JQuery :: Frankmoore Converting A Object Back To A Script String?
May 27, 2010
jQuery noob here, so I apologize in advance if this question has been asked before. My situation is this: I have a string of HTML that I've extracted from my document and passed into jQuery to manipulate as such:
var pageEl = document.getElementById("ElementId");
var contentToProcess = pageEl.innerHTML;
// pre-process contentToProcess...
var jQueryContent = $(contentToProcess);
Tool for converting between JSON and string back and forth? I don't want to use a framework like Prototype just for this so ideally umm, no frameworks please lol
Also on a side note, the eval function doesn't seem to be able to convert all possible JSON strings into an object for some reason. It only works for simple JSON literals.
I have searched the web and this forum for the answer to this but am unable to find a reasonable choice. So, this is the problem I am facing.
Code: var str = "document.frames[0].document.frames[0]"; var str 1 = "document.frames[6]"; //Loop Starts { var obj1 = str + str1;
I know the easiest way to do this is to use eval() and it most definitely does work. The problem is that I have to use eval() inside a loop to check whether the reference is null and from what I hear, that is one of the most inefficient ways to code. I have searched for alternatives like using, var myFunc = new Function(string) and then calling myFunc(). But this does not work in my case. I cannot find any other alternative in this case. I guess one can say eval() is the only choice here but I am not too sure.
after i've built an element, can i convert that element to html? the current method i'm thinking is to append this element to a new <Div> and call the Div's innerHTML but it feels rather dirty. is there a better solution?
I think this is a problem converting (what is assumed to be) a string to numeric. or something like that.
rvs = s[i][j] * k; Firefox Error Console says: Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 's[0]' to object rvs is just a (temporary, holding) variable. s is a [3][6] array on numeric values. i, j and k all happen to be zero. [Code]..
I am having some trouble getting an email form to work correctly. I am looking to convert some text from a text area into some basic HTML so I can insert breaks then email it.
So when the user clicks submit ... the string is taken from the textarea and converts the linebreaks into <br> tags.
The problem is not replacing the text, it is finding the line breaks I have no Idea how Code:
I have a javascript program that currently takes the contents of a *.txt file and converts it to a string-type variable using a hidden iframe.
For my pruposes it would be much nicer to read a *.csv file instead, however the method I'm using creates the "open/save file" pop-up window.
All files are client-side and in the same folder on one computer; this is NOT server-side or internet-based. It is simply javascript used in an HTA file as programming code. The *.csv does not need to be edited, just read.
I need to know how to convert the text of this *.csv file into a string variable. I have heard of using "xmlHTTPRequest (AJAX)" but am not familiar with how to use this.
Well, I need some light in this simple thing I'm trying to do. I'm using the XMLHttpRequest to retrieve some data from a db via php script. The result is passed to a "results" array of strings, which contain the data from the script.
But, the data from the script, which are the content of the strings, have html tags in it. The thing is: I'm using the DOM to append the string result to a table already built in the page (using create_element and appendchild).
I have a good HTML markup parsing function which uses DOM methods to create element nodes with attributes and contained text nodes. But for some reason I am having difficulty getting the event handler attribute value (which is javascript code) converted to actual source.
But when I click on the button in Firefox, nothing happens. Using a Javascript debugger, the trace doesn't even enter the handler code, which effectively means the event listener has no script.
So converting the code-as-string to code-as-source using the Function constructor is not working. Or else the event handler setting function or assignment is not what it should be.
I have an Adobe pdf fill-able form field that requires a distance computation using javascript. One of the values needed in the computation is in the format of a string as feet - inches (for example: 4'-10"). I need to convert this into a number to use to complete a computation. Any code snippet or ideas on how to do this.
I have an XML file hosted by my ISP free web space. It naively treats the file as text/plain. I would like to convert this data into a DOM object. So far my googling has turned up nothing, although looking over the DOM manual on Mozilla I came up with:
function convertDOM(text) { var lines = text.split(" "); var dom = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var node = document.createTextNode(lines[i]); dom.appendChild(node); } return dom; }
The returned object is not treated as an DOM object. Anything I am missing / A different approach maybe?
