executed, I tested this with alerts.

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Object Method As Event Listener

Oct 16, 2006

I want each instance of an object to be able to listen for input events.
When the event occurs, a method of the object should be called, such
that "this" is in scope and refers to the object instance.

Is this possible? Example:

function MyConstructor(element)
//element is some HTML element
this.addListeners(element); = "Bar";

return this;

MyConstructor.prototype.addListeners = function(element)
element.addEventListener("keypress", this.doSomething, true);

MyConstructor.prototype.doSomething = function(e)

alert(; //Error: has no properties

//shows the HTML element that triggered the event

Is there any way to get "this" to refer to the object in the event listener?

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