Validating Existence Of XML Tag ?

Apr 13, 2011

I am creating this Javascript/XML HTA that is basically a project tracker. I recently added some new fields in the form that are written to the XML file for the project being tracked. This makes the files neither backwards compatible if I use it in a previous version nor forward compatible for future versions. This means if a user is using version 1, I create version 2, he wants to import his old tasks to Version 2, it throws an error. For example if I have a <status> element written in the newest version, but no <status> in the previous, I can no longer use that projects XML file in a previous version.

I tried to use the following code to validate existence of the tag and assign whatever outcome as the variable to write, but it's not working. Theres a few different ways I tried.

1st Way:


2nd Way:


3rd Way:


Here's the XML file for reference.


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Email Field Is Validating - But Mycode For Validating Empty Fields Is Not?

Aug 31, 2010

Why my email field is validating, but mycode for validating empty fields is not?

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JQUERY :: More Sophisticated Validating Rules - Validating Form Plug

Mar 21, 2010

I am using a validating form plug in for jquery and I have a question about it. Let this function will be an ex.:


'e' is the name attribute of one form element, but can I choose more elements using jquery (CSS) rules like this: input[name*=e] or how can I do something similar?

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How To Check URL Existence ?

Aug 24, 2006

I have the following HTML code which is doing a GET to a page, say
MyUrl.aspx :

<form name="form1" method="get" action="MyUrl.aspx" id="form1">
<input type="hidden" name="ClickedElement" id="Messenger" />

where the the Submit() is done within a javascript function invoked at
onclick on some element.

My question is: How can I prevent form submission when MyUrl.aspx is
not available? The javascript function is:

function Clicked(MyControl)
var _CellContent = document.getElementById("Messenger");
_CellContent.value =;

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Possible To Check Existence Of XML?

Sep 25, 2006

Is there any possibility to check the existence of XML?

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Word Existence

Aug 23, 2001

How do I check if a certain word exists in a text box? For example, if I set the word to be found to "word1", if the text box is "This is word1", and alert would come up saying that "word1" was found.

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Existence Of Several Global Variables

Jul 20, 2005

Suppose I have global variables: x1, x2, x3
and I have a function that needs to assign a value to a new global variable

something like
function foo ()
count = 0;
do {
count ++
varname = 'x'+ count
} while (globalExists (varname)

eval ( varname + ' = "I am new in the x-series" ' )

how would the function globalExists () be implemented ?

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Checking Existence Of An Element?

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to check for the existence of an element? I have a dynamic
page which may or may not have a <div> holding a bunch of thumbnails, and I
want a function to check for the existence of the <div>. Doing:

blah = getElementById("thumbnails");

Generates an error.... I was hoping it would just return false or
something... Is there a way of doing this?

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Toggle Not Just Visibility, But Existence?

Feb 19, 2009

I'd like to be able to toggle the existence of a DIV using the onclick attribute.

HTML Code:
<input type="radio" value="1" checked="checked"
onclick="document.getElementById('div').style.visibility='hidden';"> 1


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Testing For Existence Of Element?

Apr 13, 2010

I have the following code:

<script language="javascript">
// Max number of items to show/hide


Which is designed to hide all but one of a group of DIVs with consecutive IDs in the form "listings_stations_<number>". The problem is, I won't know how many of these DIVS there will be. I know a maximum possible number though.

The script as-is works, but obviously throws up errors trying to get handles to non-existent elements/objects. How can I check an element exists before getting and setting style properties for it? I'd like a solution that works for all three browser-types the script currently works with.

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Check An External Url Existence?

Sep 22, 2011

I need to check the whether an external url like exists or not using javascript.

I have a ajax method for it,

function checkUrl(url) {
var xmlhttp=false;
if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') {


But is not successful for finding existence of external urls.

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Test For Existence Of Dynamic Variable

Mar 26, 2006

I am using Javascript to add rows to tables, etc. in a function I am
calling. I pass the function the ID of the div, and what I want in the
rows, and it will add rows to a table in the div.

The problem is I need to test for the existence of the table - and if
the variable or object doesn't exist already my code errors -
PLEASE REMEMBER - I don't know the name of the variable or object I am
testing the existance for - it is created dynamically based on the
divID. So when I test for this object or variable the test has to be
for a dynamically created object - Code:

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Check For The Existence Of A Variable With A Calculated Name?

Jan 29, 2009

I'm processing a form with numbered fields, but I don't know how many fields there are. Might be 1, might be 20. So I'm iterating through 1-20 and trying the following test:

for(i=1; i<=20; i++) {
if(typeof(eval('document.edit_orderitem_form.field_'+i+'.value')) != 'undefined') {
[doing stuff with the form field here]

The script quits on that line with "Undefined value" showing up in Safari's error console. I just can't figure out how to eval() the name of a field when it may or may not exist.

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Testing Image Existence With Side-effects

Oct 5, 2005

I'm trying to write a function to determine whether or not an image exists.

Most people recommend setting the onload event handler. That works like a
charm except that side-effective actions seem to be impossible. I can, as
nearly as I can tell, run alert and opera.postError (I test on IE, firefox,
and opera by the way). I've tried using the 'this' while in the event
handler, setting,, window.document.getElementById(test's
id).name. I just can't seem to find any means of using side effects inside
the event handler.

Below are several examples of things I've tried so far:

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JQuery :: Checking For The Existence Of An Appended Object?

Sep 27, 2011

Here's what I want to happen with the above: "if txComments is there don't append it again"owever when I run this code, it appends a new "txComments" every time the code is triggered.

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JQuery :: Checking For Existence Of A <td> Class Name In Dynamically Created Table?

