Rollover Cursor Change

Jan 5, 2003

I have this to change my cursor....

body { cursor:url(blupoint.cur);}

<a href="#">hover link to change cursor</a><br>
<p onmouseover="changecursor()">hover mouseover to change cursor

The pointer changes to blue, I also have a blue hand.
I can change both white cursors, hand and pointer, but what I want is the hand cursor to be the default white on links, but blue on rollovers.

Is there a way of forcing the cursor to change for mouseovers?

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Cursor Change On Rollover Link

Aug 15, 2004

I used CSS to change the cursor on my website, as well as the cursor for link hovers. Is there anyway to override this and use a different cursor for just one link on my website?

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Dual Purpose Rollover (rollover Image And Iframe Change)?

May 11, 2010

Before, I had an iframe, and when I moused over a link outside the iframe, it would load a page into the iframe. Background image was part of the page loaded, as well as the text and what not. The problem was, the image took too long to load. I've been learning how to do javascript and I came across some code for preloading an image before the mouseover so there was zero wait time. For the past few days I've been trying to figure out how to have the preload image appear BENEATH the iframe (now with no background image or color) with the allowtransparency attribute set to true.

I've figured out the code to do both individually, i.e. I have the code so that when the link is moused over, the new image will appear; AND I have the code so that when the link is moused over, the page with load into the iframe. Both work, both do what is expected, but they don't do it together.Below is the script. Here's where it's confusing. If I have the "setupImgRollover..." first inside the if statement: the page loads into the iframe, but there is no image. If I have the "setupImgRollover..." after the "" commands in the if statement: the image appears but the page does not load into the iframe.

HTML Code:

window.onload = rolloverInit;
function rolloverInit() {
for (var i=0; i<document.links.length; i++) {
var linkObj = document.links[i];


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Change Image On Rollover ?

Apr 20, 2010

I essentially have this code below and what I am trying to do is change the image when the mouse rolls over it but change it back when the mouse leaves. What am I doing wrong?

HTML Code:

I have also tried assigning the id to the image and came up with this code but it still doesn't change anything. Just shows the original image.

HTML Code:

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Change The Cursor Over Html Object

Jul 23, 2005

How can I change the cursor type, when I am over a html element. (on tableCell - I want to make a cursor that is like a hand and not an arrow).

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JQuery :: Cursor To Change When Mouse Over Div?

Dec 1, 2011

How do I get the mouse pointer to change as if over an active link when moused over a div.This my code, you can click anywhere on the div and it will fadeout as expected, but the mouse pointer has the appearance of not being active.

jQuery('a').click(function() {

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Change Flashing Textarea Cursor

Sep 8, 2010

How do you guys change the flashing cursor when text area is focused ?

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How To Change The Cursor Type On Hot Object.

Apr 19, 2007

I have a image gallery that gives very nice popup windows when you click the thumbnail for the larger picture. The problem is that when you hover over the thumbnail(link) it doesn't change the cursor type to a hand which makes it hard to know that it's a link....

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Change Cursor Position In Textarea?

Jan 22, 2003

Does anyone know how to change the position of the caret (cursor) in a Textarea, using Javascript?

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Rollover Text To Change Image ?

May 3, 2011

Example script I can use to do the following.

Essentially I have text on the left (sizes) and an image on the right.

When you put your mouse over the text the image needs to change to show the corresponding image to the text.

I know this isn't hard but I just mustn't be using the right search terms to find an example.

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Text Rollover To Change Images

Apr 19, 2010

I have a table with two rows and a single cell in each. The top row will house images(s) that I would like to swap out using rollover text links in a lower cell like: 1 | 2 | 3... '1' would call 'img1.jpg' into the uppermost cell, '2' would call in 'img2.jpg', etc. on rollover.I'm certain this is simple to do, but google hasn't panned out for me so I'm hoping someone can give me a snippet of code to start with and I can manipulate for my purposes.

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Mouse Cursor Not Change, Until I Focus To Different Window

Jul 23, 2005

Below is example js:

function SomeLongProcess()
for(var i=0;i<document.all.length;i++)

// some long process here !!

for(var i=0;i<document.all.length;i++)

so, the problem is, that the mouse cursor not change, until i focus to
different window, and return to this window.

