Text Size -> Largest, Larger, Medium, Smaller, Smallest
Jul 23, 2005
Is there a way to use javascript to increase the overall document text
size, just like if you click View->Text Size->Largest, Larger, Medium,
Smaller, Smallest? This is on IE browser.
Im having a bit of an issue with a website im building for a band. The band want a site that is 2500 width so that when the page loads you can either scroll roght or left to view the out of screen material...
i cant find a way of the page loading centered...it is always loading to the far left and all i can do is scroll right...i have uploaded the site to [URL]... I origionally posted this thread in the CSS forum but was instructed this would be a Javascript issue
OK, so I've written a small timer at [URL].. for general purpose timing. My first is that I cannot find a way to accurately time with the format 00:00.00, as the milliseconds seem to run too slowly.
My second is that when the font size is set to a large size (for example, 200px or 300px) the timer runs even more slowly (just over half the speed it should). Is there any way to optimise the timer so it runs at a more accurate speed, or is this just a problem with my browser parsing the Javascript in time?
I have a site that I am developing where I use the prettyPhoto plugin to display larger size versions of photos. I have everything configured as per the directions on the plugin page here: [URL] I am experiencing a weird issue however. When I mouseover my anchor image, the mouseover is only on the top and bottom half of my image. The whole middle section of my anchor image is getting no mouseover effect. Meaning my cursor only changes to a pointer on the top & bottom parts of the image. It changes back to a regular cursor when directly in the middle of the image. The anchor image (the image I'm using to link to the larger version) is sized 333px wide by 500px tall and I am linking to jQuery version 1.5 as hosted on the Google api server.
prettyPhoto is working perfectly except for this mouseover issue. I do have a caption telling the user to click the picture to see the larger version, however if they mouseover directly in the center and don't see the mouseover effect they may think something is wrong. Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong and how I could fix the issue?
I currently have multiple combos ofimage with a description text below it.I want to lay them out inrowsand inline. So if the width of page is not enough the next one should startbeginning of next row. Each image and text is currently house by a div with float left and a set width, but if you look at the attached screenshot (1.jpg), The Oracle - eBusiness Suite gets stuck because of the differentsheight due to text size and if I set a height too, then some of the text gets covered up (2.jpg). I was thinking if I can maybe use J Query to automatically adjust height to divs on the same rowto fit the biggest text size on that row?Evenjust changing all divs to that heightbe would be ok if it'seasier.
I am really hoping that someone on here will be able to help me. I am trying to code the following:Find the smallest value in an array that is greater than a given number. So I need to be able to choose the number (lets say it 5) and the numbers in the array were [1, 6, 12, 14]. The lowest number would be 6. Anyone know what the code would be for something like this?
I have made a rest button to reset select forms to there top value using this:
Is there a way to make so instead of having "value = 6;" it would just reset to the option with the smallest value? it will be used on multiple pages were the same name select will have different values on the options
I am working on my assignment: The assignment is: The process of finding the largest value (i.e., the maximum of a group of values) is used frequently computer applications. Write a Javascript program that input a series of 10 single digit numbers as characters, determines the largest of the number and output XHTML text that displays the largest number. Your program should use 3 variables as follows:
a.) COUNTER: A counter to count to 10 (i.e. to keep track of how many number have been input and to determine when all 10 number have been processed). b.) NUMBER: The current digit input to the program.
What would be the best way to find the largest width of all child elements? Yes, the containing block should be the largest width but in my case there could be some overflow that is larger than the container.
I am currently writing a program to analyse (to a degree), the points scored in a dance contest. The program mainly works so far. However I am struggling to conclude the program end. Using an if statement, I would like to compute if a dance-off is required, looping through the combinedPointsArray and determining if 2 or more numbers hold the higest score and are equal.The aim is to provide:
Maximum number of combined points
The couples and their combined points
The couples names with the highest points
If two or more couples have equal highest combined points - output whether a dance-off is required.
I am trying to pick the larger of 5 numbers and sometimes there is a tie. I would like to prioritize variable c1 if there is a tie. This data is from a quiz I am writing.
var c1 = 2; // Takes priority if there is a tie. var c2 = 1; var c3 = 2; var c4 = 0; var c5 = 0;
This is in connection to the tread: Re: changing browser text settings?
I am wondering if there is a way to retrieve the browsers text size (not change! ;-) ) so that I can dynamically resize the size and position of the layers to accomodate larger than normal text-size settings. I really hope there is because it would mean not re-writing the whole page (which I'm not sure how to go about).
I wanted to add a text size selector thingy to my church's website. So, I made a script and added some buttons, but I keep getting errors. I'm pretty much a n00b at JS, so... Sorry if this is a really stupid question.
Anyway, here's the function:
Code: function setFontSize(fontsize) {
/* * Part I: Change The Size */ var class=(fontsize=="large") ? "contentLargeFont" : "content"; getElementById('contentDiv').className=class;
/* * Part II: Set The Cookie */ var expdate=new Date(); expdate.setTime((expdate.getTime())+(60*60*24*365)); document.cookie="fontsize="+escape(fontsize)+";expires="+expdate;
} And then here's what I use to call the function.
After some treads in the CSS forum on full CSS expandable templates and Comfortable Buttons, I did some googling on text/font size control with JavaScript, found lots off CSS switches and get elements by ID solutions, did end up on a site that controlled the P and Span tags by parseInt and the screen.width
I am now using document.body.clientWidth and a window.location.href = window.location.href to reload page after a resize ...
I've got a small problem here. I'm trying to write some code that would generate a drop-down menue for me, where I'd just need to enter the menu- and submenu items into an array. The items are to be displayed as text. Now, I want to have the layers with the submenues to appear more or less under the appropriate main menu items. For this I need to be able to calculate how many pixels a given text uses up on the screen of the user. That's all fine with IE and an unproportional font like courier. The problem is, there is this nice setting that allows you to change the diplay size of the text - which is pretty much disfunctional in IE, but in mozilla, it works. Which means that I can't just say that one letter in courier, size 2, is 4 pixels wide and be happy with my calculation, because then somebody can just pop up with another text diplay size and *boom* - my calculation is wrong again.
Now, is there a realistic way to find out how many pixels _exactly_ a piece of text takes up on the user's screen? Or can I make the given piece of text a DIV and then have some kind of document.divname.left that gives me the actual location of this text?
What do you call that whereas when you have a anchor a little yellow pop up with a name ? If anyone has an example so that I can relate to what I'm exactly looking for, and can you change the text size of the words ?
So, I have a hover state on a list item that makes the text enlarge and a swapping of background images, etc.
I've already built it all with CSS, but I wanted to make the change animate. Is it possible to just animate the CSS changes with JQuery, by doing it with a class or something, rather than having to write all the changes in JQuery?
Here is what I have, which doesn't animate [code]...
I've written a function to change the font, this is working in IE but not in FF or Chrome. No errors come up in Firebug. Once this is working in both browsers I will change the function to gradually increase the size of the font to make it look as if the font is growing. This is why I haven't just assigned a class to the text. URL of the site with the script is [URL]