JQuery :: Cycle - Simple Code For Alot Of Goto Buttons ?
Dec 7, 2011How can I use the same code for 50 different items ?
$('#slide00').click(function() { $('#slideshow').cycle(0); return false; });
How can I use the same code for 50 different items ?
$('#slide00').click(function() { $('#slideshow').cycle(0); return false; });
Im using the goto function for a questionnaire to go to different slides/questions, i also want to add a back/prev button but i want it to go back to the previous slide it was on instead of going back to the prev slide in the stacking order.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got a problem with the JQuery Cycle plugin, I can't manage to make the "goto" working.
Here is the code :
And here is the HTML :
What's happening is when I click on "test", it does show the alert but it does not go to the 4th slide. Instead, It acts as if it was the first call, therefore the slideshow starts again from the 1st slide with the default options.
The code executes nicely in the site and the pictures/text show up where and how they should - It's just that I'm also getting some code as a slide!
In the <head> I have:
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.cycle.defaults.timeout = 8000;
$(function() {
$('#contentLeft pre code').each(function() {
I just implemented Cycle on a site and - call me dumb! - I just can't get next / previous buttons to work…
Here's my jQuery code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#maininfo').cycle({ fx: 'scrollLeft',
prev: '#prevBtn a',
I also tried fx: 'scrollHorz' but that didn't change anything.
I am having a bit of trouble attempting to get this button roll over stuff working. I have looked up some really simple code to create a image rollover action for my navigation buttons. But nothing happens when I hover on any of the buttons though. When I use firebug to figure out what is wrong, it says that $(this) is the document and not the image button. The example/preview is here: [URL].
This is the jQuery code here for quick reference:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#navigation img').hover(
function() {
$(this).src = $(this).src.replace("Red","Yellow");
}, function() {
$(this).src = $(this).src.replace("Yellow","Red");
}); });
Why doesn't this code work?
It is supposed be just 2 different lines of changing buttons. I was planning to use the "+" and "-" buttons to add/subtract button lights from a column. Unless I did something wrong, I think it should work, but it doesn't... Why?
I have this cycle slideshow demo, zip. In Internet Explorer is all fine but in the Firefox hide the buttons. I tried to change and turn the divs but still was not right. Why happens this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using the jQuery cycle plugin for several slideshows at the same time in Drupal. The problem is when there is only one image in a slideshow, then I want the "prev" and "next" buttons to be hidden away. I can get:
Drupal.behaviors.image_slider = function (context) {
$('#block-views-work-block_1 .views-field-field-work-images-fid .field-content').each(function(i) {
$(this).after('<div class="slide-pager"').cycle({
fx: 'scrollHorz',
speed: 500,
timeout: 0,
nowrap: 1,
sync: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuint',
activePagerClass: 'active-slide',
pager: $('.slide-pager').eq(i),
prev: $('.prev').eq(i),
next: $('.next').eq(i),
after: function (curr,next,opts) {
var msg = (opts.currSlide + 1) + ' av ' + opts.slideCount;
I have been using the JQuery Cycle plugin on my website and love it! It has so many options and seems customizable to do basically anything. My question is about the previous and next buttons. At the moment I am using next:'#next2, .pics img', prev:'#prev2', to make previous and next arrows underneath the image as well as use the image itself a "next" button. I would like to remove the arrows underneath the image and just use left and right halves of the image as a previous and next button. Previous being the left half and next being the right half of course. I've been searching for this being posted before and have not found any discussions on it. Also, the JQuery Slideviewer does what I'm trying to accomplish: JQuery Slideviewer Demo
if(zeroLeft >= pictWidth/2) { var uiprev = ui.parent().prev().find("a"); (jQuery(uiprev).length != 0)? uiprev.trigger("click") : ui.parent().parent().find("a:last").trigger("click"); } else { var uinext = ui.parent().next().find("a"); (jQuery(uinext).length != 0)? uinext.trigger("click") : ui.parent().parent().find("a:first").trigger("click"); }
Is there a way to incorporate this type of button in JQuery Cycle? It seems easy enough to make the image a next button I feel like dividing it between the two shouldn't be that much more difficult.
