Keep Textarea From Jumping While Inserting Text?

Dec 23, 2010

In the following program, you can create an HTML template then add/modify common elements and display the results. I can place tags around highlighted areas and insert/append functions where the cursor is positioned.Works OK so far. Some of the JS could be put into external files, but I put inline for ease of viewing.The problem is when the text exceeds the <textarea> boundaries and I try to tag or insert at cursor,the display reverts to the first line of the <textarea> display. I would like to keep the displayed area within the boundaries and just push down the inserted text. Is there a simple way to accomplish this task or do I just have to put-up with the bouncy display whenever I insert code into the textarea longer than display?


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">


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Dynamic Forms And Updating On Reload, Inserting Functions, Jumping Text?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to create a dynamic form, and for the most part it's working out fine.I'm using javascript with onclick and onchange on checkboxes and select boxes to change the form as the user makes selections.However, there's a few issues I'm running into that are giving me problems.

One is that when the user reloads the page, all of the javascript inserted or removed form elements are reset, but the choices on the checkboxes and select boxes aren't, which looks very strange to the user. How can I avoid this? I'm currently including scripts tags in the body of the html, but this is pretty messy and hard to manage. Is there a better way? Second is that I'd like to be able to insert javascript function declarations into text that is dynamically inserted by javascript.However, when I do so, the browser does not recognize the functions. The reason I'd like to do so is that I am using Ruby on Rails, and would like to be able to keep the scripts in the partials to which they relate. I have to use inline javascript, because the scripts are having element ids inserted based on Ruby variables. Is this a lost cause, or is there a technique that enables dynamically inserted javascript to be loaded?

Lastly, my dynamic form's javascript shows or hides portions based on what it encounters while loading. The main reason is that I want to show the whole form for users without javascript, and then hide advanced or obscure details unless they are activated with a checkbox on the form for users with javascript. However, this is creating a jarring pop-in effect, where on first load, the pre-javascript formatted page is shown for a split second, and then the javascript kicks in and fixes everything and the page visibly jumps and changes. Is there a way to avoid this to create a more polished effect?

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Inserting Text Into Textarea From Button Press

Jan 5, 2002

I'm seeking some javascript code that I can use with a form button. When the button is pressed, some text is inserted into a textarea field....

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Inserting A Linebreak To A Textarea?

Sep 15, 2009

I am sending some information from one page to another using Form and Link. This generates a string of text in the receiving url, which I am extracting and displaying in a textarea. How do I insert a linebreak in the javascript code? With this line of code:

document.getElementById("Requirements").value = "Top line: "+ topline + "Your breakfast contains: "+ menuitems;

everything that is being returned is running together. I need it to run on separate lines. I can't control it with box width because the entries will vary on each occasion. I assume there is an escape character like in php or a break tag like in HTML, but I don't know what it is!

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Inserting Image Into Textarea?

Mar 31, 2009

I am working on some functionality for a CMS, whereby the user can write come content and insert images into the rich text area - just like you do with WordPress.

So, you would have a window/overly open with your media manager, then select the image and it will then appear in the text area as an inserted image.

Handling the file uploads, making the media manager etc is not a problem, its just inserting images in this way that I am not too sure about.

jQuery is my library of choice, and I use TinyMCE for any text editors, and how this may be achieved. I know TinyMCE offers the MCImageManager but I would much prefer my own solution than have to fork out the cash every time I wish to use it.

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Inserting <br /> (enter) Into Textarea

Aug 24, 2007

I'm trying to click a link and insert some text into a textarea. I can do this by


document.getElementById("comment").value = insertedtext;

But I want to insert it like when you hit the enter key, so there is the return spaces in it. I tried using <br> but that shows up since it is viewed as a string. I tried using .innerHTML instead of .value and that didn't work, least it didn't in Firefox. There a way to do this? If not I'll have to turn it into [br] and change it to <br> after submission.

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Inserting Data Into Textarea When Page Loads?

Jun 21, 2010

I need to insert the data into a textarea from a text file when the user loads the browser..

and I am using this program to do it..but its throwing error 405, I dont know whats the problem.

<script type="text/javascript">
function getfile()
xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject();


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Inserting Text Before And After Row?

Nov 16, 2009

I have a textarea, where people will be posting multiple images links. I need to be able to add [img] & [/img] to the start and end of each line respectively.I also need to stop each textarea from posting information if it is empty, which I can't seem to do either.

PHP Code:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function addtext() {
var newtext = "[b][u]" + document.gen.title.value + "[/u][/b]" + "


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Inserting A Value Into A Text Box?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm creating a program using Microsoft Access Data Pages.What I am trying to do is allow a user to create a hyperlink by browsing for a file location.

<INPUT style="DISPLAY: none" id=File1 type=file name=browse>
Choose File Location:<TEXTAREA id=FileLocation class=MsoTextbox name=file>

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Inserting Text To A URL From A Form?

Feb 9, 2009


I am trying to insert numbers from a form into two different URLs, and then launch both with a single click.My problem is getting the numbers to insert correctly.Below is what I have attempted.

<form name="myurl">
<input type="text" name="book" value="2">


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Inserting Jpg Using Text Field Value?

Aug 15, 2010

I have a table with a two cell. One cell has a text field, the other is empty. I want to place an image in the second field depending on the value in the text field. Not sure how to do this. Do I assign the image to the fields id?

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Inserting Value In Text Area?

