Pre-loading Images Properly (IE + FireFox)
Oct 25, 2007
I am seeking a easy to maintain and more importantly *working* way to
pre-fetch images, so the pages I develop load smoothly without seeing
the images kick in flicker as they usually do. Important - I need
this to work on Internet Explorer 6.0+ and FireFox.
I am presently using at the head of the page,
pic100= new Image;
However, it doesn't seem to work on FireFox at all. I've tried
different combinations with the URL path, but I don't know what I am
doing wrong. Can someone please assist me with this boggle?
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Jan 4, 2012
My code is very simple: a div conatining 5 images (always the same 5!) to swap using the fade effect. It works fine in IE but in Firefox (I have Firefox 8.0) the images are not being uploaded. I checked previous posts and some point out that instead of doing
I would need to include a 'load' event trigger. However, since I am not that familiar with javascript or jquery programming, I couldn't manage to program this solution and tested.
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Mar 21, 2011
I have a jQuery based gallery [URL] that will load thumbnails to the bottom of a page, however for some reason these images only load on Firefox and IE (Not Chrome or Safari). I'm not sure this is due to jQuery completely.
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Oct 30, 2005
I've written a slideshow script which loads and displays a series of >1Mb images from the local machine. Each image is loaded twice - once to get the dimensions and once to be shown on the screen, so it can be dynamically resized by another script.
This script runs without problems in Opera and Internet Explorer, no matter how many times it's executed. However, after it runs a couple dozen times in Firefox, the width and height attributes of the image start returning 0. It seems like the loading has slowed down considerably and the script starts skipping to the next line without waiting for it to finish.
I've tried adding the line while(!image.complete), which works, but invariably causes Firefox to display a message saying the script is causing Firefox to run slowly, and asking if I want to abort.
Is there a way I can flush earlier images from the cache, or somehow free up resources so the script will continue to run as quickly as it does at the start?
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Jul 18, 2009
i am using the javascript Image object to preload images, on FF everything works fine but ie always reload the images so i get some flicking.
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got a page that shows a number of packages available for sale. Each
package has a little description, and then a (sometimes long) list of
features for each package. I thought it would be a good idea to let
visitors hide the details for each package, so that they can see just
the summaries together. So I borrowed some code (can't remember from
where), which was designed for expandable/collapsible menu trees, and
used it to show/hide the details of the packages.
The code works fine, but the only problem is that when you hide a
section, the page doesn't resize itself. The text underneath moves up,
but below that a huge empty space is left. The scroll bars should change
to reflect the page's new (smaller) length, but instead they stay the
same, and let you scroll through all the empty nothing at the bottom of
the page.
I've tested the page is IE6 and Firefox 0.9 - I only have this problem
in Firefox, in IE the whole page shrinks and the scroll bars change
accordingly. Any suggestions? I though maybe I need to call some
javascript function to refresh/recalculate the page - I tried using
document.normalize() straight after the section got hidden, but it
didn't help. Any other such functions that might do the trick?
Here's the code:
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Aug 18, 2011
I am having an issue with some javascript that works fine in IE, but in FF is not working properly. The script is used to display a list of check boxes, the user can expand, which can checked to enable a users selection of products.
This is the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var xcNode = [];
// m = Parent UL ID
// c =
function xcSet(m, c, q, isCompletedLength) {
if (document.getElementById && document.createElement) { .....
Works fine in IE, but not in Firefox where the expanded list is not showing the current number of items (checkboxes), it shows 34 check boxes in IE but only 17 in firefox.
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Jul 26, 2009
I'm having difficulty loading images via Ajax on a site that I've been working on.I'm performing the ajax by using the Request.HTML object of the MooTools framework. Basically, I'm just passing some parameters to a php script which outputs some image tags and then I insert that HTML into a pre-defined content div. For some reason though, it seems that big images don't seem to load consistently when using this technique. Usually, they will just show up as broken images, but when I navigate to the url of the image that is 'broken', it displays just fine. Also, occasionally after navigating to the actual url of the image, my browser will cache the image and then it will display just fine when loading it through Ajax.
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Apr 20, 2011
I have a lot of images on a page and the have to be a little bit larger, so i dont want to change all of the css.I have made a couple of lines of code which doesn't give the right values back.The images have all diffrent sizes.
var getX = $(this).width();
var getY = $(this).height();[code]....
there's probably some thing wrong because it gives me very big values back.
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Apr 25, 2011
I have 3 images that I am trying to swap in and out with eachother. It starts off with the "Good Afternoon.gif" then I have a checkbox that changes it from and switches between the "Eyeball.jpg" and the "Smileys.gif" without going back to the "Good Afternoon.gif. That works perfectly fine and as intended. What does not work is my reset button, it unchecks the checkbox that I created as it should be does not set the image back to the "Good Afternoon.gif". I created goodAfternoon and a goodAfternoonFinal images because I am telling the code to to goodAfternoon.src=Eyeball.src; so I have the goodAfternoonFinal to change it back to the original pic.
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Jul 7, 2009
I'm new to jquery and am experimenting with implementing it into my existing work. I've got the cycle plugin working pretty well, only the 'turnDown' transition I want to use only appears to work on images. All other transitions seem to work fine with both content and images. I've done loads of searches on this but can't find anything specifically related to this...
Below is a link to where I'm at with it - the first 2 transitions are images and work as expected, giving that 'squashed' look as they slide in and out. The next 2 are divs, with an image, heading, and a paragraph inside - they seem to just 'drop' out which has a completely different effect and not what I want [URL]. Is there something in the plugin code itself I can tweak to make this happen, or is this particular transition intended for just images?
