Make A DIV Visible If A Form Action Is Taken
Apr 8, 2010
How does one make a DIV visible if a form action is taken, such as a Radio button selected?
But here is the thing: this DIV that is to become visible and invisible upon radio clicked does not contain a simple short Text message, but instead this DIV contains many Images for selection. I mean I know how to turn on/off a DIV via Javascript command:
Code JavaScript:
But again this DIV is to contain many images and the inputs for selecting one of these images so that Javascript command will just not cut it.
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Jan 20, 2011
I am trying to make a DIV visible after a user clicks a form submit button that posts to the same page.
Here is the code that I have came up with so far and it does not work.
void processForm()
document.getElementById("loadingImg").style.visibility = "visible";
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Jul 13, 2009
In the below code, the ajax-loader disappears before the html returned by .load is actually visible in the browser. How can I correct it?
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Oct 31, 2009
Basically, i have a past and present checkbox, start date and leave date. Now if the user clicks on the "present" checkbox i want the leave date checkbox to vanish and if clicked again i want to re-appear..Take a look at this page:-http:[url].....
now you can see at the moment i have the checkboxes past, present and 2 text boxes beneath. Can i do this?
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Feb 16, 2009
I have come across a very interesting problem that seems to be impossible to solve. Basically a web application that I am working on relies on a JavaScript function called go to change the input named view to the page name and submit the form. This form's type is post, so no values are included in the actual URL string. There is also another input called action and it's value is view. This is to tell the application that the user would like to view a page. The problem is because of the variables being of method post, page refreshes and back and forwards return errors because the post variables view and action aren't sent with the required data. To somewhat solve this problem I have created a feature that tells the application that if the post value page is empty then to try and get a GET var called page. To insert this var into the go javascript function I simple add this code
document.go.action = document.go.action+"&page="+page;
This line basically adds &page=[page] to the action of the form. The problem is, this code doesn't work because action is also the name of a form element. Referencing document.go.action refers to the input element named action and not to the form's action. Changing the named of the action input value is out of the question (Way to much changing of code, and possible room for error). What can I do to change the action of the form without referencing the input named action. Here is my go form and the JavaScript code:
<form name="go" action"index.php?sid=123" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="view" />
<input type="hidden" name="view" value="" />
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Oct 30, 2010
I understand how to make a div (table) invisible and then visible on a timer.. What I want to do is add a counter to my code and make the table flash 3 times and then stop with the table visible. all my code does right now is make the table flash on and off every 1 second. This is what I have right now:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function magic() {
var d = document.getElementById('MagicTable');
if ( == "none") = "block";
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Aug 23, 2010
I have a code below my concern being tht when the first text box "Name" conatins a value of "TPU" then the sexong text box "Ref Number" should be visible else should not be visible.
I mean the Whole <tr> shall be visible only if "Name = TPU"
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Sep 8, 2010
Have table with 5 rows. First 2 rows visible. Last 3 rows hidden -
With onclick would like to make those rows visible to user - how can I do that?
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Mar 27, 2010
Actually FF 3.6 does make it visible (if by default) but earlier versions (2) and Mozilla don't seem to. the code - this is the invokation function, the findObj is to set all lists to item 1 and can be ignored in the context of the question.
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Mar 5, 2008
I have a very weired problem (which is not easy to describe.. but I'll do my best):I have a html page with several forms , only one of the got the action="ComputeAndReturn" and the other forms got only name="" tag.the problem is that after i submit the form with the action , and than after a computatioon it returns to the original page, now... if i will submit any of the forms without the action=.they will act as if they were defined action="ComputeAndReturn" (altho they are not!)if they were defined from the first time with action="anything", and than i would submit the form with action="ComputeAndReturn" this problem would not appear (the other forms will keep their action="anything" and would not "imitate" the action= "Compute AndReturn" to them selfs...
any ideas how can i keep my forms without action="" , cause all i need them to do is be submitted to pass the submitted value to other form inside that page.[code]
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Feb 14, 2011
Just started with JQuery and I need to make a hidden object be visible after 20 seconds.
I got this so far to make it invisible:
<script language="javascript" src="">< /script>
$(document).ready(function() {
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Jul 27, 2010
While my PHP is compiling, I have a loading bar. As soon as the body of my page loads, I make the bar invisible and the page contents visible by calling a javascript function with onload event.
<body onLoad="loadImages()">
When I put the javascript load function in the head between script tags as below it works.
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadImages() {
document.getElementById("showme").style.visibility = "visible";
However, when I place the function in an external javascript file, it does not work, which is weird because all my other javascript functions in the external file work.
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Dec 12, 2010
I'm not very good with javascript. My knowledge is very limited.
See, this code is going to check if a user has inputted an empty field or not. As of now, Im testing it on 'first name' text field. If the user didn't input anything (the text field is empty) and clicks submit, an asterisk will be displayed at the right side of the text field. The asterisk is only temporary. If the user clicks the text field or refreshes the page, the asterisk at will disappear.
I've googled it already and I've tried every technique I can find but I can't get this code to obey. code...
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Nov 14, 2011
I have a script (more of a web app) which generates a customized table element. I want the user to be able to "save" this table. Thus far, what I am doing is getting the HTML of the table and displaying in a textarea for the user to cut and paste to a text editor. This is fine, except, I worry many in my target audience wont know how to use a text editor, or make plain text, or save as HTML.. etc. So I was hoping to use .js to open a new window and write in the HTML so that the users could merely do a FILE>SAVE PAGE AS directly from their browsers.
