JQuery :: Move The Order Of Events On A Dom Element?

Nov 12, 2010

Is there any way in jQuery to move the order of events on a dom element. I have an element (the add button on a jQGrid display) that I want to place a click event in front of the one one put in by jQGrid. I had a look at the jquery.eventmanager plugin but that doesn't really allow the kind of manipulation I want. I also found it didn't like handling the click event anyway.

I'm thinking something along the lines of;

var saved = $(ele).getEvent('click'); //this function doesn't exist yet

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JQuery :: Function For Handling Events In Order And Executing An Action Afterwards?

Jun 11, 2011

I would like to have some events in order, and when the events happen i would like to have an action.


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Move 2 Elements And Relocate Them In The Same Order But Within A New Container In A Specific Location

Jul 25, 2009

If my understanding is correct

Code JavaScript:
will adjust
Code HTML4Strict:
<p id="foo">My Foo!!!</p>
<div id="bar">

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Order Of Events In A Scripts

Sep 27, 2011

I found this script on w3schools and I've been playing with it. It works, and I like it but I have a question.I figure if I'm doing this, I mine as well understand it.[code]I see where I'm calling my php to get the data and I see where the data is being printed to the page but how does the script call the data after the responseText line?

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Change The Order Of Javascript Events

Sep 24, 2006

I'm using this script to allow people to populate form fields just by hitting the words from a list that most appeal to them. The idea is that on clicking a word the field is filled in and then "focus" is moved to the next one. I say "focus" because it's not actual focus, but "virtual focus" held in a js variable. Code:

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JQuery :: Next Element In Document Order?

Mar 25, 2010

Is there a way to get the next element in document order? For example I want to get the next "<a>" element, whether it's a sibling, descendant of a sibling, or ancestor's sibling

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JQuery :: Selecting Ul Li Element By Order?

Dec 15, 2010

I Have this code

<li><a href="#">1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">2</a></li>


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JQuery :: Move An Element To End Of It's Parent?

Jun 1, 2010

I have the following

<div id="container">
<div class="row">blah</div>
<div class="row">blah</div>
<div class="row">blah</div>
<div class="row">blah</div>
<div class="row">blah</div>

I would like to move the upper most row which I'm referencing by the eq: $('.row').eq(0) to the end of div#container I thought I could use append or appendTo, but these don't seem to be working.

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JQuery :: Move An Element From One Container To Another With Animation ?

Mar 9, 2011

My question explains everything, I have a div inside a parent div. I need to move it inside another div and on the UI show the animation of it moving.

The only way I can think of is, select the element, copy the html(), copy the offset() position and remove element from original container. then add a copy of previously removed element to page/document set the position to the copied offset and animate()

After animation is complete, remove it from the page and add it to the secondary container.

Is there any better and easier way of doing this ? any plugin may be ?

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JQuery :: Datepicker Covering Textbox - Can't Move The Element ?

Jun 18, 2009

When viewing the page in 1024x768 resolution, the jquery UI datepicker is covering the text input to which it is attached. This input is
near the bottom of the page when viewing at that resolution, which seems to be causing the issue. I can't move the element so is there way to move the calendar? I'd like it to open with the bottom edge of the datepicker at the top edge of the text input.

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How Do You Pass Mouse Events Through DIV Element To The DIV Element Beneath It?

Apr 27, 2006

I'm using the Microsoft Virtual Earth Version 1 Commercial Control.
I want to make it so you can click on a pinpoint that's plotted on the
map and all mouse events are passed to the map so that the user can
click anywhere on the map (including the pin points) and drag/zoom the
map around.

For those of you who haven't used Virtual Earth:
Basically, there are a bunch on absolutely positioned Div elements. I
basically want to pass all mouse events from one absolutely positioned
div element to the absolutely positioned div element directly beneath

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JQuery :: Events Are Binded To A DOM Element?

Oct 28, 2009

I wonder if I can see somewhere what events are binded to a DOM element (in FireBug maybe). Maybe it's obvious, but I just don't know yet if it's even possible.

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JQuery :: Passing Events Through An Element?

Sep 1, 2010

pardon my ignorance if this topic has been discussed before - I couldn't construct a search query that returned anything of the like!

Currently I have a set of two div elements, both of which span the width and height of the window. The top div plays host to a user interface, and the bottom div to various editable elements. The problem here lies in the fact that the user interface div is intercepting all mouse events, and as such neither the lower div nor any of its children may be interacted with.

And so my question is just that: is there any way to pass events through an element, or, more specifically, transparent sections of div elements? I have considered simply triggering the same event on the lower div, but without the ability to pass offset coordinates to the .trigger() function, it would require a rather undesirable amount of code to calculate which element on the lower div to trigger the even on...

My other consideration is to minimize the dimensions of the user interface layer (something similar to 50 x 50 px) and use absolute positioning to position the user interface widgets, additionally using a div element below the bottom div to constrain the movement and resizing of user interface widgets.

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JQuery :: Passing Click Events Through A Blocking Element

Feb 3, 2010

I have a script that's dimming the page by appending a black transparent canvas element to the body, positioning it over the page with a high z-index, and then using clearRect to cut out the sections of canvas element so that certain sections of the actual site show through..I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to pass a click through the canvas and onto whatever would accept it if the canvas wasn't in the way so a user can edit the text.

