I've got the current script which returns 1 match in matches[0] with a url, but I need it to return ALL occurrences in the string.And then I need to know how to loop through the matches and display each "url" in this case.Nothing I've tried seems to find more than 1 match even when [string] contains a list of urls, which indicates I've done something wrong.
I have been working on this for a few hours and am frustrated beyond all extent. I have tried to research this on the web as well with no success. I am trying to match certain contents within a wrapper div. So for example if the inside of the wrapper div was the following:
<div id="wrapper"> <a href="#">a great link that contain text and symbols</a> <div... </div> <div... </div> </div>
I would like to strip out all the internal div's. But because there can be alot of internal div's, I figured it would be less processor intensive to just match the first 'a' tag and repopulate the wrapper div with the match. I am trying to use something like the following regex:
but this is returning the entire contents of the wrapper div. I have tried variations of the regex and either continue to get the entire contents or null returns. Any help would greatly be appreciated. BTW, I can't match to the first because the contents may be touching (ie ...</a><div>...).
I'm trying to create a branching form wherein the user selects a date using the datepicker plugin, then, depending on whether they choose a weekday or a Saturday, they are presented with one or the other of 2 select lists to choose the time.
I'm just getting started, and I can't seem to get the regex right. Here's a simplifed version of the relevant part of the datepicker,
We have been using the following js/regex to find and replace all non-alphanumeric characters apart from - and + outputString = outputString.replace(/[^w|^+|^-]*/g, "");
However it doesn't work entirely - it doesn't replace the ^ and | characters. I can't help but wonder if this is something to do with the ^ and | being used as meta-characters in the regex itself.
I've tried switching to use [W|^+|^-], but that replaces the - and +. I thought that possibly a lookahead assertion may be the answer, but I'm not very sure how to implement them.
I'm wondering if anyone would be most kind as to give me a few pointers on the subject of arrays! I'm trying to create an array of an unspecified length, the length is based on the result of another task that is performed in my code:
$( '#<%=GridView1.UniqueID%> td:nth-child(5):contains(08)').closest("tr").hide(); I need to split the string of the fifth column cell in order to get the hour value, and those cell which match the 08 o' clock will hide. The cell value is '3/22/2010 08:00' , '3/22/2010 07:00', '3/22/2010 18:00' and so on....
What I've had tried is : $( '#<%=GridView1.UniqueID%> (td:nth-child(5).split(" ")[1]).split(":")[0]):contains("08")'.closest("tr").hide(); But is not able to get the result I need.........
I am trying to get good using the $.each() in jQuery. I have a simple little task that I want to solve.
I have created a simple page with 100 boxes, each box with 4 colors. What I want to happen is if you click one box, it will change colors to the next box and so on. so for example here are 4 boxes
Red | Green | Blue | Yellow
If you click on Red you would get:
Green | Green | Blue | Yellow
If you click on the Green (1st one) you would get:
Blue | Green | Blue | Yellow
I have created a jsfiddle for you to view with what I have so far. I am stumpped at creating a match for the class name and if it matches to then go onto the next color in the array.
this is a homework project which kind of works but isn't perfect. My tutor said the result must be an alert but I ended up with a document.write instead.He said it was fine but I'd like to know how to make it alert the result if anyone can help.FWIW I tried making the contents of the for loop into a variable without success.
Here i need to biult a tree structrue concept like M1 (TREE) WHEN USER CLICK HERE
Use code tags when posting your code. Code tags are used like so =>
By my understanding, if I want to use a given JS on multiple pages, I need to call for that script in each page.
If I understand correctly, it then downloads it, and the functionality is then available to that given page.
Now, presuming that I've got that at least mostly correct, it seems like there should be a way to just download it once, and use it till the session is over. My thinking is to call for the heavy JS's on the welcome page after a succeful login, and then not have to slow down each and every page by calling for those same scripts.
I am using the excellent jquery.tablesorter successfully for a large number of 40-row tables that live together on one page. So far I'm very happy with the plugin. My users also need the ability to apply any column sort they invoke automatically to *all* tables on the pae. They do not wish to sort the tables individually. As recommended in another thread, I have been looking at sortStart and sortEnd, but have been pulling my hair out trying to get this working. My JS:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { // extend the default setting to always sort on the first column $.tablesorter.defaults.sortList = [[0,0]];
I have been looking at this code for two evenings now, and rewrote it 4 times already. It started out as jQuery code and now it's just concatenating strings together.
What I'm trying to do: Build a menu/outline using unordered lists from a multidimensional array.
What is happening: Inside the buildMenuHTML function, if I call buildMenuHTML, the for loop only happens once (i.e. only for 'i' having a value of '0'.) If I comment out the call to itself, it goes through the for loop all 3 times, but obviously the submenus are not created.
I'm looking to send a loop variable (i) to a function inside the loop, but I can't seem to get it to use the value I want, it keeps making it a reference of i and therefore the function is always called using the last value of i rather than the one it was set with.
So if i have 5 Tabs then Tab 1, when clicked, should call DefaultTabClick(0) and so on rather than always using 4 for any of the tabs.
I have the code below, how could it be modified to loop over and over and reload the xml file each time. Flow would be: load xml, run thruogh code to display each xml node one at a time, when reach last node, start all over, reloading xml file,
I have a function which validates the password if there is a number: ------------------------------------------------- function findNumeric(str_obj){ regEx = /d/; if (str_obj.match(regEx)) return true; else return false; } -------------------------------------------------- The problem arises when I put a password with a space in between e.g: 'test test1'. The fucntion returns false. I've tried 's' in the regEx but the user can put the space anywhere..
Any idea how to solve this problem as I should be able to put any alplanumeric value into the password, including space.
I have a variable named "acct". I first want to remove any "-" characters from it's value. After this I want to verify that we have only exactly 12 digits in the variable.
Unfortunately I'm pretty green as far as using RegEx.
/d{12}/.test(acct); should do the second part, but how do I do the first?
which checks I have at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one number and the string is between 8 and 16 characters.I have adapted this from another source and it works as intended on all browsers but not IE7 or IE6 (oh microsoft why do you make my life so hard)This works fine in all other browsers (IE8 is fine) but doesnt work in IE6 or IE7
I'm writing an ECMAScript tokeniser and parser and trying to find out if I can eliminate the switching from tokenising "/" as start of regex or the division operator depending on the parser feedback - essentially, if I can make the tokeniser independent of the parser. (I have a gut feeling this needs too much special casing to be worth it). Code: