Way To Show A Field When A Value Is Selected?
May 4, 2011I am looking for a way to show a field when a value is selected.
For example, I have a drop down menu, when yes is selected, a field below appears.
I am looking for a way to show a field when a value is selected.
For example, I have a drop down menu, when yes is selected, a field below appears.
I'm new to JavaScript. I'm trying to create my form in such a way that if 'Premium' is selected, a the text box with label 'membership no' is displayed and if 'bronze' is select, the drop-down list 'sponsor' is displayed instead....here's what my form looks like...
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
<p><label for="select">Membership:</label>
<br /><select name="select" id="select">
<option value="Premium" selected="selected">premium</option>
<option value="Bronze">bronze</option>
<p>Membership No:<br />
<input type="text" name="textfield" id="textfield" />
OR<br />
<br />
<select name="select2" id="select2">
<option value="329">329</option>
<option value="234">234</option>
I have a pair of radio buttons (yes and no) as answers to a question. When the yes radio button is selected, I need a text field to be displayed underneath it. Does anyone know how to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working on a registration form for a conference. The form has several sections of radio buttons and checkboxes and I would like to have it set up so that if a radio button or checkbox is selected the price related to that selection shows up in the rigjt column of the form and can then be totaled up at the bottom of the page.
1. Show price in field.
2. Total up all of the prices at the bottom of the page.
You can view the registration form at: [URL]
What am trying to do is when i select from Switch field I want Vendor to auto populate with $name. Below is the code that i am useing
PHP Code:
<select name="Switch" id="Switch" >
while ($row_getSwitches = mysql_fetch_array($getSwitches))
$id = $row_getSwitches['Switch'];
$name = $row_getSwitches['Vendor'];
I'm trying to replicate a feature found in hotmail, facebook, etc. When you type or select a recipient from an auto-suggest box for your message/email that recipient's name is put into the "To" field box and is encased (usually a blue rounded corner box) with a X to the far right. If the "X" is clicked the recipient is removed.
How can do you put the selected recipient into the encasing and insert it in the "To" field box? If there are multiple recipients how are they differentiated? For example, if there were a ";" between the recipients the semi-colon would separate the values.
i have a drop down list in a CMS im building i want it so if a user selection an option int eh drop down list called User-Defined a text box appears where they can enter a URL
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to make a textarea required only if a certain value is selected from a <select>?
I am trying to make a textarea named ObjOther required only if the value OT is selected from a drop down list named Dmost. Is this possible to do client side using javascript or do I need to look into trying this in another language?
This is my form, i would like to default the select box to USA, and default
the text field to a name such as 'Sarah' and the hidden field to another
number like ??', when the user clicks on the check box, otherwise the
fields should be blank, the value of the select box dosnt matter much, only
that it defaults to USA, when the user checks it.
<form name="form1">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox">
<select name="prefix">
<option value="off" selected>Select country
<option value="61">Australia
<option value="1">USA
<option value="58">Venezuela
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="hidden" name="number">
I would like to know if there is a way to get the selected input field inside an Iframe from the parent window, is there any way to do that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create this form to update a field when a certain item is selected from a dropdown menu. I would like to have it to where when heat pump is selected from heating type, the AFUE field that originally has a value of 80 needs to be updated to 7.7. I would also like for the wording to be changed... Instead of having it say Current AFUE or HSPF, have it to where when a Single Speed Furnace or Variable Speed Furnace then it says AFUE below it, when Heat Pump is selected then it says HSPF, and if Electric Heat is selected do not have anything or even delete the whole field.
I am new to this kind of scripting, so I have not done it before, I have tried to find solutions on the net but none have worked. I have a 'contact us' form, which includes 2 radio buttons to select how they wish to recieve their reply... the first radio is 'email' the second radio is 'phone' When the 'phone' radio is selected, i want the div including a drop downbox to appear to ask what time to recieve a call, but when the 'email' radio is selected, this div does not appear. This is the script for this section.
show a div when 3 "Yes" radio buttons are clicked. Heres my code:
If you answered YES to 3 or more of the above questions you may have Sleep Apnea - a potentially serious breathing disorder that can lead to heart attack, stroke, or high blood pressure in later life.