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Change Image Of Cursor Upon Click Of A Button?

Mar 14, 2009

I am creating a firefox extension, and I wish to change the image of the cursor upon click of a button. Firefox has setCursor() but it does nto inherit the browser element.

Is there a way I can change the cursor, that will appear on the web page?

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JQuery :: Change Text On Image Rollover?

May 17, 2011

I have 6 image buttons that I want to create a rollover caption for. So for each image, when you rollover it a text title appears and thendisappearswhen you rollout. There will be a different title for each image and will be located in the sameposition. I'd also like to have the text fade in and out if it's not to complicated.I already have the following code to create a smooth image rollover:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('.fadeThis').append('<span class="hover"></span>').each(function () {
var $span = $('> span.hover', this).css('opacity', 0);


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Multiple Class Change On Hover / Rollover

Mar 6, 2010

In the past I've done image rollovers and that's fine. I got scripts for those, and got them to switch fine. But what I want to do is edit the backgroudn color of a TD, which is code defined, and not an image. Anyways, the basic thing I'm doing is a table that hold lots of numbers. I'm creating a "times table" - which looks roughly something like this:

......1 2 3 //top row (multiples)
1.....1 2 3
2.....2 4 6
3.....3 6 9

Now, when you rollover, let's say, the '6' - the TD background color for the '6', left '2' and top '3' would change to a different color (bolded in this example). This would work the same way for every other number as well, which involves overlapping classes. I've search for an answer for hours, to no avail. And here's a more "code specific" example of the table:


Also, the image rollover script I have goes like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;
}function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
} .....

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Dynamically Change Onmouseout Value On Image Rollover?

Jun 1, 2011

Having trouble specifically with onmouseout, onmouseover, and onclick used on areas in an image map. I'm trying to replicate the interactive hearing aid sound demonstration that can be seen on homepage but program it with javascript instead of flash. In the end of countless hours of research, frustration, and browser incompatibility (only chrome will actually change the image, ie nor firefox do anything except display one image).

Here's my guidelines...

The hearing aid has three switches. An image is created for each switch being selected. (3 images) The first switch is the off button or stops any sound playing when selected. The second switch upon selection plays a sound file of somebody talking. The third switch upon selection plays a sound file of the same person talking but also with background noise. A polygon area has been created for each switch as part of an image map. (3 areas)When a switch is selected (let's say switch 1), the other switch areas upon mouse rollover are highlighted in yellow (either switch area 2 or switch area 3) but the switch that was selected (switch 1) doesnt change upon mouse rollover. So this had me create 2 more images per switch displaying the switch selected and the two other areas highlighted. In total this is 9 images.(3 imaged per switch + (3switches * 2 switch areas highlighted) = 9).

The image names are as followed HearingAid(switch number)(nothing,a, or ) corresponding which switch is highlighted; a being bottom most switch area different than switch that's selected and b being top most switch area. So they are HearingAid1.png, HearingAid1a.png, HearingAid1b.png HearingAid2.png, HearingAid2a.png, HearingAid2b.png, HearingAid3.png, HearingAid3a.png, HearingAid3b.png.

The original image will change to the appropriate image out of the 9 images I created based upon left clicking an area to select the switch and mousing over other switches which are then highlighted.

My first problems from my first few attempts was that when I selected a different switch from the original off switch, my onmouseout for all switch areas was programmed to revert to the original off switch image and not the image I selected. So I thought I needed to dynamically change those attribute values to new ones every time I selected a new switch. I couldn't find anything in my research that would help me since I tried a lot of things and saw them all fail when testing them out.

My latest attempt I thought had the most potential but it seems like the onclick attribute is working at all. I can't figure out why either.

Here's my latest code:

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JQuery :: Change Cursor Style In IE To Not-Allowed On Overlay?

Aug 2, 2009

I have a DIV blocked from data entry in IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Functionally all is okay -- super plugin! The only problem left is that the cursor does not change to 'not-allowed' on the overlay when I use IE 6,7 or 8. All other browsers render the cursor okay?

