i have two html files index and index1. on index javascript works but after a 1 sec or so redirects to something wired. index1 doesnt work at all.
<p>It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
I have an <a> tag that inside it has text. I want to select just a certain area. For example lets say we have this: <a name="product">Apple Price:$5.00</a> Lets say I have that and I want to go to this tag named product and want to just grab $5.00. How can I do that. How can I convert that to a number?
Also, what if I want to change that price to $0.00 how would you do that? does jquery do regular expressions?
I need to do all that. be able to replace $5.00 the dollar amount to any other amount.
I also do want to grab the dollar value and use it as a number. To compute the total charges.How would one do this?
I have an image that I start out with opacity = 0. Then when I rollover the image area the opacity is set to 1 so I can see the image, and when I roll off of the image the opacity is set back to 0:
This works fine. But the image has an image map that defines a small hot spot. When I roll over the hot spot the image hover state is interrupted and the image goes away. Does anyone know how I can keep the image hover state active when rolling over the image hot spot?
I'm guessing, but how you redirect to same spot on the page sounds like a js question. If so, please provide some tips to get started.I've created a long page that allows me to save form inputs as I go along, but it sends me back to the top of the page with each redirect (header('Location:http://localhost/acrobat7c.php')wink.gif. I'd like the redirect to send me back to where I was when I submitted inputs.
using js to force a specific anchor call to jump after the page completely loads. The reason I am doing this is because the page I am linking to with anchors takes a long time to load and a standard browser anchor link sometimes does not work 100%. With that said, I would now like to make the script I wrote universal to get ANY anchor param in the url and jump to that spot on the page. Right now it's coded to just look for "#anchor". I want to re-code it so it will look for "#" + "anyAnchorName".
I am building a simple t-shirt creator app for my shop and I am using the interface.js library: [URL].. docs/drag to drag/drop and re-size the graphic on the shirt background image.
Once the user has chosen a spot to put the graphic, how do I save the background image of the t-shirt with the image they dropped in the correct spot? Like, to merge the two graphics in place?
It should open a modal everytime a link of a given class is clicked. But... it does not.
Code JavaScript: //get the url of the link clicked var url; $('a.edit').livequery('click',function(){ url= $(this).attr('href'); }); [Code]....
When a link of class .edit is clicked, the overlay covers the page for an instant, then a redirect occurs to the page that should be loaded in the modal box (instead of the page being loaded in the modal). It's probably a small mistake as I can get it working the way I want using jqm 'trigger:a.edit'. The problem with this approach is that I lose the livequery power (links from ajax loaded content won't fire jqm).
I've been using 1.3 which allows me to query non-standard attributes on tag. On an anchor I set a value="" attribute and was able to say (in an onclick binding) $(this).attr('value') to get the value. This no longer works with 1.6. Is there another, better way to do this?
Lets say I had a wrapped set of <p> elements. I understand how slice could return more than one element, but what is the difference between nth-child() and eq()?
I want to give functinality to add and remove rows dynamically using jQuery.
if i add a row in table using "append()" and try to access newly added row,( with last() or slice() ) then it references the the last row before new rows inserted dynamically.
Instead if i use insertAfter(), i can reference the new rows correctly.what can be the issue?
I am trying to implement a countdown on my website. I want to calculate the difference between the current date and Jan 1st 2012 at 12:01am. I need to have the format in dd:hh:mm:ss so i can push it into this class.I've been reading posts but can't get it to work properly.
I'm not sure if this is a jQuery issue or an IE9 Preview7 issue, but I'm seeing different behavior with these two methods. I'm trying to apply a scale transform using CSS:
addClass('grow') works fine, but if I try to add the attributes with css({'-ms-transform': 'scale(1.7)'}), it doesn't work. My preference is to use css() since I'm building a plugin and don't want external dependencies.* You can see a repro here: [URL], but it only works as intended (well, the addClass button) in IE9preview7. I'm interested in what jQuery might be doing differently to cause the behavior. I'm also interested in approaches others have used to do scale transforms that have better browser compatibility. I like the css approach so far because it doesn't seem to force the growth of the parent container like it does when I manually change the height and width with jQuery.
* I assume to use addClass, the CSS class has to be in the HTML page or a linked stylesheet. Nowhere to define it in a jQuery plugin, right?
I'm working on redesign of a vacation rental company web site, and I'm looking to use a drop down calendar to select the arrival/departure date on the search form. getting the number of nights difference between dates (though I think the code/labels are slightly backward in that example), but I don't know where to start to split off the variables I need. Basically, the search.php file I'm passing the variables to need to be in this format:
Code: search.php?month=(arrival month digit)&day=(arrival day digit)&year=(arrival year, 4 digits)&days_count=(number of nights)(...plus some other variables...)
how to split things off properly and get a properly formatted URL? I'll experiment a bit, and come back here with sample code
I have a countdown clock in bidding. When someone bid within 30 secs clock will reset from 30 sec. In my case clock is reset but timezone difference added. So if bid within 30 sec clock counting down 4 hrs , 30 mins , 30 secs.
My code is below---- "cd".$clock_no is the countdown div var periods = $("#cd". $clock_no."").countdown('getTimes'); if ($.countdown.periodsToSeconds(periods) < 30) { periods[6]+=30; $("#cd1").countdown('change', {until: periods[0] + 'y ' + periods[1] + 'o ' + periods[2] + 'w ' + periods[3] + 'd ' + periods[4] + 'h ' + periods[5] + 'm ' + periods[6] + 's'}); }
and in this code, it works, the call is made and text is added. in the other code I don't get a change at all. Not even in the database that add.php manipulates.
I am trying to make a gui for clients to edit a php page that displays html and javascript.
I want the user to be able to move html elements around and even edit it like add effects like fade in and out etc.
Then after all the changes I want to overwrite the existing php file that does this for that user. how can you make such changes and then save it to a file?
It's an html / javascript editor but using a gui instead of allowing them to directly touch the code. It would be a security risk if I allow such a thing. So I need to program a interface that would make such changes and save them to file.
Like how can you delete and add new javascript code to the file?
This works fine when I place this code under the html in the main source, but if I try to add this Jquery code to an external js sheet it doesnt seem to work?
Currently my js sheet is called in the header, when I move this link to the footer of my page the code works again, so Im guessing this has something to do with where the jquery code is placed in relation to the code Im trying to hide?
How I can keep my js in the header but still make the content disappear on click?
I inherited an html demo (used to show customers our product w/o being connected to a server). Was going through the Html files to update the dates and fields and it seems that on some html files, when I change a date <td>08/11/2008 </td> to <td>08/11/2011</td>, save and refesh, I start getting a bunch of JS errors when I try and log back into the demo. I'm not changing anything in the JS files, so I don't understand why the errors are occuring.
I have a bunch of html files to change, and now, no matter which file I change (the dates, sample names, etc), I lose functionality on that particular page.