Function To Check If Quantity Ordered Is Valid

Nov 18, 2009

I have an online shopping cart and some of the products are sold in boxes of 6. So I am trying to write some code that will alert the customer if they have entered a quantity that isn't some multiple of six.

I've tried using the modulus operator as well as dividing by 6 and then checking to see if the result is a whole number but inevitably the alert box pops up no matter what I enter.

This is what I'm trying to use now:

Is there a better way to check if the entered quantity is a multiple of 6?

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Add A Spin Control To Quantity Field Before Add The Ordered Quantity To A Shop Cart Array

Mar 19, 2011

I am trying to add a spin control to my quantity field before i add the ordered quantity to a shop cart array. The way its set up at the moment if you click the deincrement arrow it actually goes into negative numbers. (no good coz people cant order a negative number eh#$@#$@) This the

<head> Code
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeVal(n) {
document.forms[0].quantity.value =parseInt(document.forms[0].quantity.value) + n;

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Multiple The Quantity Ordered By The Kind Of Shipping Selected In My <select> List?

Mar 4, 2009

What I want to do it multiple the quantity ordered by the kind of shipping selected in my <select> list.

I'm pretty sure that what I've got to do is establishe a quantity ordered variable like this var qty = form["Q" + i].value And then multiply that qty variable by the ShippingCost. But no mater where I stick this var statement it always either stops the script cold or comes up as a black or undefined value.

<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
var ListCount = 5[code].....

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Code To Check Quantity For Button, But It Will Not Check For Enter Key?

Nov 9, 2011

I am a php programmer and not a Javascript programmer and I am trying to help a friend out with his shopping cart. The original programmer (who wrote this years ago and is no longer around) has a button that looks up the quantities in the database for the submitted items, and then displays a prompt if you selected a quantity that is less than the minimum purchase amount.The issue is if the user enters a smaller amount than allowed and hits the enter key instead of the "Buy" button, it allows the to use the current code to also check for an Enter key submission.I can handle the PHP and the db lookup for minimum quantities. Here is the page code and the Javascript code.

<a href="javascript:checkQuantity(document.form<?php echo $formCount; ?>,
<?php echo $row_rsProduct['lotQty']; ?>,


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JQuery :: Ajax Call - How To Check Quantity Field

Dec 23, 2010

I have a shopping cart with a quantity field. I also have an update button that updates the totals. Myquestion is how can I use jQuery to check the quantity field when it loses focus, to check the value against the database and the Instock field. If gt then display a tooltip (or something) and not allow the form to be submitted. The problem is the field is called sel_qty for each product.

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Multiplying And Addition - Allow Users To Check One Or More Of The Checkboxes And Multiply It By A Quantity

Jan 30, 2009

I am having trouble making a website for a vacation rental I pieced this javascript code and form together with a simple goal in mind: -to have 3 checkboxes each with its unique variable

weeks: 2,000
weekends: 325
weekdays: 275

-to allow users to check one or more of the checkboxes, and multiply it by a quantity they choose (ie "I'd like to stay for two weeks (2 x 2,000=6,000) and one weekday (1 x 275=275)

-finally, to add up the totals at the end (6,000 + 275=6,275)


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Check If A Date Is Valid

Oct 14, 2001

Say I have three variables: month, year and day. How do I check whether they form a valid date, i.e. not "Februrary 31 1999"?

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How To Check If Color Hex Value Valid On Keyup

Sep 1, 2009

I try to make a script which check's input's value every time when value changes. There must be ready example somewhere, but I just could not found it. The value shoud be hex-color-value (like #FFFFFF), so script should check if the first character is # and after that only characters a-f, A-F and 0-9 are ok. I guess it goes something like this:

function checkHex(value) {
// if value string includes only characters # a-f A-F 0-9 value is ok
// else value is not ok
<input type="text" id="hex_input" onkeyup="checkHex(this)" />

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Function To Convert String To Ordered List

Mar 11, 2010

I have a string with javascript linebreaks with /n. I want to make a function that will make a text only ordered list (text within a text area... i.e. I don't want to us ol and li)

For example,

would be converted to
A) Spot 1 -
B) Spot 2 -
C) Spot 3 -

So far I think I need to use an array, and replace...
function AddLabels(element_id) {
try {
} catch(e) {
return 0;
var myArray = [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H];
var i=0;
for (i=0;i<=10;i++)

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User To Be Able To Check To See If There Data Is Valid And Then Click To Send The Email

Oct 6, 2009

So I have a new window document write which outputs all my data after validation into a new window, I have tried to write a button which will (when clicked) send that information to an email address. here is my code so far. i spent about 2 hours checking and playing around looking for errors couldnt find any. I think the problem is the function EmailForm and function subwrite. Is a button written into a new window a common thing to do? or is there another simpler way, however i want the user to be able to check to see if there data is valid and then click to send the email.

