Replacing Carriage Return On 2 Different Forms
Sep 6, 2009
I am trying to do a small website for our family to keep track of each other's home address and etc. Using asp for the codes .. (Its been ages since I indulge myself). I have 2 forms.
In which in FormA, I will key in the following address
666, ST Avenue
Anchor View Residence
When I click on submit
it shows this on FormB
666, ST Avenue #03-09 Anchor View Residence 123456
How do I get it to be shown as
666, ST Avenue
Anchor View Residence
in FormB
In my formB.asp, for the particular code, all I wrote was {Form.address}.
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May 22, 2007
This JS limits the input characters into the form. How do I modify it
so that it also allows CARRIAGE RETURN and BACKSPACE (for making text
Due to the template engine I am using, I cannot use IF/ELSE statement.
<textarea name="event_description" ONKEYPRESS="if (document.layers)
var c = event.which;
else if (document.all)
var c = event.keyCode;
var c = event.charCode;
var s = String.fromCharCode(c);
return /[0-9a-zA-Zs,.?!@#$%&*()-]/.test(s);"></
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Nov 7, 2011
The function below is triggered via the "onkeyup" event of a text box. I need to test to see if the [enter] key has been pressed, and if so, call a function. With the code below, the pressing of the enter key is traped, but the ascii value for the last "printable" characteris displayed and not chr(13).
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Mar 16, 2010
I think I have the regex side of this script worked out. But I need to get everything into an array for regex to read. Is there a way to use tokenizer to read everything before a carriage return? Each line should be added to an array for the regex to analyze and parse as needed. It's been ages since I touched tokenizer, so I forgot most of it. This is the text area in the html that the script should reference.
<textarea cols="60" rows="14" value="" id="paste" name="paste">
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Oct 13, 2005
I'm trying to load an ASP recordset into a javascript array via an ASP array. The way I've been attempting to do it is by having ASP "Response.Write()" the javascript code that builds the javascript array. It ALMOST works :rolleyes:
The problem I'm having is that the ASP writes the different javascript lines as one long line (ie. no carriage returns). Therefore, the javascript lines are not recognized. When I take the source code and manually separate the lines produced...then when I run the modified source, it works fine. Code:
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a calendar where i write my events.
If I have 2 events in the same day, how to put a carriage return between the
events in the alert part of message?
For example, I want this alert message:
Event one to the office.
Event two to the store.
The string that I use actually is:
fAddEvent(2003,9,17," Event one. Event two.","alert('Event one to the
office. Event two to the store.');","#00ff00","red");
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Oct 21, 2009
I am building a string inside a variable prior to printing it on screen as follows :
myclock += hours+':'+minutes; where "hours" and "minutes" are variables initialised elsewhere. How can I add a carriage return or new line character to the end of this line, so that anything else cocatenated to this variable is displayed on the next line.
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Dec 16, 2009
I'm creating a new email in javascript via outlook. When i try entering a line break " etc, Outlook just ignores it completely. I've tried using "%0D%0A" and "fromCharCode(10)" as well but it doesnt seem to read it as a line break. Is there any way to code it so that a line break or a carriage return appears on outlook?
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May 30, 2007
I there a quick routine that removes trailing newline chars and carriage return?
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Jun 22, 2006
I have a page with a div on it. The div displays a user comment. When
the user logs into this page, their current comment is pulled from a db
and displayed in the div. The user can edit the comment through a
pop-up that contains a textarea. When the user hits OK on the pop-up,
the text in the textarea is sent to a function on the main page. The
function inserts the text into the div's text node.
Please don't ask why I'm making this so complicated - there are other
things going on on the page and the pop-up that are irrelevant to my
Everything works perfectly except when the user puts carriage returns
in their comment. For some reason I can't get the carriage returns to
show up in the div. BUT! When they view the existing comment in the
div (the one pulled from the database) the carriage returns are
displayed. That initial display does not use any javascript - it's
just php so the page is initially rendered with the text in the div.
So it seems that when I programmatically put text into my div, the
carriage returns don't show. But if the page is rendered with the text
already there, the carriage returns do show.
This seems like it should be so simple, what am I doing wrong??? Do I
have to replace the carriage returns with a different character (e.g.
)? Or is there a css setting for the div?
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Apr 19, 2005
In a textarea, is there a javascript (or something in php) that will convert carriage returns to spaces when submitted? The textarea on these forums does what I'm trying to accomplish but I've looked at the code and I cannot figure out how it's done.
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Sep 16, 2010
I want to make few forms but 1 submit button. I want to do 1 page , 5 forms , 1 submit button so when i click on the submit button it will send the 5 forms as 1 form.
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Nov 14, 2011
how to add forms in javascript, but it's limited to text input forms.
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function updatesum() {
document.form.sum.value = (document.form.sum1.value -0) + (document.form.sum2.value -0);
Where the inputs sum1 and sum2 are text fields you put whatever numbers you want in. That works fine. Great. Now what I'm having trouble with is modifying the code so that it will add one form with an input number with a form that spits out a randomly generated number.
