JQuery :: Open A Link And Send To It A Post Request?
Jun 30, 2009
I was guessing if it was possible, using jQuery, to have a link that, when clicked, opens the relative url and sends to it a post request. I'm trying to do this with the $.post function, but i found the problem that the request is sent, but the page isn't opened.
This is my code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
I am using jquery to send an ajax request from my facebook app which is in iframe to my server. The ajax request works fine when the web app is running stand alone and out of facebook platform, but within facebook, the result that I get from my ajax request is blank !!! Here is the code I use:
I'm trying to access a web application that allows single sign-on when it is passed the following HTTP Request headers:
AUTHENTIC: YES AUTHORIZED: YES USER: (user ID from active directory) Here is the code I have so far: $.ajax({
This script is within a blank webpage on my IIS server. Essentially, all the elements of the web app's UI get thrown within a div, but it doesn't seem to be loading the other parts of the page such as the <head>. I read on another thread that it is not a good idea to try and put everything within a div cause of the other html and head tags that already exist. Basically, what I want to do is access the webpage that has the above script and have it re-direct me to the Web Application's URL and adding in the custom HTTP Request headers.
I have a relative path issue when using jQuery in that I am using the same ajax function sitewide and I don't know how I can send a request to a PHP file without needing to provide the full absolute path. For example, the below code works at top level, but will not work if called from inside a sub folder.
I don't know the reason of getting the message as 'undefined' in alert dialog box, whenever I do the post request to servlets from jquery after clicking login button.Here's the code which's making me bugged:
the request is passing to servlets(which is mapped to Check.do URL), and in doPost method in servlets I'm just doing: response().getWriter().write("Hello");May I know the what's the reason of getting error in above code, and how can I sort this problem out?
The script below works, but only returns one headline/url from the html list.I am coming from a procedural background and know there must be a better way to pass all the urls and headlines (the link text) to my PHP script, which populates my database, but even after reading 'Jquery in Action' I am flummoxed.how to attack this problem? The .each portion of my script does not seem to work as I expect it to. I have also tried append, which would seem to be a solution ... really all I need is the "which" value from the url, so passing a simple array of those values to PHP would suffice.
How can I gather all values from the form (select, input (text, checkbox....), textarea... ) using jquery and send them by post. The number of items is not fixed, I need something that will gather everything that form contains.
I have some trouble with my app. User enters his login&pass, they are being checked on server using ajax, and if they're ok, i wanna open new page, which'll set cookies and session vars, but i have an universal script, and I need request something like universalScript?mode=login (mode is GET) and some POST parameters such as login and pass, besides it must be new page, not ajax, Some ideas?
Whats wrong with following jquery ajax post request in google chrome? The function is not called after successful response from server. It works on IE but not on chrome. Also can somebody tell how to redirect from browser after making successfull jquery call which works in all the browsers including chrome. The below redirect works in IE but not in chtome
I have two variables that I would like to use jQuery serialize and send to a PHP file with a post. I don’t know how to format the command to serialize them. Here is the start of the code. How do you serialize the day and month variables?
var currentTime = new Date() var day = currentTime.getDate() var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1
I've used a few jquery things before, but I haven't a clue when it comes to javascript, so I've mainly just modified variables here and there. This is my first attempt at actually writing something, and well.....its not working
Im trying to send an ajax post to an external file, which simply returns 'Complete' after updating the db. My html gives me an ul, with li elemnts, representing names of comics.
I've been trying to figure out how to echo back error messages from a PHP edit page, for example. Say if I am editing a grid and sending that info with json to a php page to update a database, if there is a validation or other problem, how do I echo that back on the page with the jquery? Do I put that in a div container too for best practice?
can jQuery display response from .post request in realtime? I force buffer flush in PHP with ob_start, and ob_flush, I know that I can set target='iframeID' to my form, but I need ajax and target should be div.
I have a Joomla website which are using VirtueMart. I want to watch the submit of a product (which is using AJAX) and when the request is succesful and complete then send a new XHR request to upload another part of the website.How do you think I should do with Mootools?I first success to do it but only by adding an event on the form submit. So when I click on the Add to Cart button, it is working but I would like to wait until the first request is complete.
area.html (1.72K)Number of downloads: 16HI All,I am preapring Ajax request to get server data.This request is working fine IE.But This Shows Error in chrome and firefox.The Error code Details here.com.sun.xml.internal.ws.transport.http.server.WSHttpHandler handleExchangeWARNING: Cannot handle HTTP method: OPTIONS The above error came in java code.NETWORK_ERR : XMLHttpRequest Exception 101. This will came in html when debug the code.My home work are attached below
I have an error when I POST to a page. Whatever monetary choice of donation that is made, the POST does not work to send the values to the next page and the default value of $20.00 is registered.
After looking at my code for a day I dont see the errorL
Here is the code
Contributions are tax deductible for residents of the United States and Jamaica.
Yes, I want to become a contributor. Please accept my donation as indicated below.
Here is the test site. [url]
For this test all menu choices takes to the Donation page.
I am trying to get a form to call a javascript function on submit to send an ajax request. The site sits on one server and the php target file on another. I get a status of 0. From what I read, this is because the php file sits on a different server. I do don't believe I can get around the files sitting on different servers.I can set the php file as the form action, but I do not want to redirect, just send a request to the other server to modify some values in a DB. If I can not send an ajax request between servers, I was thinking an alternative might be to set the php file as the form action, run the updates, and then have the page redirect me back. Is there a better way to get around this problem
My requirement is like this,we have 2 text fields called name and number and one button named submit.when ever we click the submit button then we need to store the page information(form values) into our database and need to post this form values to some other site (eg:action="google.com/signup.aspx"). How to do this in asp.net please send me the code.
Is there a way to make a javascript post request to MyPage.aspx, set a variable on MyPage.aspx, then do a javascript redirect to MyPage.aspx and still sustain the value of the variable posted to the page in the first place? As of now i'm successfully posting to my aspx page, and successfully redirecting as well, but i have been unsuccessful with sustaining that variable. I've tried using ViewState as well as Session, neither seem to work exactly how i'd like.
Essencially, I'm trying to send a post request as well as redirect to the same page Code:
I tried POSTing from XMLHttpRequest, i can get the XML right on server but responseXML from server is coming null. I can see the XML right in responseText. but responseXML is null. responseText to DOM conversion also fails while the XML in responseText seems valid ..
Currently transitioning from a shared host to a dedicated server. The same code that works on the old server is not working on the dedicated server. It is a simple AJAX request like:
<code> function createXMLHttpRequest() { if (window.ActiveXObject) { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } }
With the code as is above, the requests works fine in IE. With Firefox it throws a 403 on the page. A call to the response.php page with parameters runs correctly outside of AJAX. Changing all POST requests to GET resolves the issue, but I would prefer not to have to change ALL POST requests to GET requests.
Does anyone know of a setting on the new server that can cause FireFox (1.5.x and 2.0.x) to return a 403 with an AJAX post call?