<!--learn to program through JavaScript-->
<TITLE> mymerch </TITLE>
var firname;
var surname;

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GetHTTPObject Function Not Valid On Web Browser

Apr 15, 2011

Got this snippet of code, but getHTTPObject(); is not valid. What .js library need to get this working?
<script src="json2.js"></script>
var request;
function runAjax(JSONstring){
// function returns "AJAX" object, depending on web browser
// this is not native JS function!
request = getHTTPObject();
request.onreadystatechange = sendData;"GET", "parser.php?json="+JSONstring, true);
// function is executed when var request state changes
function sendData(){
// if request object received response
if(request.readyState == 4)
// parser.php response
var JSONtext = request.responseText;
// convert received string to JavaScript object
var JSONobject = JSON.parse(JSONtext);
// notice how variables are used
var msg = "Number of errors: "+JSONobject.errorsNum+"
- "+JSONobject.error[0]+"
- "+JSONobject.error[1];

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Global Variable Not Valid In Callback Function?

Aug 4, 2010

I am using jQuery 1.4.2 and I am trying to carry over the global variable totaltabs into my JSON callback function. The code seems to work properly, however, in my loadJSON function after the callback function loads the data, my totaltabs variable will not increment.

Here is a peak at my code.

totalItems is loaded from another function, not relevant to my example.

Code JavaScript:
var totaltabs = 0;


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JQuery :: LoadImage - Function Not Return Valid Object

Jan 10, 2011

I'm writing a function that substantially load a given image making a fadeout/faidin waiting 'till the complete load. The function is named "loadImage" and I would like use it in the following way:
$('#image img').fadeOut().loadImage(src).attr("src",src).fadeIn();

In order to make the image disappear, load... change the attribute "src" of the image and then re-appear. The code for the function is:
(function($) {
$.fn.loadImage = function(src) {
var img = new Image();
$(img).attr('src', src).load(function() {
return this;

But when I run it I get the following error:
$("#image img").fadeOut().loadImage(src) is undefined
I think that the function don't return a "valid" object to make it chainable, isn't it?

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JQuery :: Related To Setting Global Variables From Anonymous Function (valid = False;)?

Oct 22, 2010

//<input type="text" id="s_field" value=""/>
var valid = true;
var div = $("#s_field");
$.post("index.php",{id: 6}, function (data){


When posting data, and getting response need to set valid to false - email is not valid.

1. in function it alerts valid is false
2. outside function it says valid is still true!

even i didn't wrote var valid = false;, but valid = false;I need to set Global "valid" variable to false.

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Function - Check On A Check Box Another Check Box Appears

Jan 28, 2009

I want a function that when you check on a check box another check box appears.

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Validating Quantity

Jul 23, 2005

I have a function like this

function checkquantitiy(quantitiy){

if(quantitiy.value != parseInt(quantitiy.value)) {
alert(quantitiy.value+" sorry not integer quantitiy");

} //End of function

This check if quantitiy is integer. In the form I have following

<input name="buyquantitiy" type="hidden" id="buyquantitiy" value="<?php echo
$buyquantitiy; ?>" size="1" maxlength="3">
<input name="quantitiy" type="text" id="quantitiy" value="1" size="1"
maxlength="3" onchange="javascript:return checkquantitiy(this);">

The problem is when i will calculate if quantitiy/buyquantitiy is an
integer. The reason is that some products can only be seld as 4 items, and
if you press 3 wou should get a message that says
"Sorry a quantity of 3 are not aviable because there are 4 items in
package". Can transfer 2 varibales into the function? Or have anyone any
suggestion how to solve this.

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Addevent - Ordered Firing Of Events In IE

Feb 2, 2010

This is driving me to distraction and has probably been well and truly answered... but can the order of event firing on an object using a 'traditional' addEvent script (i.e. [URL] be guaranteed in IE(6+)? I am desperately trying 'to do things right' but IE is pushing me into despair - I need a blur event on a textbox to do 2 bits of validation one after the other.

