JQuery :: Click Event Works With Opera And Firefox, Does Not Work With IE, Chrome And Safari
Oct 30, 2010
I have two select lists that have option lists that are created from external XML lists that contain course offerings available at different locations. Each location has a different set of course offerings. When a user selects a location, the javascript code will hide / show the option entries that correspond to the course offerings for that location. If a user selects a course offering, the javascript code will show / hide the locations that offer those courses.
Click events are attached to each of the Option entries with the code below. The code works correctly with Firefox and Opera, but the click events are never triggered in IE, Safari or Chrome. The Chrome debugger seems to indicate that the click events get set up in Chrome (although I am not sure where JQuery saves event handler data). Each option entry has a unique ID tag.
$(".locn_option_select").click(function (locnevent) { // Set up click action on the option entries
I am trying to trap the shift+click event of a DIV. Works in IE and Chrome but not in Firefox. Purpose of the code: The DIV provides a hidden link (no decoration) for an editor who wants to edit content. The DIV ignores a simple click (meaning a click without a combination of the shift key) to avoid accidental access to the casual surfer. Here is the logic of the code: DIV is clicked. call function to check for the shift key being depressed if the shift key were depressed during the "click", initiate access. If the shift key were not depressed, ignore the "click" Here is the HTML code:
It does NOT work fine in IE8 or Safari. In both these browsers the height of the DIV that's being set is usually shorter than the other DIV it's being aligned with.Here's the code I'm using to resize the problematic DIV:
Function resize(height) { $(document).ready(function(){ var div = $( "#annoucement-area-243" );
The simple test code below validates a few fields successfully when tested using Safari, Opera, Firefox and ChromeDatepicker does not work in IE, although the validations do work as expected. Is there an issue with datepicker and IE? Is there a condition in my code that inhibits IE?
//// page code follows //// <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
I'm using a nice little script which replaces the usual file upload input with whatever image you want and then with JS makes sure that an invisible 'browse' button is underneath the mouse pointer whenever the mouse is moved over the image you want to use.
It works on every browser ie7 ie8 ie9 FF safari chrome but not on opera. On Opera the regular file input appears.
I've had a good hoke round the 'net and I know there's loads of scripts which do similar things. But either they are too complicated for me to figure out how to use them eg uploadify (bit of a newbie) or they do similar things but just not as well - like making the custom image the same size as the file input would be (there's issues with that too).
Here's the script I'm using - there's not much to it
How come it doesn't work in Opera grrrr... Is there anyway to fix it? This is perfect for what I want apart from not working in Opera.
Having issues with the video plugin for jQuery. This works great for Chrome but not Safari or Firefox. In Firefox it just shows up as a grey box with a light grey 'X' in the middle, and in Safari as nothing. I'm guessing it's something about the MIME but I have no idea what to do about that.
I think it has something to do with the ID of the frame, (from Googling the error and reading some other posts,) but can't figure out where to put the tag.
The minimal AJAX script below works in Firefox, but not in IE, Opera, or Chrome.I could use some suggestions or referrals to resources that will help me get the script working in other browsers.Before there are six characters entered in the CAPTCHA code field, the 'Send' button is supposed to be disabled. When there are at least six characters in the CAPTCHA code field, the script attempts to verify the CAPTCHA w/AJAX. If it verifies, it enables the Send button and sets the background of the CAPTCHA code field light green (symbolic for go). Otherwise, it turns the background of the CAPTCHA code field a sort of pink/red (symbolic for no go). While it's waiting for a server response the background is set to a pastel yellow. At other times, the background of the code field is white.
we've got some pretty simple javascript that calls a random html file into a div on a very simple page. The called file contains a vimeo embed in an iframe.
This script works perfectly in Safari and Chrome, but not FF. in FF the first html file to be called remains, no matter how many times you refresh the page.
Is this due to FF handling iframes differently, or do I need to modify the script to work within FF as well as the others due to a nuance I'm not aware of? Perhaps the randomising part of the script is incorrecT?
$(document).ready(function(){ // each video's html filename needs to be added to this array vids=['assets/jerkit.html','assets/ponytail.html','assets/goldenprize.html','assets/thedrug.html','assets/slipperyslope.html','assets/leavingtrails.html','assets/tooinsistent.html','assets/sisterwife.html','assets/senior.html','assets
If you select a Training Event from the menu - "Submit This Record" will appear - click on it. Three alerts should come up - the first two showing data elements (normally not there but I needed to replace some code for this demonstration as the "real" page interacts with my live database), and the last saying "data submitted". In Safari, Firefox and Chrome these all work fine but in IE8 (Explorer) it gives an error on page error ...
If you click on the Volunteer Events radio button, an alert show ups that shows some more data elements (again normally not there), then select a Volunteer Event from the drop down list, make selections from any drop down lists that then appear after that until finally several other form items appear. You must enter a date, and at least one entry from the "Volunteer Activity Itemized Times" drop down menus before you click on "Submit This Record" - the same three alerts should come up - and like the Training Event, everything works except on IE8. (could be that this is also a problem in versions lower than IE8 but I don't have access to a machine that runs Windows (I am a MAC user).So if anyone out there is running IE8, I would appreciate if you could put this app thru it's paces and when you get the error - shed some light as to what is not right in the Explorer world that the rest of the world is OK with
I'm working on a image slider, which will slide left to right and vice versa on mouser over event. the images are dynamically loaded from the database using ASP script. I use mootools.svn.js for the sliding implementation. and Ajax to pass the id of the image to another page as a query string. this is implemented in a onclick="getValue('<%= id %>')" event. This works fine in IE8, but when I test in Firefox 3.6 and Chrome the onclick event doesn't work. when I comment the mootools.svn.js, the onclick event get fired.
