Firefox And InnerHTML
Jul 23, 2005
Why doesn't a SELECT element's innerHTML reflected which option was
selected? Works in IE. I need this functionality so that I can retain
what choices a user made in a tabbed interface.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<script language="javascript">
function callAlert(){
var theHTML = document.getElementById('Radius').innerHTML;
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<form id="myForm">
<div id="myDiv">
<table border="0" width="430" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<td font color="#ff0000">*</font>Radius:</td>
<td width="331" height="30" class="formData">
<select onChange="callAlert();" id="Radius" name="Radius">
<option value=".10" id="0">1/10 mile</option>
<option value=".20">1/5 mile</option>
<option value=".25">1/4 mile</option>
<option value=".5">1/2 mile</option>
<option value=".75">3/4 mile</option>
<option value="1">1 mile</option>
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Jul 23, 2005
Here is my problem in a nutshell: a script to model dynamic table
extension. It works under Firefox. But IE just aborts, complaining about
an "unknown runtime error" in the line with "innerHTML". Why?
<script language="javascript">
function extend() {
var tb = document.getElementById('thetable').tBodies[0];
var newrow = document.createElement('tr');
tb.rows[tb.rows.length-2].innerHTML =
<table id="thetable">
<tr><td colspan="3"><a href="javascript:extend();">extend</a></td></tr>
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Mar 26, 2006
This is what im trying to achieve. At the top of my page there is some
search functionality, through which you cause to be loaded a string
representing an HTML page. Below this and occuupying about 80% of the
window real estate, there is a DIV. There is also a toggle button with
two options "Code View" and "Text View" as I have named them. Depending
on which mode you are in, you can see the block of HTML either as code
(in other words the tags are not rendered. You see the HTML as it
exists.) or as text (rendered HTML). Consider the following code, which
is a simplified version of the page.
<script language="javascript">
var mode = "code";
var s = "<html><head>
<style type="text/css">
My Stylesheet
function ViewDoc()
if(mode == "code")
document.getElementById("docArea").innerText = s;
document.getElementById("docArea").innerHTML = s;
function ChageMode()
if(mode == "code")
mode == "text";
mode == "code";
<input type='button' onclick='ViewDoc()' value='View Document'>
<input type='button' onclick-='ChangeMode() value='Change Mode'>
<div id='docArea'/>
The variable s contains an actual example of some HTML im trying to
load here (with the contents of the stylesheet omitted.)
Now, the following works fine in Internet Explorer. It does not work at
all in Mozilla Firefox. In firefox, for example, I have to cut out the
stylesheet, or the entire page goes fubar. Without the embedded
stylesheet, the "text" view (rendered html) works just fine. But the
"innerText" does not work in Firefox, and im not sure how to replicate
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Nov 9, 2010
I created a page that has an iframe on it. Within this iframe I call an asp page. The asp page is supposed to do some work and then update the innerHTML of a <div> object on the parent page to indicate that processing of the page in the iframe is complete. The code works in IE but not FireFox. I am wondering what is the best way to make the script work for both browsers?
Sub page JavaScript:
parent.document.getElementById("num2").innerHTML = '<center><strong>Processing complete.</strong></center>';
Parent page:
<div id="num2"></div>
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Apr 14, 2011
I am generating a string from AJAX data which contains forms and submit buttons. I then try to assign this string to a div using innerHTML. This works fine in IE but Firefox strips form tags and every thing in between form tags. How to solve this issue
Example code:
str = "<form action='somepage.php' methid=post><input type=text name=some_field><input type=submit value='Submit'></form>";
I am using Firefox version 3.6.16
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Sep 28, 2010
I am encountering this problem with Firefox, but no problem in IE. I have in a hidden <div> dynamically generated select options intended for re-use by dynamically created forms on page.
For Example:
<option value="1">xxx</option>
With javascript, when I use getElementById() to get the <div>, and then get the innerHTML, on IE I get the content just as they were generated out, and I was able to put this into an empty <select> and everything works. But when I try the same in Firefox, the innerHTML returns only the text part of the content. The "<option value="1">" part has been stripped off. Wondering if there's a solution to get around this?
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Oct 15, 2010
I'm having an issue with Firefox and the innerHTML code. My index file has the following html body code in it:
<div id="testBox" style="text-align: center; color:white;">
test text
Then, in a separate html document loaded through an iframe, I have the following code that works great in IE but not in Firefox:
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
function ChangeML(){
parent.testBox.innerHTML ='text has been changed';
The function ChangeML is called on a click event using MooTools, but I figured that part isn't what's causing the problems because everything else works fine. No error seems to be reported ... it just skips right over this piece of code.
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May 17, 2011
I have this script that I've been modifying, but somehow it doesn't work in Opera and Firefox!! IE, Safari and Chrome works just fine!
* This function creates a Ajax call to the defined responce file and can run a defined javascript right after the innerhtml is loaded.
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Sep 13, 2010
The following extremely simply JavaScript code:
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
alerts the innerHTML content in all the browsers. Except in Firefox 3.6.8, which alerts a blank value. What the f?:confused: I know that innerHTML is not a standard DOM method, but it used to be a crossbrowser one since FF 1.5, right? Edit: It does not work even in case of firstChild.nodeValue or FF 3.6.8 says that the DIV element has no first child, which is amazing.
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Oct 1, 2010
I need to be able to display dynamic HTML inside a DIV (can't tell what the html nodes would be) - i.e needs to be flexible. The HTML that goes inside the DIV would have its own Javascript too. I was able to get this code snippet working on Microsoft IE7+, was wondering why the same won't work on firefox.
HTML Code:
/* the input type = hidden is necessary or the JS won't be accessible */
/* script defer tag is also necessary */
function insertHTMLOnButtonPress() {
var s = "<html><input type='hidden' id='dummyHidden'/><head><script defer='defer'>function dynamicallyInsertedFunction() { alert('Successfully called - dynamicallyInsertedFunction'); } </sc" + "ript></head><body><input type='text' value='Hello World'/><input type='button' onClick='dynamicallyInsertedFunction();' value='Call Dynamically Inserted Method'/></body></html>";
/* Clearing out innerHTML is also required to flush the innerHTML so that repeated attempts - i.e new HTML/JS should work */
document.getElementById('wholeBody').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('wholeBody').innerHTML = s;
<!-- Don't close the div inline, causes some problem and replaces the buttons too -->
<div id="wholeBody"></div>
<input type="button" onClick="insertHTMLOnButtonPress();" value="Insert some dynamic html"/>
<input type="button" onClick="dynamicallyInsertedFunction();" value="Call Dynamically Inserted Method"/>
I have tried a couple of things likeRemove the script defer tag
- Removing the dummy input element added which is required for Desktop IE
- Removing the empty innerHTML step before replacing it
But none of these appear to work for Mozilla firefox. I am also looking for a similar behavior on Android's default webbrowser (WebView to be more specific) -- Doesn't work there too.
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May 23, 2007
I spent several hours struggling with dynamic form fields added with
appendChild or innerHTML not POSTing on submit in Firefox. The only
way I found to make it work is to append any created fields to a DIV
within the form. Code:
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Apr 18, 2011
Whats wrong with this script. It works in IE, but not in Firefox. I get no error codes it just simply does not display the text in Firefox.
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Oct 1, 2005
I use the code below to show the year on my sites e.g. this page.
However, instead of 2005 it shows 105 in Firefox.
<!-- Begin
var year=time.getYear();
document.write("" + year + "");
// End -->
Works fine in Internet Explorer.
How can I show the correct year in Firefox as well please?
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Mar 16, 2009
Is there a way to add an if and else with in innerHTML like this.
var sfe = document.getElementById("mainform").innerHTML ='<form name="'+frmName+'">'+
'<!-- comment -->'+
'<h2 id="pa" name="dr">';if(n == 1){'+fname+'}else if(n == 2){<b>No Title</b>} '</h2>'+
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Apr 10, 2006
I'm currently using AJAX to perform some dynamic updates and return some text to the web page. At the moment I'm using innerHTML as follows:
but I'd like to be standards compliant. How would I do this using pure DOM stuff?
btw WrkItemDiv is an exisiting <div> I simply want to overwrite the text within it with the newly returned text.
Also, is it possible to change the onMouseOVer code with some text returned in the same way as above using pure DOM?
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Oct 22, 2007
I am getting data from two tables in a database using a dropdown box with a onchange and some ajax to update two diferent Div tags, basically the id is passed to a php page,, I grab the data from the two tables, I then echo the data in two html tables. I echo a ** for a delimiter between the two tables,
Then I use a javascript split function to split the responseText into two peices so I can update each DIV with the coresponding data.
Everything works in Firefox, but in IE7 only one div gets updated with its data, the other div will not change, and I get a unknown runtime error. However if I go into my php page and change the data I am echoing after the delimiter to a simple echo 'test' it will work. Code:
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Mar 26, 2009
First the code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function TextScroll(scrollname, div_name, up_name, down_name, top_name){
When I use mouse wheel in Firefox to scroll contents of the DIV, memory usage in Firefox goes through the roof. Code above is a fully working page, if anyone would like to see what's up, just load it up, and start moving your mouse wheel in the area with text. You don't actually have to scroll the text, just moving the wheel back and forth in that DIV will do. Memory usage will start going up quite fast, and after you stop moving the wheel, it will finally come down a bit after a short while. I've highlighted in red the line where mousewheel event is registered for Firefox. I'm not sure if it's really a problem, but since Opera and IE don't have any strange memory usage, and Firefox does, maybe I did something wrong. In everyday use it shouldn't matter [don't expect to have kilometers of content to scroll], but anyway, it is a bit unsettling.