I suppose I have two questions:
1) How do I document.write to a NEW window??
2) I have noticed that when you use.js to generate HTML, it doesn't show in the view source , thus it wont "save as" anything else but a BLANK doc. How to make generated HTML "visible" so that it can be saved.
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Mar 10, 2011
I have an image that I set to have a width of 100%. I want its height to be no greater than the visible height of the browser web-page area. This could distort the image, but thats OK. To makes things difficult, the image is in a div, and I want the div to be higher than the visible area. So I can't just set the div to height of 100%, and then within that set the image to a height of 100%. I know there is a javascript way of getting the height of the entire screen (screen.height) but that includes the extra areas of the browser such as toolbars etc. I know there is a 'offsetHeight' attribute, but I think I would have to use that on the BODY tag, and the BODY of the page could be several screens in height. So is there a solution to this? If there isn't then can I detect the aspect ratio of the screen?
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Jun 11, 2009
I have an accordion list much like the example here : [URL]. Say for instance I have page links under the heading 'Section 2' of that demo above. How can I make it so that when you visit a page from these links 'Section 2' is visible and 'section 1' and 'section 3' are closed?
At the moment I have :
active: false,
collapsible: true
<!-- start accordian menu -->
<div id="accordion">
<h3><a href="#">Section 1</a></h3>
<li>Link 1</li>
<li>Link 2</li>
<li>Link 3</li>
<h3><a href="#">Section 2</a></h3>
<li>Link 1</li>
<li>Link 2</li>
<li>Link 3</li>
<h3><a href="#">Section 3</a></h3>
<li>Link 1</li>
<li>Link 2</li>
<li>Link 3</li>
<!-- end accordion menu -->
What I need to add to make 'Section 2" visible only?
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May 26, 2009
I am having a simple textbox:
<input id="myText" name="myText" type="text" visible="false" />
and a checkbox:
<input name="myCheckbox" id="myCheckbox" type="checkbox" />
How can I make the textbox visible if the user select the checkbox?
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Nov 4, 2009
I am looking for a javascript way to make a table header visible as the user scrolls down my web page. The table header is produced by php from a mysql db. The table is populated by results based on the user filter inputs.
see: [URL]
The table cells can be any width depending on the search results. I think a copy of the table header needs to be made and this would then float at the top of the page staying at the top no matter how far the user scrolls down, so that it's position would depend on the scroll bar position.
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Apr 12, 2011
I'm trying to make a textbox invisible originally.......
And then visible on a submission......
However it doesn't work.
I can however do the opposite.
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Feb 25, 2009
I got a page on which on the left side there is a Tree with branches, on the right side of the page i got an <EMBED> tag that shows a pdf file, User can click on tree branches to expand them and can click on the leafs to view different pdf in on the right side of the page...
The problem is that if a user expand several branches the tree grows down and than the user scrolls down the page. to click some leaf of the tree... and by doing the scroll the <EMBED> tag with the pdf becomes invisible (because the user scrolled up)..
how can i make the <EMBED> tag stay allways on top of the page even if the user scrolls down....?
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Jan 13, 2010
My problem is I had a drop down menu for a horizonal menu bar but the drop down items are about 4 items long . It works fine for first menu item, but the second one is positioned beneath the first one because it can't fit it's menu on the same line as the previous one.
I have set the submenus to hidden meaning they are there which is why they are taking up the space the other item needs to use when it's menu item is rolled over.
Is there a way to set items so they are invisible but not taking up room when invisible?
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Mar 21, 2010
I am having a hard time implementing a feature on my website. I want an input box to appear when the "sell" tab is clicked, and I cannot figure out how to do it with Jquery. I can't figure out how to chain an action to tabs. here is my code so far
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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Mar 21, 2010
I am having a hard time implementing a feature on my website. I want an input box to appear when the "sell" tab is clicked, and I cannot figure out how to do it with Jquery. I can't figure out how to chain an action to tabs. here is my code so far
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
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Apr 27, 2010
I have a div tag element and a hide/show button above it. I'm able to handle the hide show of the contents all right via the button, but I want the div to be hidden when someone clicks anywhere else in the document, save inside the div area itself.This functionality is similar to what you see on the sign on panel in Press the sign in, the div sign in panel displays. Press the sign in link OR anywhere else on the document outside the panel. The panel is hidden.What's the best way to script this functionality in jquery?
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May 3, 2011
What isthe problem with these Ajax request? It doesn't forward to success action? code...
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Nov 18, 2011
I want to get the code ( I cant write it Im still a newbie ) to check a form user/pass and trigger another hidden form.
Heres what going on:
Have created a form, Form 1 Login: it has a username and pass fields. It shares the page with a Members Login form.
I want javascript to check the user/pass on Form 1 Login against a user/pass I assign. I assume I can assign one in the Javascript code.
The script does not send the form to the server, it just checks to see that the user/pass agrees with what Ive assigned.
The script, if the user/pass is the same as I assigned, triggers a Registration form to pop up that Ive hidden with CSS left:-999em.
Now the script has fulfilled its function, its done. But heres what continues and Adobe BC does this part.
User fills out the pop up Registration form with any user/pass, their valid email and name.
Clicks Submit and the form sends the New user a new personal pass and new username via email.
User adds New user/pass to Members form and is allowed into the site.
This is a round about way but, I can not use php or server side in this process, BC does not allow server side only client side. So Im doing a work around. I know someone could find the Javascript even in a js folder. Tight security is not an issue. I researched this for weeks and BC tells me it will work with their system...I just dont know how to write it.
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