My first choice was hiding the canvas on mousedown, and then listening for mouseup for everything underneath. but it looks terrible to have that 200ms flicker. can a trigger() be used to emulate a click at a certain (pageX,pageY)? the last option i can think of would be adding 30 divs and duplicate the punched-out canvas..but that seems like a lot of math, does anyone know of a plugin that does this? a reverse blockUI

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Move Element To Y Coordinate

Mar 27, 2006

Is there a way to use JavaScript to push a page element (a DIV block,
for example) down the screen, so it sits at the bottom of the browser
window. Code:

Note how the footer is very high up. Is there a way to push the DIV
that the footer is in to the bottom of the browser window?

In pseudocode:

if (where element Y coordinate is above <browser window bottom Y
coordinate>) {
move footer to browser window bottom Y coordinate
else {
leave footer where it is , as that means that the content of the page
already pushed it down

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DOM Onmousedown - When A User Pushes Their Mouse Down On A DOM Element, Allow Them To Move It?

Sep 10, 2010

When a user pushes their mouse down on a DOM element I want to allow them to move it, so I would like to setup an on mouse move function. The code i have is:

var newHeader = document.createElement("div");
newHeader.id = "header" + tabID;
newHeader.className = "windowHeader";[code].....

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Mouse Events On Div Element In IE 6

Jul 23, 2005

If a div is positioned block or relative, events fire over the entire area
of the div. If the div is positioned absolute they don't--they only fire
over the div's text or image child elements, if any. This isn't true in FF
or Opera, nor was it true in IE 5. If there is any logic in this behavior.

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Debugging A Simple Function - Move The Object - A Paragraph Element Node With Id Message - To The Right

Jan 18, 2010

I'm trying to attempt a simple animation, as indicated by the following code. The intention is to move the object (a paragraph element node with id message) to the right by 200 px and down 100 px, by 1 px a second.

However, there seems to be a bug or my methodology is incomplete as the browser returns the Textvalue of the paragraph without any styling.


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How To Lock Key And Mouse Events On One Element?

Oct 30, 2006

I'm trying to figure out a way to make only one element on a page receive key and mouse events. I have a grid in a <div>-container with "overflow:auto" which makes the grid scrollable. If course I can set event handlers to the "document" to catch key strokes and mouse clicks and execute navigation functions which make the grid scroll (e.g. pressing down arrow) etc. This of course effects the whole page and not just the div.

The problem is: as far as I know only window and form elements can receive events such as focus(), blur(), keypress() etc. and I have to make sure only this one element is affected.

Is there thus a way to make these events affect only the <div> container?

The best way to do this would be with an event listener as this would make development much easier.

Has someone done this before?

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How One Element Can Listen To Multiple Events

Mar 14, 2011

I have a div that I want to handle a mouseover as well as a click event:

Both functions are called, but only when I comment one or the other out.





doesn't work:


Anyway to make the div respond to both?

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Mouseover Events For Child / Parent Element

Aug 3, 2009

I have a small problem with a page I'm working on. I have an anchor tag inside a table that has a mouseover event that updates a contextual help box. I need to add a similar mouseover event to the anchor tag that does the same thing, but updates the help box with different text. The problem I have is that when the mouse is over the table, no matter if I move the mouse over the anchor, the help text only displays the message that is passed from the table's mouseover function call. I think the solution *may* be something to do with event bubbling, but I'm not exactly sure how to implement it. The code I'm dealing with is below:


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Variable Scope And Crossing Functions - Resize Plugin In Order To Obtain The Varying Computed Width Of An Element When The Window Is Resized

Mar 23, 2010

I am using Ben Alman's JQuery resize plugin in order to obtain the varying computed width of an element when the window is resized (the element in question is a page wrapper that exhibits the expand-to-fit behavior of a block box, and it's computed width is obviously influenced by the resizing of the window. Essentially, what I need to be able to do, is to reference a variable that is defined in a .resize() function ('width_page') in a seperate .each() function.


I now understand that variables can't cross boundaries like in the example above, which leaves me a little stuck. I also understand that this is specific to the context of the .resize() function, and that it can't be taken out of it without using an element selector. Is there some way I can call the .resize() function in my .each() function?

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JQuery :: Events Defined In $.each (creating List Elements With Events) Not Executing?

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to "ajaxify" my site. Now I have one problem:

$.each(data.Tags_Sidebar, function (indexInArray, valueOfElement) {
var insert = $("<li>");


Now when I click one of those links (href1, href2, href3) generated, the click event won't execute! What's the problem? Also, is it right that I have to transfer the valueOfElement over, like I did? What does stopEventPropagation do? Prevent the href from being navigated to? That's what I am trying to do.

The data object is JSON fed from here:[URL]

The HTML is here: [URL]

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Onmouseover - Image Move - Move Menu Left Or Right Depending

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to create an Image menu for a site I'm working on that is rather simple in essence. When the user hovers over a button I have the menu will move left or right depending. I have not got a great deal into it yet as I have become stuck, as I'm new I figured it would be easier to troubleshoot if I build up the program bit by bit.


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TD With A SPAN Inside And Their Mouse Events - The Onmouseout Event For TD Element Is Fired

Feb 11, 2010

I have a TD element, with a SPAN element inside. I use td-s onmouseover and onmouseout events for a small animation. My problem is, that, when I move the cursor over the SPAN element, the onmouseout event for TD element is fired. I want to prevent this. With other words, I want onmouseout fired, just when the cursor is moved outside the td area. See the code..


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JQuery :: Binding Events With Other Events?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a series of images with an animation bound to mouseover and mouseleave events, and I'm trying to get my head around adding a click event that would prevent the mouseleave animation from occurring only for the image that was clicked, preserving everything else as is (until another image is clicked). I've discovered .stop() and I think I'm getting close, but some part of the logic is still escaping me.

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