Fadein And Fadeout Is Not Coming Properly?
Jun 29, 2009
In my website i am planning to do portfolio things in that i gave fade in fade for all images this is working with same size of image.But i have images like this sizes 500/300, 300/150 like if i give this images into portfolio that time if one image fading to another one means that time small size imGE is going top or bottom like that ,I alighed as center.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Jan 6, 2011
I am using jquery to create a modal dialog. I am using the following code snippets.
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Jun 28, 2011
I'm running into a problem in which I have a nav menu that allows you to click on menu items (about, links, etc) and this makes a corresponding content div fade in and the others fade out. I set all the content divs to initially display: none; which works, but the problem is that when I click on a nav item for the first time since page refresh, all the content pokes through and then fades out, rather than just the one I want fading in. The selected div stays visible, but I want to get rid of this problem!
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Oct 8, 2011
If I change all my code to use css() instead of trying to change img tags with the attr() function, I need to figure out how fadein and fadeout work. The code I have now doesn't work right. It is supposed to start with 1.jpg showing and then fade that out and show 2.jpg in it's place.
$(".imgbox2").fadeIn(5000, function(){
When I leave out the fadein of the new image the first image appears and then fades out like it should but when I add the fadeout function it displays the second image and then fades it out even though it is the inner div with a class instead of the outer div with id which should display the first image.
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Mar 26, 2010
the following does not work in IE8, but it works in Firefox (the text fadeOut and then in):
blink(oldValue, newValue, selector) {
if (oldValue != newValue) {
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Apr 21, 2010
With Jquery >= 1.4 I have a problem with the effect fadeIn/fadeOut,the firefox console shows it:
Line of error:
I am trying to show a object:
Here the XHTML:
With Jquery version < 1.4 I haven't got problems but I need Jquery >= 1.4 because I use the delay function to animate.
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Feb 10, 2009
Is it possible to fade a .swf file using javascript like you would fade a jpg or gif?
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Aug 25, 2011
I am using fadein and out of jquery, but size of jquery file is high for me. so i should replace it.do anyone know, how can i write fadein and fadeout functions? is anyone know its source code?
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Mar 12, 2010
I am looking for a script which could do picture animation like in this page [URL].. But there is other problem: When you put your mouse on them, they appear colored. I need that this appearing action would take 5 seconds.
5 sek. to become colored, 5 sek. to become grey when you put away your mouse.
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Nov 11, 2011
I am using a jquery plugin and the code that I am using has fadein() and fadeout() functions but I dont want any fade, could anyone please enlighten me on what the normal one is without the fade,
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Jun 5, 2009
I got following to fadeout, then fadein an class, but how can i keepit repeatly running?
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May 1, 2010
I would like to have the content container slide out as a dropdown fade effect.I currently have this but i can't get my head around to using the fade
//Hide (Collapse) the toggle containers on load
//Switch the "Open" and "Close" state per click
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May 2, 2011
I am trying to write a new div transition script using jQuery's fadeIn and fadeOut functions. I have a PHP script that writes divs and appropriate links based on the presence of appropriate files. There are no more than seven tabs. If one of the files is there, the corresponding tab and link will be written by the PHP script. If it is not, it won't be. The PHP script knows which files are needed as I use a $_GET call to a variable. My script runs on one single PHP page, but with the $_GET call, it produces different "pages".
On one "page", all of the files are present. My PHP script will write:
Link 1 Div 1
Link 2 Div 2
Link 3 Div 3
Link 4 Div 4
I want to fade my desired div based on the ID assigned to the div. Since this will be on one physical page and not multiple physical pages, I want for the script to know a) which divs are available and b) which div is currently visible. I have jQuery 1.5.2 installed (hosted by Google), so any functions can be compatible with that. If a fadeOut can be applied as well, that would be perfect, but a fadeIn is essential. Since I know next to nothing about jQuery, how do I set this up? Especially since I want for it to recognize which divs are being called out of the seven possible divs and the many possible combinations of those divs.
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Dec 2, 2011
i am trying to fadeout a div when its clicked on and once the div is fadedout i want to fade in another div that is hidden [code]
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Jun 22, 2011
So here's what I'm trying to do. Creat a continuous text fade-in / fade-out. Basically I'm going to have a banner at the top of a page that loops through text from a db. So, I get my data and create the divs and a csv that I pass to js as an array, all good, that works. This is what it would look like:
<div id="div_one">
Text 1......
<div id="div_two">
Text 2......
<div id="div_three">
Text 3......
And then the js array is Array('div_1,'div_2','div_3') etc. Now, this is where I'm getting mixed up, I want to loop that array of div id's and fade them in / out one by one.
Here's what I've tried:
loop_running = false;
function start_loop(){
loop_running = true;
}function end_loop(){
loop_running = false;
}function loop(arr){
if(arr.length > 0){
if(loop_running == false){
// set loop_running var to true
// fade in div
fadeIn(arr[i], 1000);
// pause for 3 seconds then fade out
var t = setTimeout("fadeOut('"+arr[i]+"'), 1000", 3000);
// now set another timer to end the loop after 5 seconds
var e = setTimeout("end_loop()", 5000);
// now check to see if we're at the end of our array, if we are we need to call this function again to repeate
if(i == arr.length){
// repeat
But that just gets the first div and then stops after fading out.... I've tried other variations too but with no avail..... I need to be able to tell the for loop to take 5 seconds for every one, so as it's looping it'll get the first div (first one in the aray), fade it up over one second, pause for 3 seconds then fade out, then get the next index in the array and do it again until it gets to the end of the array then it'll repeat.