Is it possible to have a form's textarea background image fadeout to an alternate bg image, when that textarea is selected (by clicking the textarea or tabbing to it)? I've never seen this done before, but I'd really like to do it..
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have a simple jQuery code that shows or hides a DIV based on the selected value of a select tag. Currently it looks like this and it's working fine:
if (selected == "0") jQuery("#divPublishDate").show('slow')
I want to add an else so that the if the value is anything other than 0, I want to hide the div. What's the proper syntax in this case? I assume this is the short version of an IF statement without the { }.
I have table in which i want to show only the selected tr and hide the rest.
<tr class="t">
<td class="oppCol cell" id=465>465
I have a PHP form, with a Customer Select List. Once an option has been selected, the 'custid', is passed to Javascript that collects all the contacts linked to that customer and populates another Select List. This works fine, but what I'm after is an extra two inputs to appear when a particular customer is selected, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about it.
Here it goes:
<script type="text/javascript">
var ajax = new Array();
function getTextList(sel) {
var Customer = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById('text').options.length = 0;
var index = ajax.length;
ajax[index] = new sack(); .....
I am new to this kind of scripting, so I have not done it before, I have tried to find solutions on the net but none have worked.I have a 'contact us' form, which includes 2 radio buttons to select how they wish to recieve their reply... the first radio is 'email' the second radio is 'phone'When the 'phone' radio is selected, i want the div including a drop downbox to appear to ask what time to recieve a call, but when the 'email' radio is selected, this div does not appear.This is the script for this section.
<span>Best way to reply:</span>
<input type="radio" name="reply" value="Email" id="reply_0" /> E-mail <BR />
<div style="margin-left:270px;"><input type="radio" name="reply" value="Phone" id="reply_1"
ive been racking my brain looking for a code solution for this....im a html and css pro....and a javascript heres what im tryna do....i have a form...that has a <option> in it for 6 dropdown options.... in one of those possible options.. when SELECTED...i want the div layer that i currently have under it...to appear and i cant seem to figure it out....heres my code in its entirety i want budget div...to appear when the option website design is selected
I have a long list of events and I want somebody to be able to select one of those events & there will be a text box that shows the address pertaining to the event selected. Exactly how this website did here: http://svacpa.com/live-webinars-and-roundtables-with-demo/seminar-registration/
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
I am trying to display an alert message when the user is in the middle of editing and clicks accidentally on some other link.
I want to display this error message for certain link and not for others.
I thought of using 'window.onbeforeunload', parse the url to find the link that was clicked. However, when I try to use the string functions (split, substring, lastindexof, etc.) inside 'onbeforeunload', they do not work.
How can i check if file form field has file selected or is empty?[code]...
is this ok or is there a better way?
how to Change a Hidden Fields Name based on selected option. The hidden fields name is sent off and I need to change the name depending on what option they select. For if they select MyList the hidden field name needs to be SelectLists[40] or if they select testlist the hidden field name needs to be SelectLists[41]. This is probably way, way off but I've done this and it doesn't work.
Here is my validation script from dreamweaver I also have it in php for server side. But I trying to get a checkbox to make a text field required when you select it. Right now I have it so when you hit submit whether the text field is filled out or whether the checkbox is selected or not the error message comes up no matter. The link to the page is [URL]
function validateCheckbox() {
if(document.forms["form1"].sales.checked) {
if(document.forms["form1"].telephone.value.length < 12) { // xxx-xxx-xxxx
return false;
I would like to disable a feature on my site if someone is in a textarea or input text field. Yet I can't seem to figure out how to check for this... Could someone give me an example of how I can determine if a user does not have a text input or textarea selected? Can't seem to get anything I found via google working.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo far i managed to show/hide (the only) 1 textarea if an option is selected, using javascript. How can i show all textareas in form if an option is selected (lets say <option name="active">) and hide if option selected is name="passive"?
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