Nested Tabs

Jul 23, 2005

trying to make a web page with tabs which you can navigate between
without the page reloading. I have one set of tabs working great, but
when I add nested tabs there is a problem with the 'visibility' not
being inherited and some parts stay visible in the sub-tabs. Sorry if
this is unclear.

Here's how I have it layed out: I have a <span> for each content
section of a tab. Then I have do the same thing for the content of each
inner tab. When a tab is pressed some javascript code goes through and
makes all content sections hidden and the content section for the tab
that was pressed visible. If I select a tab and then select an inner
tab it looks like is should, but when I try and select a different tab
for the outer tabs the content for the inner section doesn't go away.
I've found that this is because visibility is not inherited. My
question is if anyone has a solution for this problem. I'm sure there
is somebody that knows of some javascript trickery to do this.

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JQuery :: Nested Tabs That The Remote Page Should Decide What Would Be The Tabs?

Jan 20, 2010

I have nested tabs in jquery tabs which are pretty simple to do if we want static jquery tabsbut what if we want nested tabs that the remote page should decide what would be the tabs.or in other words i want nested tabs in a remote page (or ajaxified) For example i m calling this page(remote page) through tabs

<div id="container-2">
<li><a href="#fragment-1a"><span>Section 1a</span></a></li>


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JQuery :: Nested Tabs Are Not Working

Sep 16, 2009

full sample script which demonstrates the problem, inner tabs company/department come up as list instead of tabs.I have already tried what People have suggested that inner tabs should also be tabified via jquery but it doesn't work all the examples I have seen e.g.URL... use topmost div for jquery tabs call.[code]

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JQuery :: Creating Nested Layout DIV's For Tabs

Jan 4, 2011

I've been developing my beta site (not yet live) and I am integrating a live stream of the songs I am listening to by using javascript to parse the API's JSON and then place into tables (works very well): [URL]

Now, the trouble begins, I currently have the data layed out all nice and neat in a table: Screenshot

The "I'm Listening To" section is the section I wish to tab out like this: [URL]

So that on hover over the Image the relevant meta data will move in,

The problem I'm now having is that apparently JQuery wont let me do this with tables, thus completely nullifying most of my scripting and I need to reformat the parsed data into nested DIVs rather than tables, and maintain the same layout...

The problem is, I CAN manage to create the parent DIVs that contain the images but cannot get the JSON data to be parsed into the child DIVs,

All DIVs are being created dynamically,

My code so far:


//Calculates date text
function calculateDateAgo(secAgo) {
var agoString, agoRange, agoScaled;
if(secAgo >= (agoRange = 60*60*24))


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JQuery :: Tabs Nested In Accordion Doesn't Work?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to nest 7 tab sets in an accordion representing each day of the week. I've tried all kinds of fixes, but no matter what I do, the results are inconsistent. It's easier to see than explain now: [URL]

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JQuery :: UI Tabs (Nested) With Proper Browser Location (bookmarking)?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to force jQuery UI Tabs to work with browser locations (as in direct-linking or bookmarking), but having very little luck doing so. It feels like I've seen this question at least 50 times around the net, and the answer mostly consists of one of the following 5:


Hierarchically based tabs (hopefully something better than "level1-level2-level3") As I said, I know it has been asked before, but apparently I am now the only one struggling with this. So if anyone could give some suggestion on how to use jQuery Address, jQuery BBQ or any other method to accomplish this,

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JQuery :: Tabs Links Inside Tab To Other Tabs Work But Active Class Not Visible & External Link

Mar 7, 2011

I'm having issues with jquery and the tabs I'm using. My tabs work but... I want some more functions and that seems to be a big problem for a Javascript and jquery newby.


<ul class="tabs">


I really don't know if this is correct but it works! What doesn't work is the active class. If you use one of the buttons in the first tab you go to the right tab but the tab itself has no class called active and that ruins the style.

I also have one other question: lets say that all the above is my second page and I have my frontpage in which I also have buttons. I want somebody to use the button and end up in the third tab of page 2. My link is something like


I read that using this should lead you the third tab but it's not working for me. You go to the first tab of page 2 instead.

I've been reading a LOT! Jquery for dummies, I googled, read the forum and other forums. I posted on a Dutch forum but no answer. I've added a lot of different code but it doesn't work.

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JQuery :: Tabs - Long Content In Hidden Tabs

Nov 9, 2009

I am using jQuery tabs and when I have very long content within the tabs, my browsers scroll bar reflects the content in the tab with the most content.

Example, "Tab 1" & "Tab 3" has a very long scroll bar, even though it has no content (because of Tab 2) and you can scroll down through the empty space


Is there a way I can hide the content in Tab 2 so that my browsers scroll bar displays correctly in relation to the content in the active tab?

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Tabs Shooting. Content Not Showing On 2nd And 3rd Tabs?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm having trouble figuring out why content isn't showing up on the 2nd and 3rd tabs of a tabbed content section embedded on a page. The content shows fine for the first tab but not at all for 2 and 3.

Page of tabbed content is [URL].. It's an OsCommerce site using STS Templates for the pages. Here's the code:


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Nested If Then Else Statements

Oct 9, 2005

This code uses a nested IF statement to put a pack of cards into an array of records.
But for some reason the cards arn't going in.. like.. at all? I've put a document.write piece of code at end to display the card in the first slot and [object Object] appears? Code:

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Nested Or Multidimensional Arrays

Jul 23, 2005

I can't figure out why this doesn't work:

greeting = new Array();

greeting[0][0] = "hey";
greeting[0][1] = "bye";

trace(greeting[0][0] + greeting[0][1]);


Shouldn't this automatically create a multidimensional array? Can someone
help me?

