Fade Slideshow - Switching To The Next Slide Instead Of The Slides
Apr 7, 2009
I am creating a slide show in Javascript. So far it is running smoothly, however instead of the slides just switching to the next slide I want them to fade into the next slide. Is this possible in Javascript?
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Jan 27, 2009
I'm just about to start developing a hotel website and in a moment of misplaced enthusiasm I suggested to the client I'd offer a "by day" and "by night" style switching option for users. I'd anticipated using a jQuery plugin for this as I use jQuery for all other Javascript functionality, however, I've now realised I'll have to also load a different flash slideshow when the styles are switched. Does anyone know if there is an existing plugin which would handle this, or would i have to write this myself (god forbid! although hopefully there wouldn't be too much to it)?
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Aug 9, 2010
Im creating a website on Dreamweaver CS5, but im having a problem which im hoping someone here can guide me though. I can create a div box which slides up and down, by using the behaviours tag in dreamweaver, however, I want it to go left and right.
Theres an example of what i want on this site, on the left theres a div box which slides left and right and changed from show to hide : [url] i want a slide box exactly like the one on that site.
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Aug 30, 2009
Something like starting animation to a page with about 10 jpgs. When the page start is starting slideshow fadein animation between about 10 large pics, and when the last one appears it stays as a background to content and buttons must appear when the last picture is loaded, too with fade in animation. Is sounds not so difficult, but for me become a hard task.
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Jun 1, 2011
I've been working on a Javascript slideshow and have it working except for one problem that when the "next" or "previous" button is clicked for the first time, it skips the following slide. As a bit of a background, my client wants the slideshow to load a random slide when the window is opened, and also play the slideshow in a random order. However, when the "next" or "previous" button is clicked, it is meant to go to the correct sequential slide. For example, if it randomly loaded on slide 5 it should go to slide 6 if "next" is clicked and slide 4 if "previous" is clicked.
If nothing is clicked it will just go to another random slide. Once a button is clicked the client wants the slideshow to stop. I have all of this working, except when the "next" or "previous" buttons are first clicked, one slide is skipped. After clicking the buttons for a second time, it works fine. For example, if it starts on 5 and the "next" button is clicked it goes to 7 instead of 6. However, if it is clicked again, it works fine. The same is true for the "previous" button, altough it does not go to the incorrect slide but takes two clicks to go to the previous, correct slide. You can see what I'm talking about here: [URL]
My code is below.
var SlideShowSpeed = 6000;
var CrossFadeDuration = 20;
var Picture = new Array();
var Description= new Array();
var Header= new Array(); .....
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Oct 18, 2011
I've found many examples of creating slideshows using javascript all over the internet and these forums. However, I haven't found any that show how to create a slideshow and give each slide a different time interval between switching to the next one.
I'm changing my website over from a Flash based one to something that can be read on all devices. In doing so I've looked for ways to add a little motion to the site. I'm working with a friend who has been doing most of the site but here and there I like to get my hands dirty and try some things on my own. Unfortunately he doesn't know Javascript.
I wanted to have an animation window in the bottom corner of the page. Look at [url] to see what I came up with. I took a slider plugin for Wordpress and basically created a bunch of slides and entered them in to switch every .5s so that I could change how quickly they changed images by making some of them repeat the same slide 4 times for 2s, 2 times for 1s, etc. Though it's not pretty, it works. On Firefox everything looks great although it'd be nice to have fade in and out on each slide. On an iPad or IE it actually shows the flash between slides even when they're the same image. Quite frankly, it's ugly. Does anybody have any ideas?
I'm trying to get this to work in a Wordpress site on a window with dimensions of 450X230.
