i'm placing a png which has transparency over another image. while using browsershots.org to check css, in IE6 i notice the png being placed over another image, where it was supposed to be transparent it was grey. i remember reading about IE6 having png transparency problems so did a search, found and used this: [URL]
hmm, just before posting this i opened up the postcode image, which hasn't dissapeared and hasn't been made transparent, in photoshop and it is different from the other images; it hasn't got a specific restricted colour table like other png's (the other png's were made in photoshop by saving for web which saves them with a specific colour pallette). the postcode images is rgb 8 bit per channel. this image is-being/was generated by php's gd library, so presumably there's something i can do to make it have a more restricted colour pallette. assuming that is necessary, and i get that done ok, it will then dissapear like the other pngs i guess. so what do you reckon should i do to get the other png images not to be effected, and the postcode image to be transparent in iE6?
Here is the website I'm working on:DEMO For my navbar and footer I use jQuery to do a nice fade in and fade out:
$(function(){ var navbar = $('#navbar'), navbarLinks = $(".navbarlink", navbar);
I'm currently cross-browsing the website and I found a very nice JavaScript hack that fixes the .PNG's so they work in IE6: DD_belatedPNG It works but it messes up my jQuery so that:
1.) My splash screen image is not centered correctly
2.) When you rollover the navbar or footer links they work for one cycle but then they become un-active after that...I bet after the JavaScript .PNG hack runs it changes the item so that it is not getting selected correctly...
P.S. I have this website working on IE7/8, FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera and iPhone. I'm only having this problem with IE6 and I know that the .PNG hack is causing the problem.
So, after doing a whole bunch of z-index troubleshooting, I determined that wmode transparent isn't getting applied to to my flash file on my website. I have a dropdown menu that, in IE, is falling behind the flash. I'm using swfObject 2.2, and I must have an error somewhere because if I use this old method of embedding, everything works fine:
in order to fade the background of a div. The content in this div I'd like to have without transparency. In IE this is the case, but in Firefox the content also is transparent with 0.8.I tried to apply fade with 1 to the content but that did not work ...
I would like to make a table or a div with a transparent background. The solution found does work only with FireFox using a png image. The second one works with IE and FireFox but make the text inside the div be transparent. Code:
I am assuming that this is an issue with the js on my index page:
The main menu on this page has a sub-menu under "About". I've tried changing the CSS for the menu in order to make that sub-menu background be 50% transparent, but nothing is fixing it. I see things about "fade" within the js code, but I just don't see how to set how far it fades in or out.
You'll see a google map there, created with this jQuery plugin. Although I've used the plugin on several occasions without any trouble, this time the map's .png icon/marker cannot be made transparent.
I've tried several things (removing my reset.css file, adding a js png- transparency fix, fiddling with the plugin options) but nothing works...
I'm having a hard time trying to find out why the following lines don't work in Firefox and Netscape. The idea is to change the colour of a table row at onmouseover, and then put it back to the <body>'s original background-image at onmouseout.
<head> <script language="javascript"> function omo(it) { it.bgColor='#FFFFCC' } function omout(it) { it.bgColor='transparent' } </script> </head>
I'm using the cycle plugin to crossfade a series of images that need to be transparent png files. I've got the png fix working, but in IE I can't get the images behind the first image to hide until called.
I've tried setting the display: none,-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)", and filter: alpha(opacity=50), which works to hid them initially, but when they fade into 100% they disappear.
Of course this is only an IE issue, firefox and safari are fine.
I have a large image which contains different sections. I can scroll this up and down a certain amount. however, I want to cut the display to only a small square of the large image, and hide the rest. Think of a slot machine, the wheel is spinning but you only see a small area in front of you. How do I achieve this in jquery?
how can I have transparent borders for modal divs that I bring to frond have transparent borders? specifying: border: 10 px transparent yellow; in the settings.css will not work. I tried few things, and I am beginning to think it is not doable.
What i want to do is change background color from yellow to transparent or back to original background color:What i have following javascript code is change color from yellow to blue.
I have the following Flash code running the photo stack at top right in this page: [URL]
<script type="text/javascript"> var flashvars = {}; var params = {}; params.wmode = "transparent"; var attributes = {}; swfobject.embedSWF("[URL]", "slider", "650", "260", "9.0.0", "[URL]", false, flashvars, params, attributes); </script>
I'm not that familiar with Flash, but I've used wmode in the past to make a movie have a transparent background. Is something wrong with the syntax here?