Once I have found an element using jQuery, how do I get that element in its standard form? For example lets say i find a div element with jQuery and then I want to use a native DOM property like clientHeight on that element. var mydiv = $('div') alert(mydiv.clientHeight); This does not appear to work because I do not have the typical element that I would normally get from using getElementsByTagName or getElementById. I could not find documentation in the API pages.
Now I wont to edit this xml_file and again convert this xml object to in string . It seems I can change the values. But I don’t know how to convert this (Xml_file) in to string.
I have these two functions below and when i try to change the back url string value on the main server to check_out.php like it is on the dev. environment nothing happens. It keeps going back to the myaccount.php. It works fine on the development environment.
function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete")[code]....
I'm a beginner in Jquery and I have a big doubt, follow at bellow the code to be better viewed: The method below is static and Static methods do not work with instance, For this reason I passed the 'nameLabel' that the typeis Label by parameter, however I need to catch the exception and show it to the user.
But I'm using Jquery and this method is used in a Ajax Request and I use the Json to pass the datas, how showed below: var idCliente= $("#<%= txtIDCliente.ClientID %>").val(); var nomeLabel = $("#<%= lblMensagem.ClientID %>"); var poligonal = "{ idCliente: " + idCliente + ", + lblMensagem: " + nomeLabel + " }"; But the problem is that I need to pass in my Json the nomeLabel with Label, but always a problem happen, because the same is showed like 'indefined'. How to solve this situation?
I have an object whose name is mural. I have assigned the name mural to the title of an anchor element. When user clicks and element I want to store the title of the anchor in a variable called sprite. I then want to access that object whose name corresponds to the sprite variable string.
Here is my code: HTML Code: var mural= new Object(); mural.top='0px'; mural.left=-'510px';
var stamps= new Object(); stamps.top='0px'; stamps.left=-'1886px'; var sprite=$(this).attr('title'); $(".image-holder").css("background-position",'sprite.top, sprite.left');
It's not working because the the variable sprite is just a reference to $(this).attr('title'), how do I make it reference the object? Oh and I know that .cc jquery statement probably wont work, I'm not sure yet of the correct way to have two values that don't need quotations in as the second argument.
I have a very simple PHP script that returns JSON like this: {"question":"What day is it?"}
And I'm trying to call it from another page using Ajax. My code looks like this: var url = "/test.php"; $.get(url, function(data){ $.each(data, function(i, value) { alert(value); }, "json" ); });
When I run it I get each character printed out one at a time in a separate alert. And then when I used this line of code: alert(typeof data); It tells me that 'data' is a string. Shouldn't it be a JSON object?
What I'm trying to do, I think, is to use elements of an array as a part of an object. Here's a lil' code snippet:
I'm trying to insert each of the elements of the katMusik-array into the checked-line, thus checking the checkboxes with those names. However, it doesn't seem to work.
In a MySQL database I have the following entry: "Fruits & Vegetables". I retrieve this to display on a webpage using PHP, convert to JSON, pass to client, process using JavaScript.
The PHP code that is passed to the client is: Code: $z = rawurlencode(json_encode($reqVar)); echo $z; where $reqVar is the array of results queried from database, including one that is "Fruits & Vegetables".
When it's passed to client using AJAX, the JavaScript to process the string (decode it and then convert from JSON string to object using Prototype framework) is. Code: var response = decodeURIComponent(transport.responseText) var respObj = response.evalJSON(true);
I can then display it in page. But when I pass it back to the PHP script using AJAX using the exact same process in reverse, at some point & is converted to & and if I re-enter it into the database it looks like "Fruits & Vegetables". How can i prevent this conversion? Does the order in which I convert to and from JSON and encode/decode need to be changed?