A Way To Run Through Scripts On Entire Document?
Jul 23, 2005
what you see below is the code, which is two parts, a highlight part,
and an unhighlight part. Below that is a sample of its use. What I am
trying to do, is have some sort of javascript, or onload command in the
body tag which will go through all of the 20-30 different <div> tags,
and check the settings of each of those radio boxes. Why? because I am
having the data editable in a form. Is there anyway to have say, a
script click each radio box/input box that has been selected or typed
here is the javascript code...
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Jun 19, 2009
I am barely familiar with javascript. I have this html code with an embedded iframe. The html file in the iframe refreshes every once in a while. That is fine. However, in IE, there is this annoying click with every refresh. I googled a bit and saw a few solutions. Seem to me that if I fetched the contents of the HTML file (AJAX call) and assigned it to existing document.
1. How do I assign an entire document in JS?
2. If I did this would this prevent the clicks?
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Jan 27, 2010
Is it possable?
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May 7, 2006
I'm trying to create output a webpage HTML using javascript, but I don't know how to make it work because of the quotes problems.
I am calling the javascript you see below from within a window that is created by my PHP script. The window contains two frames, and I want the "previewFrame" to contain the HTML code that is located inside the $preview_HTML php variable.
(The $preview_HTML variable contains all the HTML for the webpage. No quotes are escaped. It is just a string variable with the webpage contents in it.) I hope that makes sense.
HTML Code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function loaded() {
parent.previewFrame.document.write('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
The problem is that all the quotes inside the $preview_HTML variable is causing this javascript to fail. I either end up with a blank page, or partial page, or just garbage, depending on the HTML code inside the $preview_HTML variable.
Basically, I just want to "write" the entire contents of the $preview_HTML variable without having to "worry" about escaping quotes, slashes, etc.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web form with a <div> section ... I have it setup so the
Update/Cancel buttons are fixed at the bottom of the screen while the
content of the form is in the <div> and scrolls. Nice to the end user ...
but when they go to print ... of course they only get a portion of the
entire web site. I've searched and found references to CSS type solutions
but have been unable to get them to work.
<div id="main" style="overflow:auto;">
web form
<style type="type/css" media="print">
div.print { display: block }
What I'm looking for is a way to have all of the content in the div area to
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Jul 9, 2009
I'm making a form to moderate comments.I want to make it as easy to use as possible, so that the moderator can scan the page, and just click anywhere on the post which shouldn't appear.The format of each post is a div with an h3 and a couple of paragraphs. I would like to be able to click anywhere inside the div to 'activate' the checkbox.I've tried just wrapping a label around the whole thing, but a label is an inline element and a div is block level, so it doesn't like it!
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Aug 12, 2009
I was wondering if it's possible in ALL browsers (at least newer ones), to disable all elements within a section, without having to go through and disable every element individually? From my tests, it appears disabling a <tr> element with and id works in IE, but not in Firefox. Is there any cross browser solution? Or do I have to do it for every element within that section?
EDIT: With further research, it appears as though I can't just disable the <tr> element, and have it disable everything in the row (at least not in Firefox). Is there maybe a way to loop through with childNodes or something, and disable them that way?
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Aug 18, 2009
hers the site i am working onhttp:/[url].....as you can see on this page.there are two main div(left,right)when a user clicks a link on left div accordingly an external page is loaded in the right div. when you click a link in IE the entire page is refreshed.I don't want to refresh entire page.i want to refresh the div (on the right) not the entire page.How should i go about it. Here's the link to script that i have used http:[url]......
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Nov 16, 2009
How would I go about repeating an entire program? I know it's a loop, not sure which one. I've tried a while loop.For example:
Q: Do you want to play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors?
A: Yes -Program Runs-
Now, how would I have it ask if the user wants to play again?
Q: Do you want to play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors?
A: Yes -Program Runs-
Q: Do you want to play again?
A: Yes -Program runs again-
Q: Do you want to play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors?
A: Yes -Program Runs-
Q: Do you want to play again?
A: No -Program terminates-
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Sep 27, 2010
I'm looking for a way to make an entire div clickable on this page: http://tinyurl.com/2ektm28 .Scroll down through the menu categories and you'll see a background change (for now) on the divs. And right now, the link is only on the h2.But I want the whole div to be clickable.I found this on CSS-Tricks, but it's not working for me. http:[url]....
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Mar 18, 2002
If any of you have hotmail, when you click in the checkbox to delete and email, that entire row is highlighted...
