IFrame Dynamic Resize Not Working Correctly
Jul 23, 2010
Just working on this page - [URL]
In Opera, the dynamic resize of the iframe isn't working correctly. As you can see in the code, I have set a minimum height of 200px so the iFrame should always be a minimum height but if the content requires it will increase. It works fine in IE8, Safari, FF, Chrome but not in Opera. In Opera it just sets the height at 200px.
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Apr 22, 2011
I have some javascript code:
first it gets string of the url in the address bar
then it splits the string at the ? and grabs the right half
it then makes an IFrame go to that string(which is yet another url I would manually insert)
here is the code:
function redirect(){
var raw=window.document.location.href;
'content' is the id of the IFrame, and frame.html is the html file this code is inside.
Ok, so everything works perfectly when I test this code offline, but as soon as I load it to my website, and the .src line occurs, it just loads a blank page in the IFrame. What could be causing this? Perhaps certain sites will not allow themselves to be inside iframes? Much thanks in advance. I hope I gave enough information and relayed my problem clearly.
EDIT: It seems that the code works on other sites, just not youtube. Why would it do this and are there any ways around it?
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Mar 3, 2007
When i try to dynamically change the height of an iframe in ie through a java-script to match its content (a html page containing a flash movie, it doesn't resize the iframe at first, but when i reload the same page into the iFrame it resizes as planned, how come?This script works well in firefox, safari and netscape, but i cant get it to work in ie(8, 7). And i get the same problems with every resizing script i've tried. This is the script i use:
<script type="text/javascript">
function adjustIFrameSize(iframe)
{ [code].....
I have a flash menu in the first iframe, the buttons on the menu uses getURL(siteToLoad, "contents") to load another html-page into the iframe "contents". Is it possible to make the iFrame refresh automatically though javascript so that i just refreshes the iframe once? Everytime ive tried that it just ends up in a never ending refresh-loop... How can i make this work? Is there any better script for resizing (and refreshing after resize) the iframe height so that it matches to its content?
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Apr 28, 2010
I've built in an iFrame that pulls in various other pages of variable height. Can you make this iFrame render its size based on it's src content ? I've been trying to use the scrollHeight of the frame but it isn't working. My current code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function resizeIframe (frame) {[code]....
Basically my code always renders the scrollHeight at 150 but the test.html I'm pulling into the frame I've made a height of 500px ?
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Oct 7, 2011
Im trying to use javascript history to resize an iframe when a submit button is clicked inside the iframe.
This is what i found so far.
Us this with iframe:
But im not really sure on how to apply this to my iframe, and i know that the resize part also needs to be edited, but what is missing?
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Aug 2, 2009
Is there a way to resize an iframe dynamically so that you never get the scroll bar and essentially hide that there is an iframe? Better integration really.Basically I want to iframe a forum into my site so that the design down the sides and top which my friend does using iweb are not messed with.We have a central area which can be longer or shorter depending on the forum.
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Mar 18, 2011
I have a web page which will display another web page in an iframe. But the content inside the iframe may change while the user interacts with it so I need to be able to resize the iframe height from code on the page inside the iframe. Any tips on how I can do that? I am using php and javascript.
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Jan 21, 2011
I have an embedded video set in an iFrame (the page is called on.php). When someone clicks the stop video button, the iframe is re-directed to off.php, and the video is replaced with a play video button -- which when clicked takes them back to the video (on.php).
What I want to do is install a cookie that will permanently 'remember' which page the user has selected (on.php or off.php)... and then from that point forward will always load the appropriate page.
I've seen all sorts of tutorials about setting cookies and stuff, but nothing that would clue me in on how to accomplish what I'm trying to do specifically.
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Aug 30, 2006
I need to adjust my IFrame Height based on srource page height (src) given for that IFrame.
I am getting it for the pages calling in the same domain like src='test.html', but I am not getting it when calling pages from other domains like src='http://someurl.com'.
