Toggling Between 12 Divs.
Dec 6, 2007
i would like to toggle between 12 separate divs (each of which contains a table that corresponds to a monthly calendar, if that helps you to visualize what i'm doing) when the corresponding link name is clicked. i've got it so that when the link is clicked, the div toggles between on and off states, but what i really want to do is replace the currently visible div with the new one. the code i've got to this point follows:
//the javascript:
function showCal(monthName) {
if($(monthName).className != "show"){
$(monthName).className = "show";
$(monthName).className = "hide";
//the css:
.hide {display:none;}
.show {display:block;}
//the HTML:
<a href="javascript:showCal('january')" target="_self">jan</a>
any ideas?? whatever help you can offer would be so greatly appreciated. i just need a point in the right direction.
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Feb 27, 2009
Here's my javascript
function togeditbld(thediv) {
var i=0;
for (i=1;i<=18;i++) {
var div="editbld"+i;
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Mar 5, 2008
I have a page with a number of divs on it. The number of actual divs is variable and is database dependent. Each div has a sequential id, e.g.:
<div id = "id0">
<div id = "id1">
Initially the first div's visibility is set to "display: block" and all the rest to "display:none". What I would like to be able to do is present the user with a series of links which when clicked would result in just one of the divs being displayed and the rest all hidden.
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May 19, 2006
I just can't get the following function to work in Internet Explorer:
function toggle_wrap(id)
var field_name = 'textarea_'+id;
var txtarea = document.getElementById(field_name);
wrap = txtarea.getAttribute('wrap').toLowerCase();
if (wrap == 'off')
txtarea.setAttribute('wrap', 'virtual');
txtarea.setAttribute('wrap', 'off');
} = 'none' = 'block'
When the thing is first ran, IE displays alert saying "virtual" and successfully turns the wrap off. When I run it again, the alert still says "virtual"! It's like it doesn't save the settings but does apply them.
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Feb 20, 2009
I am now trying to adapt this script to a section of my site where a user is able to answer questions with checking a yes or no radio button If the user checks a yes radio button then this toggles a slide animation which makes visible some content (another question and after that one a set of answers). Anyway, I am able to get this working for one question only.
Would you like a course of study involving works of art or antiques?and user selects yes radio button and the hidden div content is shown. However if you click yes again its hides (which i do not want) and if you click no it doesnt do anything when i want it to hide the content while the yes radio button makes it visible.So, was wondering if someone could take a look at my code and see if you can make any sense of why its not working as i hope it to (my javascript knowledge is incredibly limited and am learning at the moment).
Below is the html part:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/SOTC-Inline_Sliding_Panels.js"></script>
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Apr 28, 2009
I am trying to figure out if it is possible to add properties (or tie another variable) to a variable string? I believe it is limited to objects. I'll show you the code to help clarify what I am getting at:
function toggleKml(theKML) {
if (theKML.toggleState == 1) {
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Dec 13, 2010
I have this button:
<input type="image" src="pause.png" onmouseover="src='pauseon.png'" onmouseout="src='pause.png'" onclick="togglePause()" id="pauseBtn"/>
which changes from the play image to the pause image when clicked, using this function:
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Nov 16, 2005
I have been banging my head against the wall on this one. I have a drop down list menu that when a value is entered I have
which takes the value of the drop down and places it into a text field in a different section. I also need it to check a box on the same line that corresponds with auto populated field. Is it possible to do this. I'm assuming it would be
" onChange="toggleChecked(0001check)" or some variation?
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Aug 17, 2009
I have a form. When you click the checkbox, a text box appears. When you uncheck the checkbox, it disappears. This is all great, the problem is once these preferences are saved the user can go back to the form. Their data will be prefilled...if the checkbox is loaded as checked, it won't bring up the text area! You have to uncheck and recheck it.
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm going to have a webpage which will contain a number of tables. Some of these tables will have a number of rows where they have been set to not show by setting "display:none". Each of these tables will have a button beside it which when clicked will result in the 'hidden' rows appearing (or disappearing).I'm very much a beginner when it comes to javascript but can easily handle the above if it was just a single table row whose appearance was being toggled but it's likely to be any number of rows. I was wondering whether I should assign all the hidden rows with a particular class and in addition assign each actual table with hidden rows a unique id. Would that then allow me to pass both table id and row class to a javascript function which would then toggle the display of the rows. At this point I'm out of my depth
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Nov 4, 2010
I'm having a problem with toggling certain links, if a link is clicked. I don't know why, and I have no idea about jQuery, but somehow whenever I click on a link, it displays all of them.
The problem: [url]
"Start" should be the link that is clicked, and toggles the link within this links only.
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Feb 13, 2011
I finally figured out how to get the table rows to show and hide when its previous row is clicked (typical detail table setup). However, I can't get any animation to work properly.Using the toggle() method shows and hides the desired row but they just "snap" open and closed. When I use the slideToggle() method there is a slight delay in the hiding and showing.Adding some sort of animation parameter (slow, 400, etc) has no effect.
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Feb 4, 2010
I'm trying to create a horizontal dropline menu out of an unordered list. List items can have one unordered list child. I want to add a click event on all li:has(ul) elements. The pseudo-algorithm I'm thinking of is as follows:Find all other li:has(ul) elements on the page.For each, check if they are displayed.If displayed, hide it.Then, if the clicked li is displayed, hide it. Otherwise display it.Only one li:has(ul) element should be displayed at a time.
<script type="text/javascript">
What I have doesn't work because in the .each() function, the clicked li is also evaluated. So, if the clicked li is already visible, it gets toggled inside that function and then toggled again outside that function.