I'm quite novice at javaScript but I have a good background in other similar languages, so I find I pick up things quick. Basically I'm planning on reading through some more solid resources on this topic, but I'm kinda under the pump at the moment for something that I imagine wouldn't be too difficult with a lil nudge in the right direction.
I have a form (using PHP) to update a mySQL database AND XML for flash, for a simple news page. At the moment I have the BBcode style of tags ([b][eb]). I was wondering how I can make a rich editor myself with just three buttons (one for italic, one for bold, one for links) that displays the text on screen to the user as WYSIWYG, and outputs the [b] [eb] tags for my PHP code.
I've tried to address this issue multiple times, and yet IE 8 simply ignores it. I know jquery has the capability of operating correctly with other examples, but the below code just doesn't seem to satisfy it.[code]
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to customize the navigation on The Simple Controls Gallery.so that instead of the play buttons being displayed the anchor links are the ones that are being cycled through.immediately received an error indicating that an element had not been called correctly. How do I call those anchor links correctly.I place the javascript call on the links themselves which provided me with the functionality of pressing each one to make the gallery advance forward or backwards, but how would I make it so that as the images rotate the anchor links hightlight giving an indication of what the current image link is?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn the page, a person will select an item on a drop down menu, and this automatically updates two spans of text.In one span of text, I've included simple text inputs. I'd like to use Radio Buttons, but the script doesn't seem to operate unless its a text input.I've included the parts of the script that will effect the other span of text, but I don't see how that would be important to you, so I've left those portions in a faint-ish grey.Here is the script...
<script type="text/javascript">
function UpdateHistoryText(sel)
I have a matrix of radio buttons:
<input type="radio" name="chcalt" id="radio33" value="1">
<input type="radio" name="chcalt" id="radio32" value="2">
<input type="radio" name="chcalt" id="radio31" value="3">
The colum totals would change to: 2, 0, 1 and the total would be 3
I basically need the total of each column and the total overall. The value should be taken from the actual "VALUE".
I want to add on my site, a page that has ALOT of stuff on it and i would like to split it in more "pages"...i.e.
I saw someone make a link for "1 2 3" with "javascript:GoToRecNo(30)" I don't realy know much about javascripting or php/MySQL.
Anyway, my question is...How can you "goto" a "RecNo" ? where is that RecNo? Atm, my "1 2 3" are link to a .html each...
I have yet to be able to do this successfully. I am using the Cycle Plugin to cycle through a series of images and corresponding caption. To show the images, I use:
<div id="cycle-container">
<?php query_posts("cat=38&showposts=2"); ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
<img src="http://www.website.com/uploads/<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Image', true); ?>" alt="Icon [Code]...
Problem: The captions do not effectively cycle. What appears is the first caption from php the_excerpt but it does not change to the next php the_excerpt text. Can I solve this problem so I get the text from php the_excerpt to correspond to each image??
I'm totally new to jquery, however I got a script working The script is looking for images with the class "thumbnail" and exchanges them by rollover....
I'm trying to code a play/pause button via Jquery and the Cycle plugin. I'm able to toggle between the two and the "resume" function works, but am not sure how to make the "pause" function work.
Here's my JS:
Here's my HTML:
I have this:
I've been searching for way to get the buttons on my page to disable and enable. It seems they disable using either:
Someone kindly produced some code for me so I could get my slides links to link to my other slide page. The thing is I am using the "pagerAnchorBuilder" option on my original slide and I cannot seem to get the new code I was given working with my code on my website. Can someone advise me on how I can get the new code working with thepagerAnchorBuilder.
My Website Code:
New Code:
I'm getting a runtime error on the code in red. These functions are called by an onBlur by the way.
<script type="text/javascript">
function generate3()
Simple random pic script that I found on the some other forum (I forget what it was) code...
code anchors to HTML markup [CODE]
it is working perfectly for Safari and Chrome. Nothing is showing for FF.
Code is not working .
How do I complete this so that when a user clicks on on the div rollOver, it loads in a new html page into the current browser window.