May 11, 2009

how do i create a link or button such that when i click on it, it inserts a certain string in the text area on the page currently active at the current cursor point??

I'm using NicEdit WYSIWYG editor, perhaps if i can insert an extra button in the NicEdit tools itself.

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Inserting Text Into Textbox

Jan 17, 2004

What I want to be able to do is have a list box (<select></select>) that when I select one of them will insert certain text into a text box below it.

For example, in the drop down menu I would have 3 choices. 1, 2 and 3. If I selected 1 then the number "1" would appear in the textbox and etc etc.

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Dynamically Inserting Text Into Textbox...

Aug 9, 2002

I'm not very familiar with Javascript, only PHP and ASP. I want to be able to have a user click an image and have text be inserted into the textbox where the cursor is at.

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Inserting Text Into A Div At The Current Cursor Position?

Sep 9, 2009

In IE it is a simple matter of: range.text += text; but I am having great difficulty figuring it out for FF.I have looked online for hours but the only solutions that I can find are to do with inserting text into textareas which supply you with nice 'selectionStart', 'selectionEnd' properties. Using a textarea would be useless for my purposes and a div element does not have such properties. An implementation in this case I am thinking would rely solely on the range object for the necesary selection / cursor position information, but I cannot figure out how to do this using the FF/W3C Range object.What I'm basically doing is trying to enable the user to paste unformatted (plain) text into a contenteditable zone for a WYSIWYG editor. I have got it working in IE, but FF is a whole other kettle of fish for this particular issue.

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Inserting HTML/Text Directly After The <body> Tag?

Feb 6, 2009

Suppose I have a page that I cannot edit(in before "get a real host") but can apply Javascript to. For stylistic purposes, I would like to wrap the contents of the page in a <div> or <table>. Could I use Javascript to insert the needed HTML tags directly after the <body> tag in a fashion similar to document.write? I'm not very familiar with Javascript, but I've tried a few half-baked solutions of my own using GetElementsByTagName('body') and other variants, but no luck. I've tried scanning Google as well but I couldn't find anything that would work for me there either but I'm not sure if that's because I wasn't searching for the right keywords or what.

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Inserting Text At Cursor Position In Textbox

Nov 12, 2001

I am looking to be able to insert some text into a text box on a form without replacing the contents and so that preferably it appears at the cursor position.

The need is in a content management system, I want to be able to insert the code for an image, from a drop down menu listing the images, into the textbox containing that areas content.

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Adding Text To Textarea - Create An Additional Button That Will Insert Some Text - Certain Html Tags

Mar 10, 2010

I am creating a small CMS module for a client. I created a little form and when they click Submit, it goes straight out into an include (.inc) file, which is connected to the web page to be displayed.

The trouble I am having is that I'd like to create an additional button that will insert some text (certain html tags to make their life easier, etc) - I got it to work, actually. The script executes and the text is inserted - but once the script runs and the page refreshes (or whatever it does), the text then disappears. The only way I can seem to get it to stay put is when I use "onmouseup" instead of "onclick" - which means that every time the user accidentally mouses over the thing, it inserts the text.

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Inserting Google Maps Coordinates Into Text Field After Marker Location Updated?

Feb 4, 2011

Hopefully a really quick question. I'm a JS novice, and am looking for a way to output the coordinates of a Google maps marker into the value of two text fields, one for latitude and one for longitude.The code below is a simple location search which returns a result with a draggable marker. Currently, the coordinates in both text fields update when the location search is performed, but not when the marker is dragged to a new location afterwards.

<style type="text/css">


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Add Some Text From A Text File To A Textarea?

Sep 19, 2009

I would like to ask is it posible to add text from a text file to a text area on a page..

Philp if you read this i am not asking for a javascript code i am asking wether or not it can be done.

P.s if your a nice person like philp is not and you want to private message me if you have one

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Get Text From Textarea?

Oct 29, 2009

What I need to do is create a simple wiki editor. A user will be able to type <html> code and click submit. onclick a new window will appear with the html page that they typed

My problem is I am grabbing the textarea by its Id but when it opens the new window it is displaying the Id of the textarea, not the actual information inserted into it.


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Way To Add Text To Textarea

May 26, 2009

I try to created a function to (Add Text into <textarea>), but the problem is that if I click on the button again it keeps adding " - New Text" again and again, while it suppose to be stopped and be added only once.

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Manipulating Text In A Textarea

Dec 18, 2005

I'm working on setting up a "Send this link to a Friend" page. The
page has a couple of inputs and a textarea. I have some default text
in the textarea that is populated at the time of page load. What I
would like to do is replace the "Dear Friend" in the textarea with the
name of the friend once it is entered in the input. Code:

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JQuery :: Add Text To A Textarea?

Apr 14, 2010

Im using this to add text to a textarea:[URL]

How do I append a character, to where the text cursor is, in a textarea?

I would like to do this so users could add special characters to their comments (like this one: ♥. this is my code:

$("#special-char-1").click(function () {
var text = $(this).text();

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Justify Text In <textarea>?

Mar 29, 2009

Does anyone know if its possible to left-justfy text in a <textarea>? I can do left justify with a simple style declaration, but can't find any reference anywhere to a left justify as can be done.

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Wrap Text In A Textarea In FF?

Jun 1, 2009

Is there any way that I can make a textarea wrap in firefox? I've tried this:

calculateLines: function(text){
text = text.split('
temp = '';
chcount = tchs = c= 0;


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