JQuery :: Call Fires When Clicking On Inline Elements?
Nov 12, 2010
i have a FAQ Question h2 acting as a trigger to slide out a hidden div below it, the FAQ answer, and clicking it toggles the h2 class so the bg img changes.toggle_container is the hidden div, h2 is the trigger..
code below:
$(".toggle_container").hide(); // Hides the container onLoad
now i have a rating plugin that sits in the h2 tag. when i click the rating star, it behaves as intended, but also then somehow calls the above code and expands the FAQ answer.
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Oct 5, 2011
Having an issue in that JQuery is adding inline styles to all elements on my page. They are over-riding the styles in my style sheet and causing no end of problems.I have attached an image of firebug HTML listing so you can see what I mean.I have not done anthing in the JQuery to request this extra styling...
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Apr 18, 2011
im trying to call a JS fuc when a certain div is pressed.this is how i call it from a hyperlink
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Nov 9, 2009
i have a search icon at the top of my page, when i click this it toggles show/hide on the search form. now when the user loses focus of the search form (.blur), i want it to activate the hide part of the toggle.
when the search icon is clicked, it gives focus to the search form, so the moment the icon is clicked, the search form gains focus, then when someone clicks somewhere else on the page and the form loses focus, i want the search form to hide.
the problem is, if i just have the search form hide on .blur, then when you click the search icon and then click somewhere else and the search form loses focus, and then you click the icon to show the search form again, it will hide the search form(to the user, it looks like it didn't do anything, since the search form is already hidden). so after 2 clicks on the icon, then, it finally shows the search form again.
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Aug 27, 2010
I have a cfm file that has a url that directs the page to another cfm pageI would like on clicking the url to call a coldfusion function befor going to the next pageexampleI have a component mycomponent
<cffunction name="increaseviews">.
<cfargument arg1..>
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Feb 22, 2010
getting first line coordinates of multiple line inline element.
Example HTML
aaa bbb ccc ddd <span id="target">eee fff ggg
hhh iii jjj</span>kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq
$(document).ready(function() {
Assume that span#target has a line break, when I see a browser. Then I click span#target, above function returns the head of coordinates which second line ("hhh") has. I want to have the coordinates which first line ("eee") has. How can I get that?
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Mar 23, 2009
<div id="div1" onclick="function1()">
<img src="image1.jpg />
<div id="div2" onclick="function2()">
<img src="image2.jpg />
When I click image1, function1 is called.. but when I click image2, function2 is called first, then function1 is called..I want to call function2 alone when i click image2..
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Aug 23, 2011
I was just wondering whether there is a way to hide an element on another page after clicking on a button?Basically, I have a login page, and for testing purposes, I want it so when you click a button, it runs some javascript in a file called ajax.util.js, and I have a jQuery file attached to the HTML file as well URL..., and I am using Google App Engine, which im not sure whether thats relevant. I tried using the show and hide functions provided by the jQuery file, but no luck, i want to hide an element which is a link with ID admintools. I have also tried getting the element by ID and changing the display style to none and hidden but still no luck. Im not sure whether its only possible to hide elements in the login.html page.
What I want it to do basically is click on the submit button in the login page, it will then run a javascript function which redirects you to index.html (which i am doing using window.location), and then hides an element in the index.html page (id=admintools).
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Nov 19, 2010
how could I get the element with id "testing123" and append it to the body? or print it to the console? or anything to test that its working.
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May 13, 2011
I need to be able to call a certain td element in a table and I'm not able to edit the html (dynamically generated) so i was wondering if it is possible to target td elements like an array using jquery.
For instance, say I need to change the class of the 4th td element in the second tr element. how would I target that? is there a way to do it in array style like below?
<table class="myTable">
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Dec 1, 2009
How could I go about doing this?
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Jun 2, 2011
I have a web app that performs a lot of ongoing ajax requests to keep multiple elements all up to date as time goes by, so there are almost always ajax calls going on in the background - this is neccessary in this situation. Now for the problem (aka annoyance), when there's an ajax call in progress page elements all lag, e.g. If I hover over a:hover etc everything lags and if I disable the ajax calls and do the hovers they all respond immediately. Is there some kind of way I can stop my ajax calls from making the page feel so damn laggy?
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Feb 27, 2009
I am working on a site that must drag and drop items, I use scriptaculous 1.8.2, effects, dragdrop.js.But now I am lost, I kan drag, i can drop and invoke the onEnd or on Drop event, but can't find it out to get the data from the dragged and the dropped element together.What are I am trying:
1) Have element that is dragable, and and element that is dropable
2) The data of the dragable must be put in an ajax request(already coded) so I can update the mysql database so that:(1)The data at the position of the dragable gets removed(2)and the position of the dropable gets filled with that dataWhat do I ask:
1) How can I call the data of the dragable?
2) How can I call the data of the dropable?
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Feb 12, 2010
how I can accomplish wrappingrelevantparts of a script into a function then call that function within a success area on another page.
This is what I have so far: Script.js page - This page is longer but this is the relevant part that I would like to wrap:
$(".product img").draggable({
containment: 'document',
opacity: 0.6,
revert: 'invalid',
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Sep 9, 2010
I have a series of checkboxes on a page and the goal is to run an ajax post each time one of the checkboxes is checked. When the page loads, the first time I click each of the checkboxes everything goes as planned. After I receive the response from my ajax php function and all related events fire, I click the checkbox again and nothing happens. The event listener seems to have stopped functioning.
Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(':checkbox').change(function() {
$('#' + $(this).attr('id') + 'Waiting').addClass('loading');
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Mar 18, 2011
i generated a subnode for all unordered lists which are Childs of List-Elements like this:
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Oct 11, 2010
I am having an issue with the dialog plugin. I have thelatestjquery and dialog version installed. I have a link that opens a form into a div and than I create a dialog with that div to display as a modal Iframe. It opens at the first time I fire the open event and it fires correctly the close event when I close the iframe, but when I try to open for the second time without refreshing the form that the dialog div is in it, it just does nothing. Do not create the dialog again nor display it to me if it is already created.
here is the code that fires up the dialog:
function addPedidoCliente() {
url: server+"/ajax/Pedidos/addPedidoCliente",
data: "",
So every time I click on a specific button, this code is called, it is also performing the ajax request as I can see in firebug (the response is ok as well) but the dialog Iframe is not created.
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Sep 24, 2009
I've got a button toolbar, and users can select rows in a table. When they have selected some row's, they can click one of the buttons, and it invokes a callback. Problem is, when I click the first time, there's nothing wrong. But when I click the second time, it fires the callback two times, when I click the third time it fires the callback three times, and so on. That's a big problem, since the button is used to delete a page, and obviously it should delete it only once, since the AJAX would return an error ortherwise. The code is seperated in three blocks, first the the onclick on the button object, which invokes a function called confirmAction, taking to parameters. [1], a message for the users, [2] the name of the callback unction. When the confirmation is confirmed, the confirmAction function calls the callback. As said before, when I click #delete once, it behaves like expected. But when I click the second time (without refresh) it runs the callback function twice, third time thrice, and so on.
$('#delete').click(function() {
confirmAction('Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde pagina's wilt
verwijderen?', 'destroy');
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May 16, 2011
I cant figure out why a trigger event fires in the following function:
But not in this function:
When using FF 4 or CHROME 10, it seems to work fine in IE9. I have validated that the second function is pulling the proper elements when selecting the toFire variable, but the trigger just doesnt seem to fire. Value is always true or false, never undefined and the Click event that is being fired in the second function is the same that is being triggered in the first function.
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Jun 17, 2011
I'm busy experimenting with jquery at the moment for a website I'm trying to put together.
I have a bunch of links which fire a jquery function as follows:
<a href="#" class = "spam" onclick="return changeValue('1');">Spam</a>
<a href="#" class = "spam" onclick="return changeValue('2');">Spam</a>
<a href="#" class = "spam" onclick="return changeValue('3');">Spam</a>
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Oct 4, 2011
I have this script:
But I don't know how to fire it (cause the dialog box to appear) using <input> to keep the button's styling in line with the rest of the page. This does not work:
<input class="loadButton" type="button" value="open dialog box" onclick="opener">
So how else do you fire the script?
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Jul 30, 2009
I am trying to implement a div containing an advanced search form drop down on hover and I have everything working (only in FF) except for when I try to add any sort of animation or speed to the '.show' or'.hide' effect. When I try to add speed or seemingly any other effect to the div, the select elements of the search form fires the hover
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Oct 18, 2011
I have a problem when I use the .live() function that I can't figure out. It's something I've run across several times and it keeps confusing me.
My jQuery:
jQuery('#content div.portfolio').live({
mouseover: function(){
My problem is: when the mouse enters and leaves the image the image fades in and out for up to four times. The first mouseenter is just fadeout, fadein, fadeout. why is the event being triggered multiple times and more importantly what can I do to prevent this behavior?
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Dec 14, 2010
I have a problem with load(), which I cannot find on forum search or google. I have a container "right_col" that should be filled with jQuery after clicking on any hyperlink. The result shall be a HTML page that only changes the content area. On the first loading of the page it works as intended. But after the first load() no more jQuery is used and the page changes URL in Browser and reloads the entire page. After this reload you have again one jQuery that is working and so on.
HTML Code:
<div id="right_col">
<div id="right_content">
This is my JS code:
var fadeTime = 200;
$("#right_col").css("display", "none");
// links
linkLocation = this.href;
$("#right_col").fadeOut(fadeTime, contentloader);
function contentloader() {
$('#right_col').load(linkLocation + ' #right_content',null, function(){
As you can see, I'm loading the whole linkLocation and want to replace the content within #right_col with all HTML of #right_content including this div aswell.
I tried Firebug to fugure out if i have more than one #right_col after the load().
I tried replacing IDs with classes to prevent element doubling.
I tried to remove the #right_content param and pass a variable to my script to only print the needed HTML.
Nothing works.
And the Fun part: I also have a menu outside of #right_col. Calls from there on are working perfectly as intended.
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Sep 1, 2010
I have a series of 6 checkboxes with the same name. The purpose is that whenever one of these is checked or unchecked, another part of the page is filled again based on an AJAX query, that has the values of all the checked checkboxes as input.
I added an onchange event handler like this: $('[name!=stage]').change(refillActionsParameters); what happens is that this handler function gets called 6 times when I check or uncheck any of the checkboxes. As a remedy, I put the onchange handler on the form that contains the checkboxes, but that didn't help, still 6 times.
Also: is there a quick way to retrieve the values or the ids of the checked boxes?
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Aug 25, 2011
I am using window.unload for some use case in my code. But windows.unload fires on every event. I know to controller it on event like button click or link, but how do I prevent Unload event to fire on refresh or back button event?
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