JQuery :: Get Information From Tag By Other?
Apr 1, 2011If I have this [code]...
I want to call the tags inside, the question is how can I do that?
If I have this [code]...
I want to call the tags inside, the question is how can I do that?
I have a HTML form containing two text box controls in it and a submit button. When a user enters information in those two textboxes and click on submit, the information is sent to a function in Javascript. In the javascript, the information from those textboxes is stored in a javascript variable. The problem is as follows:When I am inputting string text in the html text boxes and in the javascript when I am trying to print those values, it is giving me out an error saying NaN. However when i input integer values in the text boxes it is printing those numbers. Is there a conversion that I have to do for the string to be printed. I am new to Javascript and need your help. This is a basic code of Javascript. Below is the code that I have.
<script type = "text/javascript">
function square(form)
Before i submit my problem just to let you know i've been using jquery and javascripting for about a month or 2 now so i appologise in advance if this is something stupid. My main issue is that i want this to select from a database so i found out that you can get information from php files i just couldn't figure out how to get the variables it submits. I then found out that i can use xml to get the information to the script. but the code i have written doesn't seem to display anything. The code in red is what i think the issue is.
I am looking at using ajax to get some data from last.fm.
My code looks like this
$(document).ready(function() {
alert( "Data Saved1: ");
type: "POST",
url: "[URL]",
data: "method=artist.getinfo&artist=Cher&api_key=b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026",
success: function(msg){
alert( "Data Saved2: " + msg );
error: function(msg){
alert( "Data Saved3: " + msg );
But my error listener is triggered. I am guessing that's to do with the url being cross platform? Also does "msg" have any properties that I can read why the error occurred?
I am using jqueryUI dialog, and want to pass some data to it. data() seems the best method, right? The following works. $(".delete").click(function(){$("#dialog-delete").data('row','Hello').dialog("open");}); Now instead of just passing a single value, I want to pass an element. I tried the following, but am obviously doing something wrong. $(".delete").click(function(){$("#dialog- elete").data('row',$(this).parent()).dialog("open");});
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a php script which do very long operation and i need to give information to user about process. I have a problem. When I start a long operation(PHP) jquery do not work before that operation has been completed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo, I doing this bit of code for a pagination, but havingproblemswith my next, and back buttons.So I cam up with the idea to store the current page number in between two <p> tags. So the say the current page is 5, it would be shown in html as <p>5</p>My question is, with using jquery, can i get the 5 from the two p's, ive manage to stick the 5 into the two <p>'s using jquery, the code:$("#current").html(pageNum);with #current being the <p> id and pageNum being the 5.i have triedvar prevNum = $("#current").get(0);for getting the number but didnt work also here the jquery code, incase you want a full scope of what going on
<script type="text/javascript">
//Display Loading Image
So i have this full paged HTML/CSS side and i wanna imploment some Jquery to hide and show my Contact informations.But, my problem is that, i have a FULL side filled with Div's and other goodies. My problem is, how do i get make a link, which is inside a Div to be a special class so that only when you click that "class" it shows / hides the content?The Div i have it something like this;[code]
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe following code works for Firefox but not on Chrome. Does anybody know what it doesn't work on Chrome. Is there a document on the browser compatibility info on each JQuery command.
I wanted to define additional attribute to a tag to manage information. I realized that XHTML might not like it and discovered the data(name,value) function. I was wondering how I could retrieve all tags e.g. "div" that have that data variable set.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a basic understanding of selecting elements and performing manipulations or effects, but I'm having real trouble grasping the basics of setting up variables, performing maths on variables and biggest of all, how you go about passing information from the HTML into a jquery function.
I have a site where clicking on any photo thumbnail brings up a full-screen lightbox to display the image full-size - I'm using the following to bring in the lightbox:
$("#lightbox").stop(true, false).animate({opacity:1},800);
This works just fine, I also have no problem re-assigning the SRC of a blank image within the lightbox to make sure the correct image renders, my problem is I just don't know how to generate or pass information into this function to begin with to act as a reference point so the code knows what image it should be displaying based on which thumbnail was clicked.
I don't need anything particularly clever, even if each thumbnail simply had a numerical figure associated with it (eg "4") which gave the function something to work with once it was fired - that would be enough.
I know how to do all this in regular JavaScript but I have to admit I'm finding the documentation for jquery really hard work, I'm having real problems grasping the fact that the functions aren't being triggered directly by the HTML.
Another solution would be to get the src of the image that was clicked on, split the string and pull out just the filename (ie 5.jpg) and then prepend a path to it for the final full size image ( largeimage/ + 5.jpg).
I know there are probably pre-made scripts for this kind of thing but I'd like to try and avoid them if possible.
I'm learning Jquery, I was trying to get a information in the database, below theblocks of code will show it:
But the big problem is that this function do not return the information, the function: public static string getNameClient(stringidUser) is never called. How Can I solve this problem ?
