Oct 5, 2005I am looking for a good reference for JSON (javascript object notation) i
have to write a menu structure and I quite fancy doing this using json. The
menus will be quite dynamic and I cant think of any other way to do them.
I am looking for a good reference for JSON (javascript object notation) i
have to write a menu structure and I quite fancy doing this using json. The
menus will be quite dynamic and I cant think of any other way to do them.
I have a JSON structure in API.When I call the API in my code it returns as the same JSON .I have to print this JSON result as table with pagination in Javascript. The table should be dynamic with previous and next buttons and the table should populate the results according to the JSON and each page should have 20 entries and then the remaining entries should go on the next page and I should be able to go back and forth in the table using previous and next respectively.tell me the exact code of how to start with getting JSON from the API and then write the JSON data in the form of dynamic table with pagination.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow I can convert a string to a json array.
start code:
The problem is that .css treats snip[1] as a string but I need it to handle it as a json array.
Bad: .css
Good: .css
I have a html file that I want to load, loop through the json data and for each json entry I want to add a new block of the html and insert the json data into the matching div/class of the html. json looks like this:
{"Super" : [{"Name" : "John Doe", "Age" : "30"}, {"Name" : "Jane Doe", "Age" : "40"}]};
html looks like this:
<div class="Name"></div><div class="Age"></div>
So for each json entry of name/age, I want to insert that into the html, and then add another row, until all json data has been fetched. After this I want to insert all of this into #box, which is just a divthat should contain that html. Looping like this obviously does not work, since I just keep replacing the same html through the loop.
var jsonData = {"Super" : [{"Name" : "John Doe", "Age" : "30"}, {"Name" : "Jane Doe", "Age" : "40"}]};
$.each(json.Super, function() {
$('#box .Name').html(this.Name);
$('#box .Age).html(this.Age);
If you have an object list ex:
var olist = {"daniel":4, "Tom":5};
Is there any way to reference the objects fields w/o knowing their
names? Say for example I pass the list to another function and want to
verify the field names are actually Daniel and Tom or I would like to
count the number of fields(also sorry if fields are not the correct
term). I've tried looking on google but perhaps I'm not using the
correct search terms.
I have following Json string (returned from server) :
[{"rurl":"Asia.com","status":1,"recordType":0}, {"rurl":"Africa.com","status":1,"recordType":0}]
Iam using following code to get JSON values but Iam getting "UNDEFINED" value. I want to access "rurl" => "Africa.com"
success: function(data) {
var encoded = jQuery.toJSON(data);
What i want is to have a div block display initially so when a user goes to the page they see the registration form, but if they already have an account they can just click a link that says log in and the registration form hides and the login form shows. [code]...
View 5 Replies View RelatedThere's an object:
foo = new Object();
and a property called 'bar' with a value of 1 is to be added to it using
JSON. If I try the following it only demonstrates my ignorance:
var str = "{foo:{bar:1}}";
alert(foo.bar) // gives undefined
Could someone please explain what I'm doing wrong here?
Let's say I have the following JSON string returned from a server-side
{ values: [{"name": "value1", "value": "1"},{"name": "value2",
"value": "0"},{"name": "operand", "value": "/"},{"name": "result",
"value": "NaN"},{"name": "error", "value": "Divide by 0"}] }
I then create a JSON object from it using eval() (tell me if this is
not what should be done).
My question is this...how do I determine (without going through every
single record) if there is a name=error in the values array?
Here's what I do now, it can't be optimum:
var object = eval('{ values: [{"name": "value1", "value": "1"},
{"name": "value2", "value": "0"},{"name": "operand", "value": "/"},
{"name": "result", "value": "NaN"},{"name": "error", "value": "Divide
by 0"}] }');
for (var i = 0; i < object.values.length; i++) {
if (object.values[i].name == 'error') {
//do stuff...
I thought I'd try object.values.name['error'] of course that didn't
i'm having problems with my json scripts. When I retrieve data that
contains new lines it causes an error from firebug. I've used a couple
of replace like
.replace("", ""), .replace(//g, "") but it still didn't work.