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Apr 11, 2011
I am trying to achieve a relatively simple effect but having a hard time. I have the code to swap the images displayed in a particular div with an external trigger but want to add a slide effect to the new images that loads upon activating the trigger. The code I have so far is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeBelt(beltName,BeltHolder)
var obj = document.getElementById(BeltHolder);
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Jul 11, 2011
I am using fred wu's slideshow lite and although i have 15+ slides the slideshow only cycles through the first 4 and then starts back at the beginning and after 4 slides starts over.
am i missing a setting somewhere to let slideshow lite know how many slides to cycle through?
I'm using this plugin because it came with the joomla template "Profile"...
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Oct 18, 2010
Someone kindly produced some code for me so I could get my slides links to link to my other slide page. The thing is I am using the "pagerAnchorBuilder" option on my original slide and I cannot seem to get the new code I was given working with my code on my website. Can someone advise me on how I can get the new code working with thepagerAnchorBuilder.
My Website Code:
New Code:
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Jan 27, 2011
currently making a website for a friend and he's after a image slide show that fades in and out of the images. He wants it javascript based as he does not want flash on it. However my knowledge of javascript at the moment is very poor but this is what I've come up with so far.
I managed to get a slideshow working fine without the fade. Then I got a fade working for IE with this code:
var slideShowSpeed = 5000;
var crossFadeDuration = 5;
var Pic = new Array();
Pic[0] = 'images/SD_Banner.jpg'
However, even though this works for Mozilla and Chrome, IE does not like this at all...
Is there anyway of somehow doing some kind of IF statemement depending on which browser is open to determine which code shoud be used?
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Oct 8, 2011
Is there any JavaScript that rotates the images in a slideshow with the fade-in effect and in the same time to allow transparent background?I am asking that because we have the script in the header of the site that rotates the images but header background is resizable and we cannot have the background for the slideshow div... It has to be transparent.I tried many scripts but neither one allows transparent background and in the same time to keep the fade-in effect.
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Jun 29, 2010
I'll slideUp a div, load some ajax, then slideDown the result.In the result, there are two more divs (navigation and 'subcontent' containers)I have links in the navigation div that should fadeIn new content (via ajax) into the subcontent container.Now, the fadeIn fadeOut functions operate correctly _until_ I use a slide on the larger div. If I slide at all, everything turns into a slide, even within the subcontainers. I'm not sure what's going on.ere's an example structure for the divs:
<div id="globalnav">Anchors/Links for the maincontent div</div>
<div id="maincontent">"maincontent" should slide open and closed.
<div id="nav">Anchors/Links in here</div>
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Jul 7, 2009
I am using Cycle and I am trying to get the first slide to fade in. I am new to all of this and I just can't get it to work. I looked at the 2 examples that Mike has on his page, but I just don't know what exactly to put where with regards to the code. I am setting up a portfolio with simple fade transitions between each example. I am utilizing both a prev and next option with the paging feature as well. If someone could be pretty specific as to what code needs to go where,
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Oct 31, 2011
I am new at this jquery stuff. In fact, I'm more of a cut and paste kind of gal I have a web page that I incorporated a slideshow. The picture seems to change a bit faster than I'd like, and I can't seem to make the picture go slower than it already is. Can anyone tell me what value I need to change to accomplish this? I changed a couple numbers, but didn't seem to have an affect. Also, is there a way to add a pause and play button so if the fading picture bothers someone, they can pause it?
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Oct 30, 2010
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Aug 16, 2011
Here is my issue: I have made a VERY SIMPLE slide show and it works perfectly. However, Now I want to add a fade in and out effect to the code. I have seen this done with the CSS opacity(alpha) and that seems to be the simplist way. However, I am having trouble fitting this into my code.
var step=1
function switchImg()
if (!document.images)
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Aug 26, 2009
Is this a known problem? I have Fade-In Slideshow v1.51 running on a site I am building. The purpose is to rotate banner images.
Sometimes when the page is loaded in IE it only loads half of it...other times it loads fully. In every other browser I tried it has been fine - Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safarai just not Internet Explorer. Here is the JavaScript code, that is in the head:
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Oct 22, 2007
I trying to get the image in the masthead to cycle through a small number of images. The image is the background-image of the div 'masthead'.