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Aug 5, 2010
I have a simple question regarding toggling large elements. When I use toggle to show/hide large elements I often get a "clunky" sort of effect. This is because the browser window has to re-size along with the page. I threw together a quick example of what I mean, it can be viewed HERE . You can sort of see it in the example if you scroll down before you hit the checkbox to hide the fieldset. This is even more noticeable the more elements that are displayed. Here is the simple code I threw together to illistrate the problem:
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Apr 8, 2009
I have created a long list of items. For each item, there is 1 image. In my case, I use the same image each time.
I would like to use JS to allow users to check an item by clicking on it. Please note, I am not using radio buttons or any other forms.
This is my JS function:
It is triggered using this:
It works for each image. It switches to 2.png when a user clicks on each instance of that image. But how do you make sure it switches back to 1.png on the next click, and so on, effectively creating a switch for multiple instances of the same image?
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Feb 4, 2011
Putting some javascript into a pdf file and can't get this to work out right.
Basic setup:
Field X = checkbox;
Field Y = numeric input field;
Here's what should happen (increment is toggled):
Y has a value. When X is checked, Y is increased by 5. When X is unchecked, Y goes back to its original, unmodified value.
Here's what really happens (increment is subtracted):
Y has a value. When X is checked, Y is reduced by 5. When X is unchecked, Y is reduced by 5 again. Anytime X is clicked on, Y is reduced by 5 yet again.
Here's the code:
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May 7, 2009
I have an ccordion menu, and each menu header has a little arrow img that changes when the menu slides down and up. The arrow img is a background image that is added to the detailsPanel div.This is the code so far:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#menuheader div.menu_head div.detailsPanel").toggle(function() {
This works fine when I toggle one menu item at a time.But say I expand one menu item, and then click on another menu header. What happens is that the first menu item slides up and the newly clicked slides down, just like expected. But the arrow doesn't change back on the menu that slides up. This happens because it's toggle function is still in the first state, and if I click on it again, thus removing the "detailsPanelSelected" class, all that happens is that the image changes back. Looking at the code, this is do I make it so that a menu items "detailsPanelSelected" is removed when another menu header is clicked? Can I somehow reset the pending toggle function?
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Oct 1, 2009
I am using a Toggle function right now that does a getElementByID check. I have a table dynamically being built by ColdFusion that shows a bunch of time entries for a support ticket. Each time entry has 3 rows that I only want to show if the first row is clicked. Right now it only displays the first of the three.
<script language="JavaScript">
function toggle(divid) {
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Aug 15, 2011
I have a calculator that I want users to be able to select a radio option that will display the coresponding calculator and hide it when the other radio button is selected in other words I want to only have one visible div at a time. How would I do this?
Here is my Javascript:
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
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Sep 5, 2011
i am new at JS and jQuery and trying to make this code work. But i can't solve the problem. when u click on parent of nested list items.It hide the unordered list too. i tried to add siblings() method but still its not working like it should i.e parent of nested li should be visible to toggle its child again.
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Jun 24, 2009
I'm attempting to switch the html inside of a <div> from MORE to LESS when clicked. The issue is that it takes two clicks to switch the text. You can see an live example here:
Here's my jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#more-one').click(function() {
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Sep 12, 2011
I've got a list of links and divs. When I click on a link I want to keep showing all the divs which have a class that matches the clicked link id and hide all the divs which don't. At the same time I want to add another class (.item) to the matching divs and remove it from any div which is hidden.
When I run the code below, clicking any of the links hides all the divs apart from the one which doesn't have a matching colour class.
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if($('.filterclass').hasClass(id)) {$('.filterclass').removeClass('filteredout').addClass('item');
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Jan 26, 2011
I have a simple jQuery click handler that animates the change of a divs background image. I would like to create some reusable code so I would not have to copy my code for every div I would like this effect on.
How would I go about this?
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Jan 22, 2009
I am using javascript to switch between a series of divs, on clicking a navigation tab the divs display property is set to 'block' and all other divs have their display property set to 'none'. That works fine, the problem I have is when I redirect to another page (e.g. a PHP script) on return to the index the divs have reset and only the default div is shown, rather than the div that was showing when the user left the page. The solution, as I see it, is two stages: Write a function to display the relevant div based on the variable passed to it, then work out how to pass this variable around various pages (post/get). I am very inexperienced with javascript and it drives me mad that the script literally does nothing rather than throwing up an error (as in PHP) but this is what I have so far in terms of a function:
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Oct 14, 2010
I have been trying to do some tooltips for a website and desperately wanted to learn something new and do that with jQuery.However, every time a mouse hovers over a tooltip, all hidden divs are shown, not just the one that supposed to. Here's my html:
Code HTML4Strict:
<div class="tip">
<a href="#"></a>[code].....
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm looking for some javascript to work with wordpress (jQuery preferrably) that will show/hide multiple divs on one click.
I had one working but it was kinda janky because it was causing me to have two divs with the same ID on one page. No good.
Since I updated to wp2.8.3 prior to launch, it's not working. So I've decided to just try and do it right.
Here's a page: [URL]
So, what I want to happen: On page load, the first tab: "general" and it's corresponding div beneath should be showing. And the first image should be showing. The other content divs and images should be hidden. I've given the text content divs a dashed border to show their borders. When a visitor clicks "dine at home" the general div and image hide, the second content div shows, as does the second image (it's currently the identical image, but the client may change later.) Etc.
I'll be using this function on a few other pages as well.
how to adjust this javascript to work on two different IDs at once?
current code:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function () {
var tabContainers = $('div.imgswap > div');
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