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Oct 15, 2010
I'm having an issue with Firefox and the innerHTML code. My index file has the following html body code in it:
<div id="testBox" style="text-align: center; color:white;">
test text
Then, in a separate html document loaded through an iframe, I have the following code that works great in IE but not in Firefox:
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
function ChangeML(){
parent.testBox.innerHTML ='text has been changed';
The function ChangeML is called on a click event using MooTools, but I figured that part isn't what's causing the problems because everything else works fine. No error seems to be reported ... it just skips right over this piece of code.
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Dec 22, 2009
displaying images properly maintaining its aspect ratio?
My requirement:
I have a table with single cell (means single row and column). I have to display image inside this cell. But when I do so using the below mentioned statement, the image expands and cover the entire cell area.
<table border=2 width= �600� height= �400�>
<td> <img src= �MyPic.jpg�> </td>
I will be loading different images inside the same cell, all having different height and width.
if you know how I can do it. I will be happier if you can paste the code here
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Jun 1, 2011
i am trying to create a very simple drop menu using jquery, bt when i am attaching the event to li's which have further ul inside it, it showing very strange behavior in firefox and in IE, it not showing propely the sub menu, zindex problem.
the complete code is here
<html xmlns="">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<style type="text/css">
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Mar 10, 2010
Im using a JavaScript function to dynamically add rows of user-input data to a form, but Im having problems getting it to work properly with Firefox (works well in IE, though). We are using Struts 1.3 and JSPs, if that makes a difference.
The JavaScript function seems to work initially because the newly added row will show up on the JSP after the user enters their data and clicks a button that uses an onclick event to call the function. However, when I submit the form the new elements dont get included in the request. The result is that when I use the following code in my Struts Action Class to get all the parameter names submitted in the request, I dont receive the new form elements that were added by the JavaScript function and I cant process those newly added records:
Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames();
Here is the JavaScript code for the function that I call to dynamically add rows of data to the form.
function addData(tableId, distBedsCode, empCode, fte) {
var tbl = document.getElementById(tableId);
//grab how many rows are in the table
var lastRow = tbl.rows.length;
Ive tried using hiddenElem.setAttribute(name,) at the end of the above code, instead of something like = , but that didnt work. There is just some difference between the way Firefox handles things and the way IE handles them
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Jul 8, 2009
It's for a photo gallery like this http:[url].....php but the one I need it for has 100 images so the page loads much slower. I can't just put the loading gif behind the images (as you would normaly) because you can see it with each image fade in and out. how I can have a loading gif show "only" while the images are initially loading, and then it goes away?
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Sep 20, 2010
i used setTimeout() function in my image gallery to scroll images , i used setTimeout("myfunction()",1) in my script. Now my image gallery is working properly but problem is that the speed of scrolling images if normal in firefox, but in internet explorer it is slow, and in google chrome it is very fast , Sir how to resolve this problem
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Oct 16, 2005
If the paths to images are hard-coded into an a global array, does that mean
that they are pre-loaded? If not, what is the algorithm to do so?
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Sep 18, 2010
I am trying to load an image into a div using AJAX.Instead on loading the image, I get PNG as the result in the div.Does anyone know how to load an image into a div?
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Sep 14, 2005
I have following type of code in the header
function pre_load_pics()
if (document.images)
var image1 = new Image(400,265);
image1.scr = "pic1.jpg";
var image2 = new Image(400,265);
image2.scr = "pic2.jpg";
etc etc
and the following in the body
but images are not downloaded until the app needs them later. Something wrong ? I thought they should be downloaded earlier?
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Jul 20, 2005
I feel like a complete fool! I should know the answer to the Q:
How do I load an image with JS and replace the default image?
Some background: My final objective is to have a web site where it
is VERY difficult to copy images off the site. The first thing I
was going to do was force folks to turn on JavaScript so that I
could disable the right click pop up menu. To force this, I thought
I would have all the default images say that JavaScript is required
to view the images. The problem is that I cannot figure out for the
world in me how to load the good image.......
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Jul 20, 2009
I am currently using the scrollable jquery plugin to scroll some images of thumbnails in a gallery. What I'm trying to do now, is figure out how to load the large version of those thumbnails into a div when they are clicked.
Here is a link to the webpage where the source can be viewed. [URL]
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Jun 8, 2009
I want to pre-load images for my gallery, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Currently, I have php code that generates thumbnail images on page load and while this works fine, it at times can be very time consuming. For reference, below is my php code. how I could/should pre-load images?
<div id="galleryReel">
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Jun 26, 2010
I have some rollover images on my website, and they don't switch until the page is finished loading.Is this standard? Is there a way to have the rollovers work when the page is still in the process of loading all the images?
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Apr 22, 2006
In my website I constructed a script that changes the image.sources of several images. The changes are made by calling a JS-function. The function is invoked by selecting an option in an html-form. In my second post below I pasted the code.
The problem is that each time the images are changed the browser starts to load them all again, although all images were PRELOADED in the <head> section of my HTML page. It takes time every time a user invokes image changings, and also the visual effects are worsened.
How can I prevent the browser from loading the images again each time?
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Mar 20, 2010
I am using Lightbox v2.04 with ASP.Net 2008. The issue i am finding is that the images that are controlled by the java script are not loading if the page is in a sub folder. I have my main folder that contains a folder for my java script folder, a folder for my images, and a folder that contains some pages.
This is the code in the lightbox.js file that i believe may be the cause.
LightboxOptions = Object.extend({
fileLoadingImage: '../images/loading.gif',
fileBottomNavCloseImage: '../images/closelabel.gif',
Is there something specific that needs to be done so that the pages in the sub folder can have this work?
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