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Scripting Nested Svg Documents

Jul 23, 2005

I'm a greenhorn in SVG and javascripting but I'm learning by doing.
So, here my current problem question :

I have a svg document embedded in another svg document. I whant,
through functions in an external javascript file, manipulate objects
in either the child svg document or the parent document.
How do I get access to elements of the other document ?

Example : I have a document "A" containing X/Y - Axis and included
another svg document "B" with the graphs.

I whant now, as soon as the mouse cursor is over a graph in document
"B" the belonging lable which is located in the parent svg document
"A" to change color or size.

Or I whant the graph in "B" to start blinking as soon as the mouse is
over the lable in "A".

I don't know how cross document borders.

Can anyone give me a short exapmle to get me going?

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Break For Nested Loop ?

Jul 23, 2005

i have a nested loop in Javascript and i have a break statement in inner loop. As break statement takes control come out of inner loop. I want to come out of both loops if break statement reaches in inner loop. is there any way to do that ??

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Nested Windows Reload

Nov 10, 2006

Our application has a main window (call it window_1) which opens a
popup to display application data (call it window_2). This popup in
turn opens a 3rd popup with additional application data (call it
window_3). This 3rd popup window should reload window_1 when it loads
without reloading window_2.

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How To Get Source Of Nested Function ?

Jul 20, 2005

function foo () {
var xyz = 123;
function bar () {
var abc = 456;

I can alert (foo) to see the function source

Is there an alert (<something>) that will show me only the source of
function bar inside function foo ?

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JQuery :: Access An ID Nested In A DIV?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm trying to access an ID nested in a DIV which for the life of me I can't figure out:

<div class="verificationTextBox">Verification:
<a id="download_now" title="Review more about CAPTCHA" rel="#modal1" > </a></div>
<script type="text/javascript">


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JQuery :: Can't Get To Nested Table?

Mar 9, 2011

I develop pages within a third party web application. The page output has tables within tables. I have an 'id' for the table I want, 'oErrorsList' which I then want to find the value of 'SelectedRowID'. I have tried the following code but I get nothing. var myTable.text = $('table').filter('[id=oErrorsList]').SelectedRowID; alert(myTable); I am new to this forum and I don't know if this is enough information so I am including an image of part of the page.

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JQuery :: Access Nested Div In It?

Aug 7, 2010

I have nested structure of div something like thi [code]...

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IE With Nested Loops Isn't Working

Nov 21, 2009

I really can't figure out why it's not working in IE. The only problem I can think of would be using nested loops. Here's the part of the code that isn't working. It's not generating an error, it's just not returning anything. I know you guys hate when I post entire code, so I trimmed it down as much as I can. It's referring to an already stated xml document with xmlDoc. And it's goal is to return a table of rows that meet certain criteria. If you can see any syntax errors that explorer would not like, that's really what I'm asking for.


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Event Handling And Nested Div

Jan 20, 2008

I have two div elements (both dynamically created, one within the other). The parent div has an event attached to it:

contextmenuDIV.onmouseout = function () {doSomething()}

for example. However the onmouseout event will fire when you mouseover the child div as (of course) I am technically leaving the div layer (despite it being the parent).

Is there anyway to cancel this? I've read all about bubbling and all that, but it's just confusing me even more!

Anyway, at all, to allow me to have divs within another div element but only allow the event to fire for the parent!

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Getting UL Node Value Nested Inside UL

Mar 5, 2004

I am having problems trying to get a UL node nested inside a UL. I have the following html:

<ul onClick="testing(this);">

This can get nested 2-3 levels but for now I cant even get the nested UL node with one nested level. I have tried:

function testing(e){

but it returns "#text" and not the UL node. I usually do this with DIVs with no problem but I though I would try to use ULs this time but I am not having much luck. How can I get the value of this nested UL?

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Create A Nested Table

Mar 14, 2009

my html form contains a table tag <table id="MainTable">. i would like to populate this table using a javascript function. my probllem is that i created a table that contains another table inside on of the <td> tags. i tried to write the most basic code:

var myTable = document.createElement('tbody');
var row1 = document.createElement('tr');
var col1 = document.createElement('td');
var but1 = document.createElement('input');

when i run the javascript function it creates the table 'MyTable' and shows the first button but ignores completely from the inner table.

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Create The Nested Grid Using GWT API's

Jul 20, 2010

Check this URL [url]

Grid on above link is made in dotnet. i want to make same UI as in Java. which technologies should be used that can be easy to use with java.

How i create the nested grid using GWT API's.

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Nested For Loop Not Working

Oct 1, 2011

this is code for a conway's game of life. the nested loop on stepGen() doesnt work and i cant figure out what it is. no syntax errors, or anything. i put alert statements to see whats happening. i can provide the rest of the code if necessary.[code]

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Select Text In A Nested Div

Jun 21, 2006

I am trying to get a java script function that will return the start and end position of a selection and the selection content.

I tried this code I found here (modified a bit)

Javascript text

And it works nearly perfect. As the comments indicate, however, it won't work with any nested elements without some "additional coding". I am just learning JavaScript, so I am ok with the basics. But the DOM tree has me baffled, and I can tell that this is the section of the code that would need to be modified.

So, my question to those that actually know what they are doing, is how do I modify the above script to allow several span nodes nested within one parent div, or is there another source for a code that might get me there?

I did a ton of searching for one, but every one I found was related to selecting within a text area, and I need to select within a parent div.

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JavaScript Nested Functions

Jan 30, 2007

I have this code:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script language="javascript" >
function outer(data)
var operand1 = data;
function inner(operand2)
alert(operand1 + operand2)

//<input type="button" value="1" onclick="outer(3)(2)" />
//<input type="button" value="2" onclick="outer(3)(2)" />
<div id="target"></div>

How do I call the inner function and pass operand?

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