How is it done? I want to be able to highlight an entire row that goes along with a checkbox..
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Nov 4, 2010
I've got a quick question about jQuery's slideDown method. Unfortunately, I can't think of any sites that have this at the moment, but you know how some sites have a menu that has an entire div (or table) slide down when you hover over an element? And then you have the sites that slide down either the same thing or just a bunch of <li>'s? How can the effect of sliding down the entire div be achieved? The animation looks completely different from my site (which I will provide below). I will edit my post if I can remember the sites that have this, but for now, I can only provide my site which has the "rolling down" or "sliding down <li> tags" effect: [URL]
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Jul 16, 2010
how to dim/fade the entire page using JQuery? I would like a mouseover effect to activate the dimming effect.
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Jul 9, 2009
I'm looking for a way to disable an entire form until someone checks a check box. I would like it if the form is visible but has a "grayed out" look, and cannot be submitted.
So by default the form elements are all disabled. Once the checkbox is clicked the elements are enabled.
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Jul 13, 2007
<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
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Jan 7, 2011
If I wanted to extract certain parts of the URL... how can I do this? I know how to extract the entire URL or just the search query but what if i want to do this /boxscore.asp?w=2&s=4&yr=Just extract the numbers 2 and 4 from the url. I want to make a new link for this site I am on to plug those 2 numbers into here/game.asp?gnum=2&gslot=4
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Nov 24, 2006
Does anyone have a code snippet that would preload and entire directory (and sub-directories)?
I'm using a basic JS array to load individual images but was hoping I could find a more scaleable/efficient way of doing it?
var yourImages = new Array("images/1.jpg", "images/2.jpg")
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Jul 26, 2007
I need to refresh a div which contains an ad while the rest of the page stays the same. I think I'm pretty close by reading the previous posts on this site, but one odd thing is tripping me up and I can't figure out why. When I call my function to refresh the div, it replaces everything on the page instead of just swapping out the div. Code:
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Jan 22, 2010
I am working on a mini select manipulation, moving options back and fourth, etc.
What are some of the considerations between passing just the ID names of the two selects from the button that triggers the add/remove versus passing the selects?
function moveOptions("left","right");
function moveOptions($("#left"),$("#right"));
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Apr 16, 2010
Does anyone know of a way to blur the entire contents of a page so that i can popup a message window?
I know that jquery has a blur function, which i may be able to use.
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Jun 10, 2010
Forgive me if this is a simple question, i am still learning javascript (mainly a php guy). H
However, i have added a "share" javascript app to a site and i am wanting to delay its .js file from loading until after everything has loaded and is done (like using window.onload). The idea is to completely defer its loading until everything else is done (and i mean everything) so that extra 215-300 ms worth of time can be used loading other elements on the page, then after everything is loaded and the user is already moving about to load the .js file.
How would i go about doing this?
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Jul 4, 2011
if i can use javascript to completley close the flash ( and player ) after a certain duration? if not how can i use javascript to close flash?
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Jan 15, 2009
does anyone know if there is a way to strip an entire form upon submission, of commas? i can do it field by field, but since there is over 30 fields, it seems a bit silly, if there is a more efficient way of doing things...
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Feb 3, 2011
I want to get a different page's entire site in a string so that I can search to see if a certain string is present.
I know var str = document.body.innerHTML will give the actual page that the javascript is in.
But i don't want www.example.com, I want www.example.com/page1. Then I want to use the results of the search on[url]...
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Feb 28, 2011
I was trying to modify the code-slider plugin so that it would scroll panels that were the size of the entire screen. (the demo on the jquery site has it moving panels that are rather small). So I thought all I had to do was take each div that sandwiches the panel (several are nested) and set their width in code to be the width of the monitor. It did not work.
So I simplified the code to show here. I just have the divs, and their css, and the code that sets them to the width of the screen.
Here's the entire code, css, and html (its not long):
We want the panel to extend the width of the page, and eventually also figure out how to make it extend the height of the page. Then we want to put a menu on top which will scroll from panel to panel, where each panel covers the entire page. The menu would have absolute positioning, so it would stay on top.
Here is another panel, this time in Latin:
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Mar 16, 2011
i want to load my entire front page with jquery, after a button is hit. Something like redirect to front-page.
I've already got the handler on the button, that executes document.location.href = '/index.php' Its working, but i'd like to make its behave like(pseudocode): $.ajax('/index.php') or: $.load('/index.php')
Is that possible, and if it is, how can i do that?
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