I am not very good with javascript yet and I do not know how to debug this issue. Can y'all take a look and point me in the right direction? I've got a site that just lauched. The address is: www [DOT] saenzcleaning {dot} com The issue is that it seems to be crashing/freezing IE, but works fine in FF, Opera, and Chrome
I've searched high and low for some decent code that will allow a visitor to a website to bookmark the site through a hyperlink. The bookmarking is done through a javascript function that looks like this:
function OnBookmarkButtonClick (e) { if (window.sidebar)
I need to add some detection for Opera, Safari, and Chrome. note that it must be feature detection, not browser detection. But as I said, I've searched high and low for this, and couldn't find anything.
I've searched high and low for some decent code that will allow a visitor to a website to bookmark the site through a hyperlink. The bookmarking is done through a javascript function that looks like this:
function OnBookmarkButtonClick (e) { if (window.sidebar)
I try to use jquery to manage a little hierarchical menu. It seems easy, and after 1 hour of scripting (first time that I use Jquery) it's working in FF, Safari and Opera. It's not working in IE.[URL]..
I created a drop down menu (i think i followed a tutorial but it was so long ago i can't remember) which works 100% perfectly in firefox and internet explorer but not opera, safari and chrome. I really want to get it working in all of them though.The Jquery Code:
var $j= jQuery.noConflict(); $j(document).ready(function(){ $j(".message_body").hide();
I am not a guru jquery coder and still have to learn alot, recently while learning jquery AJAX I have bumped into a weired issue, I have a apge right and in this page I have a dropdown list for people to select an RSS channel that they wish to know more about, the dropdownlist ahs an onChange event which when triggered it will get the value of the selected item in teh dropdownlist and post it to the other 'mini' pages that load on the same page via AJAX by using the GET method - ie: im passing the parameters like a normal querystring would. The problem is that when I assign the dropdown value to a variable called dropdown in the following line of code "var dropdown =document.getElementById('ddlChannelSelect');" it works in IE but not in the other browsers, I have debbugged this in FireBug and it seems that the variable dropdownlist is not actually getting the value of the actual dropdownlist nad it says 'null' or sometimes 'undefined'. Am I doing something wrong ? why is it that it is working in IE but not in other browsers ? can you pls give me a solution with some examples ?
I am using the lightbox script from "Jquery:Novice to Ninja" and it works very well in Firefox and Opera but not in IE8.
The problem, I think is because I am using PHP to pull the picture names from a file. There are around 40 pictures so I didn't want to name them all manually.[code]...
This easily produces a nice page of thumbnails and clicking on any brings up the bigger picture in lightbox but not in IE.
It seems that IE needs another set of pictures to load from so the filename od the <a href=image> needs to be different to the <src=image> filename which makes more work.
Is there a work around to make this work as well in IE as it does in firefox.
The page can be seen at[url]
Also as an aside. When the lightbox starts it removes the scroll bar which has the effect of moving the page to the right. Is there a way to add a right margin to replace the scroll bar to stop this happening?
I've placed this on pages where a ^ top of page link at the bottom is present which animates a scroll back to the top of page, however it only seems to work in IE...
I've written some Javascript to do a few small things on a page, and was excited that it actually worked, even in IE! until I tested in Safari-for-Windows and Chrome on Windows and Linux. I'm going to assume Safari on a Mac also won't run then.
I have a page with some forms. I need to grab the ones with an id starting with "formMaat" (may have a number after it), hide the submit button, and add an onchange event to the lone dropdown select in the form.
Safari and Chrome are removing the submit fine, so they are finding the forms ok.
The onchange event is just supposed to submit the form... I had to imitate the behaviour of the old site but make it accessible to those without JS.
I ended up using a closure to get the "form" passed to the select element because otherwise "form" was unknown... and I can't tell if that's maybe what's tripping up Saffy-Chrome or not. I set a breakpoint in Chrome's developer thingie but I can't figure out how to see the script run when I click on the select.
One of the pages currently: [URL]
The forms in question are on the right/main part of the page, where it says "maat:".
Code: <form action="http://ishtml5readyyet.com/" method="get" id="formMaat"> <fieldset> <legend><span>Kies een maat en krijg de juiste prijs en voorraadstatus</span></legend>
Do I really need that closure? When I didn't have it, optie.form.submit() or this.form.submit() did not run and I thought it should have, since "optie" was known... I thought ".form" would have just looked for that element's form anyway, but it didn't. *edit tried a simpler way, but still no love from Saffy-Chrome.
I know I don't need to really separate that function over to outside init, except who knows if later more events will need to trigger more weird stuff... so I'm trying to write safely.
I thought Safari and Chrome now have different Javascript engines?
I have a jQuery based gallery [URL] that will load thumbnails to the bottom of a page, however for some reason these images only load on Firefox and IE (Not Chrome or Safari). I'm not sure this is due to jQuery completely.
I am using javascript to change the buttons on my website so that they load up a different image when hot spots on the buttons are hovered over.
Everything has been working great, but this morning I tried checking out my site and for some reason the javascript wasn't working in Chrome, or on my iphone using Safari. I tried it in IE and everything still works.
Any ideas on why it would stop working for those two browsers?
Here is the javascript:
I'm not sure if seeing the html the js is referencing will help at all, but here it is just in case: