I am trying to use document.getElementById in FF but its not working. There is a main page. in that mainpage there is a iframe and in that iframe (id = DocFrame) there is a textbox (id="fileuploadedcnt") which i am trying to access. there is no error. ofcourse i have given name and id to the textbox. Below is the code
In the abpve case i tried both the name and id properties. with Name property i get the HTMLObj alert but again it fails if i attach value method. And for id, it doesnt work at all
I am validating a three form field which takes temperature value between 0-50, humidity 1-100 & rainfall 0-200. I am able to see expected result for temperature value but not getting correct value for humidity & rainfall(still one can insert text in it..)
Here is my code-: <script type="text/javascript"> function validate_form(thisform) { with (thisform)
First a little background. I have a client (in-house) who insists that our training pages (launched from within iframes on a parent page) be able to load .wmv files with variables for the width and height parameters so we don't have to recode when videos are switched. Flash videos are not an option.
I've searched the net and have received several suggestions and even code snippets from several sources but the only one that comes close to working is this one:
HTML Code: <div id="container"> <div>Welcome here</div> <div>Some content here</div>
It works fine in Firefox, chrome and safari but not on IE. I got a run time error Object doesn't support this property or method. I check the line number and the code is this document.getElementById('premiumoverlay').onclick();
I want to restrict getElementById to search children of a specific element instead of searching the entire document, in the same way that I can do getElementsByTagName using a specific element as the parent.
In this particular instance the parent is a table and the elements I'm interested in are all TDs, so I did the basic getElementsByTagName('TD') off the table and looped through this array checking the IDs. However, I'm suspecting that the browser can do getElementById faster than I can do a loop in javascript. Is there a neater way to do this? For now, I'll settle for IE-only solutions, though it would be nice to have things work in generic browsers.
Basically i'm trying to draw a box over an image which is turning out to be a nightmare. The problem i'm getting at the moment is that i'm creating a line with <div which works when it's not hidden but I need to be able to make it hidden so I can use layers to show all when it finished drawing to make it smoother. This is how some other scripts are doing it that i've seen. So i've got it drawing a line and I need getElementById to pick out the layer but it's only picking out NULL with the one i've got enabled below. I've tried the others but they just come out as errors. I need to get top2 which is the <div line to show itself but I can't seem to reference it by getElementById. I use linux mozilla so i need it working in mozilla as well as windows that's why i'm using getElementById. My code is below any ideas anyone?
I'm trying to do is change the backgroundColor of my input text with js..
This the js part
And this is the html part
Basicly what the script do is to check the hidden field cf with value of '0' if found it will execute changeCssProp(thefield)..but the problem is js return error of document.getElementById(thefield) is null
I'm trying to do is change the backgroundColor of my input text with js..
This the js part
Basicly what the script do is to check the hidden field cf with value of '0' if found it will execute changeCssProp(thefield)..but the problem is js return error of document.getElementById(thefield) is null
I've got the following code on one of my pages, it works fine in IE6 and Netscape 6.2, but when you get around to using it on Netscape Navigator 4.08 it doesn't work, instead giving me a "document.getElementByID is not a function" error. Here's the code it has a problem with...
function CrseDets(IDS) { window.open('coursedetails.asp?whereby=' + document.getElementById(IDS).value,null,'top=0,left=0,width=672,height=500, background="gfx/backgrd.gif", scrollbars=yes'); }
I'm a perplexed nube, and I can't understand how document.getElementById evaluates to true when no parameter is passed to getElementById. This code alerts 'foo' if (document.getElementById) {alert('foo')} else {alert('bar')}
Just to double check, this code alerts 'bar'
if (!document.getElementById) {alert('foo')} else {alert('bar')}
I have created some custom code and implemented it into a article within Joomla. (The HTML editor is turned off) The code works in all browsers except Internet Explorer Versions. The custom code has Javascript and the "onMouseOver". The purpose of it is to change a image when your cursor is placed over a link. Ive included the code below
I want after send a comment, that message submit online and insert to database, Without Refresh Page. In this code, $.ajax function worked , but success: function(html) does not work(document.getElementById). I do not know why it does not work!? What do I do?