I hve a problem..If i use this code :
echo '{"test":"test","test1","test1","test2":"'.json_encode(utf8_encode('tést2<br>test2')).'"}';
I have json object:
var heightwidth = '';
if (isit) {
heightwidth = { width: 184, height: 135 };
I need to return several values and I'd rather do it all in one ajax call. However there doesn't seem to be anything in data. Perhaps I'm way off here.
Every parse example I have seen on the internet is the well formed;
jQuery.parseJSON( ' {"sid":"123455","client_id":"1","last_name":"Anderson","first_name":"Alan","institution_id":"1"} ');
What is the easy way to get from this;
The "count" field/value on this JSON example for the MarkerClusterer app [url] [url]
I am trying to produce a similar JSON result and i cant figure out where their "count" variable is calculated at 10785236 for... but the following does not work.
The following request isn't retrieving a response when I look for it in Firebug. Any ideas why?
//json request to flickr
I want to access a web service and get the response in json using javascript. The web services can respond in json and gives me a table of records with a specific campus. I input the campus code in the text box and create the url. Now, I want to get the response in json and I'm really stuck.
<FORM NAME="myform" ACTION="" METHOD="GET">Enter something in the box: <BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputbox" VALUE=""><P>
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="Click" onClick="loadurl(this.form)">
From the information search process: I know I have to change the HTTP Header accept and use application/json and probably use JSONRequest.get()
I have an array of HTML tables created in PHP which I send as a XMLHttpResponse encoded with JSON. Is there was a way I could access the table elements which are now in the JSON Object?
Relevant bits:
PHP code:
$verificationListsResponse = array("classeList" => "$classeList", "workCodeList" => "$workCodeList");
$searchResponse['verificationLists'] = $verificationListsResponse;
print json_encode($searchResponse);
what i am trying to do is retrieve a json file from a link on a server and then edit it locally.How can i do this on javascript or ajax?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am getting following Json output from PHP file code...
how can I decode/get these Json values in Jquery.
I am using following Javascript code to get Json values [in Javascript]code...
Does anyone know the function for adding more items to an already declared JSON object?
Assuming you have something like code...
I am using ajax to get the followign json string from php
i show the string in javascript code...
now i want to get ID value in javascript.
FYI, I am using jQuery 1.2.3, and the latest version of the jQuery Form plugin from URL...I am able to run the ColdFusion page on the server side to get the data, and Firebug is showing that I'm getting a response...but I'm unable to populate the JSON data into selected form fields on the page.I have two HTML forms; one for the user to input his/her ID number if available, and a longer form to collect more demographic info.Why is it not working? My forehead is getting bloody from banging it against this wall.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get statistics from sendgrid by using getJSON(). Their JSON feed reads:
I want to write a javascript that will show 'choice1' if 'abc' is selected,
and show 'choice2' if 'def' selected ...if 骃' selected it will show nothing .
How I can do that .
<SELECT name="cr_a">
<OPTION selected>Select One</OPTION>
<OPTION value=555>555</OPTION>
<OPTION value=abc>abc</OPTION>
<OPTION value=def>def</OPTION>
---------------choice 1
<SELECT name="cr_abc_a">
<OPTION selected>Select One</OPTION>
<OPTION value=123>123</OPTION>
<OPTION value=456>456</OPTION>
<SELECT name="cr_def_a">
<OPTION selected>Select One</OPTION>
<OPTION value=ddd>ddd</OPTION>
<OPTION value=eee>eee</OPTION>
i have this user interface for a client that i have to mod (The UI is a link crawling monitoring for his website), the present one uses php database connection for every single action that is done on the UI (select link to be monitored, show link stats etc...) what we want to do is to have the links retrived from the database stored in a json object while the client is playing with the links on the UI (making all kind of editing actions) and then when he want to store all the modifications/actions he has made then the data stored in the object are sent back to the database...
One of my coworker's (he's a java and O.O. programming specialist) objection to that is that there are too many links (data) to put in a simple Json object... and it will be then difficult to store all the actions made on the json object because there will be too many info/data for it to handle etc...