<input type="button" value="D20" onclick="this.form.display.value = Math.round (20 * Math.random())" class="buttonHi" />Â <input name="display" type="text" size="6" value="" />
This is what I'm using for my random number generator. So basically I want to be able to put, say, 5, into the input text field above this. And then click on the d20 button to get a random number, say, 15, and then have the first code add the inputted 5 with the randomly generated 15.
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Jun 3, 2010
All is on the title, sorry for my english, i'm french :) I have an html page with style
#mydiv {
with jquery, i try to get the margin-left ($('#mydiv').css('margin-left'), but the function return 0px, unable to retrieve the good value (auto) anyone has idea to retrieve the value "auto" when margin-left is "auto" ?
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Mar 6, 2006
I have a script which gathers information from a form and, if needed, writes this info to a 'preview' window. At times {tokens} are used in place of real html tags. How can I tell the script to look for "{" and "}" and replace them, respectively, with "<" and ">".
I tried using "str = str.replace(/{/g, "<").replace(/}/g, ">");" but that didn't work. The script in question is being written by PHP... thus, may be generating a syntax-based failure. Any ideas?
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Aug 28, 2006
Is it possible to delete a table and put another one in it's place, in the same document?
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Jul 25, 2004
What I want, is the code to look for a particular ID of an img, and then change the filename (but not the whole path) of the image.
For instance...
if the path was "../images/headin.gif", the javascript would find this by the ID, and change to "headin" to "headdown".
I know I can do something like...
if(a.getAttribute("img").indexOf("headin")) {
but then I need to know how to replace "headin" with "headdown".
How can this be done?
(the reason I don't want to replace the whole src, as that would be very simple, is that the path of the image will change depending on the directory the page is in)
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Jul 25, 2005
I'm trying to get my head around DOM and it's usefulness in designing web applications. Some of it is pretty straight forward, while some is kind of vague. What I am trying to do now is write data to a page. I want to fill in the data in the second span below.
<div> <span>Size</span> <span class="size"></span> </div>
I can write the data using the following.
var posSize = document.createTextNode(Ǝ'); parent.document.getElementById('size').appendChild(posSize);
But as the name suggests, it appends it to the current value. So every time I click something on the page and the value needs to reflect that item, it just appends it to the former value.
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Jan 29, 2007
I got a javascript code that displays new text boxes when someone clicks on a button. Here is the code that goes into the header:
<script type="text/javascript">
function dispMoreFiles() {
var upbox = "<INPUT name='numbers[]' TYPE='text' size=ཚ'><br>";
var updiv = document.getElementById("morefiles");
if (boxct<9) {
var addhtml = updiv.innerHTML+upbox;
updiv.innerHTML = addhtml;
} else {
I use this simple code in the body to make use of it:
<input type="text" name="numbers[]" size="30">
<div id="morefiles">
<input name="add" type="button" value="Click To Add Another Box">
Now, if I add another box, then type some text into it, then add another box, the box I just typed into is replaced with a new box, and a new box is added. How do I just make it add a new text box instead of replacing a current one?
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Apr 19, 2002
I have a pitures folder with this format :
for ex: foo_1_02.jpg
how to write a function in JS to return the next and prev image names of the given name of the first image. ( foo_1_01.jpg and foo_1_03.jpg ).
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Jul 23, 2005
I'd like to globally replace a substring specified by a regular
expression with itself along with some additional characters.
var oldString = 'asdf BRACKETTHISasdfsdf sd asdBRACKETTHISasdf asd'
var newString =
oldString.replace(/sw*BRACKETTHISw*/g, '<' + ?some expression that
accesses current match? + '>' )
And newString winds up as:
'asdf <BRACKETTHISasdfsdf> sd <asdBRACKETTHISasdf>
Is there a way to do this, or do I have to use other methods?
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Jan 26, 2006
I have a page that contains several HREFs. Each HREF that I'm interested in has a common parameter (parmX). Does anyone have a script example on how to find-and-replace parmX with parmY?
I'm assuming that I'd need to do this in the onload event - but I don't know much about Javascript.
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Jun 4, 2006
Say I have some CSS, which is several hundred lines long, with the
contents in this format: {
} {
where the selectors and their opening braces, their closing braces, and
declarations are each on their own lines (always), how can I replace a
specific declaration (line) given a unique selector and a declaration
property. For example, if I wanted the 'color' declaration property line
in the 'bar' class changed.
At the moment I'm iterating through the CSS one line at a time looking
for the selector and then looking for the declaration property (before I
hit the closing brace).
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Jul 20, 2005
From javascript in IE, I have a need to hijack the onclick event for an element and replace it dynamically with my own.
I have tried the following...
control.onclick = 'myHandler();'
but this doesn't seem to do the trick. How do I go about doing this?
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Aug 22, 2009
New to JQuery, but making progress, not sure how to describe this issue, so stay with me. In JS I would build a function that I could call from a variety of actions, including other functions.
function dosomething(someparam){
// does something.
function dothis(){
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Dec 22, 2010
I try to place user variables in an html page with JQuery. It work with FF, but it do not work with IE7 (and it must work with it...)
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