I have a script that opens up another window and a task gets executed, all of that is fine, but is there anyway that the parent window (the window that gets open) can pass data to the window that opened it? (I pretty much want to enable a button on that page)
I am trying to pass user data from a parent window to a child window. I read somewhere that if i want to pass data as soon as child window opens i need to add a pause for the form elements to load. I am using the code snippet below.objf.form_parent.text1 is a text field in the parent window and newWindow.document.test.text1. is a field in child window. Can anyone help what I am doing wrong. Code:
I need the most efficient way of passing a variable from a parent window to a popup window.The reason i say "most efficient" is because i currently do it like this from the parent:[code]But this is inefficient because at times it randomly alerts "undefinded".Anyways, can someone tell me a more fail safe way to pass a var to a popup so that i will be able to access it 100% correctly.
All three values are received at the JavaScript function. Have problems in translating and passing it to the parent. Trying to do the following from popup
i have a form that will pass the value of a child window listbox choices to a parent window, and also the hidden value (via a variable) of the choices in the child window listbox will appears also in the parent window textbox when i hit the submit button in the child window, and the values of the listbox are taken from a acess database, the form works very well, except when i added the following line to my child window: PHP Code:
the hidden value in the listbox of child window wont appear in the textbox in the parent window, when i added the above line.
the above line function as a filtering to my list in the child window, and it is the main part of my code. when i removed the above line, the passing of values to parent window will works fine, except that the filtering function will not work anymore, but i want it both to work, but have no luck. Code:
In javascript I need to pass a variable or function or something from the parent window to the child window. There will be a URL in the parent that needs to be passed into the child so when you click on the link in the child window it pulls in the link from the parent's js. Like this (ignore my rubbish javascript as I'm just writing it to explain my point!)...
Parent window var variableName="http://www.google.com" (send variable to child window)
Child window (pick up variable from parent window and drop it into the link's URL) <a href="(variableName);">google</a>
This might seem like a crazy way of doing things but it's totally neccasery in the project I'm working on for various reasons.
Not sure if its a variable it needs but either way it needs to be in the js somewhere in the parent and the child needs to read it within the link. Everywhere I've looked on the internet shows how to do this with forms etc but I can't make it work for a URL.
I am opening a pop up in a new window (window.open) . I have no control on the code of the pop up. Its a third party pop up (twitter). Now that generates a callback url and I can specify that.My problem is the callback page is loaded on the pop up window. I want that window to close and have the call back page loaded on the parent window.
I am currently creating which will allow the user to upload their own pictures. For this I am opening a new pop up window where the user can select the file they wish and then upload it (similar to ebay's picture upload). The pop up works fine and so does the file upload however I am having trouble transferring any data from the pop up window back to the parent window. I have been investigating the opener method but cannot seem to get it to work. Below is some simple code that I've been trying to get to work.
first page. <form name="loadpic" id="loadpic" action="createPost.php" method="post"> <br /> <br /> Testing transfer between pages... <input type="button" value="open pop up" onclick="window.open('popup.php','pop up box','width=400,height=200')" />
Okay, I'm having a really bad day today mentally and can't get my brain to knock this out... *sigh*I've got a simply form with 4 options (radio buttons)Whichever is selected (you can only have 1 choice) is sent to a another html page to report what the data was.2 problems;1) I can't get the information passed to the 2nd page
<script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ function confirmSubmit()
Inside of a page, there is a iFrame, which houses WYSIWYG editor.I'm trying to pass data (passedString: html, inline css, text ...) to a popup.When I pass same string to same div with id="idx" located on a page, where iFrame is located, it receives it without problems.Problem appears, when I try to pass string to popup.
I would like to have a main form (written in PHP) that has a "lookup" button next to a text field. When the user clicks "lookup", it should open a new window that lets them search (child.page1). When they enter a name or DOB into the search form, it submits the form through PHP (via POST), to a results page (child.page2). This displays all persons in the database which have a name or DOB == to the search term(s), with a checkbox next to each match. They click the checkbox (or alternenatively, a link), and return the checkbox value to the main window.
