In that poupup window, the user loads a number of different pages (by
submitting forms and clicking on buttons), some of which are in a
different domain. But eventually, the user comes back to a page that is
in the same domain as the page in the main window.
On this page, I'm trying to execute the following script:
Yes, there is a form on the page that has been sitting in the main
window this whole time. However, I'm getting an "access denied" error. Any thoughts?
I am trying to write a bookmarklet that will let me know an object.For the most part, it works as best I could hope until I try it on a real page.For the purposes of understanding, I am using the Bookmarklet builder here [URL] for testing.
Here is the code:
(function (){ var theObjStr = prompt('What Object would you like to know?',''); var theObj = eval(theObjStr);
I compress the code, and test it via the link on the bottom of the page and everything works magically.Add the Bookmarklet to your favorites, and go to [URL] and try to run it in IE7.I am getting an access denied error when the code gets to the line:
var wHndDoc = jjPopWin.document; I have tried everything including just calling a straight jjPopWin.document.write(); with the same results.
I am on Windows XP SP3, Using IE7 (works great in Firefox 2 &3).
In phase of my deployment I send the user a window from a servlet and inorder to communicate with an applet already loaded in another window in the browser I thought I could set the window.opener.location="${}"; and it partly works, it get set, I see the new window flash, but it then executes that url. Two questions?
1. setting the window.opener.location in an onLoad() should not force a post back to the server, correct? I am just trying to keep that window I want up there and set an internal property so I can access the applet in the other window. Trying to make this "synthetically" a child of that page opened with the applet so I can call the applets methods simply.
2. Is there another way for a new browser window to directly access an applet in another page? I could go the route of making a probe applet and hoping they share the same JVM, (JRE1.6.0.25) access it that way. Is/how that the way to do it?
My understanding of "Access is denied" with respect to window.moveTo is that it results from a request which would move a portion of the window off screen.
The window in question is 480 high by 1000 wide. The screen dimensions are 1024x768. The move request is to 10,10, which would put the max right coordinate of the window at 1010 and the max bottom coordinate at 490. Both coordinates are clearly within the accessable area of the screen.
The code works fine on server A, but not on server B. Both servers are identical environments (SuSE Linux, Apache, all the same versions). Not only that, the code works fine using Firefox on either server. Only IE throws the error, and only on server B.
I see how the window.opener works, pretty neat in that the pop window knows the parent.
Is there a property that also knows the form field parent?
My function does not know which of the 3 select menus called it.
What can I do?
function onCarrierSelect() { // var frm = document.carrRequestForm.carrierList.selectedIndex var selectCar = document.carrRequestForm.carrierList.options[frm].text; alert(selectCar); if (window.opener && !window.opener.close) window.opener.document.form(x how make global?).nbcarrier(x how make global?).value = selectCar window.close(); }
p.s. as an aside I know the form field name, it is literally in the querystring, but that is ASP/vbscript and no way to get it into the jscript function...
This pops up a new window with every call. In the child window I call a parent function onbeforeunload, appClose() :
function appClose(){
if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed){ window.opener.CloseChild(getQueryString("application")); }}
This is in my frameset tag of the child code :
<frameset ... onbeforeUnload='appClose()'>
The window.opener.CloseChild() function is called perfectly when I have one child window open, but as soon as I create another child window both of the open child windows don't ever call it. They do both go into the onbeforeunload appClose() function, but do not call the window.opener.CloseChild() function inside of this routine.
Anyone have any ideas why when I have two child windows open I can't access the window.opener functions?
I have tried taking each new window out of the array and used the following code in CloseChild() :
I cannot seem to fix this problem; I get an access denied error with the line colored red below. I am not calling this up from another domain, it is simply a popup that has a few parameters. Works fine in Firefox. code...
My HTML page loads and alerts an XML document on another machine. If I request the page by machine name or localhost there is no problem. If i request by IP access denied error occurs.
I think this is because of that only the documents on same machine can be loaded. Is there any way to load xml documents from another machine?
For some reason, when I create a new window using "myWin =", and then try to get the location of the window using "alert(myWin.location)", it tells that access is denied. How can it be's a window I created...therefore, shouldn't I have access to it's location property?
a little backstory.. I had the script running fine on my computer. . transfered them to my laptop, and the script still found and parses the xml like it should. however, i zipped them and sent it back to myself and now all the values come back undefined.
fairly straight forward and simple.. but values of x[0].textContent is coming back undefined.. i have all files (html, js, and xml) in the same folder on my desktop. they worked perfectly fine before when they were just on my desktop.. but now that won't even work.
I have a form with an input type='file' element. I click on the Browse button of my file upload element, select a file, and hit open. The file name appears in the textbox portion of the file upload element (as expected). When I submit this form everything works perfectly.
On the same form I have a hyperlink that simulates clicking on the Browse button of the file upload element. It does this by using the file upload element's name and the click() method. I click on the hyperlink and the file dialog box opens as if I had clicked the Browse button. I select a file and hit open. The file name appears in the textbox portion of the file upload element - just like it should. BUT ... when I try to submit this form I get a javascript error that says "Access is Denied". The error is not on the next page, it's on this page - that is, the form never actually gets submitted and processed. There can be no doubt that this is a client-side error.
