Character "&" Is The First Character Of A Delimiter But Occurred As Data
Sep 8, 2004
Heres the code:
case "D": if ((Number(a1)==1) && (t.getDate()<10)) str+="0";str+=t.getDate();b
Its part of a date script. if i use
then the script doesnt work - but it is validXhtml....
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May 22, 2009
I have a HTML form which takes some values including a password field. I have a JS function to check and alert when a user enters some particular special characters(this is bcoz only these characters are not allowed in the back end of the html form, all the other special characters are allowed). following is the code for it.
function checklen()
var iChars = "`<>";
for (var i = 0; i < document.ipform.password.value.length; i++) {
now i want a feature which does'nt allow the user to enter an uppercase letter or a special character(only these are allowed~@#$%^&*()-_+|) as the the first character of the password field. Since i am newbie to JS, It would be a great help if some one can help me to sort out this..
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Nov 12, 2011
In my application (yes I know that it's asp) I need to automatically replace a character if it is found in the textbox Is there a way to do this. this is how it renders on the page
Here is the vb equivalent:
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Mar 17, 2007
here's my problem
when my input is: "asdasasd&=adasdasdsad"
at my ajax code:
~> output send("test=asdasasd&=adasdasdsad");
omg. so then, what's the htmlspecialchars ( PHP ) in javascript
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Oct 16, 2009
Lets say I wanted store a long string of text into a local storage member on a browser using javascript.
Now lets assume that the text itself contains characters outside of the normal ISO-8859-1 character set (like asian or russian characters). Would the individual char values be stored as one byte or two bytes?
"hello" -> 5 * 1 bytes = 5 (normal 8859 character sets)
"hello" -> 5 * 2 bytes = 10 (unicode or an extended character set size).
Is ISO-8859-1 still stored like ASCII once was as 8 bits? Or is it 16? If I was to use a 2 byte character set then would that cut the size of my allocated local storage space by half?
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Dec 31, 2010
I did try searching first but for some reason when I put this character in google search fields I never find what I want, maybe not being recognized.
here's the code
what is the || character(s)?
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Jul 23, 2005
Does anyone know the escape character for & and # like in :
I would like to insert & and # literally in the table.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a string that I'm properly URL-encoding to be passed in a URL.
Here's the tag from the HTML source:
<A HREF="javascript:openPopWin('takeit.php?568&10&dr.+hobo%27s+scalpel',
325, 325, 'scrollbars')">
But when I mouse-over the link, the %27 shows in the status bar as a ' and
when I click on it, I get a JS error because of the extraneous '. The +s
are not being decoded - why is this one character, and is there a way to
prevent it?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have this string: "60 105 109 103 32 115 114 99 61 34 101 108 111 46
106 112 103 34 62", and I'd like to convert it to the characters. I've
used the split method to separate it but I don't know how to transform
each number in the character. Could you hel me?
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Feb 4, 2011
I had a difficult time figuring out how to get or test the last character of a string with javascript.
I found plenty of removing the last character, but not for just checking what the last character of a string is using javascript.
// create string
var str = new String("No Periods Allowed.");
// alternatively get string from field:
// var str = document.getElementById('textbox').value;
Well, finding that easily on a search would have saved me some time.
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May 2, 2005
i have a little problem with the follwoing JS, when i count characters for Input type text the reult is ok but when i am using textArea it says 'NAN' here is my code,
<script language = "Javascript">
function taLimit() {
var taObj=event.srcElement;
if (taObj.value.length==taObj.maxLength*1) return false;
function taCount( taObj ) {
var lbObj=document.getElementById("myC");
if (taObj.value.length>(taObj.maxLength*1))
var count;
count = taObj.maxLength-taObj.value.length;
<input type="text" name="anyname" size="50" maxlength="50" onkeypress="return taLimit()" onKeyDown="return taCount(this)" ><br><font size=1>Characters Remaining: </font><B><font size=2 color=red><SPAN id=myC>50</SPAN></font></B><br>
<textarea type="text" name="anyname" size="50" maxlength="50" onKeyDown="taCount(this)" ></textarea>
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Sep 16, 2005
I was wondering if there was any easy way to do the following in javascript:
I have two form fields, firstname and last name, as the user enters their information into a form I want to be able to show them what their username is going to be.
While they enter the information into the fields I was hoping to have it generate the username as the type.
I need to take the first letter of their first name (the first letter in the firstname field) and the entire lastname to combine it into a username. Except if there are spaces or any other characters such as dashes apostrophes they must be removed.
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Jul 27, 2006
I have a simple AJAX script set up where the XML retrieved populates a DIV.
One XML field can be quite large. For example, one is 35,961 characters
When viewed, the data seems cut off. Is there a limit to how many
characters Javascript can read into a string variable and pass to
If so, what is that limit? Not to mention...any ideas on a workaround?
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Sep 21, 2006
The follwing function is in an onkeypress event for some textboxes. How can
I cancel the keystroke? or more importantly it's output. This function does
what I want it to do, but it actually writes a space in the textbox. I
wanted to escape out of writing the character. Especially if I change it to
another keyCode besides space bar. Any ideas?
function setEfforts(ctrl){
if(event.shiftKey && event.keyCode == 32)
var row = ctrl.parentNode.parentNode;
var inputs = row.getElementsByTagName('input');
var textboxes = new Array();
for(var x = 0; x < inputs.length; x++)
if(inputs[x].type == 'text'){textboxes.push(inputs[x]);}
for(var y = 0; y < textboxes.length; y++)
textboxes[y].value = ctrl.value;
return false;
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Nov 10, 2006
I am struggling to find definitive information on how IE 5.5, 6 and 7
handle character input (I am happy with the display of text).
I have two main questions:
1. Does IE automaticall convert text input in HTML forms from the
native character set (e.g. SJIS, 8859-1 etc) to UTF-8 prior to sending
the input back to the server?
2. Does IE Javascript do the same? So if I write a Javascript function
that compares a UTF-8 string to a string that a user has inputted into
a text box, will IE convert the user's string into UTF-8 before doing
the comparison?
I think that the answer to question 1 is probably "YES", but I cannot
find any information on question 2!
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Aug 17, 2007
I have had this function work perfectly in IE and am trying to get it
to work in Firefox. I have seen plenty of questions and answers on the
web for how to get and check the key pressed but nothing about setting
or changing it. I only want uppercase characters in this case. If the
key is a lowercase, it needs to be changed to an uppercase character.
IE lets you use keyCode to change the character code. How do I do the
equivalent in Firefox?
<textarea cols="40" rows="3" name="Rule" id="Rule"
function checkUppercase(e) { .....
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Oct 29, 2007
Anyone know if it's possible to convert the co-ordinates of a click on
a div into a character position within the div's content?
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Jul 20, 2005
How do I onBlur prompt the user to enter a ZERO as character one, if one is
not already entered. At the same time, I would like to ensure at least 5t
characters have been entered. This validation should also only trigger if
anything is entered. Basically, if the user chooses to enter nothing then
the check should not be carried out and the user should be able to continue.
So in pseudo style:
If user data IS ENTERED AND DOES NOT contain a ZERO as first character, or
is LESS THAN 5 characters long, prompt for re-entry.
Thanks guys, been trying various things and got close, but have hit a brick
This ALMOST works:
function checkField()
{if (document.form1.Bsk01.value.length<9) {alert("Please enter a valid code.
The first character should be a zero.")}else if
(/^0.*$/.test(document.form1.Bsk01.value)){return;}else{al ert("Please enter
a valid code. The first character should be a zero.")}}
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Sep 2, 2009
determine what the first letter of a selector is? For example, if the very first letter of a paragraph is a quote (or a ‘ , or a “ , etc) I would like to apply a negative text- indent to the found paragraph so as to replicate "hanging quotes" that are commonplace in the print world. The code I've come up with is: $("p:contains(“), h1:contains(“), h2:contains(“)").css({'text- indent':'-0.3em'}); but this grabs any p or h1 or h2 that *contains* an opening curly quote; not what I'm looking for. I need it to select paragraphs that *start* with the opening curly quote. Incidentally, I could not get this to work when I was searching for $ ("p:contains(“)... but it worked when I entered an actual opening curly quote in the search (as above top). I tried both single and double escapes too.
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Dec 1, 2010
I want to insert a character into a string. Whats the best way of doing this? So if I want to insert a hyphen(-) into the string 'oneway' giving me 'one-way'.
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Jul 12, 2011
I am writing a function to 'expand' common postal address suffixes, such as "RD" to "ROAD", etc.
A suffix must be prefixed by a ' ' (space) character and preceded by either a ' ' (space), '.' (period), ',' (comma), '/n' (line break), OR be at the end of the TEXTAREA box.
source = source.toUppercase(); // Covert to uppercase
source = source.replace(" AVE.","AVENUE");
source = source.replace(" AVE ","AVENUE");
source = source.replace(" AVE,","AVENUE");
source = source.replace(" AVE[
However, if the text is: "1 Main St" (with nothing after the 'St') the replacement does not work.
Is there an 'end of string' character that I can match on?
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a textarea field that is validated by Js, this textarea can and will contain the newline character so I validate in JS if(textareaname.value.length < 200)this hten goes through to my php where i also check before I place in to the Database using MYSQL,if( strlen($_POST['textareaname']) < 200 )but my php is giving me a different string length from my javascript.It looks as if Javascript is counting a newline as 1 character and php is treating it as 2.I have checked my slashes, I have used various REgex to check these data amounts. I have also Googled around and there doesnt seem much I can make php and javascript treat a newline as the same amount of characters?
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Dec 5, 2009
I am having trouble finding any examples to help me strip everything up to a certain character (the hypen) in a url. only know how to accomplish this using a literal only for one url at a time.And I am hoping to be left with the series of numbers on the end.
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Sep 30, 2011
So say if my string was..
a = "Hello";
How do I get it to say;
So how do I take off the 'H' in this example..
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Aug 2, 2009
function ConvertToUpperCase()
var result;
var numaric = "sonia";
var Character = numaric.charAt(0);
//In Result char is coming in UpperCase
//I want how to replace the charater at postion 0 in numaric with result
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Sep 11, 2009
The last line in this JS function should remove the final comma from the end of the given string... but for some reason, it does not.Instead of returning something like:
1,2,3,4,5 returns:
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