I am attempting to read XML information from a remote source into a javascript array. Upon retrieveing the XML, I load it into array by sections. I am doing this with the following code:
firstname: $('name', this).text(),
i'm trying to send information entered by the user to a separate page, where a mysql query is performed in PHP, but right now it is just receiving the information and returning it.The first page looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../includes/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
And that is what I want to be returned to the success function. Do I have to return it as JSON for the jqXHR object to receive?
I've been going in circles over the last couple of hours over a simple jquery script to parse some survey question data. It's pretty simple but i can't seem to have the information displayed in the dive. The XML structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section title="Student Life">
<question num="1" type="radio">
Do you feel the student union represents your interests?
I have set up a page which when I click the button BlockUI does what is supposed to do as well as jquery Form plugin; however, the success and failure messages are displaying in the blockUI. What I would like is for the success and error messages to replace the form. The code I am using:
javascript Code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#signup').click(function() {
$.blockUI({ message: $('#blockform') });
$(document).bind('contextmenu', function() {
return false;
I've been doing PHP for a couple months, but just came across jquery today. I'm making a wedding-registry-style wishlist site for the holidays, and one of my pages is a list of all the items on your wishlist for you to modify.
Here is my jquery script, which I had learned from a tutorial:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$(".submit1").click(function() {
var item_name = $("#item_name").val();
var item_notes = $("#item_notes").val();
var imgid = $("#imgid").val();
var price = $("#item_price").val(); .....
var dataString = 'item_name='+ item_name + '&imgid=' + imgid + '&price=' + price + '&item_notes=' + item_notes;
type: "POST",
url: "edit.php",
data: dataString,
success: function(){
return false;
My forms are structured like so:
// Retrieve data about item
<input type="hidden" name="imgid" id="imgid" value="<?=$imgid?>">
<input name="item_name" type="text" id="item_name" value="<?=$item_name?>" />
<input name="item_notes" type="text" id="item_notes" value="<?=$item_notes?>" />
<input name="item_price" type="text" id="item_price" value="<?=$price?>" />
<input type="image" class="submit1" src="images/edit_item.png" border="0" />
<span class="success" style="display:none">Item updated!</span>
Now, the problem is obviously that when this HTML code gets repeated, all the forms have the same input IDs. I tried adding numbers to the form using php, so it would be something like "item_name1", "item_name2", "item_name3", etc depending on the form, but then I realized I don't know how to pass parameters into the jquery function.
Is there any way to do this? So that it's something like...
$(function() {
$(".submit1").click(function() {
// Find parent form (which would have the ID "1", "2", "3", etc.)
// var id = parent form ID
// Get info from "item_name1" if form "1" was submitted
// Get info from "item_name2" if form "2" was submitted
// Etc.
var item_name = $("#item_name"+id).val();
var item_notes = $("#item_notes"+id).val();
var imgid = $("#imgid"+id).val();
var price = $("#item_price"+id).val();
// declare datastring
// ajax
return false;
Replace a text box with a select that gets information from a database using jquery. the query from the database takes an argument
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using Jquery and the tablesorter plugin to sort a table of information. Within the table i have a column of checkboxes. A user can check the boxes and press the submit button which will $_POST the checked boxes onto the next page. Everything works if i dont sort the table, but if i sort the table and then check a few boxes the $_POST array is empty.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying reload a div on a page with content from another page using ajax.I am able to do this but the problem is that I need to wait for the page (that I am sending an ajax request to) to finish inputing all the relevant html before it is shown on the page calling the ajax otherwise the re-load of the div will not be up-to-date.
(Here is my code)
type: 'GET',
I have 2 ready items. The first changes the size of the surrounding div, the second tries to find out about the size of the changed div, but only gets the old value before the first ready item started. If i place a new ready item that holds for a second (i.e. an alert box) the calculation of the first ready item is done when the last ready item starts and all works fine. Is it possible for a ready item to wait and not to start until the item before is finished?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to open a popup window and the window should not display the URL
information anywhere on the browser....
Our project is to optimize gcc's instruction scheduling. It requires us to specify architecture information
(basically number of cycles per instruction, stall and branch delays) to gcc, to optimize structural hazard detection.
Problem: Is there any specific format in which we can specify this information to gcc? Is it possible to embed this additional architecture specific detail, in .md files?[code]...
I would like to put a welcome message on one of my sites... something like "welcome username!" with the username being the login name that that person used to login to their computers.
Is it possible to gather this information using client-side js? if not, how can i accomplish this without having each person enter their name upon entering the page?
I am currently in the process of writing an interactive calendar in jscript. It's my first major project so bear with me please, I'm quite new :P.
I was hoping to add a section of code to the calendar which would allow me to display events happening on a certain date and add new ones etc.
However I was not sure how best to store the information as I know javascript is not 'designed' to access files. I was wondering maybe a cookie or learning how to use SQL? Or is there something that I haven't come accross yet?