getting first line coordinates of multiple line inline element.
Example HTML aaa bbb ccc ddd <span id="target">eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj</span>kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq $(document).ready(function() {
Assume that span#target has a line break, when I see a browser. Then I click span#target, above function returns the head of coordinates which second line ("hhh") has. I want to have the coordinates which first line ("eee") has. How can I get that?
How do I read a local text file line by line, one line at a time. I got upto opening a file, and can read whole file at a time. But I want to read just one line at a time. May be have a counter of lenght of the file and read only the counter number line at a time.
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> var fso = new ActiveXObject( 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' ); f = fso.OpenTextFile( "c:\mytextfile.txt", 1 );
I heard it is not the same. The lastest version of JavaScript is 1.6 while lastest version of JScript is 8.0 I also heard a little bit about ECMAScript, but I still don't know what's the difference of them. So, what's exactly the difference of it?
Does anyone know any programs I can use to validate Jscript? Preferably one that points out where the errors are. I need anything that can be thought of as long as it isn't IE. I'm okay with javascript but the differences in Jscript are making mountains out of molehills. If there was a Jscript section here I would have posted this there.
I am making a very simple application for my own personal use on my Windows XP box. I want one that looks and feels like a web app. I don't have too many languages to choose from on my home computer, and I don't feel like installing a web server, and it already has Access on it, so I was thinking HTA with JScript and Access. I see a way for JScript to talk to Access is with ADO. Is this the best way, or is that the "old way"?
I have a form input that takes a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
I would like to validate this input using Javascript in two fashions:
1. I need to check that the format of the input is 'MM/DD/YYYY' with the month day and year being numeric
2. I need to also check that the 'MM/DD/YYYY' being input is later than today + 2 days (i.e. if today is 12/27/07, then the input must be 12/29/07 or greater)
I have an application where I have 9 items to choose from and desire a table that will allow only 3 items (any 3 items) to be chosen then check out of the table.Check out can not be allowed unless only 3 items are selected.
Is the JScript applications somewhere that will perform this logic?
I have a dynamic page, it's a calander so called calander.asp
When the page loads it opens a popup window (filters.asp) containing a form that a user can filter different dates with different filters.
function openpopup(){ var popurl="filters.asp","","width=400,height=600,scrollbars,menubar,") }
What im trying to do is get the when the user fills in the form. it submits to the calander page, (the parent?) <form name="form" method="post" action="calander.asp" target="_parent">
i want the popup to remain intact. when the form is sumbitted it opens a new window behind the filters.asp popup and doesn't filter the correct results.
What I need is a Javascript alert, such as "Are you sure you want to permanently delete record/s - Click OK to delete." to appear only if (isset($_POST['lnk_publish'])) is true... Code:
(Short version on a asp page, fill out the form and press submit. It takes you to a thank you page, at that point I want it to go BACk to the form.
(Detailed For my work, we have a web based ticket system, and add notes to these via asp pages. I came up with some code to auto file the text, change combo box's then submit itself. Upon submit it takes to a simple "Thank You page" .... after .submit I would like it to go back to the origional "frmAddnote" page. I have tried everything for 2 weeks including:
[CODE] history.back(); or history.go(-1) or
PS Its important to mention that I am running this code from a testfile.js on my local machine... Works fine just cant get it to go "back". I have no control of the code on the asp pages but thats not important.
The Windows common controls include a VBDataObject interface that can be utilized during drag|drop events (as an argument). Retrieving the path of files dropped onto a control is as simple as checking the format of the Data Object for vbCFFIles (constant = 15), and if true, enumerating the Files collection (1-based) for each item (which returns the full path as a string).
The Animation Control is simplest one I've found for demonstrating this: Some information about that control is here...
function IAnimation::OLEDragDrop(Data){ if(Data.GetFormat(15)){ var O = ""; var e = new Enumerator(Data.Files); while(!e.atEnd()){ O += e.item() + " "; e.moveNext(); } output.value = O; BackColor=0x80000003;} }
What i want to do is perform an action (specifically click a button) on a web page by executing a program on my computer. I'm guessing you need to activate the button's click event (or whatever javascript uses) on the web page in your program, but I'm not sure how i would go about doing that. Is there a way of doing this in Java?
I know you can use the onload statement to start a javascript when the page has loaded, but is there a statement that can start a javascript as soon as the page starts to load?
I have an activeXobject that I am using in Jscript. The object has a method which takes a structure and fills it with data. I have created the structure like . .
function MyStruct() { a = "aaa"; b = "bbb"; }
when I pass MyStruct to the method I get a type mismatch error!
We have an applet that implements the MouseListener interface but when trying to add the applet to the glasspane of another applet a classcastexception is thrown.
This all seemed to work fine when using JDK1.3.1_08 but since using JDK1.4.2 it does not work.
The class implementing the mouse listener interface is defined using:
public class MapListener extends JApplet implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
What it does is adds up quantities and gives you a total. Works fine with whole numbers but when you need to have cents - decimal point plus two, the email received does not show the quantities. Code:
i installed jondesigns smooth gallery from [URL] All installed fine, minus one problem with setting the thumbnails up. It asks for this to be entered im just not sure where that code should go: useThumbGenerator: true also it asks for a cache folder to be writeable does that just go anywhere or? Heres my version here: [URL]
I have a user that insists they have web applications that do this, and wants the one I'm building to do it too...
You have a table on an html form. As the user changes one or more fields in a table row and moves to the next line, the changed row should AUTOMATICALLY be sent back to the server and updated in the database.
If the user moves BACK to a line that's already been changed, and changed a field, a popup should display and ask "if the user really wants to change the field". If so, again, it should AUTOMATICALLY be sent to the server and updated in the database...
Ignoring the horridness of making that many round trips to the server and banging the database for every line, is there a way to AUTOMATICALLY do the equivalent of a submit and post the changed table row back to the php script?
I have an html page, with jscript inside. some variables, some of them multidimensional arrays. i need to send this information, which can be changed by the user, to an asp file. the only way i could think of, is putting it inside hidden box and sending the form. is there any more elegant way?
The Gecko DOM reference gave me the idea that an onscreen keyboard I was doing should use Key Events, so the user may for instance place a letter anywhere, and such. While this can be handled using a number of hacks, I really want to use events, since they seem like the "right" way to do an onscreen keyboard.
Just fire the key events associated with the button on screen right? With Firefox this worked great, and so did it for IE, BUT, IE does fire the events, and I can capture them as well, but no letters appear in the textarea, since this is handled otherwise....