I have everything working right now, except that (child.page2) doesn't recognize the main window. If the data is entered on (child.page1), it works fine. I'm not very familiar with javascript.. is this even possible? I've considered using frames, to keep the parent-child relationship evident to the computer, but figured I'd check to see if there's an easier way.
I have a parent page who allows user to view an invoice for service. My page bases the date and the value for payment to <%now%> and to <%total_price%>. However I'd like to permit for users to editing those two fields by opeing a popup window with a new form and asking for these two new inputs. Afterward off corse, this values need to populate the equivalent fields on the parent page.
My questions: 1)I'm opening the new window after a js confirm instead of href or onclick methods, so I don't know how to pass the parent variable ID to the child window..
The code: if (confirmation) {return true;}else{popupwindow("invoice_editing.asp?ID="id"");}
Problem: the parentID=request.querystring ("ID") don't work
2)My child window picks the new values from the form... but I don know how to pass back the new values to the parent page and then reload it..
Please, but as much specific as you can to my problems and also please put the whole code of proposed solution, since I'm totally lost.
I'm new to JavaScript and i have hit a slight problem with a project. basically, my issue is with iFrames - in particular, passing a value from an iframe to the parent page. i am trying to find a way for to pass the url of an iframe source back to the parent. hardcoding the source, or using a form within the iframe is ok - however i want to be able to view any page on the web within the frame, and for the parent page to be bale to identify what url is being loaded within it.
i have this code i need to close the parent.html window when the child window opened, i need the code for that working well in IE and Firefox Parent.html
<HTML> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> function sendTo() { window.open('child.html','_blank','resizable=yes,width='+(screen.width-500)+',height='+(screen.height-500)+''); } [Code]...
I am trying to usw window.open , upload a file in the child window and then referesh the parent window. But once upload is done, window . opener .location.href or opener.location.replace sends a message back but I get a pop up blocker, so if I turn pop up blocker off, it opens in new page. I just want the parent page to refresh on the same window. This works on some employees stations but not on others..I don't know if there are any settings on IE that need to change, I tried everything...weird. does any one done this before?
Im trying to create a hidden form field in a parent window from within a child window (popup). I am trying to use jQuery, but unfortunately the hidden field does not get created.
I have a parent page containing an iframe. The parent page has a menu in it which opens links in the iframe. I want to highlight different bits of the menu according to which page has loaded in the iframe.
So I would like to do something like this:
1. Use PHP to extract the file name (minus 'php' at the end, of the page loaded within the iframe (which I can do fine).
2. Use javascript onload so that the iframe sends this value (say 'pagename') to the parent page when it loads any page in the iframe.
3. The parent page, having received that variable into its header, will adjust a line of css to something like: .pagename {background-color:red;}
And so the menu link for pagename.php will be colored red
4. When pagename1.php is loaded into the iframe, that will send 'pagename1' to the parent page, change the CSS in the head, and therefore change the highlighted menu item from pagename to pagename1
Is this possible? And easy? There seems to be a lot of stuff online about moving variables from iframes, but mainly in the context of form entries from an iframe to a parent, eg here:
parent.function_name(); seems to be needed along the way. But I am not sure how to proceed.
I have little bizarre problem. Working in Java web development we have project that we use plenty of templates from Velocity. Where one template can refresh section of it self and display one or more templates. My problems is that in parent template I have to pop up window with message if in child template and item from group A been moved to group B or vice-versa. How to change on child template can be propagated up to parent?
I have a couple of utility windows - a calculator and a calendar that popup from my main window. I would like them to always stay in front of the parent window until they are shut down with there own close buttons. As it is, when you click back to the parent window, of course it comes in front of the child windows. Can I do this?
I have an HTML page where I am opening a child window using window.open. the child window is something like yahoo.com. I want to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
I'm using window.showModalDialog but having an issue trying to set the parent window(main browser). I open modal window A which is then opens modal window B, top of modal window B onload I do window.opener.close()". My issue now is when i'm finished with B I set parent window(main browser) to a new url with window.opener.location. So my problem is modal window A the parent has been closed so window.opener.location will not work.