I am working with this regexp to extract address: city, state, and zip. This version kinda works but it extracts one element of an array instead of three and keeps my "city" too long, including all text before it.
var regex = /s*(.*)s*,s*([A-Z]{2})s+(d{5}(-d{4})?)s*/g;
function doit(){
var arr = d.innerHTML.match(regex);
d2.innerHTML = arr[0]+" | "+arr[1]+" | "+arr[2];
d2.innerHTML = "Found "+arr.length+" matches";
<div id="myDiv">
Some text here, not always break after <br>New Haven, CT 06460 plus whatever text here too
Here is my code for looking up a city, and state by zip code. I am getting no errors and I believe it should work, but the code does not seem to want to function. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]"> <html xmlns="[URL]"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>City and State Lookup</title> <style type="text/css"> .....
I'm new to jQuery. The little project I am working on is setting up a web form such that when the user enters their zip code (US only), a call is made to a php function which returns the appropriate City and State data. The one spot I am having difficulty with is in retrieving this data from the php file. I have read and reread the pages in the jQuery manual about .get, .post, .ajax, etc. and I am somewhat at a loss as to how to go about picking up the data that the php script generates.
I saw this code at [URL] and wanted to expand on it by adding a Zip Code field. The problem is it doesn't want to work for me and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. My source code is below.
Here is what I'm envisioning: The user selects a state, then in the 'Cities' box, he starts typing the name of his city. However, it autocompletes the name for him based on the state he chose. So if he chose California and started typing in "Los Angeles", it would autocomplete "Los Angeles" for him. Does that make sense? Is there a script out there that can do this?
I am new to jquery and I need to make a form that allows a user to select a state and a city that they go to school in. I am using the cascade juqery plug-in [url].
Which I think is a great plugin) The problem is there is a lot of data and it takes a long time for it all to load (some 28,000 records).
What I want to do is split it up into different files and then load only the file that contains the data for that start/region.
I want to check the email address type in a contact form but want to reject it if it's from a certain domain I actually use this regexp : /^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4}$/ (taken from the jquery validationengine) to check if the email address is correctly formated but I'd like to reject it if contains hotmail between the @ and the. I tried many things but couldn't get something that works.
So, for example, if someone chooses "California" out of the State list (select box), the City list next to it gets updated with all of the cities in California.
I'm finally diving into regexp by porting a perl script over to js that uses regexp to compress javascript into a bookmarklet capable format.I've successfully worked out 90% of the expressions but am troubled with a few, this one at the moment is odd:I want to remove the first line if it hasjavascript:So I thought str.replace(/^javascripts+:s+/, "") would be ok. I want javascript text, any space, colon, any space and new line. what I'm doing wrong.btw this is the original perl version
I found this in felgall's page. I added script tag
<script type="text/javascript">
var re = /(t)he/g; var mystring = "Over the moon."; re.text(mystring); alert(RegExp.input); // or RegExp.$_ alert(RegExp.leftContext); // or RegExp["$`"] alert(RegExp.rightContext); // or RegExp["$'"] alert(RegExp.lastMatch); // or RegExp["$&"] alert(RegExp.lastParen); // or RegExp["$+"] alert(re.source);
I don't see message box. Please tell me what I can do.
To say I'm new to JavaScript is a bit of an understatement so bear with me. I have a site set up with a variety of layers of toggles. When you enter the site all of the items are collapsed and you click the headings to expand. Each of the toggle-able items have ids. It works great for users who start at the homepage.
However, when I send people to any of the inner topics, all they see is the initial collapsed state of the site. I want to be able to provide a URL that will set the toggle to open, and show all of the content for that section on entry.
Here is my code and js, can anyone point me in the right direction?
I am attempting to make a menu that has a background image that changeswhen you rollover or click a menuitem. I've got the hover effect working fine with CSS, but am trying to implement the click event via jquery with the following:
My process is to reset the entire menu to the inactive state, then switch on the active state for the item that was clicked. Eventually, the item that was clicked will display its corresponding body section as well. I've tried using the CSS pseudo-class "active", but since the entire div is the link, that is unavailable. I've also tried multiple variations of addClass/removeClass, toggleClass, and setAttribute/removeAttributebut nothing hasworked so far.
i want to add the link address when clicked on the link in web page to the outlook express address book when the outlook window populates. i tried to put
<a href="mailto:enquiry@mydomain.com" > click here </a>
but it only add address to the To section of outlook window, i want it should store the address in the address book.. of outlook express..
I have been looking for a solution for a long time. I have embedded a SWF app in html page using SWFObject. Now I need to give the Flash app the address where it is currently embedded, since the same SWF file is embedded in more than one locations! So the Flash app is supposed to pull the right content according to its current position
I've a page where users may enter a zip code (text edit) and I want to fill a combobox with existing cities depending on the zip code entered.
Let give an example.
I've my text edit like: <input name="ZIP" type="text" id="ZIP" onKeyUp="fillcitycombo();"> <select name="City" id="City"></select>
When entering the zip code, I'd like the fillcitycombo() function to fill the combobox with the matching cities. For example I've
IDCity ZIP City 1 1950 Sion 2 1950 Pont-de-la-Morge 3 3960 Sierre 4 3960 Corin
So user's entry 3960 should fill the combo with Sierre, ID 3 and Corin, ID 4, as selecting 3 or 4 will change the city (that share the same ZIP code).
Of course the ZIP and city datas will be in the javascript source, as client side there is no access to the DB. For info, in the client's DB I store the IDCity code.
Basically I want it when a visitor comes to my site it Will say Welcome from "Visitors city".Is there anyway to do this? I was able to add geo ip weather to it, but cannot figure out how to make the city come up. Or state, which ever would be easiest.
i want to have 2 dpendent drown box. one for country , and the other for city. if you change country in box1 , the city list will also change in box2.. How to do it in javascript ? can you provide an example with few dumy country name and their cities.
How can make me selectting a country and then come out with a relative cities ?
for example if i select the American <select name="country"> <option value="american">american </option> <option value="australia">australia </option> </select>
I use the Validation plugin [URL] and do like this: frmzip: { required: true, digits: true, remote: zip.php, },
I have two fields; zip and city, I validate zip with remote and it checks against a list if the zip is valid, but i want it too: Check if the zip is valid Return true if it is valid and return the city of the zip and paste it in the city-input... Of course I have a database/array/list with all zip and city's.
I have a property site and I currently have it set up do that when entering a property the person selects a country.Depending on the country selected, the town drop down populates with certain towns in that country.ecause of the number of countries this javascript is pertty large and that worries me slightly. Also, if someone hasjavascript turned off then it doesn't work.In order to make it more accessible, would I have to seperate the form into 2 sepertate pages.