Feb 27, 2010

checks my table (previously created by "click handler") "td" elements for not existance of a paticular class name.

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Disable/enable Submit Button Based On Existence Of Validation Errors?

May 1, 2010

Would anyone care to post your favorite script for disabling the submit button on a form when there are input errors, and reenabling when all errors are resolved? I'd be curious what the different approaches are to this. I looked through my various SitePoint javascript books and surprisingly didn't find an answer to this scenario specifically.The behavior I'm trying to achieve (most efficiently) is having a form start out with the submit button enabled, but if there is a validation error, such as a required field being left blank on blur, the submit button is disabled. It's easy then to re-enable it when the user fills in that field, but harder to get the script to check and see if there are any other lingering errors before going ahead and enabling it.

My natural inclination would be to just keep a count of errors that increments and decrements when errors occur and are resolved. Then the script would check to see that the error count is 0 before re-enabling the submit button. It seemed easy, but I think I'm getting mixed up somewhere in conflicts of variable scope, and it's not turning out right.A google search rendered an example where someone was using a string variable to store errors, concatenating and replacing data to the string as errors were logged/resolved.

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Pass Text From One Select Box To Another Select Box Using The For Loop To Check The Existence Of An Item But It Is Not Working?

Aug 28, 2010

i am trying to pass text from one select box to another select box. The logic is if 10 are added, no more passing must happen. Also if an item is already added, it mustn't be added again.I am using the for loop to check the existence of an item but it is not working: what am i doing wrong?

function PassSelectValues(){
//pass values from select boxes to select boxes
var counter;[code]....

why isn't counter incrementing at all? The alert message box does appear saying item exists but the item gets added anyway.

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Validating Quantity

Jul 23, 2005

I have a function like this

function checkquantitiy(quantitiy){

if(quantitiy.value != parseInt(quantitiy.value)) {
alert(quantitiy.value+" sorry not integer quantitiy");

} //End of function

This check if quantitiy is integer. In the form I have following

<input name="buyquantitiy" type="hidden" id="buyquantitiy" value="<?php echo
$buyquantitiy; ?>" size="1" maxlength="3">
<input name="quantitiy" type="text" id="quantitiy" value="1" size="1"
maxlength="3" onchange="javascript:return checkquantitiy(this);">

The problem is when i will calculate if quantitiy/buyquantitiy is an
integer. The reason is that some products can only be seld as 4 items, and
if you press 3 wou should get a message that says
"Sorry a quantity of 3 are not aviable because there are 4 items in
package". Can transfer 2 varibales into the function? Or have anyone any
suggestion how to solve this.

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Validating Asp Textbox

Jul 23, 2005

I am a newbie to javascript.
I have an asp text box which I want to validate for the number of
characters entered i.e. I dont want user to enter more than 280
characters in the text box.

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Validating A Checkbox......

Jan 12, 2006

I have a form generated from a Perl script. The number of check boxes
on the form is unknown until the time the form is generated. The
names of the check boxes are created from some values in the database,
based upon other user input.......<crazy, I know>

The user must choose at least one check box.

So, how can I write a javascript routine that will perform checking on
an unknown number of check boxes.

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Validating Checkbox

Jul 20, 2005

Can anyone explain why this code fails when the set of checkboxes
consists of only one.

myForm.update.length returns 0 instead of 1 with the result that
I get an alert box even tho' the one checkbox is checked.

function checkForm(myForm) {
var numBoxes = 1*myForm.update.length || 0;
for(i=0;i<numBoxes;i++) {
if(myForm.update[i].checked == true)
return true;
alert("Select one or more part components to update");
return false;

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Validating A String.

Jul 20, 2005

I have a requirement whereby I must validate that a string matches one of
several patterns:

1. An ISO standard 2 character country code (eg GB, NL) followed by five

2. An ISO standard 2 character country code (eg GB, NL) followed by an X
followed by five digits.

3. 3 characters in the range a-z followed by 3 digits followed by 2
characters in a specific set (eg MT, AT, DA).

4. 4 characters followed by a hash (#) followed by 3 characters followed by
3 digits followed by a hash followed by 3 characters.

5. 4 characters followed by a hash (#) followed by 3 characters followed by
3 digits followed by a hash followed by 4 characters.

I have been told that a better way to achieve this than using .charAt is by
using something called a regular expression, but I don't really understand
them. Can anyone please advise on the above or alternatively point me in
the direction of a suitable resource on these regular expression things?

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Validating The Sum Of Two Inputs

Aug 31, 2009

I am trying to write a js that validates a form with two text inputs. The two inputs are: 'D_techA' and 'D_techB'. I just want to add up (sum) the two input fields (which must be positive numbers) and make sure that they add up to exactly 100 (not more and not less). If they do not add up to 100, then an alert should pop up that says "The two values must add up to exactly 100." I have tried and tried to write a js that does this validation (looking at numerous validation scripts posted in this forum and elsewhere) and I just cannot seem to make it work.

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

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Validating Sum Of <input>

Feb 17, 2010

I am validating a page (image attached) to make sure that total hours entered do not exceed the allocated amount, which is stored in the database. I have already validated to make sure that they enter a number and that it is not greater than 8.

var returncode = true
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")
for(var x=0; x<inputs.length; x++)


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Validating A Form

Dec 3, 2006

How can I combine these 2 functions?

function POvalidator()
var obj = document.Form1;
if (obj.PONumber.value == "") {
alert("Please enter a value for the PO Number field.");
return false;

function checkCheckBox(){
if (f.agree.checked == false )
alert("Tou must agree to the Terms to continue");
return false;
return true;

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