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How To Create Ordered List In TextArea

Mar 1, 2010

I would like to create an ordered list in a text area named textfield. Every time someone clicks on a link, I'd like it to add the link name to textfield1 in an ordered list. i.e., A) B) C) D).

function addMsg(text,element_id) {
document.getElementById(element_id).value += text + '
'; }

HTML Code:
<A HREF="#" onclick="addMsg('You clicked on Link1','textfield'); return false;">Click on Link 1</A>

For example, if you "Click on Link 1" 5 times, it will add this to the text area:
A) You clicked on Link1
B) You clicked on Link1
C) You clicked on Link1
D) You clicked on Link1
E) You clicked on Link1

Then, if you deleted line C), it will automatically relabel to:
A) You clicked on Link1
B) You clicked on Link1
C) You clicked on Link1
D) You clicked on Link1

Then, if you "Click on Link 1" again, the text area will again show
A) You clicked on Link1
B) You clicked on Link1
C) You clicked on Link1
D) You clicked on Link1
E) You clicked on Link1

Is this possible? The reason I want to do it is because I want users to be able to edit the text within the textarea, and copy and paste easily. Otherwise a list box would make more sense. Can't do HTML in a textarea.. though?

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Modifying Random Background Image To ORDERED

Jun 29, 2010

I am using this script to rotate background images and it is working great HOWEVER we would like to control the order of the rotation and I am just not sure how to modify this code to do that? I have looked and tried several options but I am just missing something


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JQuery :: Find Li Number In An Ordered List?

Mar 25, 2010

Is there an efficient way (ie. not looping through all members and counting) to find out what number an li will get in an ordered list? For example: [code]...

Naturally #first and #second will be 1 and 2, respectively. Without looping though all children of ol and counting, can I determine the number for #first and #second?

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JQuery :: Optimizing Large Quantity Of DOM Manipulations?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a website using jQuery that for the most part works fine, but it contains a very large form with a lot of fields. I have an option to save the settings from the form and to load and retrieve them from the server. The problem I'm running into is that the loading settings involves changing so much in the DOM (the form is huge and contains a lot of fields) that it seems to be freezing up on some browsers or timing out. I can't reproduce this on my computer (although it does take awhile to finish processing) but I've gotten enough reports of the problem that I'm looking for some advice as to how I can speed it up some.

The site is [URL] I've tried to speed it up by caching a good chunk of the selectors I'm interacting with and I'm using IDs to access the fields in most circumstances. But I'm not sure what else I can do to really optimize the loading. how I can go about improving on the load speed?

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Calculating Shopping Total With A Quantity Textbox?

Sep 27, 2011

I've been given this ridiculous assignment where I have to create a shopping web page.finding the javascript codes that will allow the user to update their total as they enter the quantities of the different products in the assigned text boxes.I don't even know where to start because we were never taught how to do this in class!

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Script To Validate Multi Quantity Orders?

Aug 17, 2010

I am looking for JavaScript code to validate the orders that comes with multiple quantities. Example let's say I place an order "JavaScript is so cool" book ISBN 99878347834309 and quantity purchased is 3 and another book "JavaScript is Great" ISBN 7978394908034 and purchased 2 quantity.

In my warehouse application on initial load of the page I want to display all the items purchased for that orderID(1234) 1 line at a time and in red color and as soon item is scanned I want to turn the item to green color.[code]...

This is how the management wants to display and as soon as item is scanned then the title will turn to green. When there are no more items then it should request for new order. Some validations that needed on this order are 1. Avoid duplicates (ie someone trying to ship more than the required quantity) then some pop up some valid message 2. If the ISBN doesn't belong to this order then pop up some valid message.

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Making Random Background Rotation Controlled/ordered?

Jun 28, 2010

I am using this script to rotate background images and it is working great HOWEVER we would like to control the order of the rotation and I am just not sure how to modify this code to do that?

<script type="text/javascript">
function ChangeCSSBgImg() {
if (!document.getElementById) return true;
var MyElement = "logo" //The ID of the element you want to change
var ImgPath = "graphics/en-US/new/rotate/" //The file path to your images


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Making Ordered List Numbers With Onclick Display Prompt?

Feb 13, 2009

Is is possible to make an ordered list with an onclick display prompt show the number item of the list? What I mean is like, say I have 29 items, but I click on item 15, is possible to make the prompt show the number 15, or the correct number for any item I pick?

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Remove A Selected Item From An Ordered List Which Was Dynamicaly Created?

Jan 8, 2011

I would like to know how can i remove a selected item from an ordered list which was dynamicaly created??

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