My Page Looks like this:
<iframe src="http://someurl.com" name="NAME" scrolling="no" width="100%" frameborder="0" ></iframe>
It would be helpful if anyone suggest me a solution.
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Nov 17, 2010
I'm working with a site which has a centered table which is fixed width at 961px.Now what I need to do is to display one image on the right of this, and one of the left, and make it so that the image trails out to a constant color.
The issue starts when this image (really it was originally one image with white space between the two borders) is displayed in the browser. Depending on browser, resolution, etc, the image became far too wide.
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May 21, 2009
I've been able to get the iFrame to resize to the content - see this link - it's pretty simple. My only problem, is if the user clicks a link so that another page is displayed, the iFrame doesn't resize. It will only resize when the parent page is reloaded. So, not sure what to do about that.
(I do work with someone who writes Javascript and PHP, so they would know how to implement it if I found a solution).
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Jan 25, 2011
Is there any way to resize the iframe automatically, so that it could obtain the original height and width of the page which is embedded in that iframe? I actually saw this function on PayPal but I don't remember its link.
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May 22, 2009
i have an iframe on page to hold record editing form - the form presented in the frame needs to be different sizes depending on the form size i want the page called to resize the frame but, i can't figure out how to refer to it from the page loaded in the iframe parent().$("#myiframe").height( $("#formcontentwrapper").height() ) ;
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Apr 11, 2010
I am using a WYSIWYG web editor (Serif WebPlus X4; for a whole range of reasons - please don't turn this thread into a discussion of the pros and cons of WYSIWYG! ). It has a tool to create a site search facility, whereby you add a text box to accept the search terms, and specify an iFrame in which the results appear. The source of the iFrame is not specified as a page, but rather the content is generated and inserted by the search JavaScript that runs when the user searches the page.
I really don't want the results to be in an iFrame, because I think it looks a mess when the page and the iFrame both scroll. To avoid this, I'm trying to get the iFrame to resize to fit the results, so it won't need to scroll. (Of course, the alternative would be to change the JavaScript so the results are placed directly onto a page rather than in an iFrame, but because of the way the WYSIWYG editor works, that's less straightforward).
I've found many scripts online that would let me change the size of the iFrame based on its content, but they all assume that the content is coming from a file saved on the server, and work by checking the height of the file's content, and inserting that value as the height of the iFrame. Now, the problem is that when I use these scripts they cause the iFrame to become 0px high, I assume because the frame doesn't have a fixed source that can be measured, but rather gets its content fed in from the search JavaScript.
Can anyone help me figure out a way to resize the frame even though its content is dynamically generated as the page with the frame is loaded? I've copied below the search script and the html page with the iFrame that needs to resize. Ideally, whatever solution I use shouldn't involve editing the .js file I've attached, since this is generated automatically by the WYSIWYG program.
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Jul 9, 2010
I have an iframe on my page and I added the following code to detect the iframe file height to avoid scrolling which is working fine.
<script type="text/javascript">
function setIframeHeight(iframeName) {
//var iframeWin = window.frames[iframeName];
There is a form in the iframe and it is coming from a third party web site which I have no access. My problem is when a client submits the search form in the iframe search results page is higher than the search main page and half of search results page is not shown. Is there a way to sense that the page in the iframe is changed and resize the iframe height accordingly?
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Oct 19, 2011
I am building iframes from database entries. Is it possible to resize them with an onclick event?
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Nov 19, 2008
I am trying to resize an external website in an iframe using javascript, but have not found code that works very well.
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Jan 31, 2010
I'm using some javascript that senses the presence of an id on a page, creates an iframe containing cross domain content if it finds it and also resizes the iframe. It works great in FF, but IE stumbles if there's more than one iframe requested (especially IE6). If someone knows a better way to get IE to co-operate with this set up An acceptable alternative would be to only create one iframe at a time (which IE can handle), by using a link to trigger the iframe creation. I just can't figure out how to get that to work.The cross domain resizer uses the frame manager trick, the rest is homespun.