It works in Firefox but I'm getting an error in IE. The error is 'invalid argument' and refers to the j increment. I can't see the prob.
Also the slideshow is a bit abrupt and I need to make the images fade into each other. My old method and examples I've seen on the web don't seem to work. Does anyone know how to do it? Code:
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Jan 29, 2009
I was having a problem where in firefox and Chrome the mm_menus would load underneath the ultimate fade in slideshow images. The solution I finally came across was to add:
#menuContainer {
z-index: 10000;
position: relative;
to my stylesheet. the position relative however causes a spacing issue between the rollover images and the drop down menu. on the plus side the menu is showing on top of the slideshow images now. You can see this in action right now:[URL]..
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Apr 14, 2011
i have a slideshow at [URL] which utilizes the following code. how can i get rid of the fade effect and just have one image transition to the next cleanly with no fade animation?
* jQuery Cycle Plugin for light-weight slideshows
* Examples and documentation at: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/
* Copyright (c) 2007 M. Alsup
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Sep 2, 2011
So at the moment I'm working on an Ajax powered navigation that's animated with a horizontal slide and fade. So far I've imported the Effects Core and Effect "Slide" from the jQuery UI to get the horizontal slide effect in. Here's the documentation on the specific slide technique I'm using from the jQuery UI:[URL].. You can see the work I've done so far:[URL]... As you can see, the Ajax and horizontal slide features are working properly. However, one thing I can't get to work is the horizontal and fade effect to occur at the same time. I mistakenly tried to chain the show/hide functions with the fade function, but of course it happened sequentially instead of simultaneously.
I looked up for solutions online and most point to the animation function as the solution. In this case, I can't figure out a way to work with it because the animation function seems to manipulate the CSS to get the desired effects. While I could have animate change the width of the content area along with its opacity, the width resize would squeeze the text as the content area shrinks which is undesirable for my case. This is why I'm using the Effect "Slide" in the first place, to prevent the text getting squeezed as the content area slides.
So is there anyway I can get a simultaneous fade working at the same time with the Effect "Slide", or do I have to look for other methods of horizontal sliding to get it to work with fades?
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Mar 5, 2010
I'm trying to create a slide show using the script here:[URL]Here's my page.[URL] The problem is in IE (I'm testing this in IE7) there is a small black rectangle that displays in the fade. (I've tested this in Opera, Safari and Chrome. It works in all. I also tested it using an IE tester [URL]. Only 8 and 6 versions work correctly.) I can see on the dynamic drive page the slide show works correctly.I've tried changing the "background='black'" in the .js in a variety of places to transparent and tried to put an image, a transparent .png, in place of the background. No success with either one.
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Mar 1, 2011
Does anyone know how I can alter JQuery slideviewer pro to fade instead of slide?
Here's the link to JQuery pro [code]...
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Jun 25, 2010
I'm trying to add a fade effect between slideshow transitions. The script I'm building from is the Rich HTML Slideshow script which appears below.
The slides that rotate are wrapped in <div> tags with a class of "dyncontent" and I've managed to make the slideshow transition just fine, but not with any kind of fade effect. It just "snaps" from one slide to the next.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.all || document.getElementById){ //if IE4 or NS6+
document.write('<style type="text/css">
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Apr 7, 2010
I am trying to create a slideshow like the one on this site: [URL]
However, I would like to use JavaScript and CSS instead of Flash. I would be super grateful for any suggestions on how to do this. I am currently using the InnerFade plugin, which works great for the slideshow part, but I can't figure out how to integrate the navigation; I'm not even sure where to start! I'm open to starting over from scratch and not using InnerFade.
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Jul 26, 2011
I've got this client that would like the menu to slide out from the left nav bar, horizontally. So far I've put together a jQuery toggle you can see working here:Slide out Menu.What I need is to fade out/slide back when another menu link is clicked. Right now they are overlapping and there are more menu items to come.
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