I've seen a lot of posts about this from a couple years ago but no solutions. Does anyone have any ideas? It's really important that I can launch the file open dialog box from a hyperlink.
I am in the unusual situation of knowing EXACTLY what is causing the above error on my page, but I do not know what to do about it. The problem is in a Javascript function that gets any style attribute of any element, whether that style comes from an inline or external stylesheet declaration. The function is this: Code:
I am using XMLHTTPRequest to invoke a url from my web pageI am running in Firefox 3.0 and am getting 'Access to restreicted URI denied' error.The domain of my page is 'server:porta' while the url I'm trying to invoke is 'server:portb'.In both urls the server name is the same, but the port numbers are different. Is there a solution to this issue?
I want to call C# method from jquery. So, I placed those methods in webservice and trying to call from jquery. But, it is giving an error as shown below: Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012 This is seen from the Firebug console.
I have WordPress installed in a directory of my website, and I'm using an iframe on the homepage to embed the blog. I'm using a javascript code that I found online to automatically resize the iframe based on the content inside of it. This is the code:
<script type="text/javascript"> function resizeIframe() {[code]...
This works perfectly in Google Chrome. However, in Firefox I get this error in the console:
I don't have any experience with javascript, but this makes no sense to me, because it should work since the iframe document is on the same domain and server as the parent page. The parent is[url]...." and the iframe document is [url].....Why is Firefox complaining about this? It shouldn't violate the "same origin policy" that I have read about.
I want to add this calculator form to our website (here is the link to what he wants exactly [URL]) so I try to copy that code but it won't work. I was wondering if this javascript would work.
I'm trying to dynamically set the height of my Iframe. my https: main page is calling another https in an Iframe. But i get an access denied error from my javascript trying to call the parent document.
Main https page <IFRAME APPLICATION="yes" style="width:100%;" id="iframename" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" SRC=""> html ------------------------------------------------ <script> function bodyheight() { x = document.body.scrollHeight = x } </script>
few days ago I wanted to post a follow-up to an issue reported on my plugin on [URL] just to find out some really weird things are happening there.
First I couldn't post the reply with an error telling me I didn't select any project. So I checked the dropdown list of projects to manually find the Reel project. It isn't in the list.
Then I tried to search for Reel project. With no luck.
I also tried a breadcrumb link on the issue page which finally led me to my project page - [URL] where I saw another unusual thing - a pink background underlying the page.
So I filed an issue there -[URL]
But things got much worse today...
Now when I'm logged in i see "ACCESS DENIED" nearly anywhere I look - jQuery Plugins Website Issue Queue, my plugin homes, my issues, the support request I filed, even on the jQuery Plugins homepage.
Under My Projects there's "You have no projects". Even though my other plugin - [URL] - seems to still exist
I have two projects there and even when I'm not logged I'm able to see just one (longclick), the other (reel) gives me access denied.
I'm also denied to post a follow-up to my support request, hence I'm posting here.
some jQuery Plugins Website insiders? what the heck is going on with my account and my Reel project?
I am getting an error to a mysql_query() call: Access denied for user 'SYSTEM'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' in path 'C:PHPClassesMySQLDbClass.php' at line 1078 This is coming from using a XML HTTP Request object (AJAX) to send form data to the server requesting my DB records interface script page, ajaxRecordsInterface.php. In using PHP sessions, I have no problem going from a logged-in-select-activity PHP document to an activity controlled by a PHP document that does records interface. But apparently an XML HTTP Request object has a different session than a PHPdoc-2-PHPdoc session. Is that so?
Here is MORE DETAIL: I am building first a version of a web-based database interaction using MySQL that does not use page reloads, so that means I am using Ajax/XML HTTP request object/Javascript (later I build the version that does script-free page reloads to show db updates/refreshes). I have no problem with login whose first PHP document gets user information and presents it, as well as a menu of links to how to interact with the DB. One of the options is to add/edit/delete student records.
In the PHP document which is the DB records interface, I have a scrollable HTML table at the document top with one table row for each record. Below it is an empty form, whose fields get populated when the user clicking on a record in a table row. Note that all fields for the records in the table rows were delivered as a Javascript array with a maximum of 50 or a 100 contiguous records in the MySQL table. (More optimizations may be done later, such as creating a Javascript array as a "cache" of the last 20 or so selected records.) I don't have problems making mysql_query() calls in a series of PHP document requests. I call session_start() to get session variables, one of which is a serialized MySQLDatabase class object which I unserialize to get the object again. The problem is the XML HTTP Request to a PHP document designed to interact with it is a different PHP session from a page-to-page session.
I am trying to usw , upload a file in the child window and then referesh the parent window. But once upload is done, window . opener .location.href or opener.location.replace sends a message back but I get a pop up blocker, so if I turn pop up blocker off, it opens in new page. I just want the parent page to refresh on the same window. This works on some employees stations but not on others..I don't know if there are any settings on IE that need to change, I tried everything...weird. does any one done this before?
I'm using window.showModalDialog but having an issue trying to set the parent window(main browser). I open modal window A which is then opens modal window B, top of modal window B onload I do window.opener.close()". My issue now is when i'm finished with B I set parent window(main browser) to a new url with window.opener.location. So my problem is modal window A the parent has been closed so window.opener.location will not work.