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Jan 1, 2010
i want to do text fadein ,fade out using javascript onload page. actually i want to display text which is in database that text will appear in front end with fadein and fadeout effect.
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Mar 16, 2011
I actually have a JSP page with this basic HTML elements;
<div style="display:none;" id="loadingBar">
<img src="images/loading-big.gif" alt="loading"/> </div>
<div style="display:none;" id="result"></div>
And then the JQUERY with these source code;
var content;
var dataString = "ha";
$( function() {
$.validator.addMethod("username", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^[a-z0-9\_]+$/i.test(value);
}, "UserID: only letters, numbers, or underscore.");
$('input').focus( function() {
content = $(this).val();
if(content=='- none -') {
$('input').blur( function() { .....
Strangely is... the loading Bar FadeIn effect come nicely. But when at line 73; when It reached success call, it never fading out.
Is this line not working when it came into success portion or.... there's something wrong with my source code? I confused ....
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May 11, 2009
The following works very well to highlight a table cell with a background color when the cell is clicked:
I just can't figure out how to incorporate a fadeIn and fadeOut effect with toggle or toggleClass. I'd like to be able to control the speed of the hightlight when a user clicks a cell on the table.
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May 5, 2011
take a look at this example of what im trying to achieve using jQuery's fadeIn() and fadeOut() functions:
what i am hoping to achieve is the `overlay` div would fade out and reveal what lies beneath. however if you move your mouse around the content underneath the fadeIn() function fires and i get a constant loop until the mouse is completely out of the content.
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May 27, 2010
I have four images on a page that on hover, needs to replace the main text with relevant text pertaining to that image. It's working but buggy. If I roll over slowly and roll off slowly, I get the desired effect. When I rollover quickly both div's content show. I have attached a thinned out version of what I need to be able to do. This example is a solution close to what I need but if there is some kind of onComplete event that can be called when one function is finished executing ....
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Sep 3, 2010
I am simply reposting my question from StackOverflow, in order for more eyeballs to see it.
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Sep 24, 2009
I am using the fade in and fade out and mouse over and mouse out. What I am doing is creating a menu that fades in when the mouse if over the users image. The problem I run into is that when the background of the menu fades in with the buttons which are links. I notice that if you move the mouse over the buttons/links the menu and buttons fade out.I have 2 elements one is the menus background and the other element is the buttons/links on top of the background.
I have a fade out command when the mouse it off the menu background. So I am guessing when the mouse goes over the links/buttons it acts as if the mouse isn't no longer over the menu background element causing a fade out effect. What can I do to prevent the menu fading out when the mouse is over the buttons that are links. I want the users to be able to put their mouses on the buttons and be able to click on the buttons without the menu fading out but only fade out if the mouse is not longer on the background of the menu and is not over any of the buttons on the menus background.
I was woundering if I should do a if statement to check the conditions which would be where the mouse is over. If the mouse is over either the menu background meaning the menu or is over the buttons on the menu background meaning the opitions in the menu. Then don't do a fade out only do a fade out if the mouse is not over either the buttons or the menu itself.
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May 29, 2009
I have a very simple image rotator that brings in images then rotates through them using fadein/out.
You can see it going here: [URL]. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page then wait a few seconds the main image will rotate and the browser will jump up (almost as if it's going to an anchor).
The images are brought in to a 100% div and the images are specified to 100% width (not sure if this is related but I'd thought i'd let you know!).
The code I'm using is this:
function run_slides(id){
var curid;
var nextid;
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Jan 10, 2011
I'm fairly new to jQuery (1.4.4) but finding it to be an incredible library of tools. I recently scrapped my old image swapping JavaScripts for some new stuff I wrote for jQuery. It's all working in jQuery the way it was working before without jQuery. So far so good. Now I'm fiddling around with adding some jQuery animation effects and find the experience disappointing.
So I have images with an indexed id, like this...
<img id="m-0" src="/normal_0.jpg" />
<img id="m-1" src="/normal_1.jpg" />
With the following jQuery, I simply swap out the image ("m-0") on mouseover to an image called "over_0.jpg" by changing the url in "src" for image element id "m-0". The real code is doing image pre-loading, binding multiple elements, filling an array with all the URL's for the hover images, etc.
$(document).ready(function() {
var over; var out;
$('img[id|="m"]').each(function (i) {
$(this).hover(over, out);
// *snipped* code in here filling various arrays with URL's
// *snipped* code here doing some image pre-loading
function over(event) { // mouseenter
$(this).attr("src", '/over_'+$(this).attr('id').replace(/m-/, "")+'.jpg');
function out(event) { // mouseout
$(this).attr("src",'/normal_'+$(this).attr('id').replace(/m-/, "")+'.jpg');
So the code above is working for me... swapping images.
The issue or question now is how can I apply a simple fadein or fadeout on the in/out events? I've been experimenting today and no matter what I do, I get the image swap and then an animation... or vice versa. It looks ugly since the background shows through... I just want to fade from one image to the next instead of a quick snap from one to the other. Most of the plugins I've found seem to be overkill for this. Or they require two separate image elements... I just want to do it each image with my single img element.
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Jun 9, 2010
I am trying to modify some script that uses bounces the background hover - i would like for it to fade in and out rather than bounce.. here is the original script.
And here is the script that I somewhat modified but it did not work
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Dec 4, 2011
It is not possible for me to make the content1,2,3,4 fadeIn instead of just showing. When i type 'slow' here content disapear:
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