<script type="text/javascript" src="documents/FrameManager.js"></script>
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Feb 1, 2010
function resizeIframe(win)
var iwin;
while(win.parent != null && win.parent != win)
I want to write a code, which dynamically resize iframes to remove srollbars. I have iframe, I go to its parent..which might be another iframe inside some parrent.. I will loop till i resize all iframes.. someone got a fix?
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Apr 23, 2010
here is my script that works just fine in IE. Onload I want the iframe to resize to the content loaded within it:
Error: document.getElementById("loadapi").contentWindow.document.body is undefined
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May 31, 2009
Can anyone help me figure what kind of criteria I should use to search this forum for a clue as to my dilema?
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Jan 19, 2010
Ive written some code to try and resize a page dependant on the content oof an iframe. Code is as follows:
function sizeAdj() {
var elFrame = document.getElementById('theFrame');
var elTable = document.getElementById('tableGrab');
var elDivMain = document.getElementById('main');
var elDivWrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper');
I originally thought that I would just be able to resize the iframe and the other elements would follow suit but as you can see Ive tried to resize the other encasing elements also. The code resizes partially in chrome but only to a certain point and not to the full height of the doc content.
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Aug 27, 2010
I have been having an issue with this script to resize my iframe(ifr) based on the content loaded in it.I am half bald from this issue. Works perfect in IE7 & 8 but not in FF or Chrome.FF works "almost" - It resizes on first page loaded but doesn't resize if the iframe content is changed until refreshed. (example: If I load search results which shows 10 results and then click one and it loads the page which isn't as high as the search results page was then it just stays at the larger height until I refresh and then resizes correctly.)
.JS Code:
* IFrame SSI script II- � Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (http://www.dynamicdrive.com)[code]....
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Dec 8, 2010
I'm using this script as an auto resize function for an iframe, but can't get it to work in safari.
<script type="text/javascript">
function calcheight(){
var the_iframe = document.getElementById('paymentHistory');
var the_document = (the_iframe.contentWindow - the_iframe.contentDocument);
if(the_document.document) the_document = the_document.document;
var the_height= the_document.body.scrollHeight;}
To call the function, I have
<iframe id="paymentHistory" onload="calcHeight()" src="/andy/admin/categories/printpaymenthistory.php"></iframe>
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Aug 9, 2010
know how I can use JavaScript to find the size of my iFrame and feed it to Shadowbox to launch the appropriate sized shadowbox on different browsers and resolutions. For me, the parent page is called 'demo.html' and the iFrame is 'gallery/archive_iframe.html'.
Currently, the shadowbox is launched with a fixed height and width (which you will see in the HTML code below). The problem is that 'gallery/archive_iframe.html' displays differently on every browser and every resolution, causing unwanted horizontal and vertical scroll bars. An example can be seen here: [URL]
Here is the code that I use in 'demo.html' to launch the iFrame:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/shadowbox/libraries/mediaplayer/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/shadowbox/shadowbox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='/shadowbox/libraries/mediaplayer/swfobject.js'></script>
What do I need to do in 'gallery/archive_iframe.html' if anything? My thought is that I need to wrap it in a DIV tag and find the width and height of that. And what do I need to do in 'demo.html'? I'd assume some code is needed to pull the dimensions discovered in my iframe document, and insert those into the link that launches Shadowbox.
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Jun 30, 2010
Basically I created a nice Jquery function to resize a window to the content on an Iframe. Because the Iframe has PHP in it which pulls a list of stockists and Iframes dont Auto resize to fit its contents if it pulls extra info.
So this bit of code is embedded into my Iframe, all its suppose to do is get the documents (the Iframe's) current height then it selects the parent document ( the one containing the Iframe ) then it basically adds the height to the attributes.
THE PROBLEM: It works great, the first time you use it. BOOYAKASHAA. However when you click a another stockist on the list. A smaller list for example... it keeps the height of the document really big. So it initially makes the space bigger to accomadate the list. But does not go smaller afterwards?
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