X-browsercize SelectNodes + TransformNode

Feb 20, 2007

I'm trying to make some Javascript X-browser.

foo is a HTML DOM.

I have foo.documentElement.selectNodes("xpath"); in the source.
I see later down there is also a foo.transformNode. Yuck.

Has someone written a x-browser selectNodes/transformNode implementation
so that I can get this code working in a non IE browser??

Any recommendations (other than flames, unless they too contain a
recommendation) greatly appreciated :-D

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Sarissa SelectNodes

Apr 3, 2006

Has anyone experienced a problem with the Sarissa implementation of
selectNodes? My code, using the Sarissa parser, successfully loads an
xml document into the domNode variable. The selectNodes method then
fails to load any nodes.

This problem only occurs when using the Firefox browser though. In IE
the same selectNodes functions loads the nodes as I expected. Has
anyone any ideas why this might be occuring?

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Overcome The Side Effects Of TransformNode Being Removing The Next Event?

Jun 23, 2011

I got a table with td's and each of the got onchange and onclickwhen i change value of a td and click on other td i get the onchange event(of the first td) being fired and then the onclick (of the other td) being firedBUT...if inside the onchange event I use transformNode function , it will result in disabling the onclick event of the other td...How can I solve this issue and make the onclick event being fired ???

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