How can I load the window with transparent background using window.openDialog() in firefox browser ;Inside this dialog , I am loading a html page whose width and height is not known already . So I will load this html page using window.openDialog having width and height of dialog more than html page .
I am having an transparent image and that image having image content at the right most corner of the image. Is there any way to get the offset of the image content(Actual content of the image) in Jquery.
i saw this nice image fades on the nivo slider >>how are these part transparent tile-fades made?and is it possible to cut out a transparent static part from a JPG with jQuery?(like a rectangle part on the JPG is transparent made with jQuery)
I created a button with 2 states for mouse-over effects using css sprites. This has always worked well and I have no issues. I recently added some jquery to my buttons to create a smooth transition for the mouse over and this is where I see the issue. When the page is initially loaded the image looks fine. When I hover over the image there is a brief flash of black around the transparent edges then the transition begins and everything looks okay. When I un-hover the image shows the black edges. From this point any time the image is in the un-hovered state the edges are black, and when I hover the black goes away. Example: [URL]
There is a live search on my web page but the box of available options which falls below the 'input' field has a transparent background color. How can it be changed to non-transparent?This line below makes the background white, but all the text on the page shines through, since the default is transparent.
I'm trying to write some javascript that will always allow me to float content over a flash player. To do this, the <object> tag needs to have a <param> tag added to set the wmode to transparent, and the <embed> tag needs to have the wmode attribute set to transparent also. So the source will first look like:
And I want the javascript to change it to: <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="[URL]"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="[URL]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340" wmode="transparent"> </embed> </object>
The thing is, I currently have code that adds the parameters to the object and the embed tags, but I am unable to float content over the player. The javascript I currently have is: function init(){ var embedCollection = document.getElementsByTagName("embed"); var objectCollection = document.getElementsByTagName("object"); for(i=0;i<objectCollection.length;i++){ var myParam = document.createElement("param"); myParam.setAttribute("name","wmode"); myParam.setAttribute("value","transparent"); objectCollection[i].appendChild(myParam); } for(i=0;i<embedCollection.length;i++){ embedCollection[i].setAttribute("wmode","transparent"); } } window.onload=init;
If I use Firebug to inspect the page after it has loaded, I can see that all the elements have been updated with the appropriate tags and attributes, but the floating content does not appear above the flash player. I'm sure the floating content is coded correctly, because if I hard code the tags and attributes into the HTML instead of using javascript, the floating content appears. I've been told on an IRC chatroom that I need to find away to reload the flash player after I've added my new tags and attributes, so that its aware of the new tags and attributes. How can I use javascript to force the flash player to reload itself?
I am working on an ajax application to upload and download encrypted files (AES, 128 bit). The encryption has to be on the client side before sending it to the server.
1. Upload The secret key is stored in a javascript variable during the session. To upload a file, javascript code will show a prompt file dialog and the user will select the file. On hitting submit button a javascript code will call a method in a java applet (with secret key and filename as parameters) that will read the file, encrypt it and sent to the server. I am still coding this but seems to me there will be no problem, the applet even doesn't need to be signed.
2. Download This is where I have the problem.I want the user to click the link, the file should be downloaded, decrypted and opened or 'saved as..'. Is this possible to do in a way that the user doesn't have to do intermediate steps, like 1. Download, 2. Decrypt. 3 Open by the corresponding application ? Right now the idea is to use XMLHttpRequest to download the file into a javascript variable and pass it to the applet, the applet will decrypt and save the file into a temporal directory on the user's computer. After that javascript will present a link that the user will click to open the file. But that are 2 steps and I have to sign the applet to be able to write files. Is there a way to do this as a single process (with an unsigned applet) and at the end to show the 'Save as...' dialog so the user will decide wether to save it or to open with some application?
Please do not take this the wrong way, but rather as a genuine question I have. I do not want to be negative, but the answer to our bug reporthttp[URL]... One of the main reasons we turned to a javascript framework (we used to use prototype before we - migrated to jQuery), is that we wouldn't need to worry about browsers and versions our users use.[URL].. I now notice that I can not rely on jQuery framework for making functions work cross-browser.
In my opinion, if there is an issue with this, shouldn't jQuery intercept and wrap the call to something that does work in Webkit? Again - this is not meant to be negative, but as an end-developer, I think I should be able to rely on same behaviour of all methods provided in the jQuery library, regardless of what browser/version is being used. (or perhaps at least document it in the api docs?)
I am trying place an AP DIV which floats above a jquery cycle plugin slideshow. It uses transparency so you can see the images through the Div box percentage colour.
At the moment the AP DIV can only sit behind the jquery slideshow.