Here's the code:
$().ready(function() {
$('#cbProtected').bind('click', function(e, ui) {
if ($(this).is(':checked'))
function Protect(el) {
message: null,
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: null,
opacity: 1.0,
cursor: 'not-allowed'
function Unprotect(el) {

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Dynamically Change The Cursor Style Of The Entire Webpage

May 3, 2011

I'd like to use JavaScript to dynamically change the cursor style of the entire web page but I can't seem to get the phrasing correct. The following does not work:


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JQuery :: Text / Link Opacity Change On Rollover?

Aug 21, 2011

how to implement the same effect as the left hand side navigation bar on this site,


I want the link to appear opaque when inactive but upon hover fade in darker.

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Creating Rollover To Change Same Background With Multiple Images

Jan 25, 2009

Any script I can look at to do something very similar to this? [URL] I need to be over to mouse over various images at the bottom and have the 'main' image change to different backgrounds or images. Another similar example is [URL] - I'd like to be able to do that as well.

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Mouseover Image To Change Rollover State Of Link

Mar 19, 2010

Here is an example of what is done so far: [URL].
When you mouse over the b&w images you will see the image change to color.
When you mouse over the links on the left they will have a rollover and also change the image on the right to color.

What I would also like is mouseover the image to change the rollover state of the link on the left. Here is my code so far..
PHP Code:
<style type="text/css"><!--/* ================================= *//* ====== Subject Matter Rollovers ====== 
*/#menuButton1{height: 41px;width: 133px;
overflow: hidden;background:
url(images/content/buttons/subjectmatter.png) top left no-repeat;
display: block;text-decoration:none;line-height:2.5em;color:#000000;}

I thought the following might work (2nd image)
But as you see no it does not.

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JQuery :: Validate An Input Text Before Submit Or Change The Cursor?

Nov 22, 2010

using jQuery, how to validate a required input text before submitting or placing the cursor in another field? I've tried this below but it doesn't work.


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Unwanted Cursor Change When The Button Is Clicked - Internet Explorer 6

Mar 2, 2010


My example code causes the following problem in Internet Explorer (at least, in version 6): it causes an unwanted cursor change when the button is clicked. DETAILS: Using my example code, here is what happens (step-by-step in chronological order): (1) the user hovers the mouse over the button, which causes the cursor to be a hand; (2) the user clicks the button; (3) the browser does its image-related activity; (4) immediately after step 3 is entirely completed (in other words, after the browser finishes loading an available image or after the browser times out from attempting to find an unavailable image), the cursor changes from a hand to an arrow if the mouse is kept still; (5) if the mouse is then moved while staying over the button, the cursor will change back to a hand.

As I said, in step 4, the cursor changes from a hand to an arrow if the mouse is kept still. I consider that to be a problem because I want the cursor to *always* be a hand when it is over the button. And, indeed, that should be the expected behavior due to the CSS code (style="cursor:pointer") in the button tag.

QUESTION #1: The problem occurs in IE6, which is the only version of IE available to me. Does the problem also occur in later versions of IE? (The problem does not occur in Firefox.)

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On Change Event Of <select> In Firefox Doesn't Fire When Using Cursor Keys

Aug 14, 2005

I have a <select> object that i've set up an onchange event that fires
in IE fine when I use the cursor up and down in the list, but If I use
the cursor up and down in Firefox the event doesn't seem to fire until
I've left the field....If i use the mouse all is fine, only when using
the cursor keys does it not fire the onchange event in FF.

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JQuery :: Validate An Input Text Before Submit Or Change The Cursor Position?

Nov 22, 2010

using jQuery, how to validate an input text before submitting or placing the cursor in another field? I've tried this below but it doesn't work.


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JQuery :: Call A Function When Update Panel Did Async Postback And Also Change Cursor Pointer?

Jul 19, 2011

I am trying to call a deactive_tiptip function from tiptip source code when partial updates happened.I want to call that function inside this code

function pageLoad() {
if (Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().get_isInAsyncPostBack()) {


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