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Jan 7, 2006
if ((window)&&(window.netscape)&&( {
// OK, this is Gecko/Firefox or someone mimicing it so well
// that there is no way to catch it on the act.
But I need Firefox *1.5 or higher* or another (but sure) way to know
that this browser has native SVG support. Here I'm stock.
It seems there is window.navigator.productSub and on my Firefox 1.5
it's 20051111
But I'm not sure: this "build version" is going up guaranteed or it's
random like CLASSID? Also is the same Firefox release has the same
build for all platforms or not? seems silent.
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got this code that creates a new new row and cell. I then put some
text into the cell with innerHTML - works beautifully with Firefox but
fails with IE. I guess IE doesn't support this way of doing it, but is
there another way of doing it with DOM?
newr = document.createElement('tr');
newc = document.createElement('td');
newr.cells[0].innerHTML = (nr+1)+". "+sa[ti][nr + 1]+"<br><hr>";
(works in firefox but fails in IE 6+ too...)
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Jul 23, 2005
IE seems to munge the innerHTML of a document, does anyone know why
it's changing the innerHTML?
<div style="background-color:LightGrey;" onclick="window.alert( 'one:'
+ getElementById('one').innerHTML );" id="one">
<table id="tableone">
<tr id="trone">
<td>click me</td>
<div id="two" style="background-color:LightBlue;"
onclick="window.alert( 'two:' + getElementById('two').innerHTML );">
<table id="tabletwo">
<tr id="trtwo">
<td>click me too</td>
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="MYVAL" />
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Mar 8, 2006
I am using a frameset with two frames that looks like this:
| |--------------------------| |
| | FRAME 1 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |--------------------------| |
| |
| |--------------------------| |
| | FRAME 2 | |
| | | |
| | <html><body> | |
| | <table><tbody> | |
| | <tr> | |
| | <td>Data 1</td> | |
| | <td>Data 2</td> | |
| | </tr> | |
| | </tbody></table> | |
| | </body></html> | |
| |--------------------------| |
FRAME 2 has no height, so it looks as if you only have 1 frame. I am
using FRAME 2 to retrieve data from my server.
I open up FRAME 1 with my webpage and leave FRAME 2 empty. When the
user request data I target FRAME 2 and the data is loaded into FRAME 2.
What I have been trying to do is this. Take the innerHTML of the FRAME
2's table and load it into a table in FRAME 1.
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Jul 6, 2006
I want to load an external file into my page via XMLhttpRequest and
innerHTML. The external file contains javascript code which is not executed during
or after insertion. All the HTML markup is displayed just fine....
basicly even this code doesnt work:
<div id='tmp'>original Content</div>
Content<script>alert('not shown! why?');</script>";
looking at the page, "new Content" is shown with "new" bold as
expected, but there wont be the javascript alert!
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Jul 19, 2006
I use Ajax to retrieve part of a page I need to update. I update a DIV
element with the HTML contents I get from another page.
It works fine.
However the HTML have a SCRIPT tag that the browser should process, but
it doesn't.
Here's an example:
--- pageX.aspx ---
<td>Table 01</td>
--- end pageX.aspx ---
--- page on browser ---
<div id="divContents"></div>
divContents.innerHTML = getHtmlFromPage("pageX.aspx");
--- end page on browser ---
When the prowser gets the "pageX.aspx" and updates the contents of the
'divContents' it displays the table, but it didn't process the script.
What am I doing wrong?
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Sep 29, 2006
What debugger would let me see the HTML in a div after I've added HTML
to the div using its innerHTML? That is:
var someInputHtml = prompt("input html");
var referenceToSomeDiv = document.getElementById("someDiv");
referenceToSomeDiv.innerHTML = someInputHtml;
When debugging, how do I now see what HTML is in the div "someDiv"?
Maybe there is a FireFox extension for this? Firebug?
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Apr 27, 2007
if i use AttachEvent like this,it can't work;
var img = document.createElement("img");
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.appendChild(img); //can't work;
div.innerHTML="<-click this";
but i use attachEvent like this,it work; eg:
var img = document.createElement("img");
var text = document.createElement("span");
text.innerHTML="<-click this";
var div = documet.createElement("div");
div.appendChild(img); //can work
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there any way to use a variable.innerHTML = ""; instead of text.innerHTML
= "";? It doesn't seem to work for me.
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